Although the Golem on the road has already been refreshed, Sofm who went out again did not choose to start from the Golem, but went straight to the three wolves.

One is because the river crabs in the lower half of the jungle haven’t been spawned yet, so he needs to destroy them to provide some vision protection for the bottom lane duo.The second is because when they were fighting on the road just now, Uzi and Xiao Ming once again used the advantage of their length to press the line, and the pawn line was about to enter the tower.

Once Little Peanut finished brushing his stone man and went directly to the bottom lane to gank, neither of the two ADCs would be able to escape!

But at this time, Peanut also showed his astonishing judgment. He even accurately pinned Sofm’s situation in the Three Wolves when ROX had no vision.

Of course, although the position of the blind pin is amazing from the perspective of God, in the game, this operation is just a guess. Without a vision, the ROX players cannot be completely sure that Sofm is there.

However, following Scout’s RQ in the middle to clear the pawn line, he turned around and walked into the jungle to get the blue buff, which still exposed Sofm’s specific location.

As a result, several question marks instantly appeared in the blue zone of QG on the small map!

Immediately afterwards, Little Peanut no longer went to his second half of the jungle to clear the jungle, but directly crossed the river and ran to Sofm’s F4!

“ROX deserves to be ROX.”

Seeing this scene, on the commentary stage, Baby Miller sighed.

“Although Little Peanut’s first wave of ganks was reversed and ROX was hurt, but they immediately locked Sofm’s position and exchanged resources in the wild area to stop losses in time.”

“If Sofm hadn’t noticed this, his F4 and the stone man might have been lost for nothing.”

Miller said a little unhappy. After all, in previous games, Sofm always stole other people’s F4. When did someone steal F4?

“No! Little Peanut doesn’t want to fight F4, he just wants to catch another wave of Scouts!”

But at this moment, the smile that had been silent all this time suddenly spoke out.

When his voice fell, the camera showed Olaf Peanut, as expected, at this time he didn’t move Sofm’s F4 at all, but stuck in the middle of the field of vision, and slowly moved towards Scout!

Scout didn’t notice this, because his eye position was placed in front of the Kuro tower as a line eye, and at the same time prevented Olaf from rushing from that position.

But before that, because Little Peanut knew there were eyes there, he directly bypassed Scout’s field of vision, and then sneaked behind Fan Mama!


Just as Scout sent another RQ to clear the line, Peanut’s Olaf finally rushed out from the shadow behind him!

In the case that Scout21 did not react immediately, the countercurrent throw directly hits and slows down.

Although Scout immediately turned in the E skill to accelerate his retreat, he was still hit by Olaf’s E skill and picked up the ax on the ground!


Seeing that Kuro was about to catch up, Scout knew he couldn’t hold back, so he dodged to open the distance, but Peanut didn’t chase, and walked towards the river again, as if it was just a flash of wanting to hit Scout.

“Axiba, does this little Peanut want to avenge Kuro so much? He’s here to catch me twice!”

Scout, who narrowly escaped from death again, cursed, he and Kuro were clearly on the right track, this little peanut insisted on interfering with him, he was a mad dog!

“Be careful, you have not flashed. After a while, Victor will reach level six, and the flash may be bigger than you.”

At the same time, Uzi looked at the middle road, and after finding that both sides were level five, he reminded Scout.

“Okok, I understand.”

Scout nodded, took a deep breath, and went online again.

Although this wave of Peanut’s gank successfully destroyed Scout’s flash, QG’s side was not completely profitable.

Because Sofm has also successfully mastered Peanut’s position, knowing that he is now playing his own F4 in the upper half of the field.

So after Sofm defeated the river crab first, he also invaded Peanut’s F4 with vengeance, and was even more prepared to reverse Peanut’s stone man as well!

But at this time, a sudden change occurred!

After Little Peanut hit F4 twice, he suddenly realized something, directly pinned his F4 position, and hurried on his way frantically.

At the same time, they continuously reminded the bot lane duo that Sofm would probably continue to fight against his Stone Man, and hoped that they could turn around and take a look after a while.

This kind of situation immediately made the LPL audience nervous, because once Sofm went to fight against the Golem step by step, his proud anti-jungle ability might really suffer because of ROX’s desperate anti-squatting. !

“My God, how much does ROX hate Sofm?”

“I don’t want the little peanut monsters anymore. The duo doesn’t seem to want to defend a single tower anymore, they just want to kill a wave of Sofm!”

God’s perspective, Doll Miller was terrified when he saw this scene, because at this moment, Gorilla’s Zyra had turned around and placed a defensive eye position in the grass of the stone man. As long as Sofm really appeared, he and EZ would You can immediately retreat and rush to it!

On the other hand, Uzi and Xiao Ming, although they have been pressing the line, the Golem Camp is ROX’s own wild area. How could they arrive faster than Pray and Gorilla?

“There seems to be something wrong.”

At this moment, during the game, Xiao Ming frowned,Because Gorilla’s sudden retreat behavior is really weird.

“Master Dog, do you have an E? Show me my F4.”

While rushing towards the stone man, Sofm who put a real eye into the grass also frowned.

The eagle hits the sky!

Without further ado, Uzi threw an eagle spirit at his own F4.

“Scout, after pushing the line, go down the road, there may be a fight.”

But because the Eagle Spirit needs to fly for a while to arrive, Uzi reminded Scout.


Scout nodded, immediately cleared the troops with RQ, and then used the E skill to drive down the road.

And when Sofm finally kicked into the Golem camp with Tianyinbo, everyone in QG suddenly discovered that Sofm’s F4 was indeed still there as the eagle spirit flew across the sky!

“Sofm, retreat quickly, Little Peanut may come looking for you!”

Uzi’s reaction was still very fast, immediately reminding Sofm.

Because even at this time, the ROX duo actually gave up the line of soldiers and turned back!

Touch the eye W!

In this situation, how dare Sofm continue to fight against the jungle in ROX’s jungle? He quickly moved to the top of Xiaolong Pit to avoid the possibility of the ROX duo catching him to death.

But when he raised his head after moving, he suddenly saw that behind Scout, who had already come to support him, there was actually Victor of Kuro following him!

“Don’t come here!”

Victor is big, Sofm and Scout are very clear, if they get close to each other at this time, they will all be killed!

But Sofm didn’t dare to go to the triangle grass, because at this time, ROX’s duo was going to go around and outflank it.


So, in such a desperate situation, in order to save his life, Sofm flashed directly into the Xiaolong Pit, and only then managed to escape.

However, Scout was not so lucky. Kuro directly flashed his big move and EQ skill, and was directly killed in the jungle!




In the QG team, there was silence, because everyone knew that if this wave of Scouts hadn’t come to support, but had gone home directly, there might not have been any accidents.

“It’s okay, I’ll help you get revenge!”

But at this moment, Brother Holy Gun’s voice suddenly sounded!

The next moment, he, who had already been upgraded to six, retreated directly after pushing a wave of lines, and then pressed teleport on the real eye that Sofm had left in the ROX wild area before!


“It’s the teleportation from Brother Holy Gun!”

Originally, the commentary stage felt uncomfortable because of Scout’s unfortunate death, but the next moment, they were excited again because of the transmission of Brother Holy Gun!

Because at this time, the ROX duo was still under the tower. At the same time, because the ROX wild area had no protected vision, no one noticed Rambo’s sudden arrival!

“Get ready!”

After landing, Brother Holy Gun smiled and walked slowly towards the stone man camp.

All arrows are fired!

It’s a hail of bullets!

At the same time, although a wave of blue soldiers had already gathered under the defense tower, Uzi and Xiao Ming rushed to the ROX duo through the defense tower to consume them.

Just when Pray and Gorilla thought it was a normal consumption of the other side, suddenly, bad news fell from the sky!

Burning at a constant temperature!

Boom boom boom boom!

The overwhelming magma immediately poured down from the sky, and under the deliberate aim of Brother Holy Gun, it directly sprinkled on the soles of Pray and Gorilla!

Immediately, the two of them were startled, and their thoughts were not good.



Arcane Leap!

Pray immediately handed over his healing and E skills and jumped out of the magma, while Gorilla flashed out directly, not daring to stay in the magma at all.

But it flashed, so what?

The next moment, when Zyra walked into the grass, Holy Gun’s Rambo poked his head out from inside!



Although Rambo quickly entered the red temperature state, with the acceleration in the red temperature state to level A, the little crispy Zyra died directly in the hands of Rambo!

QG.Flandre killed ROX.Gorilla!

Even though Gorilla had deliberately turned his head back before he died, in an attempt to buy time for Pray to escape, but he died so fast that EZ didn’t go too far, and was caught up by the relentless Holy Gun!


Under such circumstances, Pray had no choice but to flash and jump into the second tower.

But who would have thought that even so, Brother Saint Gun was unwilling to let this poor EZ go, so he rushed in with the tower on his shoulders!

The next moment, with the disappearance of the red temperature state, Rambo’s WEQ skill was pressed again, successfully roasting the bloody EZ to death!

QG.Flandre killed ROX.Pray!


The next moment, the double kill alert sounded impressively.

But no one cheered and celebrated at this moment, because at this moment, Brother Holy Gun’s Rambo is also in danger!

Although Brother Holy Gun, who was forced out of the tower, avoided the continued attack of the defensive tower, the problem was that a wave of small soldiers from the blue side rushed over at this moment, directly blocking Rambo on the road!

If at this time, he directly carried the line of soldiers into the wild area, Brother Holy Gun would definitely be killed by the soldiers, and his head would be killed by the soldiers.Pray get it!

And at this moment, the QG team once again demonstrated their world-class coordination ability!

When the pawn line was “stuck” by Rambo, Uzi, who had the most HP, walked directly into the defense tower and began to resist the tower.

Rambo retreated immediately, trying to leave this place of right and wrong before the defense tower killed Ashe.

But the damage of the defense tower was still too high. Ashe only managed to carry it twice before her blood volume bottomed out.


I thought Uzi was going to send the tower, but the next moment, he directly handed over the treatment, quickly walked out of the tower, and at the same time, Xiao Ming’s female gun started to fight the tower!

Although Xiao Ming could only resist the tower for a while, at this time, Brother Holy Gun finally walked in front of the defensive tower, and jumped into the grass in a flash!

The next moment, the three bloody heroes hugged each other and cried. Although they didn’t die, the battle of wits and courage with the defense tower just now was really thrilling!


When the three of QG were glad that they didn’t die, the audience exploded at the match scene!

Brother Holy Gun’s double kill after this wave of spiritual TP is shocking enough, and the follow-up QG trio’s extreme cooperation and extreme escape can shock the audience for a whole year!

“Is this the cooperation of QG? This is too strong!”

“In the summer game before, QG played four packs and two, and often staged this kind of extreme anti-tower killing scene. I didn’t expect to see it again in the World Championship!”

“Does Rambo have to fight in the end? It feels like he won’t die if he doesn’t.”

“It’s true that Rambo won’t die if he doesn’t hand in the flash, but the one who dies is the female gun. They obviously don’t want to die alone!”

“It’s too strong, this cooperation is really too strong!”

Immediately, the LPL audience was also shocked by the wonderful cooperation of the three of QG. After all, this kind of cooperation is not something ordinary people can do.

If there wasn’t enough tacit understanding and trust, the situation just now would have very likely ended with the three of them sending the tower away!

“I didn’t expect that after Manager Zhang selected Rambo for Brother Saint Gun, he would really show his performance!”

On the commentary stage, after the three of them expressed shock at the wave of cooperation just now, Wawa said again.

“Whether it’s the suppression of the lane or the outflanking of the bottom lane, Brother Holy Gun’s skills are quite accurate!”

“If Brother Holy Gun didn’t often choose Bobby, I would have even thought that Brother Holy Gun was a unique Lambo brother!”

The baby looked over in surprise. Through the playback, they could see again that in this wave of battles just now, Rambo’s skills were not empty!

“Brother Holy Gun has already taken off. Although Uzi hasn’t taken off yet, it’s almost there.”

“It’s just that Scout was too wronged to die in this wave just now. Obviously, the battle in the bottom lane has nothing to do with him. Who knew that he was killed by Kuro in a flash on the way.”

“Kuro, who took a human head, may become a hidden danger. I hope QG can find a way to sanction him.”

Miller couldn’t laugh or cry from the sidelines, and at the same time said expectantly.

Back in the game, Peanut’s Olaf originally went to fight against the three wolves of Sofm after he failed to catch Sofm.

However, after seeing the three people with residual blood in the bottom lane of QG, he originally wanted to wait for Toad to refresh and walked directly to the bottom lane.

But was directly seen by Scout, who had just been revived, and directly TPed to ROX’s bottom lane tower, escorted the three of them away, and then returned to the middle lane by himself.

And with the overall victory of this wave of QG team, after returning home, everyone’s equipment also got the first major update again!

The fattest one is Saint Gun’s Rambo, who directly got tough boots and explosive wand at this time.

Then there was Uzi, although he didn’t get the kill, but because he had a lead of 60 CS and 16 CS, he went home and directly touched the Storm Sword, Long Sword and Straw Sandals.

On the ROX side, only Kuro is relatively fat, and has upgraded his E skill, but Scout also took out the Little Holy Grail, and his ability to push lines is still not much weaker than Victor.

After the six-minute confrontation ended, the Summoner’s Canyon fell into a moment of calm again.

However, the confrontation has never stopped. The three lanes are constantly exchanging skills and HP, wanting to continue to gain an advantage in the lane.

As for the two junglers Sofm and Peanut, after they both reached level six, they all became more careful, because they both knew that if the opponent had a big move, as long as the first big move did something, they would play quite well. Big advantage!

So, Sofm and Peanut started a fierce field of vision attack and defense in the lower part of the river. It seemed that no one could do anything to each other, but as long as the opponent made a slight mistake, they could be caught by themselves!

And at this moment, the slowest-leveling bot lane duo is about to be leveled up to six!

“The opponent died once, and we don’t have as much experience as us, so we can grab the sixth.”

Uzi said to Xiao Ming while looking at his experience bar while A Bing.

“There are probably two pawns left until six.”

Xiao Ming responded immediately.

“Me too, you use Q to make it up, let’s do it!”

As soon as Uzi finished speaking, ten thousand arrows shot again. While hitting the soldiers in the back row with residual HP, they also precisely slowed down and hit Pray and Gorilla at the same time!

Kill two birds with one stone!

At the same time, Xiao Ming directly Q’d to two bloody soldiers in the back row.

And when they were all killed, Uzi and Xiao Ming both reached six!

It’s a hail of bullets!

Magic Crystal Arrow!

Click on the big move in seconds, throw the big move in seconds!

not at allGiving Gorilla, who hadn’t flashed, any chance to react, Uzi shot straight with one arrow!


Although Zyra was already moving, under the condition of being slowed down, the magic crystal arrow at close range still hit Zyra with a bang!


At this moment, Miss Fortune burst into a burst of laughter, and at the same time threw her ult move Barrage Time on Zyra and EZ.

Although Pray immediately turned in the E skill to dodge, so what?

Uzi and Xiao Ming’s target is actually only this Zyra who has no movement skills!

Bang bang bang bang!

After a shuttle of bullets landed, Zyra died on the spot, unable to fight back.

QG.Uzi killed ROX.Gorilla!

The head is naturally Uzi’s, because at the last moment, Xiao Ming terminated the ult in time, allowing Uzi to easily take the head with flat A!

“This is what I call level six coordination!”

On the commentary stage, the smile instantly became excited!

“Ai Xi’s big plus female gun’s big, it’s really staring at everyone!”

“Although Kuro’s Victor took a head and looked very threatening to QG, he has no displacement after all. If he is also ultally recruited by Uzi later, he will end up exactly the same as Zyra.”

“If Uzi can stun several times at once, plus the big moves of female gun and Rambo, it will be even more devastating!”

Smiling and laughing, he said that he is quite optimistic about the team battles of the QG team in the middle and late stages.

“It’s amazing. Is this the female gun support that specializes in fighting Zyra? This round really worked wonders!”

“In the next game, I think ROX will not dare to choose Zyra anymore. If they continue to choose Zyra, they should also ban the female gun.”

Baby Miller said with a smile, who would have thought that a mere support could play such an important role!

At the same time, as Uzi got his first kill in this game, his Ashe officially announced that he was about to take off!

(Thanks to “It’s okay, no” and “Xia Yuqingfeng” for their 100-point reminder support!!!)

(Thanks to “zhong185”, “It’s okay, it’s not”, “Shenqi’ Megatron”, “~Toast alone~”, “Moxuan Yixuan”, “Xia Yuqingfeng”, “Really kind hearted 256” Guy’s monthly ticket support!!!).

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