At this time, everyone in QG is in a state of momentum, but after killing Peanut, everyone still needs to retreat first, because this position is too deep, and Victor of Kuro is about to rush to the triangular grass, so they must retreat temporarily .

But at this moment, Scout’s uneasy voice came from within the QG team.

“Hey hey? Why am I fighting the tower?”

“Sofm save me!”

When the sound sounded, everyone hurriedly looked around, only to realize that Scout was carrying the defense tower on the road in order to speed up Sofm’s E skill.

Walking forward can indeed get out of the attack range of the defense tower, but the problem is that Zyra’s big move has already been deployed at this time, and walking forward is also dead!

So I had no choice but to retreat, but it was still useless, and I was still beaten to death by Zyra’s flowers.

ROX.Gorilla killed QG.Scout!

The game time was 21 minutes and 48 seconds. ROX finally won the first head of the QG team, but it was not worthy of their joy, because this head was lost by QG’s mistake, and the most important thing was to assist Zyra’s head!

Magic Crystal Arrow!

At the same time, Pray, who was hurrying up, finally shot his big move again, trying to stop Sofm and Xiao Ming who were retreating.

but thisThe second time, because the shooting distance was too far, there was a mistake in the predicted position, so the ultimate move directly failed.

But for ROX, it doesn’t seem to have much impact. Kuro, who has already walked into the triangle grass, saw Xiao Ming in front of him at a glance. Dang even handed over all the skills to the fan mother, trying to kill this support first.


However, Xiao Ming’s reaction speed is quite fast. Before Victor’s skills were completely dropped, he was listed as weak.

With the skill of RW skills, the enhanced version of the soul chain was hung on Victor’s body, and Xiao Ming’s blood volume temporarily turned into a “blood locked” state!

But this state only lasted for a second. When Xiao Ming stepped into the Triangle Grass boldly, his blood volume still started to drop like crazy.

Because of Victor’s big move, I felt too much pain when I was shocked!


As a last resort, Xiao Ming flashed directly into the river to find Sofm.

But the chaotic storm is still chasing him to the death!

Even Kuro flashed an E skill, and his blood volume was at risk!

Run wild!

Just when Xiao Ming’s fan mother’s blood volume was reduced to a trace, Sofm, who had just separated from Xiao Ming, finally walked to his side, and at the same time sucked a mouthful of blood volume!

But even so, the hit of Victor’s Q skill still turned Xiao Ming into a state of residual blood again.

Fortunately, at this moment, Fan Mom’s E skill finally improved, and she was able to speed up her escape!


Just a little bit, just a little bit close to killing Xiao Ming, Kuro cursed.

Perfect curtain call!

Javelin Throwing!

But at this time, when Jhin’s ultimate move covered him, and Leopard Girl’s javelin was thrown directly at his face, Kuro also realized that he might be in danger!


First the javelin hit.


Then Jhin’s first bullet hit.

Although at this time, Uzi was forced to cancel his ult with only one shot because of Pray’s harassment from the side, but Sofm’s damage managed to force Kuro to death!

QG.Sofm killed ROX.Kuro!

QG.Sofm has already made a killing!

“Look at me, look at me, look at me.”

At this moment, Uzi in the QG team yelled frantically, because at this moment, there were only him and Pray on the river, two adcs fighting against each other.

“I’m T, I’m T, I’m T!”

But at the same time, Brother Holy Gun’s voice sounded directly!

Brother Saint Gun, who had just returned to the city with blood remaining, had already teleported directly to the location of the stone man’s grass at this time, and the eye position was left by Xiao Ming before.

And this place is just good enough to intercept Zyra who is retreating!

“Come, come, come!”

Sofm also responded immediately, but instead of chasing Gorilla, he turned back to support Uzi. After all, Holy Gun can definitely solo out a mere support, but if Uzi doesn’t have his own help, he may be killed by Ashe’s kite ability slip dead!

The battlefield in the wild area in the first half was split into two in an instant. In the stone man camp, Brother Holy Gun had found Gorilla’s troubles and was about to avenge Scout.

On the river side, while Sofm was crazily using his W skill to rush forward, Uzi also successfully used a deadly brilliance to target Pray, who was frantically twisting and moving!

Afterwards, another javelin throw from an extreme distance hit, which almost emptied Crispy Ashe’s blood bar.

Fortunately, Sofm’s damage wasn’t enough, otherwise this head would have been taken away by him!

QG.Flandre killed ROX.Gorilla.

QG.Uzi killed ROX.Pray!

It’s just that the expected “group annihilation” sound did not sound at this time, because Semb, who was the first to die before, had already been resurrected in the spring!



“Originally, the scene was already at a stalemate, but the QG team once again seized the opportunity of the ROX team to take the initiative to attack, and successfully fought back!”

“If it weren’t for Semb’s death too early and his resurrection too fast, this wave of QG teams would be defeated by ROX!”

On the commentary stage, Doll laughed ecstatically. The long-awaited battle finally started, and QG won a big victory!

“I seem to have seen this scene before.”

The smile on the side laughed softly.

“Just now when we were in the bottom lane, ROX dragged for three minutes, thinking that he had a chance to catch Uzi and Xiao Ming who were out of touch. In the end, he was beaten with a wave of 0 for 2.”

“This time, ROX’s target was placed on the top laner Saint Gun, and the result was even worse. He was directly beaten with a wave of 0 for 5!”

“Now, the ROX team may never dare to take the initiative again.”

Smiling and laughing wildly, if you are a member of ROX, you will lose once if you take the initiative to attack, and once you take the initiative to attack, you will lose once, let alone your mentality collapsed on the spot. If there is a real flaw, you may not dare to take it!

If the QG team did it on purpose again, wouldn’t ROX make things worse? !

“Haha, watching the QG team’s game with a smile, it seems that I still didn’t pay attention.”

“Actually, I haven’t seen this scene just now. We have seen it often in the past few games!”

“When the game is in a stalemate, QG will take the initiative to let a person go to the side to lead the line, pretending to giveto the opponent’s chance. ”

“But as long as the opponent is fooled, the rest of QG will quickly support and fight back, and then win this wave of seemingly passive, but actually active team battles!”

Miller chuckled, and even started to think about tactics for other opponents of the QG team in the future!

“The tactic to crack QG is actually very simple.”

“Either, just five people grab the side lanes, so that even if QG support arrives, it can form a 5v5, and you won’t necessarily lose.”

“Either, the person who catches the order directly beats the person on the wing, so that QG will have fewer people, and there is no way to continue to receive the group.”

“But you absolutely can’t ignore it. If you ignore it, you’ll be in a single belt situation… In other words, it won’t work for five people to grab the side lanes, because if the rest of QG doesn’t support them, the middle lane can almost be cleared directly!”

Miller laughed, feeling that this tactic is actually quite incomprehensible.

But in fact, there is another way, that is, heroes with a single belt line are much stronger than QG, and they can defend the tower alone. In this way, subsequent events will not be triggered.

But the problem is that Semb’s Rambo is indeed strong in the early stage of this round, but in the later stage, his solo ability is absolutely inferior to Gnar’s!

“In this round, ROX should be gone.”

After listening to Miller’s analysis, he smiled slightly.

At this time, the head ratio on the field had reached 10 to 1. Even if Gorilla’s Zyra took a head, he was only a support after all, so how could he have any ability to make trouble? !

What’s more, after everyone in QG won another round of victories and went home to replenish, the equipment on their bodies was already the existence that ROX didn’t even dare to look at!

Brother Holy Gun on the road, with ice hammer black cut tough shoes in hand, you need meat and meat, output and output.

The jungler Sofm, the Runeng Echo jungler knife and the ice stick have already been touched, and the third abyss is also on the way. With a Q down, I’m afraid it can deal a thousand blood damage!

The mid laner Scout and the staff of time and ghost books have all been touched, and bombing people will also become very painful.

Bottom lane Uzi, the three-speed shoe Youmeng Blade, one shot down, I’m afraid it can directly penetrate the opponent’s bones!

On Xiao Ming’s side, although the equipment is still behind, the CD shoes and the upgraded eye stone are already in his hands, which can provide sufficient vision protection for the subsequent battles!

The first round of BO5 victory against the ROX team is already waving to everyone in QG. How can everyone not look forward to excitement? !

“Do you want to fight a big dragon, Lord Dog?”

When going out again, Sofm asked.

If Dalong is taken away at this time, they may be able to end the game in one wave.

“Don’t fight, it’s too risky. With Zyra’s big move, the big dragon will definitely be snatched by Olaf.”

Uzi replied decisively.

“Take Xiaolong first, then push.”

Immediately afterwards, a new combat order was issued, and after quickly taking down the second dragon, the four of them pushed in a group, and Brother Saint Gun continued to lead the line down the road.

The tower in the middle was destroyed without any decent resistance.

But when they got to the second tower, everyone in ROX tried to defend it!

Especially Gorilla’s Zyra, who tried to use the E skill to harass everyone in QG at the side of the second tower.

But the question is, how could QG, who was in full swing at this time, allow such a small assistant like Zyra to even glance at them?

Sofm hit a target, and Uzi’s deadly Huacai immediately caught up. Even if Gorilla released a big move at the pass, it was of no avail, and Sofm rushed over and took the head.

Perfect curtain call!

Immediately afterwards, Uzi stood in the middle and activated his ultimate move, facing the ROX high ground, and the players in front of ROX had to retreat.

As for the second tower in the middle lane, they were also forced to let go under such pressure. ROX could only retreat to the middle tower.

Just when everyone in QG was about to go up to the high ground, Kuro’s Victor actually wanted to use his stance to cooperate with P ray’s big move to complete a wave of counterattacks!

However, Scout seized the opportunity quickly with quick eyesight and two Qs directly.

Although he was also hit by Ashe’s big move, he handed over his big move in time and successfully entered the state of waiting for resurrection!

On the other hand, Kuro’s Victor was once again targeted by Sofm, and then killed him in seconds again!

Although Sofm’s blood volume was also at risk, and he was crazily stuck to by Pray, Sofm still flashed out of the range of the defense tower immediately.

But it seems that he will still be killed by A?

how is this possible!

Uzi directly flashed the treatment, which not only saved Sofm’s life, but also fought back with Sofm and killed Pray!

But it’s a pity that with the arrival of Peanut, Uzi, who has lost his displacement with the use of Semb Rambo’s ultimate move, even if he is protected by Xiao Ming’s shield, he still sacrificed his life.

But it doesn’t matter!

Because at this moment, there are only two Uenos left in the ROX team, while QG still has as many as four!

The highland tower in the middle road will shatter when touched!

The same is true for the Highland Crystal!

Taking advantage of the last 20 seconds when Zyra was about to be resurrected, the two front tooth towers were directly dismantled, and then began to retreat.

At the same time, in the process of retreating, everyone put down a lot of eye positions…Because Holy Gun’s teleportation is about to be completed!

“Go home, Dalong!”

The next moment, the commander of the spring, Uzi, ordered that after being resurrected, he walked directly towards the Dalong Pit and lowered his real eyes to make sure that there was no ROX vision in the Dalong Pit.

Then, QG fourAll the players arrived, and Baron Nash immediately received his first “entertainment” since the beginning of the game!

On the ROX team, a blue eye directly saw the five members of QG who were fighting the dragon, and they finally understood that if they didn’t fight at this time, once the dragon was taken down, there would be no hope of a comeback in this round.

So they temporarily gave up the central line of troops, and assembled five people to rush towards Dalongkeng!

It’s just that when the second blue eye shines on them, they don’t see the disappeared Holy Gun and Scout!

“Seduce them here, and then you two TP!”

Seeing the five ROX people slowly approaching in the field of vision, Uzi chuckled.

In fact, they could have completely knocked out the big dragon, and then flattened it in a wave, but in the end it was to give Olaf a chance to snatch the dragon.

And in this crucial first game, taking risks is absolutely unacceptable, and one must seek stability to win!

The next moment, the five ROX members finally arrived at the top of the Dalong Pit and the river channel.

“Stop, you teleport!”

Immediately afterwards, following Uzi’s order, a red whirlwind directly lit up on the high ground of ROX!

What’s even more frightening is that when it landed, there were actually two people, Gnar and Old Time!

Everyone in ROX hurriedly wanted to go home, but how could the front three of QG allow it?

Perfect curtain call!

Uzi’s big move was activated again and for the last time. He didn’t rush to shoot, but stared at the five ROX people. He would shoot anyone who dared to read the message!

As a result, everyone in ROX was forced to retreat.

But how could their walking speed catch up with the speed of Brother Holy Gun and Scout who were dismantling their homes? !

Just when the ROX people had just returned to the high ground, their first perspective suddenly began to quickly pull to the base.

Then, watching helplessly, the base crystal exploded!


Team QG, in the BO5 decisive battle with Team ROX, won the first round and won the victory!

“Let’s congratulate Team QG!”

The next moment, with the cheers of the audience, the three people on the commentary stage also raised their arms and shouted!

“Hearty! Hearty!”

“How many years have we not seen such a hearty victory when the LPL team played against the LCK team?!”

“Although ROX is indeed very strong, it can be seen from every detail in the game, but so what?!”

“QG team, in this semi-final, go first and lead 1-0!”

Wawa said excitedly, although the last wave seemed to be a “stealing house” and winning didn’t seem so glorious, but in fact, it was just QG seeking stability, and as long as it was a victory, who cares how you won? !

“Not bad, not bad. If we win the first game, I don’t think there will be any problem with 3-0.”

Smiling excitedly, he waved his fist. Although he hasn’t played the next two rounds, he is already full of confidence in QG’s BO5 victory!

“I also think 3-0 is promising!”

“However, it is still necessary for the QG team to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and play steadily. After all, LCK teams have always had a strong resilience, so that the situation of two chasing three also happens from time to time.”

“So even if QG wins the first round, we still have to be more cautious in the next two rounds, and we must not give ROX any chance to come back!”

Miller is the person who believes in QG the most, but at this time, his words are the most conservative.

Because he is quite aware that if QG can win, then how hard-won and precious this BO5 victory will be, so he must be steady!

“Let us once again congratulate the QG team for temporarily leading 1-0. Take a break and come back soon!”

Wawa said again, and walked off the commentary stand amidst the cheers of the audience.

At the same time, the five members of QG who returned to the lounge were also very excited.

Although they haven’t been on social networking sites much during the World Championship, they have more or less heard some comments from netizens from the mouths of other staff members.

“Some people think that we were able to double-kill SKT only because they were not in good shape. Now, we have won ROX again, or is it because ROX is not in good shape?”

“Don’t be proud, there are still two more rounds to come. Only when you win will you really win.”

“Even if we win ROX, the trolls will still complain, saying that we will definitely not be able to beat SSG… So what do you care about them? Let’s just play our own game well.”

“That’s right, but in the next round, Sofm’s Leopard Girl probably won’t be released.”

“Good guy, in the early stage, just like shopping, I took three heads, whoever gets the most heads!”

The team members laughed and laughed, and returned to the lounge together. At a glance, they saw that Manager Zhang was already welcoming them as usual.

“We played very well in the first game, and we will continue to work hard in the next two games, trying to take them away 3-0!”

Zhang Mingrui’s face was full of smiles, knowing that QG would definitely win, but he didn’t expect to win so easily.

“Hurry up and eat and drink to replenish your energy. Next, let me talk about the tactical arrangement for the second round.”

But it is also clear that at this time, one must not take it lightly. After all, the LCK team’s ability to adjust and turn around is still very strong. If one is not careful, the ship will capsize in the gutter!

“In the next round, Sofm’s Leopard Girl will definitely be gone, Holy Gun’s Gnar may not be there, and Scout’s time may still be there, but they will definitely come up with better countermeasures.way of time. ”

“On the bottom lane, if Leopard Girl doesn’t have it, then our bottom lane combination would actually be very difficult to beat Zyra’s support. How uncomfortable it is to be in line with Zyra. I think you two have experienced it again.”

Zhang Mingrui looked at Uzi and Xiao Ming with a serious expression.

“But in the second game, we are on the red side, and we can choose Zyra ourselves, but the laning on Saint Gun’s side may be even more disadvantaged.”

“So in the second round, if ROX releases Zyra, we will pick Zyra, and at the same time choose his hole card for Holy Gun.”

“If ROX grabs Zyra, you all show your cards in the bottom lane, and Holy Gun can hide a hand of his cards!”

Zhang Mingrui looked at the five players and said with firm eyes. .

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