It's too strong, this Yue Mu bandit, it's too strong!

When there is silence, although they don't want to admit it, in their hearts, EDG fans are all trembling at the horror of Sofm!

If the beginning made the factory director suffer some losses, it was only because the coach of the QG team designed some routines for him.

So the game has been played so far, and the situation of the wild area completely exploding has appeared, completely because of the embodiment of Sofm's personal strength!

Once, the factory director who was dominant on the world stage, at this moment in front of Sofm, poor like a little piglet, can't fight, can't brush the wild, for a while, it seems that I don't know how to play the game League of Legends!

"What the factory manager needs to do now is to stabilize his emotions, adjust his mentality, and try to find a strategy against Sofm in the next game. "

On the commentary seat, the doll lamented, and Miller expressed considerable agreement, smiling bitterly, but also a little relaxed.

"Actually, if you think about it, this Sofm is not as scary as you think. "

"If the EDG team had mastered Sofm's farming movements at the beginning of the game and knew that he hadn't touched his two buffs at all, the situation would have changed immediately. "

"It can only be said that the EDG team was not very well prepared for this match, and the player Sofm was not well studied, or it can be said that there was zero research, so that he could play such a famous scene!"

Miller analyzed quietly, and his words made the EDG fans who had just fallen into despair light up with a glimmer of hope in their eyes, and nodded thoughtfully, agreeing with Miller's analysis!

"That's right, the next game, the next game will definitely be won!".

"This game, it's EDG's carelessness!".

"It can't be said that EDG is careless, after all, this QG team has been reorganized, and there is no team that has fought with them at all, and it is understandable that they have been tricked. "

"And who would have thought that Uzi would actually start to resist pressure!".

EDG fans were talking a lot, and their tone was relaxed, but the expression on their faces was still solemn.

Because the picture on the field of play is too torturous for them!

After Sofm's excavator got four heads, his opposition became even more emboldened.

Although the factory director was already stuck at the time of his fifth wave of F4 refresh, Sofm still rushed over directly, snatched the big bird, and even bullied people to drive away the factory director, and turned around to collect the freshly baked red BUFF!

Mouse's side, I thought that I could use the Son of the Tree to knock out the stone man, but his speed was still too slow, and he was directly punished and snatched away by Sofm who drilled through the hole, and he didn't even let go of the little stone man!

After coming and going, when the excavator level of Sofm came to level 10 and the number of knives came to 82, the factory director's male gun was only level 8, and the number of knives was only a pitiful 45!


"This Sofm, what a bandit!".

"It's not over yet, but I'm already looking forward to the matchup between the QG team and the RNG team. "

"One is the bandit Sofm, and the other is a hunger strike spicy incense pot, all of them only brush the wild monsters on the opposite side..."

"When the time comes, the game between the two teams will definitely be very exciting!".

Miller was amazed, he didn't expect to see such a wonderful matchup in the first game of the opening game of the new season!

It's just that for the entire EDG team, life is too miserable.

With the complete blasting of the wild area, the days online are even more difficult.

Sofm, the highest-level Sofm in the game, is no longer satisfied with just farming, and has begun to frequently gank online, cross towers to kill people, and have a lot of fun!

This also caused the online players to play more unrestrained, and Xiao Ming, who had just entered the LPL, even used his own Bloom to show a wave of prediction in front of Deft

Although it was still successfully escaped by EZ, this situation has already shown that the current QG team is like a rainbow!

When the game finally reached 20 minutes, the gap between the two teams widened to an even more outrageous point.

Sofm level 13, 136 supplements, 4-0-3!

The factory director is level 11, and he has 67 knives and a record of 1-3-1!

The total head, QG10 to 3 leads, and the economy is 8,000 yuan ahead!

And in the case that QG everyone has such a huge advantage, uzi gave an order, and everyone directly rushed out Baron Nash, who had just gone to work, and then, after a wave of fierce team battles, the strong team wiped out the five EDG people, and bulldozed the base crystal of the red side in one wave!


Team QG, win the first small game of the new season opener!


"It's amazing!".

"Who would have thought before the game that such a well-equipped miscellaneous army QG team would beat the EDG team, one of the three royal families, to the point that it was powerless, and it only took 22 minutes to win this game!".

On the commentary seat, Doll Miller continued to take deep breaths, but he still couldn't calm the shock in his heart.

"But you know, this game is just a solo show for Sofm for QG!"

In this transfer period, MR Coach also introduced Brother Saint Gun, Scout and Xiao Ming, three players who are also not favored. "

"If Coach MR's vision is really good, can we think that these three players also have some outstanding points and can catch their opponents off guard?!".

When Miller's voice slowly fell, not only EDG fans, but also the managers, coaches, and even players of the major teams in front of the screen gasped.

If that's the case, then this summer tournament will be messed up because of the reorganization of QG!

(Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes!!).

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