Looking at this Quinn selected on the other side, Marin was a little confused.

For a moment, he even felt that this hero might be used by LGD to play auxiliary.

This hero, the last time he met, he didn’t know it was a few years ago.

Intuition, and the experience of being beaten last time told Marin.

This Quinn, not ordinary.

A faint smell of intrigue, wafting through the air.

SKT selected the last hand.

Faker thought about it for a long time, but still took Cassadine.

Although the support speed is not as fast as the cards, it is still a good choice.

BP ends.

Enter the game.

Considering that Quinn is a wandering hero, Chen Hao eventually replaced the [Dead Line] skill with [Shadow Walking].

Help fight the wild monsters, and the two sides are online at the second level.

Chen Hao caught Marin’s line on the road again, which made Marin very depressed.

Chen Hao’s first two skills are W skill Keen Perception, and E skill Spinning Plunder.

As soon as it goes online, the passive skill infestation marks Marin’s crocodile as vulnerable.

Chen Hao directly crossed the line of troops, forcibly ordered the crocodile, and beat it passively.

This damage is really not low.

Directly let the blood volume of Marin crocodile drop to a section visible to the naked eye.

Then use the movement speed provided by the W skill to quickly pull away the hatred of the minions.

Regression to the line.

As soon as this crocodile went online, it didn’t do anything, and it was forcibly clicked, which is really a little aggrieved.

Marin is not a person who will endure such grievances.

The first two levels of crocodile skills are W skill cold hunting, and E skill rampage.

Since he was beaten in vain, Marin’s temper came up, and he directly had to hand over the E skill, cross the military line, and use W to point Chen Hao’s Quinn twice!

But before he could move in front of Chen Hao, Chen Hao’s E skill Xuanxiang Plunder was handed over.

Directly forced the crocodile that was still in mid-air to stop.

Hang up the slowdown and mark it as vulnerable again!

Ping A hit, the crocodile’s blood volume dropped again.

Using the movement speed and attack speed provided by W, Quinn chased the crocodile three or four times in a row.

“This is also a hammer!”

Marin saw that as soon as she went online, she didn’t have half of her blood left, and she wanted to cry without tears.

I originally thought that my last game was already miserable.

Unexpectedly, this game, he was worse than the last game!

“Bengi! Come and catch it! ”

Marin shouted angrily.

“Okay, I’ll come later!”

Bengi looked at Marin’s poor bloodline and said speechlessly.

Chen Hao had his two perception skills in hand, and directly pushed the army line across the river and pressed it under the opposite tower.

Seeing that the other side did not plan to play control line with him, Marin was relieved.

Repair the tower knife, make the tower knife.

Better than starvation.

But will Chen Hao make Marin so comfortable with the tower mending knife?

The crocodile just wanted to step forward to replenish the long-range soldiers, and Chen Hao shot out a flat A and hit the crocodile’s body.

Take some of his blood again.

“Nima! The tower knife is not allowed to be replenished? This is also too bullying! ”

Marin really wanted to curse.

Taking advantage of his hand length, Chen Hao stood in front of the opposite defense tower, flaunting his might, and lighting the crocodile that dared to replenish the long-range soldiers.

After clicking for a while, Chen Hao found that the operation of the crocodile on the opposite side seemed to be somewhat abnormal.

Thought about it for a moment.

On the minimap, the blind monk on the opposite side, it seems, has not appeared for a long time.

The blind monk is also a hero who needs to grasp the rhythm of the early stage.

After disappearing for so long, there must be fraud in it!

Chen Hao was alert and directly turned on [Soul Perception].

Sure enough, near the triangular grass on the lower road, a vague figure appeared, and it seemed to be a blind monk!

This guy! It’s really up!

Chen Hao sneered and ran back.

When Marin saw that the birdman was leaving, she couldn’t help but be shocked.

He was pressed for so long before a Bengi came to Gank.

If he let this Quinn go like this, wouldn’t the beatings he suffered during this time be in vain!

Thinking of this, the crocodile handed over his E skill and rushed forward.

Still an E skill from Quinn that interrupted this displacement of the crocodile.

Make up for a general attack with a passive effect and directly suppress the crocodile’s HP to a very low level.

Fortunately, the blind monk arrived in time, and the W skill golden bell hood touched the crocodile, providing him with a key shield.

Then a heavenly sound wave shot out, and Chen Hao, who was still using a general attack to output the crocodile.

At the moment when the blind monk handed over his second Q and echoed, Chen Hao Quinn’s Q skill was thrown out with a dazzling attack, right in the blind monk.

Quinn’s Q skill deals an AOE damage.

The crocodile that is relatively close to him, unfortunately, is within this AOE range.

Quinn returned and made up for another flat A, and directly took the crocodile’s head away!


“Groove! This hurts too much, right? ”

Marin looked at her gray screen, a little shocked.

Okay, one for another is acceptable.

Marin thought so.

The blind monk Q came to Quinn, raised his fist, and hit Quinn’s body.


Bengi:“??? ”

This is the ancient version of Quinn.

The Q skill is actually a blinding skill.

The blinding effect of 1.5 seconds makes the blind monk really blind.

A general attack doesn’t hurt at all.

Instead, it was a vulnerable state refreshed on the body, allowing Chen Haoping A to knock out, providing Quinn with a small amount of movement speed and opening up the distance.

At the moment when the blind monk handed over his E skill, Chen Hao also handed over his flash.

Although I still ate the damage of one E day thunder break, fortunately, I did not eat the deceleration of the second E breaking ribs and broken bones.

Successfully escaped this wave of Gank.

Zero for one!

Bengi’s wave of Gank once again made Marin’s life on the road worse.

I couldn’t beat this Quinn in the first place.

This time let the other side get a blood, this is also playing a hammer online.

The crocodile returned home from this wave of death, and the money on his body was only enough to buy a healing orb and two bottles of red medicine.

When Chen Hao went home, he directly touched a vampire scepter!

With blood-sucking equipment, Chen Hao fought more aggressively online.

Often crossed the line of troops and went to find crocodiles for blood.

Although the crocodile is tempted to say “no change”.

But online, often it is not that he says not to change, he can really not change.

Unless leaving the experience zone.

Marin can’t eat the line money anymore, and if you can’t even eat experience, then there is really no fun.

Barely developed to level five.

Although he was already very careful, the crocodile was again consumed by Quinn to about half of his health.

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