The battle on the road is imminent.

Or it can't be called a battle, but it should be called an encirclement and suppression.

Four members of the YM team surrounded and suppressed two people from the WE team.

Lee Ming-woo's blind monk appeared in the WE team's field of vision, and directly shifted his W skill to the troll's body.

Then he adjusted his position and kicked the mantis on the body, knocking the kidney away.

Then the Dog History group arrived, Ember and Tamu killed the mantis, and the blind monk and the troll killed the upper kidney on the opposite side.

A big rhythm directly beat the praying mantis to 0-3.

And the upper single kidney, which was originally open five or five, has now also been killed.

"Ness. Ming said, "This big rhythm." "

"Brother, I want a double kill. UZI SAID JOKINGLY IN HIS VOICE.

"You robbed me of a double kill. Li Mingyu joked directly in his voice.

"Hmph. "

Wei Shen snorted softly in his voice, without saying a word.

So far in the game, although he has produced an output outfit, he has not won a single head.

"Team WE has lost a lot this time. The doll said, "When the praying mantis came, it should have been seen by the YM team's vision." "

The doll said, and the director directly put the camera on the triangle grass on the road of the WE team.

This place has a troll's prosthetic eye, just in time to see where the praying mantis has come.

So, from the very beginning, the praying mantis's intentions were seen by the YM team.

So the jungler plus duo directly supported to the top lane.

"It turned out that there was a vision that saw the praying mantis and wanted to come and catch it. Miller said: "In that case, it seems that the economic gap between the WE team has been widened. "

[It turned out to be a vision, I really thought that the blind monk had opened a perspective plug-in]

[The blind monk was brushing the wild on the road at this time, and he was originally conscious]


After the YM duo gained the advantage in the top lane, the two went straight back to the middle lane.

At this point in time, it is obviously unwise to give up the middle lane tower and get the top road tower.

The role of a tower in the middle lane is much greater than that in the upper lane.

When the Dog History Combo returned to the mid lane, the mid lane tower was only worn off half of its HP.

In the voice of the WE team, condi was obviously a little unhappy: "The enchantress has to move, and there is also assistance, and she must also move, otherwise there will be no rhythm." "

Xiye and Ben, although I want to refute, but what Condi said seems to make sense.

But on the other hand, it doesn't seem to be the same thing.

On the other side, Karma is on the same line as the Enchantress, so she doesn't give the Enchantress a chance.

Once the Enchantress goes to the mid lane, the duo in the middle lane retreats, not giving a chance at all.

And Bard can't swim away, as long as he goes, it will be difficult for Verus to eat the line.

Ember stuck in the line, and Tamu went to wander as well.

The most important point is that the vision of the YM team is much better than that of the WE team.

The game lasted 23 minutes, and the three roads and one tower of the WE team were demolished.

"Why don't the WE team find a rhythm, if they continue like this, they will be played to death. The doll sighed from the commentary seat.

"How do you find it?" Miller said, "It's not that Team WE doesn't find rhythm, it's Team YM that doesn't give rhythm. "

Although the WE team has made some progress on gank, it is only limited to forcing out the flash of the ember, and the others have achieved nothing.

After unplugging all the towers, Team YM took down the fourth dragon, which was also a fire dragon.

The third dragon is a water dragon, which was stolen by Condi.

Then the YM team began to arrange the vision of the big dragon, and used the big dragon to force the WE team to come out to play the team.

"It seems that there is a dragon fighting on the other side. Condi said to Mystic, "Give it a visionary makeover." "

Then mystic's visionary transformation fell, revealing that the YM team was fighting the big dragon, and then had to give up.

When the vision transformation ran out of Zhihu, the YM team started to make a big dragon again.

Then all five members of Team WE began to rush over.

This wave of dragons must not be released.

Although the economic gap has come to more than 5,000, if Dalong is released, the economic gap will come to about 10,000.

The Enchantress of the Night came up directly with the W skill, and directly wanted to give UZI's Ember a QRE combo.

Such a combo will consume nearly half of Ember's HP.

But Ming's Tamu is quick-eyed, and when the Enchantress's first Q skill is still in the air, he swallows the ember into his stomach.

As a result, Enchantress's R skill was not released.

In this way, at least in the next seven or eight seconds, the Enchantress will not have the ability to be a second person.

"Wait for the opposite side to fight the big dragon, I have a big move. Assistant Ben said in his voice.

Later, after several people from the WE team inserted their true eyes, they retreated directly outside the combat ability of the YM team.

In the voice of the YM team, Li Mingyu said directly: "The other side doesn't seem to open us, and Bard has a big move." "

"Let's start a group. UZI said directly in his voice: "Open the opposite back row." "

There will be certain risks in this wave of grouping.

Because now Ember doesn't have an ultimate, and Tamu doesn't have a W skill.

However, Team YM still chose to open a team.

The troll directly used his E skill to give the opposite Verus to the card owner.

The current Verus did not flash.

Before, it was an R flash that forced out the flash of the ember.

Li Mingyu didn't think much about it, he directly added W skill to touch his eyes, and after displacing a certain distance, the Q skill Tianyinbo shot.

Directly hit Verus, who had no displacement, and then the second Q skill was displaced, and the air touched the eye to change the trajectory.

Tricked Bud's Q skill and Kidney's E skill.

Then he threw a flash of R, kicking Verus into Team YM's arms, and knocking Bud and Kidneys away.

Fortunately, Team WE Nakano is an assassin and does not stand with his back row, otherwise more people will be knocked away in this wave.

After Karma put a shield on himself, the three people directly opposite the RQ.

The trolls also began to come up and output, and after the ultimate sucked the kidneys, the defense was terrifying.

In the voice of the WE team, condi shouted in his voice: "Ember Ember, cut the opposite Ember." "

However, when both the praying mantis and the enchantress entered the dragon pit, they found that Tamu had already escaped from the dragon pit with Ember with his ultimate.

This... Shapeshifting?

Tricked Nakano on the other side, and then drove away by himself.

Then five members of the YM team directly killed the WE team's top laner and bottom lane combination.

The WE team replaced the trolls in front.

The situation has taken a turn for the worse.

PS: Ask for all kinds of support!!

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