When the kill notification sounded over the Summoner’s Canyon again, the audience at the scene was excited again, but all the commentary stands in all competition areas were completely silent and dead silent!

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the troll who fell on the ground. It was extremely unbelievable, because in their opinion, Duke’s death in battle was too outrageous!

It’s understandable for Bobby to hit the big move in seconds, but Leopard Girl’s move is too penetrating!

Because it can be clearly seen from the playback footage that Leopard Girl’s mark and Bobby’s hammer were thrown almost at the same time.

But you must know that Bobby’s big move is non-directional, that is to say, when Thump flies out, it is impossible to determine which direction the enemy is flying!

But even so, Leopard Girl’s bid was won, and even the bid was won at the farthest limit distance!

“Outrageous, Sofm’s gank is too outrageous…”

Doll Miller was shocked, because in the hands-on stage, if Brother Saint Gun and Sofm made the slightest mistake in coordination, Leopard Girl’s target would not be able to hit.

Then, in the process of killing Duke, the two showed a very calm attitude!

Especially Sofm, if you press W to rush forward immediately after winning the bid, you will definitely be pushed down from the air by the troll’s pillar. Let Sofm catch up!

“Outrageous, indeed outrageous.”

“It feels like Sofm’s Q is equipped with a tracking device, pointing to where to hit!”

“It’s the same with the two waves of ganks in the middle lane just now, all of which targeted Faker.”

“Now, the whole SKT team has to be careful about this leopard girl. As his equipment gets better and better, the damage of his Q skill will also get higher and higher.”

“Even if it’s the teamfight period that SKT likes, if Sofm beats them badly before they even start fighting, their teamfights will still be quite difficult!”

Wa Wa said worried words, but her face was full of joy. After all, it was everyone in SKT who was about to bear the pressure of poke, not QG himself!

Back to the game.

Although Sofm helped Holy Gun kill Duke once, the troll’s laning strength is still there, but after Holy Gun came out to Xiao Riyan, the laning was not so uncomfortable.

In the middle lane, although Faker picked up Xiao Ming’s head and disconnected and reconnected successfully, since he and Scout didn’t have time to go home for supplies, the laning pattern didn’t change much.

Even after returning home, Scout will update more defensive equipment and continue to strengthen his ability to rely on lanes!

As for the way down…

Although Sofm has never taken care of the bot lane, Uzi and Xiaoming have become better and better at laning as their levels have gradually improved and Sofm has put a psychological pressure of 21 on the opponent’s duo from a distance.

It was also because he was worried that Leopard Girl would suddenly throw a javelin from an unknown dark corner, so Wolf was forced to go to the QG wild area to arrange his vision under the pressure of the line.


And now, Uzi has endured for a full ten minutes, and the opportunity that may be fleeting has finally appeared!

Just when Xiao Ming was walking towards the position of the triangle grass, and was about to interfere with Wolf’s real eyes, the E skill dazzle was pressed directly!

And because the fortitude of the W skill has already been hung on Lucian’s body, even if Uzi and Xiao Ming are 500 yards away, the gem’s glare skill also appeared on Lucian’s body.

The next moment, the moment the skill appearedIn the meantime, Uzi made a decisive decision and ruthlessly pursued Bang not far away.


Immediately afterwards, even though Bang reacted quickly and hurriedly retreated, he was still dazzled by the glare carried by Lucian’s body.

The martial soul fusion technique that I had been thinking about since the selection stage was finally released at this time!

Holy light silver bullet!

Through the Holy Light!

Holy gun baptism!

Opportunities are fleeting. Uzi didn’t dare to neglect at all. He directly pressed the three skills and threw the bullets towards the policewoman’s face, rapidly reducing his blood volume.

But Bang’s reaction speed is not slow at all!

Healing and recovering blood, the E skill hangs on Lucian’s body to slow down and open the distance, and it even flashes directly out of the range of Uzi’s big move!

“Master Dog, the bull head is back, and the blind monk is here too!”

At this time, Xiao Ming hurriedly reminded Uzi, and at the same time hurriedly chased Uzi, wanting to give him some protection.

Uzi looked coldly at the position where the bull’s head was getting closer, and did not speak. Not only did he not take him seriously at all, but he directly readjusted his position with the E skill, and continued to baptize the ultimate move on the policewoman!

When he was about to kill Bang, Wolf’s bull head finally howled and rushed over with his W skill, preparing to knock Uzi into the air for a second time.

But in the process of flying, Uzi, with sharp eyes and quick hands, pressed the flash button, and took a step closer to the policewoman!


Behind Lucian, Wolf paid homage to Uzi for his early years.

And his comrade-in-arms fell directly under Uzi’s gun!

QG.Uzi killed SKT.Bang!

“Master Dog, run, the blind monk is really here!”

Although this wave of kills is quite handsome, because Uzi is too deep, at this moment, Benji’s blind monk has already appeared in the triangle grass position, no matter what, he can catch up with Uzi and kill him with residual blood .

“Go, I’ll send the tower.”

But he only heard Uzi chuckle, but he didn’t go directly to the defense tower. Instead, he turned to Wolf for a one-on-one challenge, and then walked towards the defense tower again.

Immediately, everyone understood what Uzi was thinking!

If he had been sent directly to the tower just now, then the head would belong to the policewoman, but now, because the bull’s head hit him, even if he was killed by the tower, the head would only be counted on Wolf’s body!


Seeing that this scene was about to happen, Benji didn’t even mention how anxious he was. He hurriedly QQed Xiao Bing and touched Wolf, trying to close the distance between himself and Uzi.

However, the distance is still too far, too far.

When the defense tower knocked out the last trace of Lucian’s blood, Benji’s position was only within the range of his own defense tower!

SKT.Wolf killed QG.Uzi!

Uzi is dead, but not completely dead, because his head belongs to Wolf.

“Beautiful, this wave is so beautiful!”

“I didn’t expect Gemstone and Lucian to be able to cooperate like this. It’s like adding a control skill to Lucian, and there is almost no time for the opponent to react!”

“The most important thing is that Uzi’s follow-up thinking and reaction speed are too amazing.”

“It sounds simple to dodge the bull’s head, but it’s not easy to press it in time when you just zoomed in on the move.”

“When sending the tower, Uzi was also terribly calm. He let his hatred be transferred to the bull’s head first, and then sent the tower, so that Bang had no chance to get his own head!”

Miller exclaimed again and again, feeling more and more that this round of QG’s victory is within his grasp.

Because so far, the state of everyone in QG is obviously better than when they first faced SKT!

“Actually, I think that if Benji turned in Flash just now, he should be able to shoot Uzi to death with his E skill.”

“But he might be worried that he would pay for nothing, so he didn’t gamble.”

The baby also chuckled softly, praising Uzi’s wit repeatedly.

Although Sofm never came to the bot lane, in this wave, Uzi completely relied on his own ability to seize opportunities and operations, and directly turned the disadvantaged laning into an advantage!

“Handsome, Mr. Dog, you’ve manipulated all of this. You deserve to be the number one ADC in the world!”

After witnessing Uzi’s wonderful operation, everyone in the team immediately began to praise him.

“I also want to play a wave. I wonder if Faker will give this opportunity?”

At the same time, Brother Holy Gun was also about to make a move.

Seeing that the Duke troll started to control the lane again, and he didn’t dare to pass, Brother Saint Gun turned his head and walked towards the middle lane.

At the same time, Sofm, who defeated the first water dragon, also echoed Holy Gun’s proposal, and slowly approached the middle lane, preparing to give Faker another three-pack package!

But this plan was quickly aborted, because after hearing the sound of the water dragon killing, Benji’s blind monk immediately walked towards the river, and soon saw the figure of the leopard girl.

But even so, Holy Gun and Scout still rushed towards Faker’s Syndra.


At the same time, a red whirlwind lit up in the army, but Holy Gun and Scout didn’t panic at all. Instead, they laughed and retreated quickly.

“That’s right. Duke’s teleportation is gone. In the next round of team battles, I’ll be one step ahead of him.send. ”

Brother Holy Gun chuckled. Although this wave failed to attack Faker successfully, it was not without any gains. Everything was paving the way for the follow-up battle!

I thought that this game would be quickly ended by QG in a devastating way.

But the toughness of the LCK team, which LPL audiences were not expecting, was finally reflected in SKT at this time!

After several consecutive waves of online deaths, everyone in SKT finally realized that they couldn’t stay online for long and get ganked, so they chose to take the initiative!

Wolf’s bull head directly gave up on the bottom lane and started to wander around the middle and upper reaches frantically, trying to find opportunities.

Xiao Ming’s Gemstone was also forced to leave the line to entangle with Niutou after several failed attempts to find a policewoman with Uzi.

For a while, even if Uzi in the bottom lane had the equipment to take the lead, he couldn’t suppress or even kill him.

In the middle and top lanes, and because of the continuous patronage of the opponent’s Nosuke, Sofm’s Leopard Girl can no longer play the game as before.

All of a sudden, this game really allowed the SKT team to operate!

“Steady, continue to look for opportunities, just like the last game.”

Under such circumstances, Uzi once again reminded his teammates.

Because the scripts of these two games are almost exactly the same, SKT was caught off guard by them at the beginning of the game, but quickly stabilized and started to operate. However, in the later stage, QG still seized the opportunity of five-on-four.

But even though Uzi said that, he was beating drums in his heart.

Because he knows very well that if he is SKT, he will definitely become more careful this time after suffering such a big loss last time!

Sure enough, from 10 minutes into the game, when Uzi got his own head, until the dragon refreshed in 20 minutes.

For a full ten minutes, QG didn’t do anything!

Not only that, when Sofm was frequently looking for gank opportunities but failed, Benji caught the time lag and took down the second water dragon!

The situation suddenly became difficult, for QG!

“Hold on, hold on!”

Seeing Sofm’s javelin being twisted away by the river crab, Uzi finally realized that there was a slight change in the mentality of his teammates, and hurriedly reminded him again.

“Have you forgotten what Manager Zhang said? He made us prepare for the tug-of-war in this round!”

“It’s only been 20 minutes, is your mentality unstable? If you look at this game this way, it’s going to be at least 30 or 40 minutes!”

“Play steadily, don’t be impatient. Manager Zhang also said that this is an excellent opportunity for us to train with the LCK team before we enter the knockout round!”

“If we really haven’t played against LCK teams in the late stage, how can we win against ROX and SSG?”


“Our lineup is not invincible in the late stage. Although I may be a bit useless, Scout is invincible in the late stage!”

“Besides, we also have a jeweled ult that can attack them. Even if we fight a team battle in the late stage, we can definitely win!”

“Hold on, hold on, don’t worry!”

Uzi kept reminding the team members that he was suddenly glad that Manager Zhang had reminded them of this before the game, otherwise he would be anxious if he couldn’t open the situation.

After all, the mid-to-late stage experience of the QG team is really too little!


Finally, after hearing Uzi’s voice, his teammates responded to him. Although the tone was not brisk, at least they could be sure that their state was gradually recovering.

“Next, follow my command!”

“We can no longer line up with them normally. These people on the opposite side are too stable, and they will immediately come to support if we find something is wrong.”

“So we must take the initiative to sell our flaws to SKT and let them come to fight with us!”

After thinking about it, Uzi said solemnly.

Now that SKT has started operating like crazy again, I don’t want to fight with them.

But what if SKT finds an opportunity to kill QG players?

After the idea of ​​doing the opposite was born, Uzi immediately started the next strategic conception and tactical deployment at the same time.

At 22 minutes into the game, Uzi forcibly demolished SKT’s top lane tower, and then returned to the city to go down the lane.

At the same time, let Saint Gun push the line on the top road.

“Brother Holy Gun, do you still remember how Faker’s Snake Girl was caught by us in the last round when he led the lane?”

“In this round, you give them another chance to lead the line deeper and lead people, and let them catch you.”

“I’ll lead the line down the road, but I won’t lead it deep.”

“Once they catch me, you push them up to the second tower on the road. If they catch you, you open the door and fight!”

Uzi quickly arranged the tactics in his mind. As for whether he can succeed, it depends on whether SKT will be fooled.


Brother Holy Gun nodded, understanding that this method might be the only way to break the deadlock and allow QG to regain the initiative in the game, so he immediately went back to the city and ran on the road, and then began to push the line with a small hammer.

At the same time, Uzi is also doing the same action in the bottom lane, but instead of pushing the line, he controls the development of the line.

And when Brother Holy Gun’s soldiers finally pushed across the river and moved forward slowly, the two QG Nakano also immediately returned to the city, and then drilled into the QG blue zone, heading towards DalongGo in the direction of the pit.

As for Scout’s vampire, he continued to push the lane in the middle, pretending he didn’t know anything.

But once everyone in SKT really goes to catch Brother Holy Gun, as long as they persist until the three of Nakanosuke arrive, that’s their chance to fight back!

A hunter always appears as a prey.

If it can be successful, then the victory of this round is really not far away!

In Summoner’s Canyon, on the road, Holy Gun continued to lead the line.

From the river to the first tower on the road, from the first tower to the stone man grass, and from the stone man grass to the autistic grass.

During the whole process, SKT didn’t have any thoughts about Poppy, but when they saw that Poppy was about to advance the pawn line to the second tower on the road, everyone in SKT finally couldn’t help it!

Not only do they want to take away the economy of the top line, but they also want to taste the consequences of leading this bobby who knows no good or evil alone!

The next moment, when Scout’s vampire continued to fight with Faker’s Syndra in the middle lane, he clearly saw Wolf headed straight up the road, and Holy Gun also saw the policewoman and the giant in the Golem camp. Demon duo!

But he didn’t rush to leave at all, but pretended not to know that there was anyone there, and continued to clear the line of soldiers.

On the other hand, SKT was not in a hurry at all. The policewoman and troll squatted down without knowing that there were eyes in the grass. At the same time, they waited for the blind monk Benji to outflank the triangle grass.

But soon, Brother Holy Gun “realized” that the blind monk was approaching. After clearing out the last three melee soldiers with his Q skill, he began to retreat quickly.


In the SKT team, Duke gave an order, and the frozen field immediately started to accelerate the pursuit.

The troll has W, and Bobby naturally has W, too, and after turning it on, he runs away quickly.

But the next moment, Duke flashed to catch up, and bit the back of Bobby’s head with his Q skill, giving her a fatal slowdown!

He was not in a hurry to release the E skill, and continued to wait for the approach of the blind monk, until Benji ran over from the direction of the river, and then stuck the pillar in front of Bobby, putting him in a situation where he couldn’t fly!

But the problem is, Bobby really can’t fly…

But Bobby can make people fly!

The verdict of the defenders!

Seeing that the blind monk was about to arrive, Brother Saint Gun pressed his ultimate move and began to accumulate energy.

Touching the eye W, the dragon wags its tail!

Benji’s operation is really smooth and smooth, which is pleasing to the eye.

But the moment he fired his big move, Brother Holy Gun finally threw out his big move. While flying backwards, he threw the huge hammer at the troll and the blind monk!


The next moment, the two behemoths ascended to the sky directly on the spot, and flew out of the screen, powerless to fight back!

Immediately afterwards, at the position on the road, the situation changed quite strangely in an instant.

Bang’s policewoman obviously came with two teammates to catch Bobby, who was alone.

But why now, he became the one who was alone? !

“Keep fighting!”

But after only a short period of panic, the voices of Benji and Duke rang in Bang’s ears again. Looking back, they didn’t fly too far because Bobby didn’t charge long enough.

So he immediately started chasing. While walking A, he sealed Bobby’s position with clips.

And when all five clips were put down, but Brother Holy Gun didn’t step on any of them, Bobby finally turned around!

Slam the hammer!

The Q skill directly hit the policewoman’s feet, slowing her down.

Javelin Throwing!

At the same time, Sofm, who had been on the road for a long time, finally came to the first tower position on the road, and then flew out with a Q!


Another crisp voice sounded.

The next moment, Bang, who had nearly two-thirds of his health, finally felt the horror of the “blood bar disappearing technique”!

QG.Sofm killed SKT.Bang!

QG.Sofm has already made a killing!

The layout that lasted more than ten minutes finally paid off at this moment!

But if it’s just a head harvest, how can everyone in QG be satisfied?

Seeing that something was wrong, Benji and Duke decided to retreat directly for their lives.

But at this moment, they suddenly discovered that Scout’s vampires and Xiao Ming’s gems had already outflanked them at some point, setting up a bigger net for them!

(Thanks to “????℡£ is the only one” and “Bing Wu Chang Shi” for their monthly support!!!).

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