After the two coaches finished shaking hands and returned to the waiting room, after a short wait, the third round of the BO5 match between the qg team and the rox team officially entered the Summoner’s Canyon!

Although in this round, the qg team got a very strong lineup for fighting in the early stage, but they still didn’t choose to carry out a first-level invasion, and once again adopted the five-star Lianzhu positioning method to guard their upper and lower fields respectively.

However, when the three people in the upper middle and the wild were peacefully facing each other across the river, the four people in the bottom lane started fighting again after arriving in the bottom lane.

They exchanged skills and blood volumes with each other. Although they knew that it was impossible to kill them before the line of soldiers set off, they still carried out the temptations relentlessly.

“It seems that the four people in the bottom lane are very angry.”

“If you didn’t guess wrong, from the first round, these four people started fighting as soon as they went online.”

On the commentary stand, seeing this scene, Baby Miller was speechless.

However, it is understandable why the two sides did this. They want to gain some advantage in blood volume during the period before the pawn line arrives. Be bold!

In the first two rounds, the qg team took advantage, especially in the second round just now, when Gorilla flashed directly at the beginning, which also led to the tragic death of him five times in a row.

But in this round, although Zyra was taken by Xiao Ming, because Rox’s mid laner became a clockwork instead of a fan mother, Xiao Ming’s harassment was even more unscrupulous, and again before the start of the game, he gained some HP. The advantages.

“Army attack!”

After a period of probing, the little soldiers finally set off from the base and headed for their respective combat areas.

At the same time, when the camera was shown in the middle, the two mid laners also appeared up and down the river, looking at each other, neither of them had any intention of making a move.

“In this round, Scout’s Jess is quite important.”

“If Jess’s mid laner can really play a miraculous role and keep suppressing the development of Kuro, then Rox’s mid-term will be quite uncomfortable!”

“After all, at the sixth level, the two big moves of the blind monk and the clockwork must be done, but if they are suppressed too badly before the sixth level, it will be very difficult for Rox.”

“However, for Rox, the only good news is that Jess of Scout brings teleportation instead of ignition. If it is ignition, it will be really difficult for Kuro to develop.”

On the commentary stage, Doll said with great anticipation.

Although Scout frequently used unconventional heroes before this, in retrospect, it was not so unexpected. After all, they are all AP heroes, and they have something in common with each other.

But now, what Scout got in his hands was Jess, who had never been used by Holy Gun!

Can he really play Jess well?

twenty one

This matter needs time to verify!

Electricity surges!

Just as the doll was talking, Scout suddenly took a step forward before the pawn line arrived, and then directly fired a q skill at Kuro’s clockwork.


Although it doesn’t have the effect of the e skill to accelerate the wall, the speed of this cannonball is very slow, but because Kuro didn’t expect that Jess would q himself out of thin air at the first time, so that when he realized it, it was too late to move.


But Kuro’s reaction was also very fast. After clicking the e skill, he put the puppet on himself, and used the shield to block some of Jess’ skill damage.

“Kuro has exploded.”

Even though nothing happened, the pawn lines had just met at this time.

But on the commentary stage, a smile suddenly said so!


Doll Miller was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly asked.

“Clockwork level-1 learning e seems to be able to keep one’s blood volume in a healthy state.”

“But the problem is that without learning the q skill, the speed of pushing the wire is very slow, and even if Jess asks him to fight, he is basically powerless to fight back.”

“In this round, Kuro can only resist the pressure in the early stage and wait for Peanut’s support. At least until level six, Kuro will never make a sound.”

Smiling and said decisively.

Although Doll Miller didn’t express any doubts, the lpl audience in the live broadcast room were very dissatisfied. They didn’t think that Kuro just exploded after being shot by Jess!

But what happened next made the audience have to believe what Smile said.

Seeing that the minions converged, Scout didn’t immediately replenish his troops, but stood directly to the side of the pawn line, staring straight at the clockwork not far away.

Without a shield, Kuro didn’t dare to step forward at all, and could only watch from a distance.

However, as the first wave of three melee soldiers got to each other’s blood, when Jess of scout turned around and took away the first three soldiers, Kuro finally couldn’t help it, and was about to step forward. With the existence of the shield, he would Three soldiers make up for it.

But at this time, Jess, who had been in the cannon form all the time, suddenly gave a slap to the approaching clockwork, and then switched directly to the hammer form, a q skill Sky Leap jumped onto the clockwork, reducing his HP While laying the groundwork instantly, after triggering the surge of the storm knight, he directly opened the range of the minion’s hatred, and at the same time quickly ran behind the clockwork!

Although Kuro relied on his own shield, and the next wave of soldiers was about to arrive, he hurriedly retreated, but as Jess switched to the cannon form again, after using the long-range advantage to add a q skill, two seconds ago he was still The clockwork that was full of blood turned into about half blood in an instant!

“My God!”

“Is this the power of mid laner Jess?!”

Seeing this scene, the commentators were shocked!

Knowing that Jess’s mid laner might be easy to play against the clockwork mid laner, but who would have thought that he would have such a suppressive effect at the first level!

Although Jess’ blood volume was beaten by the minions, compared to Clockwork’s HP, Scout now has a large HP lead!

“Kuro probably just wants to test the power of Jayce’s mid laner, after all, he has never seen it before.”

“It turned out that the result of this experiment was really tragic. In the next period of time, he probably wouldn’t dare to go within the range of Jess’ skills again.”

Miller expressed grief for Kuro.

Because Kuro chose the starting point, he originally wanted to play an advantage with Peanut in the third game, save the match point, and even the entire BO5.

But who would have thought that the game would suffer such a heavy blow just after it started!

On the middle road, Kuro no longer dared to be impulsive, and could only develop insignificantly.

As for the jungler, although they were all top laners, Sofm and Peanut once again adopted two completely different opening routes.

Sofm is the opening route of toad, blue buff, and three wolves. As for Little Peanut, it is the route of red buff, f4, three wolves, and toad.

The reason why the fourth wild monster didn’t appear on Sofm’s side is because this time, he once again made a slight change in the opening route.

Sofm after brushing the three wolves did not go directly to his own f4, but walked directly along the wild area to the upper half of the river, and then slowly appeared at the pass of the red square f4 area.

Although it has been confirmed that Peanut has left the f4 camp, in fact, sofm’s firstThe target of wave gank is not Peanut at all, but the poor Kuro in the middle!

When the third wave of artillery tanks gathered in the middle, under Scout’s deliberate jamming state, Kuro didn’t dare to cross the parallel line of the river wall at all.

But at this moment, Jess, who had already been upgraded to level 2, suddenly gave Clockwork an eq Erlian!

Although the cannon was shot crookedly, Jess had already switched to the hammer form while the clockwork was twisting and moving, directly accelerating through the acceleration gate, and even pressing the flash to appear next to Kuro clockwork in an instant, and then, An e skill thunder strike directly hammered the clockwork in the direction of sofm!

Sofm’s reaction was quite quick. When Scout made a move, he threw the cocoon directly towards the agreed position.

But after Kuro suffered a loss at the first level, his mental state has been tense to the best state. Before he was hammered by Jess, he directly pressed the sprint flash. When he successfully returned to the defense tower, he even avoided Sofm’s attack e skills!


Kuro narrowly escaped death, and everyone in the audience exclaimed.

Because the audience knows that if this cocoon is hit, even if it is Kuro’s follow-up skills, he will definitely die!

“Oh my god, isn’t qg Nakano taking too good care of Kuro?”

“Choose a Jess counter and wind it up, and now the third level of sofm is here to catch it again!”

“Although this wave of kuro survived, what about the next wave?”

Then on the commentary stage, the doll said worriedly, but she wasn’t worrying about Kuro at all, but gloating!

On Sofm’s side, after the first wave of ganks failed, they didn’t hesitate, and walked directly across the middle lane to their own wild area.

He let go of f4 directly, and jumped into the red buff first.

At the same time, on Team Rox’s side, Kuro, who was in a rather bad situation, went straight into the blue zone and took the first blue buff from Peanut, trying to reproduce the scene of solo killing Scout in the second round.

Because in the second round, it was because Kuro was upgraded to six ahead of time and disabled Scout’s blood volume that he got the chance to solo kill in the subsequent battles.

This round is the same, but the purpose is completely different.

The idea of ​​single-killing Jess at level 6 is impossible to appear in Kuro’s mind now. He just wants to get a blue buff to improve his experience. At the same time, he can use a few more skills to clear troops, so that he can live less online It’s just uncomfortable.

“Clockwork got blue.”

Here in the middle, Scout naturally saw Kuro’s situation and immediately notified his teammates.


At this moment, just after playing the sofm of f4, without even looking in the direction of the stone man, he walked towards the upper half of the field again.

The target is not a toad at all!

“sofm knows that Peanut is hunting river crabs, so he wants to wipe out the river crabs on the road first, so as to prevent Xiao Peanut from starting with two river crabs?”

From God’s perspective, the baby can clearly see the direction of Sofm and the direction of Little Peanut. He really didn’t have any intention of going to the bottom lane after killing the crab, but went directly to the middle lane.

“Little Peanut also wants to harass scout!”

The next moment, when Little Peanut’s blind monk also touched outside the f4 wall, the baby finally realized it.

“However, with two third-levels, it shouldn’t be possible to kill the scout, right? Although the scout has not flashed, he is almost full of health!”

Just as the baby pouted, Rox and Nakano pressed against Scout together.

Little Peanut first touched the eye w to get behind the scout, and shot it directly with the qe skill.

Although he immediately got a qw from the clockwork, Jess quickly switched to the hammer form, and directly used e to hammer the blind monk towards his defense tower, and then used the q skill Sky Leap to jump on the blind monk , Instead, he was regarded as a means of human flesh displacement!

In addition to the trigger of Fengqi, even though Little Peanut’s second q has not been handed in, he still dare not press it. After all, if he kicks over, he will enter the tower!

So, after Little Peanut helped clear the pawn line a little, he continued to sing and walked towards the river.

Until now, the audience didn’t notice the movement of sofm who had disappeared for a while!

Having already knocked out the river crab, he didn’t stand in the grass in the river, but directly stood in the grass outside the wall of the red buff!

Sure enough, when Little Peanut was about to get close to the grass, he also used his q skill to check the grass again with vigilance. After making sure that there was no one there, he walked in.

But it’s a pity that the river crab has been killed by sofm.

So I had no choice but to go back to my wild area and prepare to go to the newly born stone man.

However, just as he was about to walk into the grass, a white cocoon was thrown directly onto the blind monk, making him unable to move!

Looting rampage!

The poisonous sting!

Immediately afterwards, sofm, who transformed into a spider form, directly bit the blind monk!

Instantly knocked out a lot of blood from the blind monk!


The situation was not good, and Little Peanut hurriedly flashed into the red buff area, trying to wait for his q skill to improve before kicking the stone man to escape.

But sofm didn’t hesitate, and didn’t even hand in the e skill to draw, and also flashed across the wall directly, and then, killed the blind monk with residual blood in one bite!

qg.sofm killed rox.peanut!


The game time is 4 minutes and 17 seconds, and the first blood is born!

As always, he is the first blood of sofm.

But different from the previous two rounds, the person who contributed the first blood has changed from Kuro and Semb to Peanut!

“Is this the spider of sofm?!”

“A spider specially used to fight blind monks?!”

When sofm took the head of Little Peanut with a performance that was almost a solo kill, the three commentators were stunned!

They never expected that in the previous two rounds, Sofm, who was extremely good at helping the lanes gain an advantage and got first blood, would be in the wild and solo kill Peanut!

But what did sofm do?

He just squatted in the grass, waited for the rabbit, and then waited until Little Peanut threw himself into the trap!

“Isn’t the resilience of all QG staff too strong?”

“Sofm’s ambush is definitely because Little Peanut made this operation of the blue buff a temporary idea.”

“Little Peanut may think that the spider jungler must clear all six groups of wild monsters in one go, not to mention the gank in the middle just now, sofm wasted some time, and the follow-up needs to be replenished and developed. Let the stone man talk.”

“But what he didn’t expect was that sofm thought of his idea, and confirmed his idea because of this wave of gank in the middle, and then completed this wave of waiting!”

“sofm didn’t even use the e skill to chase people. It should be because he was worried that Little Peanut would run for his life after flashing across the wall, so he asked for stability.”

“But in fact, when Little Peanut just ganked in the middle, he used up the second trinket eye!”

On the commentary stage, Miller cheered and said, because this wave of solo kills has already shown that Sofm has mastered the early rhythm of the game again and again!

“Then I think Rox is gone again.”

Aside, smiled and laughed loudly.

“Originally, Little Peanut was the rhythm driving point for all Rox, but the wild area was directly killed.”

“And Kuro’s development is also very bad under the suppression of Jess. That is to say, the development of QG’s middle field will be far ahead of Rox’s middle field.”

“In this way, even if Rox’s middle and field are all level six, but at that time, QG’s middle field may be at level seven, and the equipment will be better.”

“When the time comes to fight between the middle and the wild, I even think that QG has the advantage!”

Smiling very excitedly, he knew that qg would definitely win the third round, but he never expected that the victory would come so smoothly!

However, when the smile was very excited, as the camera switched to the bottom lane, the audience discovered that Xiao Ming’s Zyra was blown up by Gorilla with a blister because of his aggressive positioning, and Uzi was forced to hand over A treatment, but it also deceived Nami’s weakness.

And just when pray started chasing A crazily with his own strength, in the middle, Scout, who had just returned home and was about to go out, immediately saw an eye position that Xiao Ming had inserted in the grass in the river in advance!


Although Kuro in the middle lane was already on the line, scout still pressed tp immediately and came to the bottom lane!

The rox duo didn’t realize this at the first time, but because of the low blood volume and the deep pressure line, they were alert and began to retreat, and on the way back, pray released Ashe’s An e skill to explore the field of view in the wild.

But it’s still too late.

When the eagle hit the sky to show Jess on the ground, an eq cannon shot directly hit Ashe’s face at an extremely fast speed!

But the only good news is that Jess’s damage ability is not high enough at this time, so that after a bombardment, Ashe still has less than 20 drops of blood left!


In this situation, how dare pray be negligent? Hurry up and retreat!

However, scout was also unwilling to let the bloody Ashe go, and quickly passed through the acceleration gate and switched to the hammer form to accelerate, ignoring Gorilla who had already been frightened and flashed, but directly opened the w skill lightning field, quickly Rubbing toward Ashe!


So, with a burst of electricity rushing into Ashe’s body, his last trace of blood was finally emptied directly!

qg.scout killed rox.pray!





After a brief silence, the audience roared!

Everyone never expected that Scout’s Jess would support him so quickly, with such high damage, and how insulting the process of finally getting the head was!

“This… is this Scout’s Jess?!”

On the commentary stage, even the smile who had always believed that qg could win, was at a loss at this moment.

It’s unthinkable that even though scout got such a strong mid laner as Jess, his style of play is to push the lane in the middle and then support the side lanes!

Going home in the middle, just tp down the road and end up? !

Not to mention the members of the Rox team, even the commentators from God’s perspective and the audience shouted outrageous!

Because when they first saw Jess’s teleportation, everyone thought he was going to return to the lane continuously, suppress Kuro’s pawn line for a long time, and then quickly push the first tower in the middle.

But who would have thought that his first teleportation was used for support!

It’s fine if you don’t get the head, but after getting the head…

Kuro, who was so miserable in the middle that he explodedClockwork, the next day, after all, can’t live it? ! What’s going on? !

(Thanks to “”The King”, “139xxxx8124”, “8888” for their monthly ticket support!!!).

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