When Brother Holy Gun landed, the record was only 1-0, but when he returned to the city, the record had already become 4-0. After returning home, he directly pulled out the terrifying greedy Hydra. !

And with the take-off of the holy gun brother troll, Uzi’s ez, after pushing down the next tower, also announced the official liberation!

Not only made the Demon Sect’s sharp blade, but also took out the Yaoguang, and even prepared to give up the school of the magic knife ice fist, and directly follow the school of the three items of the magic knife, which pursues damage!

Sofm’s Olaf is also very fat. After returning home, he directly held the Riyan jungler in his hand. Because he knew that his teammates had already dealt enough damage in this round, he prepared to go towards the front row of meat tanks.The only one who looks pitiful is Scout’s Ice Maiden.

Although he participated in this wave of bot lane battles, at the end of the team battle, he only got two assists, and the assists of Bobby and Victor later on did not have his share at all!

But even so, the huge lead the QG team gained in just a few minutes was enough to shock all the commentators and audience.

“It’s too strong. Is this the real strength of QG?”

Xiaosan said dumbfounded.

At seven minutes into the game, he was still worried that the QG team hadn’t done enough and was dragged into the middle and late stages by the Lightning Wolves. At that time, after Maple’s Victor equipment was fully formed, a big move would destroy the world. of!

But who knows, since Sofm and Holy Gun played a perfect wave of tower jump kills on the road, the calm atmosphere in the Summoner Canyon turned around. Only three minutes later, the QG team defeated their A small advantage directly becomes a big advantage!

Especially the holy gun brother troll, if this round takes the single-lead route, there will not be three people on Lightning Wolf’s side… Oh no, if there are more than four people, it is almost impossible to kill him, and he may even be killed by him. Counter kill one or two!

Just like what happened in the wild area just now!

“This holy gun brother is too fierce!”

“I thought QG was going to be defeated in this wave of team battles, and Holy Gun Brother T was going to give it away, but I didn’t expect that he saved the entire QG team by himself!”

“And what I have to say is that the QG team’s team battle thinking is too clear. Although the Lightning Wolves instantly dominated the team battle after killing Braum, but in the process of chasing, they didn’t even kill QG. one person!”

“If Scout had been killed sooner, maybe Holy Gun would have canceled the teleportation and couldn’t come down.”

“But in the end, everyone must have seen that the QG team only sacrificed one person, and played a wonderful team battle of one for four!”

Park Zeyuan said solemnly, as if he had re-acquainted with this QG team, his eyes were full of appreciation.

“Now, let’s see how the QG team conducts the next game.”

“Should we continue to play two, two, three, four again like before? Or should we play steadily and win the game with vigorous operation? This depends on QG’s own choice.”

“Although the word operation may sound strange when it is applied to the QG team, I recalled the game content of the first seven minutes of QG and felt that they deliberately slowed down the game in this game.”

“If it was placed in the group stage, if Karsa was squatted in the wild area at the beginning, Sofm might just sprint and jump over the tower and slash people.”

Xiaosan laughed lightly, which surprised all the LPL audience when they heard it!

Deliberately slowing down the pace of the game? But in the previous QG games, didn’t you play as fast as you could, and as hard as you could?

But why did this sentence suddenly change?

Could it be… The QG team is taking advantage of the opportunity to play against the Flash Wolves to practice their operational capabilities? !

When thinking of this, the LPL audience was stunned, and the more they thought about it, the more they felt it was possible!

Because the next move of the QG team did tell them with real actions that they didn’t particularly want to fight in this round, they just wanted to develop!

In Summoner’s Canyon, after Uzi pushed down a tower on the road, he returned to the city with Xiao Ming, and then went straight to the middle road.

At the same time, Scout’s Ice Girl also went to the bottom lane alone to supplement her development.

It seems that it is a very normal choice, but for QG, it is not normal.

Because in the previous games, even if they knocked down a tower, the duo would habitually stay in the bottom lane for a while, and at the same time let Sofm do a back squat.

Once the opponent is brave enough to catch the two of them, Scout in the middle will immediately set off to support, and at the same time, the top laner Holy Gun will also teleport to the bottom lane to fight with the enemy team!

And often after such a team battle occurs, the QG team will win, and then the pace of the game will become faster!

But in this game, since QG has changed their style of play, it can be explained that they decided to play operations, push towers, promote economy, and accumulate resources in the jungle!

“This is what I said is an important manifestation of QG’s continuous evolution…”

In the next few minutes, the QG team did not continue to look for opportunities to fight, but rather steadily pushed the line, cleared the field, pushed the line, tried to catch people, and then pushed the line, slowly consuming the blood volume of the defense tower in the middle.

“Maybe Manager Zhang knows very well that after Flash Wolves, what awaits QG is the encirclement and suppression of the three LCK teams. Although QG’s fighting style has a chance to defeat LCK, if it is operated by LCK, QG is still relatively difficult to fight. .”

“So if I were Manager Zhang, my thinking at this time is to know yourself and your enemy and win every battle. If I also master your operational ability, and at the same time cooperate with my fighting ability, maybe I can beat the LCK team more easily!”

Xiaosan’s guess was very accurate, but to everyone’s ears, these words were a bit mysterious. After all, if the “competition for training” thing happened in the leagues of various divisions, insignificant group matches, etc., it would still sound relatively normal.

But what is going on is the quarter-finals knockout match between QG and Flash Wolves!

Once the military training fails, wouldn’t it just give up the possible top four seats?people? !

However, with the current performance of the QG team, it seems difficult for the Flash Wolves to snatch their spot in the top four, even if they come back in the first game.

Because, the operation of the QG team is really too stable!

Except for Saint Gun, who is on the top road, who is desperately fighting in Tower A, the middle and bottom roads are not in a hurry.

Of course, in the middle lane, even if Uzi wants to tap towers, Maple doesn’t quite agree. He can often use an upgraded E to clear the line of troops, but it still puts considerable psychological pressure on the Flash Wolves team.

Because in the process of development, the QG people always disappeared from the line frequently, so that the Lightning Wolves didn’t know whether their next goal was to invade the jungle or go to the side to catch people.

Until the eighteenth minute of the game, when the Lightning Wolves duo watched Scout’s Ice Girl go home, they felt that they had seized the opportunity and were about to push down QG’s bottom tower.

What happened next quickly told the two of them that they had been fooled!

Just when NL and Snake started to attack the tower, Sofm’s Olaf came out of the blue zone alone, trying to defend the tower alone.

At the first moment, NL and Snake didn’t take it seriously. After all, if Olaf was alone, if he dared to forcefully clear the line, he would definitely be maimed by the two of them, and even forced to make a big move.

The next moment, EZ and Nami in the middle lane also disappeared on the line, ready to come to the bottom lane to catch people.

At this time, the Lightning Wolves duo didn’t take it too seriously, because Casa’s blind monk had already reached behind them and was about to squat back.

However, when Xiao Ming’s Nami walked into the Dragon Pit, inserted the eye position straight down to the partition wall, and then a red TP directly lit up, the Lightning Wolves trio finally reacted, QG team, this time they have to Come on!

The Lightning Wolves duo hurriedly retreated, and Kasa followed suit, trying to protect the duo a little bit. After all, if QG was teleported down alone, they could still hold on for a while, and even wait for Maple’s support!

But what surprised everyone in the Lightning Wolves was that when the red teleportation whirlwind finally disappeared and the hero landed on the stage, there were not one but two people in their field of vision!

Brother Holy Gun’s troll and Scout’s ice girl appeared behind them at the same time!

Seeing that the situation was not right, MMD hurriedly teleported down the road, hoping to protect the safety of his teammates.

But who knows, as soon as they landed, they were blown up by Xiaoming Nami’s big move, and even blown up three!

Because the fourth Braum had already been stuck and slashed by Olaf who had activated his ult at this time, his blood volume was at risk!

But this is not the scariest thing. The scariest thing is that in the next moment, the ice girl directly E passed the two walls of the wild area and appeared in the bottom lane. With a W Frost Ring, she directly controlled three people!

At the same time, the troll, whose equipment was already quite terrifying, even walked out from the direction of the stone man’s grass, and directly blocked the four Lightning Wolves!

The next moment, as the EZ’s precise barrage directly scraped over the four of them, the word “despair” was clearly written on the faces of the five members of the Lightning Wolves at the same time.

Maple’s despair was because he couldn’t make it to the frontal battlefield at all.

And the despair of the other four team members is that even if Maple arrives, they will never survive!

QG.Sofm killed FW.SwordArt!

QG.Scout killed FW.NL!

QG.Flandre killed FW.Karsa!

QG.Uzi killed FW.MDD!





The game time was 18 minutes and 30 seconds. The QG team finally succeeded in nearly 8 minutes of pulling, tore a huge hole in the body of the Lightning Wolf, and then shot out like a dragon, straight through Changhong, and played a wave of 0 for 4. Group off!

If it wasn’t for Maple not rushing to the frontal battlefield at all, otherwise everyone in QG would give Xiao Ming a head, even if he was just a support!


When the five members of QG pushed Lightning Wolves down to the second tower and returned to the city collectively, the match scene was full of voices!

All the audience were shocked by the horror of the QG team. They were all shocked that the Flash Wolves had already performed quite well in this round, but they were still beaten by QG to the point where they had no power to fight back!

The two commentators on the commentary stage were even more stunned and applauded!

Because they suddenly discovered that the QG team had learned a new tactical style of play in just a few days of offseason, and practiced directly on the Lightning Wolves, and succeeded at the same time!

That is the LCK style, through the collective pulling of the three lines, pawn line operations, personnel transfers, etc., it takes a lot of time, even more than ten minutes, to plan a winning team battle!

For example, in the wave just now, Uzi was sitting in the middle lane, restraining Maple and preventing him from going to trouble with Scout.

At the same time, Scout walked towards the middle lane after pushing the lane in the bottom lane, attracting Karsa’s attention, and at the same time made the Flash Wolves duo mistakenly think that with the passage of time, there is a chance to push down the first tower of QG’s bottom lane. a tower.

Then, something went wrong!

After two TPs, when Maple couldn’t react at all, he directly wiped out the four Lightning Wolves, pushed down the second tower in the bottom lane, and took down Wind Dragon at the same time!

“So little umbrella, in your opinionAmong the solutions, is it better for QG to continuously expand its advantages through small-scale battles before, or this LCK-style tactic, where a wave of team battles directly accumulates a big advantage? ”

Seeing everyone in QG make up their minds and go home again, Park Zeyuan asked a question.

This question really caught Xiaosan, and he couldn’t answer it for a while, so he began to think.

Back then, when Xiaosan was still in the dark force OMG, the LPL style at that time was actually a bit biased towards operations, winning the game through team battles.

But to be honest, although this method can win, it is very difficult to win. The game often drags to the late stage, and when facing the LCK team, except for the NJ White Shield 3-0, the rest of the LCK team All lost.

·· ·Ask for flowers········

This obviously shows that the way of operating first and then teaming up must be that the LCK teams are stronger.

But if it’s pure fighting…it seems that they may not be able to win the LCK, because although QG double-killed SKT in the group stage, the process was not particularly easy. If they face ROX in the next game, they may not be able to win. Will give QG any chance to fight!

“From the audience’s point of view, the tactics of small team battles are definitely better, because they are highly entertaining, and the QG team can often gain a lot of advantages in the early stage, and then win the game in the mid-term.”

“From the perspective of a professional player, I think the latter is better, because after the team wiped out the Flash Wolves, the QG team obviously got more things, the second tower, dragons, and resources in the wild area. This is a comparison of tactics in small team battles. Difficult thing to do.”

“But to be honest, the QG team has actually found a third tactic!”

As she spoke, Xiaosan’s face was already full of smiles.

“That’s the tactic of combining the two!”

“Take this round as an example. In the first seven minutes, QG didn’t have a chance to open up the situation at all, so Sofm and Holy Gun made a wave and directly jumped over the tower to kill MMD.”

“If the previous wave of troll triple kills was just QG’s normal four packs and two tactics, then this wave of double TP just now is the result of QG’s ten minutes of operation!”

“The Lightning Wolves really can’t stand this combination of punches, and I feel that the LCK team may not be able to withstand it either. After all, they don’t know when and what tactics the QG team will use. .”

“After all, when the QG team has a bandit called Sofm, they always like to play the opposite routine with you. You think he can’t gank, but he comes directly. You think he is going to gank, but he I’m fighting against you… Are you angry?”

Xiaosan laughed, feeling more and more that this QG team is unfathomable. It’s not like what the outside world said. Even if they make it to the top eight, they can’t beat anyone… After all, at least they can beat the Lightning Wolves!

…… .. 0

In Summoner’s Canyon, after winning this wave of team battles, the QG team is basically one step away from winning this game, because the equipment and economic lead are really, really big!

But the QG team still didn’t end the game quickly. After confirming that their lineup could also beat the Lightning Wolves in the later stage, they began to practice the task of “playing for training” assigned by Manager Zhang.

Every time a wonderful operation is completed and a huge amount of resources is obtained, the QG team collectively “Nice” once and enjoy this process very much.

But for the Lightning Wolves, this process was too much torture.

Unexpectedly, the operational pressure they should have felt in the LCK team was directly used by the QG team, and it seemed to be even more terrifying!

After all, the team battle thinking of the QG team is much better than that of the LCK team!

This kind of torture lasted for a full fifty minutes before it finally came to an end.

And when the base crystal of the Flash Wolves team finally exploded, even the two commentators Zeyuan Xiaosan felt a little tired.

After all, from the 20 minutes of the first game, it has already entered garbage time!

But the QG team just doesn’t push, just plays. As a commentator and audience, what can they do?

“Let us congratulate the QG team for finally winning this game after 50 minutes of fierce fighting, temporarily leading 1-0!”

“However, in the first game, the Flash Wolves also showed us the strength that a top eight team in the World Championship should have!”

“In the first 20 minutes of the game, whether it was the opening design or Maple’s suppression of Scout, they all executed pretty well! It was just because of some minor problems in the mid-term that they couldn’t play out more tactics.”

“I hope that in the next games, the Flash Wolves can adjust their mentality and continue to pose some problems and create some troubles for the QG team.”

“Of course, I also hope that when faced with new difficulties, the QG team can also solve it as smoothly as the first game, and then win the game!”

On the commentary stage, Zeyuan was looking forward to playing more exciting games in the future. Even if he couldn’t recover two rounds, he still had to win the last round, right? !

But I never thought that in the first game, the Lightning Wolves seemed to have exhausted all their strength, so that in the next two games, one fight was not as good as the other, and they didn’t even show a decent resistance. Twice in a row by the QG team, their base crystal was dropped!


And when the lightning wolf’s base crystal exploded for the third time, the audience finally burst into the most enthusiastic cheers!

“Let us congratulate the QG team, easily defeated the Flash Wolves team with a score of 3 to 0, and are close to the semi-finals!”

Even though he had guessed this result early on, when it really happened, the little umbrella on the commentary stage was so excited that he jumped up and shouted!

Because this is not only after S4, but also after the darkest moment of S5, after two years, LPL once again broke into the semi-finals of the World Championship!

“Although it is relatively easy to win this game, the next semi-final is definitely the most difficult level for QG in this World Championship!”

“The No. 1 seed of the LCK, Team ROX!”

“Although I know that many people are definitely not optimistic about our LPL’s own No. 1 seed QG team, but I am willing to believe that the QG team can definitely defeat ROX in the semi-final stage and advance to the final!”

“Because this QG team is really the strongest team since the establishment of the LPL!”

“Maybe, he can really bring hope to our LPL, create history, and create miracles!”

“Let us once again congratulate the QG team for advancing to the semi-finals!”

“Let us once again bless the QG team, the more they fight, the more courageous they will be, and they will advance to the finals!”

On the commentary stage, the little umbrella who once dedicated his entire career to the OMG team and to the LPL, said these words, tears welled up in his eyes!

(Thanks to the Punisher boss for his monthly ticket support!!!) Son.

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