In Summoner’s Canyon, time seems to stand still at this moment! 

The magic crystal arrow was lying not far in front of Semb Ike, and at the same time, Ike’s return to the city read article also entered the final stage!

Everyone held their breath, not knowing whether the arrow sent from the sky could hit or not.

But when it’s too late, it’s too soon!

The next moment, there was a loud bang, and the ice arrow hit Ike’s head directly. While interrupting the teleportation, he fell into a state of dizziness for two seconds.


The next moment, the audience was boiling!

No one could have imagined that this big move shot from the high ground could hit Semb so accurately after crossing thousands of mountains and rivers!

At the same time, on the high ground of the ROX team, Rambo, the remaining blood of Brother Holy Gun, had already arrived one step ahead of everyone in ROX, and immediately launched an attack on the defense tower on the right!

Although two seconds later, Gorilla, Kuro, and Peanut returned to the spring water together, and regardless of their state, they rushed towards the only remaining base crystal, trying to kill all three of QG, Keep your own residual blood – crystal.

But, in terms of time – it’s too late!

Even if they quickly killed the bloody Holy Gun brother, the base crystal was as fragile as a piece of white paper in front of the full blooded Uzi and Scout, and the last trace of blood was quickly tapped off.

The next moment, all the players finally could no longer control their heroes, because at this moment, the base crystal of the ROX team exploded!



When the word “victory” popped up on the screen, not only the commentators and the audience, but even the players of the QG team became ecstatic!

“Wow! You actually won by stealing again!”

“Nice, it’s 2-0!”

“Sofm’s delay is really a perfect delay. The ROX people didn’t see me and Scout leading the line at all. By the time they reacted, it was already too late!”

“Mr. Dog’s last arrow is the most powerful one. It can be shot from such a distance. If it is sent back by Ike, the three of you may not be able to push it away.”

“With vision, it’s not blind shooting. Semb is also a top iron. Standing TP under the vision, I really thought my ultimate move was slow.”

“Let’s go, let’s shake hands.”

“Xiao Ming, are you foolish to win? This is the semi-final of the World Championship, it’s a BO5, not a BO3 in the regular season of the Summer Split, we still have to play one round!”

When everyone in QG was laughing and walking towards the backstage lounge, the ROX team was silent.

Especially Semb, even though his teammates had stood up, he was still slumped in his chair, staring at the word failure on the screen in a daze.

No matter what, he never thought that in this round, he was defeated by Brother Holy Gun who didn’t care at all, and in the end, Uzi even cut off the teleportation with an arrow!

But you have to know that before teleportation, he used the E skill to run a little farther. Could it be that the vision was still seen by Uzi? !

Although Semb couldn’t figure it out, it was the truth.

Through the replay of the game, the commentators can clearly see that although Semb did jump into the darkness in the last wave, Uzi must have immediately judged that Semb directly teleported through the information on the incisor tower, and did not leave again. Therefore, he shot an arrow in that direction and hit it successfully!

“It’s too strong! It’s really too strong!”

“In the two games, although the ending looked like, QG won by stealing home.”

“But in fact, the situation is completely different!”

“In the first round, QG chose to steal because it was a safer method. In this round, he chose to steal because it is indeed difficult to advance forward!”

“Anyway, we still congratulate the QG team, making another victory and winning three match points with a score of 2 to 0! There is only one step left to win the entire BO5!”

On the commentary stage, the doll said in ecstasy.

Although Smile said before that if QG can win the first game, then ROX can be taken away 3-0, but Wawa doesn’t quite believe it. After all, ROX team is the No. 1 seed of LCK!

But now, after QG practiced two cities with such a crushing attitude, Wawa also began to look forward to the situation where the QG team won ROX directly 3-0 and advanced to the finals!

“That’s right, let’s congratulate QG again!”

“Now, everyone, take a short rest, and the third game will be back soon!”

Miller immediately echoed, and then asked the director to cut to the advertisement screen.

In the backstage lounge, Zhang Mingrui was already smiling.

I thought that if their lineup wanted to win, they really needed to slowly wrestle with ROX as the commentators said. I didn’t expect that the players’ adaptability was so strong, and they played another tactic. .

Not to mention that ROX was caught off guard, even Zhang Mingrui himself didn’t expect it!

“Not bad, great, great, if we continue to play in this state, we can still win the third game!”

Zhang Mingrui welcomed the triumphant return of the team members and said happily at the same time.

“Those who go to the toilet go to the toilet first, and those who replenish energy need to recharge. Go and come back quickly. I will immediately arrange the tactics for the third round.”

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Mingrui urged again, because after taking the stage, the contestants can no longer go to the toilet, otherwise they will be fined by the authorities!

Five minutes later, the players sat back in the waiting room, and immediately after, Zhang Mingrui began to arrange the tactics for the final game.

“Everyone, the first thing we need to make clear is that although we have won the first two rounds, and as long as we continue to maintain our state, we have a high probability of directly winning the third round and winning the entire B05.”

“However, everyone must know that the adjustment ability of the LCK team is still very strong. In the BO5, it often happens that the second chases the third. Therefore, in the third game, we still can’t take it lightly and give ROX any win. next chance!”

“In other words, in the third game, we are only allowed to win, not to lose!”

“At the same time, what I can tell you very clearly is that I am going to do my best in the BP of the third game to have a perfect BP. That is to say, if I lose in the third game, I will BP will no longer have any advantage!”

Zhang Mingrui looked at the five contestants with an extremely serious expression.

Although there are many tactical routines in my heart,There are many, but in order to stimulate the determination of the team members to break the boat, he must say this kind of desperate battle!

After confirming that the faces of the team members were serious, Zhang Mingrui continued to speak slowly.

“Let me briefly talk about the BP thinking in the third game. We are on the blue side in the third game, and the BP should be better.”

“In the first two rounds, Sofm played well. In the third round, ROX must be the focus.”

“Then Xiaoming’s female gun, if ROX doesn’t ban it, their idea is to let us grab it, and then choose Ashe to break up this pair, or ban the female gun, and want to continue to choose Zyra, then Let’s grab Zyra first, and wait a while to see what happens.”

“On the road, Brother Holy Gun may also be targeted here, because ROX must have discovered that if you choose a strong hero for you, Semb will also be very uncomfortable.”

“However, because there are only three reasons for ban positions, if they ban people like this, all the hero pools here in the middle lane will be released. At that time, I will choose for you based on Kuro’s hero selection and their lineup selection. A fit hero.”

Zhang Mingrui looked at Scout and said solemnly, and he also nodded solemnly. After all, it’s the last game, and all decisions must be made with victory as the first criterion!

“The overall tactical idea basically remains the same as the first and second rounds, but after the lineup is determined, I will temporarily inform you of some tactics based on the lineups of both sides, so I need you to concentrate and cheer up in the BP stage later. Come with 200% energy!”

“Have you heard clearly?”

Zhang Mingrui asked again.

“Listen clearly!”

The next moment, everyone responded loudly.

“Okay, okay, don’t make such a loud noise. For the next few minutes, you should close your eyes, rest your mind, and rest.”

“Because you will have to give everything you have after you come to power again in a while!”

“Of course, so do I!”

Zhang Mingrui said to everyone with a smile, then returned to his seat and sat down slowly.

The team members also slowly closed their eyes and began to rest. Although they knew that the rest time would not be long, they could recover their energy more or less.

A few minutes later, the staff knocked on the door and came in. They wanted to speak to remind them, but found that the whole room was extremely quiet, and they didn’t dare to speak for a while.

Fortunately, Zhang Mingrui saw her for the first time, and then nodded to her in response. Then he got up and gently patted the contestants awake.

“Okay, let’s go, the time for the decisive battle is coming!”

“QG will win!”

After the routine ceremony was over, everyone in QG, once again, and hopefully for the last time, walked towards the player aisle!

QG! ! !

QG! ! !

QG! ! !

At the scene, when the countdown on the big screen entered the last minute, the audience once again shouted the name of the QG team in unison.

Although this kind of behavior is quite a blow to ROX’s mentality, for the audience, if they can really see that the QG team bloodbathed the LCK team and entered the finals with a score of 3 to 0, then as a The audience, they can be regarded as witnessing history on the spot!

After all, if this incident really happened, then it would be the third time that the LPL defeated the LCK on the stage of the World Championship, the second time they had a 3-0 record, and the first time they eliminated an LCK team on the stage of the semifinals!


On the commentary stage, the three commentators who reappeared did not immediately enter the commentary state, but, like the audience, cheered for QG for a while, and then recovered in a burst of laughter.

“Okay! Welcome back to the game scene, all summoner friends on the scene and in front of the screen!”

“Let me tell you that in this BO5 semi-final between QG and ROX, the QG team has defeated ROX twice in a row and won the match point with a score of 2-0. It is only one step away from the final!”

Wawa was the first to raise her arms and shouted, not to mention how excited she was.

“That’s right! And judging from the content of the previous two rounds, it seems that it is not difficult to win ROX in the third round. As long as QG plays steadily and does not make mistakes!”

Miller also nodded in agreement.

“In the third game, QG must win! It’s still my first sentence, whoever wins the first game will win 3-0!”

Smiling and giggling, after all, there is only one game left before my prediction comes true!

“I hope so. Our LPL really needs such a victory!”

“If we win ROX, even if we lose to SSG in the end, I don’t think there are still people who think that our LPL is still not good enough!”

“What’s more, as long as QG wins ROX, then in the final, I still think that QG can beat SSG and win the first world championship for LPL!”

“After all, the No. 1 seed in the LCK has won, so what’s the problem with a mere No. 3 seed?!”

Wa Wa said with great anticipation, even though the semi-finals haven’t ended yet, she has already started thinking about the scene of winning the cup!

“Okay, we see that players from both sides have already entered the field.”

However, Miller did not follow the thinking of the baby. When he saw the players from both sides appearing on the stage, he immediately changed the topic.

“The expressions of the QG players are obviously not as excited as they were in the previous game. They are quite calm. It seems that they are determined to win the third game!”

“ROThe X team members are in full condition, and they look a little angry. They should be ready to die and come back to life! ”

“Only in terms of state, the players on both sides are in full state, so the next thing to compete is the operation and tactics of both sides.”

“The third game must be the best game among the three games. Let’s wait and see!”

Miller said firmly.

And as his words fell, the contestants also entered their competition seats one after another and began to prepare for the competition.

·· ·Ask for flowers········

At the same time, the three commentators began to predict the lineups that both sides might select in the third game.

The points mentioned are quite critical, such as Sofm’s leopard girl, Xiao Ming’s female gun, and whether Peanut will take out Olaf for the third time in a row, etc.

While the three were talking, the teams from both sides were all ready, and the game immediately entered the BP screen!

In the third game, the QG team’s blue side, ban first and choose first!

“Ban Rambo.”

As soon as he came up, Zhang Mingrui said to Brother Saint Gun.

And this first-hand ban scared the three commentators.

Because this Rambo is obviously a pretty good hero that Saint Gun used in the last round, so if he wants to ban it, he should be banned by ROX.

But who would have thought that the QG team would ban Rambo by themselves!

“My dear, I really can’t understand Manager Zhang’s thinking more and more.”

“I banned Bobby in the last round, and I banned Rambo in this round. This kind of ban strategy really made me look stupid.”

“However, the only thing that is certain is that Manager Zhang’s ban must be plotting against Semb. Semb was plotted badly in the last round.”

In the live broadcast room, the LPL audience chatted a lot.

If it’s a BO5 start, they might laugh at Manager Zhang when he sees such a ban.

However, after QG has played two games in a row, if they question Manager Zhang’s BP at this time, it can only show that the audience has a brain problem and is not suitable for watching the game!

And Zhang Mingrui’s ban really frightened ROX, so that after thinking for a long time, they completed the first ban.

Nidalee, the wild huntress, is still Sofm’s leopard girl!

“Ban Syndra.”

In the second ban, Zhang Mingrui returned to normal, and once again banned Kuro’s signature hero.

After all, once the opponent’s most confident hero is released in this kind of life-and-death situation, Kuro will not only pick it instantly, but also have a high probability of performing supernormally!

… … … …

Zhang Mingrui is not willing to let the team members take such a risk.

The bounty hunter Miss Fortune.

ROX’s second-hand ban, as expected, pressed the female gun that Xiao Ming had just used, causing the three commentators to burst into laughter.

“It seems that Xiao Ming’s female gun really scares the ROX duo, especially Gorilla.”

“In the last game, he was extremely pitiful. He died five or six times in the early stage!”

“And in this round, QG is on the blue side. If ROX doesn’t get banned, he might be forced to get stronger by QG, ​​so he can only be forced to ban him.”

“But in this way, the ban position for Scout will not be enough!”

Wawa couldn’t tell whether to laugh or cry for Coach ROX.

“I can’t help it. QG now has too many points to target, but there are only three ban positions, so it must be taking care of one and losing another. It can only be seen which lane ROX decides to sacrifice. Looking at it now, it is temporarily sacrificing the upper and middle lanes.”

Smiling slightly, he said, when was the LCK team so afraid of some heroes from the LPL players? !

“Ban Ryze!”

QG’s third-hand ban, Zhang Mingrui banned Ryze, because he had already decided to let Holy Gun choose Zyra on the first floor, but if Kuro backhanded Ryze, Scout would definitely have a hard time.

Sol, the star-making dragon king!

ROX’s third-hand ban finally didn’t think about it for too long, and directly pressed the Dragon King, which was the last target for Scout.

At this point, the bans on both sides are all over.

“Did you find a problem?”

“Manager Zhang doesn’t want to target Little Peanut at all. Even if he keeps using Olaf, he won’t be banned.”

After the ban ended, the doll immediately laughed.

“If you want me, I won’t ban it. After all, Little Peanut has never won with Olaf. If he wins, it will not be too late to ban him.”

Miller also smiled softly.

“The only thing I’m wondering about now is that Manager Zhang himself banned Rambo’s operation. This is this round. Does he mean to let Brother Holy Gun resist the pressure?”

Miller curled his lips and looked at Smile, but Smile didn’t respond, but stared at the BP page.

The QG team’s first pick almost didn’t have any consideration, and directly locked in Zyra’s support.

Because after the female gun was banned by the ROX team, her natural enemy disappeared on the spot. If she didn’t grab it, but was picked up by the ROX first and second floor player Ashga Jiela, it would be like digging a hole and jumping on her own. Uzi and Xiao Ming were extremely uncomfortable.

Even in the first round, the two of them had already promised Ashga Zyra once.

It’s ROX’s first pick.

They also didn’t hesitate at all, they directly lit up Ashe, and prepared to turn AshizaraThis perfect combination is directly dismantled.

But he didn’t make a decision immediately. He was obviously thinking about the hero selection for the second floor.

This time, ROX’s thinking time was really long, long, long.

When the 30-second countdown on the first floor was about to end, Ashe finally locked on.

Then, at the end of the 30-second countdown on the second floor, Little Peanut finally lit up his jungler here, and quickly locked on.

Blind monk Li Qing!

The entire BO5 came to the third game, and Peanut finally decided not to continue using Olaf as a jungler, but chose the blind monk instead!

“He’s scared.”

Seeing this selection, Sofm immediately laughed out loud.

After all, even though he had Olaf, Little Peanut had no choice but to snatch away his blind monk instead of ban. 

This doesn’t mean that Little Peanut has much confidence in the blind monk, but that he has lost confidence in his own Olaf!

After all, in the first two games, Peanut’s Olaf didn’t play any role at all!

But even if you change the hero, you can play a better effect?

Maybe not!

The next moment, after receiving instructions from Manager Zhang, Sofm with a smirk on his face, chose the jungle hero he was about to use in this round!

(Thank you “Flying Feather” for your monthly ticket support!!!) Son.

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