Lighthouse Country, New York.

Although after winning the ROX team, the entire QG team ushered in the long-lost celebration time, but they didn’t celebrate for too long. After just having a big meal, they returned to the hotel.

Then it was the free time for the team members, but in order to prevent accidents, the range of activities was also limited by Zhang Mingrui to the hotel.

As for Zhang Mingrui himself, instead of going to relax, he found the deputy manager and began to arrange the team’s next itinerary.

After the semi-finals, the time is October 23rd… Oh no, it’s past midnight now, it’s the 24th.

And the upcoming finals will start on October 30th. In other words, counting today and excluding 30 days, there are only six days left for the QG team to prepare for the finals.

Although it took more time to prepare than the semi-finals, the time was still relatively tight, so the two immediately booked tickets to Los Angeles, where the finals will be held today.

However, the time is awkward, the plane will not arrive until the evening of today, so the QG team will hardly be able to train for the whole day today… After all, Zhang Mingrui can’t let the players get up early tomorrow. An hour or two, and then hurry to the airport, right?

“That’s all for the air ticket, and then tell the team members that they can play later if they want to play longer, but we have to get up before 11 o’clock tomorrow, and we need to rush to the airport.”

“The hotel should find a place that is closer to the Staples Stadium, and the conditions are similar to here.”

“You can arrange the rest by yourself. Send me a message after you’ve confirmed it. I’ll take a look at it.”

After Jane and the deputy manager confirmed the follow-up plan, Zhang Mingrui returned to his room.

As always, he didn’t fall asleep immediately, but turned on the computer and began to study the SSG team’s game video.

Zhang Mingrui has actually seen some comments on the Internet. Most people think that after the QG team defeated the No. 1 seed ROX team in the LCK, it is absolutely easy for the QG team to win the SSG team.

But in fact, Zhang Mingrui’s real thoughts are exactly the opposite. They even coincide with the black fans of the QG 640 team at this moment!

That is, for the QG team, the SSG team is the most difficult LCK team to deal with!

The reason is very simple. The SSG team is really too traditional and stable!

What’s the meaning?

It means that the SSG team is the most LCK-style team in the LCK league!

Regardless of whether it is an advantage or a disadvantage in the lineup, no matter whether it is an advantage or a disadvantage during the game, the SSG team will basically always have only one style of play, and that is operation!

If you have an advantage, SSG will not take the initiative to fight with you and quickly expand the advantage, but will choose to slowly snowball through operations, stealing a wild monster from you one minute, forcing you to flash the next minute, and stealing a small dragon the next minute .

If you are at a disadvantage, SSG will be even less likely to fight with you. It will continue to use its operating methods to narrow its disadvantages, choose an opportunity to balance the situation, or even make it an advantage. Then, repeat the above steps.

In a word, unless the SSG team feels that their advantage is so great that they must win, otherwise, they will definitely not have too much conflict with the opposing team!

So much so that when the audience watched the SSG team’s game, they often fell asleep, and even woke up to find that the total number of heads on the field was still one!

And this style, and QGThe team’s style is the exact opposite.

What has been the style of the QG team all along? It is to seize the opportunity in the early stage, gain the advantage, and then continue to fight to expand the advantage!

But if faced with an iron barrel formation like the SSG team, whether the QG team’s style can still be displayed is really not certain.

It is absolutely no exaggeration to use the words “the strongest spear and the strongest shield” to describe the QG and SSG teams!

And if you want to beat the SSG team on the stage of the finals, there are two basic ways.

First, just like SSG, choose the LCK-style style and play operations with them.

But obviously, although the five members of the QG team can also operate, they will definitely not be able to adapt to the overall operation style, and if they really don’t fight for 30 to 50 minutes, they will definitely go crazy!

What’s more, if you want to play operations in front of the originator of the operation tactics of the SSG team, it is really Lu Ban who is playing a big ax in front of Xi Shi, and Xi Shi is doing nothing in front of him!

The second method is the method Zhang Mingrui wants to adopt.

That is to attack, attack, attack!

Since my QG style is offense, and since your SSG style is defense, then I will use a stronger offense to break your shield and prevent you from entering your own operating rhythm.

Although the SSG team will definitely not be like the ROX team, and start to worry after getting three or two heads, but for QG, as long as they can continuously get small heads, it will be a huge advantage over time!

As for how to make the QG team’s offensive ability stronger, that is, in the next five days, Zhang Mingrui will deliberately let the players focus on training.

After thinking about this clearly, Zhang Mingrui clicked on the semi-final video of the SSG team and the SKT team to start replay research. At the same time, he also focused on observing the five starting players of the SSG team.

Top laner Cuvee is the “third top laner in the world” after Semb and Duke. During the regular season, Gnar, Renma, and Dashu played pretty well. It has become Bobby Rambo, but his Gnar is still a point that needs attention.

The jungler Ambition, the soul of the SSG team, is called the head of An by fans. His jungle style is extremely stable and he is also the commander of the SSG team. Although he has a hero pool similar to Sofm, such as Spider Excavator, his style of play is It is completely different, it belongs to the map control type jungler, not the rhythm type jungler.

The mid laners Crown and Crown are also extremely stable in lane. The two heroes Victor and Tsar play like defense towers in the mid lane. It is almost difficult for ordinary opponents to find a chance to gank Crown.

But it’s worth mentioning that in the previous games, Brother Crown used a push hero like the mid laner Verus, and Scout is also practicing, but whether he will use it in the finals is not certain.

Bot laner Ruler, Chidi, is a very stable AD player. No matter what hero the team chooses for him, he can maintain a stable lineup. At the same time, he can play quite good damage in team battles. In the finals, the only adc who can win with a wheel mom.

Of course, this also has something to do with the overall style of the SSG team. As long as they drag it to the later stage, the hero Wheel Mom is invincible!

Supporting CoreJJ, the protection ability is very strong, and it will hardly give the opponent any chance to kill Chidi, so some protection heroes such as Tahm and Bron are often selected.

However, in the semi-finals against SKT, Zyra was also selected, and she played quite well, so she also needs to pay attention.

In the finals between QG and SSG, Zhang Mingrui was not too worried about the laning. After all, the SSG team’s murderous intentions are not particularly serious, and they will not attack unless they must kill.

But if you want to play an advantage, it is also more difficult, because once the SSG players perceive danger, they often choose to retreat to a safer position.

This is quite a test of the laning ability and the ability to seize opportunities of the five members of QG. If they can’t catch them, they will be slowly dragged by the SSG team to the middle and late stages, and dragged into the game rhythm that SSG likes.

If you can catch it, although the comparison time will definitely be very long, as long as you hold the advantage, it will not be particularly difficult to win SSG.

“It’s time for all five to step up their laning suppression practice.”

“They still have to continue to practice their trump cards, and try to be as effective as possible in the finals.”

“However, the hole-card heroes that I can let the players practice are basically gone.”

“The upcoming finals is the time to compete for the players’ willpower!”

Zhang Mingrui clenched his fists and said solemnly.

The finals are played from the beginning of the month to the end of the month, whether it is physical or mental, it is a considerable test for the two teams.

On October 30th, the last day of the finals, whoever can withstand the oppression from all sides and persevere until the end will win the final victory!

On the contrary, if it collapses halfway, then this finals will also end in failure!

On the second day, the entire QG team proceeded with the schedule as planned.

Woke up at eleven o’clock, then had dinner, and then immediately rushed to the airport to get on the plane to Los Angeles.

Along the way, everyone didn’t speak, they were all sleeping, Zhang MingruiThen he continued to hold his notebook, simulated BP, and even thought about whether the SSG team would be on the stage of the finals, and took out some trump cards.

After all, the wheel of history has changed. Zhang Mingrui is not surprised that the SSG team suddenly came up with something new.

After arriving at the hotel near the Staples Stadium in the evening, everyone quickly packed up their things, and the players immediately went to the training room to start training.

They haven’t entered the Summoner’s Canyon for almost a whole day, so don’t mention how uncomfortable they are!

That night, Zhang Mingrui first gave part of the training plan he had written to the team members. After all, time was too tight to write all of it.

However, I don’t have time to write in the evening, because the Riot company staff have already contacted me to coordinate the follow-up matters in advance.

There are two things that take more time.

The first thing, of course, is the recording of the promotional video for the finals, as well as the recording of the pre-match interviews.

This pre-match interview is not a trash talk session, but a simple interview, talking about the thoughts of the players on both sides about the upcoming finals, and then it will be released before the start of the game day.

The second thing is the rehearsal for the finals!

Because it is already the finals, the Staples Stadium on the 30th will hold a grand performance before the official start of the game, and then the players will make their appearance on the stage, and then the game will start.

Although the rehearsal session only requires the contestants to walk around the stage to understand the process, it still takes time.

Together with some other trivial matters, it may take a total of one to one and a half days.

“Six days, one day of rushing, and one and a half days to do other things… There are only three and a half days left for training.”

Zhang Mingrui curled his lips, not particularly happy, because the SSG team finished the semi-finals one day earlier, and their training time would be an extra day.

But Zhang Mingrui still has nothing to do, and this unfavorable schedule has started since the quarter-finals, he has to admit it even if he doesn’t want to!

“There are still many problems, but as long as these problems are solved one by one, the QG team’s world champion this year will be the world champion with the highest gold content!”

Zhang Mingrui said to himself solemnly, and then quickly put himself into work.

The three days of training passed by in a flash. This time, the fist officials did not put everything in the first few days of the offseason like last time, but focused on the last two days.

This is a good thing for both teams, because participating in these activities can also be regarded as relaxation before the competition…

Shooting promotional videos for the finals, filming pre-match interviews, and conducting the rehearsal for the finals…

When Zhang Mingrui stood on the stage of the finals together with the players, looking at the huge and empty venue and the tens of thousands of seats, he couldn’t help but feel a lot of emotion in his heart.

“Unexpectedly, I actually brought this QG team to the stage of the World Finals!”

At this moment, the voice of a staff member also sounded slowly.

“Contestants, this is where you will stand, and the order is determined.”

“As for where the championship trophy will be placed, when it slowly rises from the ground, I need you all to look at the championship trophy and try to show your desire for the championship trophy…Of course, I believe you are also very eager for this champion.”

The staff member smiled and said to the team members, and at the same time pointed to the stage not far away. There was indeed a groove there, but at this time there was no trophy.


The QG players nodded solemnly, and the SSG players on the other side of the stage did the same.

When the eyes of the two sides accidentally collided, even though the finals hadn’t officially started, sparks had already quietly formed in the air!

But that’s all it is, because the next contest will officially start on the stage of the finals!

After the rehearsal was over, everyone in QG returned to the hotel for the final pre-match training.

And time slowly slipped away between ticks.

In the blink of an eye, October 30th, the day of the S6 World Championship Finals, finally arrived!

After two years, the LPL team once again broke into the finals of the World Championship. This is great news for all LPL audiences!

And this year’s QG team reached the finals with such an indomitable attitude, it made the LPL audience believe that this year is really the most promising year for LPL, and it is the closest year for LPL to the world championship !

Although the opening ceremony of the finals didn’t start until 7:00 p.m., as early as three or four o’clock in the afternoon, outside the Staples Stadium, there were already a large number of LPL spectators, all of whom came from all over the Lighthouse Country. Come to LPL audience in Los Angeles!

Even some local rich fans in China flew thousands of miles to the Lighthouse Country, hoping that they could see the QG team win the championship trophy with their own eyes in the finals!

They had the logo of the QG team on their faces, and they held the QG team banners and light boards in their hands. When they saw them being recorded by the camera, they were even more excited and shouted “Go QG” ​​and “QG will win”!

The excitement is beyond words!

And just as the audience entered the arena one after another, everyone in the QG team finally completed the final training before the finals in the hotel.At Zhang Mingrui’s request, he got up and started packing his things, ready to go.

“I won’t say too much. If we play hard tonight, we will definitely win the championship!”

Before leaving, Zhang Mingrui cheered on the five QG players, and then boarded the bus together to head to Staples Stadium.

“QG’s car is here!”

“QG come on! QG will win!”

“Uzi rush, you must be the world champion this year!”

“Sofm, you are the king of the jungle!”

“Manager Zhang, we must smash SSG today!”

When the QG team’s bus arrived at the parking lot, once again, they felt the same warm welcome as that in Shanghai!

For a moment, everyone was a little moved. After all, you have to know that this is not a magic city, but a foreign country!

After getting out of the car, the crowd didn’t immediately enter the arena. Instead, they waved to the fans, clenched their fists, and even raised their index fingers to them, making a “1” gesture!

The meaning of it is self-evident.

Today’s QG will definitely defeat SSG and win the world championship!

In the Staples Arena, because it is the finals, the commentary has also changed. It is no longer a group of commentators who will speak the whole game, but divided into two groups, the commentary seat and the commentary seat. Each group has three people. The strongest lineup!

The commentary section is in charge of the pre-match and inter-match comments. At this time, it was Pu Zeyuan, Changmao and PDD who appeared in front of the audience!

The commentary seat is responsible for the game analysis during the game. At this time, although the camera has not been shown yet, the audience also knows that it will be played by Wawa, Miller and Ji Ji!

“it is good!”

“Welcome to all the Summoner friends on the scene and in front of the screen to watch the 2016 League of Legends S6 World Finals on time!”

“Today, the eyes of the whole world are on Staples Field!”

“Because the two strongest teams this year, our QG team in the LPL division, and the SSG team in the LCK division, will stage a peak duel!”

“Will the QG team win the first world championship trophy for us in the LPL division?”

“Or will the SSG team continue the glory of the LCK and win the third championship trophy in the LCK division?”

“This year’s BO5 finals, let us wait and see!”

“Hi everyone, I am Long Hair!”

“Hi everyone, I’m Zeyuan!”

“Hi everyone, I’m PDD! QG must win!”

The next moment, the three commentators introduced themselves one after another.

And as the top laner PDD of the former IG team, he immediately called out the result that all LPL audiences hoped for!

QG must win!

(Thanks for the 100-point reward and support from the “ignorance” boss!!!)

(Thanks to “lovesty”, “Xia Yuqingfeng”, “110 is me”, “Long”, “Yi Ge”, “洨洨洨洨洨”, “Xiao Yan” for their monthly support!!! ).

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