When the QG team locked the clockwork and the troops on the first and second floors, the expressions of everyone on the SSG team’s side immediately became solemn.

The main reason is the appearance of this man!

One is that no matter what jungler Sofm uses, the rhythm is quite good, and they can always do things in various situations.

Second, although the hero Centaur is not a version hero, his gank efficiency is actually very high, especially the speed of sprinting with the E skill activated. That running speed is really not something ordinary people can handle!

Not to mention the co-ordination of the most likely people who will appear in the team with a clockwork big move. Once such a co-ordination is played by QG, ​​the team battle of the SSG team will be defeated quickly!

Therefore, when faced with heroes like Centaur, there are generally two choices.

One is that he rushed at me and rushed at each other’s back row to see whose back row died first.

The second method is to protect the platoon. As long as you rush in, even with the clockwork big move, you can’t kill it all at once, then the subsequent battle will become the SSG round!

Soon, the SSG team made ~ this choice.


After all, this is their best style!

So, after careful consideration, the second floor of the SSG team finally took out a T1 hero who had been disliked for a long time, the goddess of war Sivir.

As for the second floor, Brother Crown chose Snake Girl again… Just now, he couldn’t beat Ryze, so the pressure should be less in this round!

“The SSG team is also preparing for the late game!”

“The third game will be the first time that the two teams will decide the outcome in the middle and late stages!”

When the SSG team directly took out the wheel, the commentators immediately realized that in this round, they really wanted to implement the LCK-style operation until the later stage, and then use a wave of team battles to determine the winner. up!

“This is quite a test of the QG team’s stable development ability and late team fighting ability.”

“Although QG could also play SKT before, and ROX has already played in the late stage, the number of rounds is actually too small, and it’s not a big late stage. It’s only a little over 30 minutes at most.”

“In this round, judging by the lineup selections on both sides, it should be 30 minutes to go back. I hope that the QG team can be prepared for this situation!”

Wawa said it seriously, but she was still a little worried. After all, overall, the QG team’s late-stage team battle experience must be less than that of the SSG team.

“I believe that QG will definitely be able to do it. Since Manager Zhang has selected such a team battle lineup, it means that they have practiced this situation many times before, and it must be fine!”

Miller’s vocal performance gave the QG team quite a lot of confidence.

After the selection of the second and third floors of the SSG team was finalized, it was the turn of the third and fourth floors of the QG team.

Seeing Emperor Chi take out the wheel mother again, Zhang Mingrui smiled softly, knowing that this was the last card of Emperor Chi!

After all, when both the policewoman and Aixi were outside the court, and Jhin had already been banned by himself, Chidi didn’t dare to choose one of the two, but chose a wheel mother who desperately needed development, and already Explained many problems.

First, Emperor Chi is already afraid of Uzi, so he dare not continue to fight against Uzi!

Second, the overall thinking of the SSG team in the third game is to support the later stage and prepare for a wave of team battles with QG to determine the outcome!

“Hehe, since you are the mother of wheels, don’t blame Xiao Ming for showing off his supernatural power.”

Zhang Mingrui chuckled lightly, then patted Scout on the shoulder lightly.

“Choose a bull’s head for Xiao Ming, and let Emperor Chi feel what it means to ascend to heaven in place!”

“At the same time, let Xiao Ming use his signature hero to win the last game!”

Zhang Mingrui slammed the floor, making Xiao Ming’s eyes light up immediately.

“Don’t worry, Manager Zhang. In this round, I’ll kowtow to Lord Dog whenever I have a WQ second round!”

Even set such a bloody Flag!

Tauren Chief Alista is locked!

No one can beat me back!

“Ha ha.”

When the bull’s head was locked, Zhang Mingrui and the team members laughed softly together. They didn’t say anything more, but looked at Uzi’s fourth floor and began to think.

Because the choice of the fourth floor really needs to be considered.

With Xiao Ming taking out the support, although it is easier to deal with Wheel Mom, in fact, among the off-field support, there is Fan Zi Mom as a T1 support.

Not only can you use RQ to consume the short-handed bull’s head, but you can also speed up the wheel mother’s E skill, so that he may not be able to connect.

If CoreJJ’s choice is Fan Mom, QG’s duo may indeed be difficult to open, but the reverse also means that SSG’s duo will not want to touch Uzi’s development, which is actually acceptable.

If there is a top laner on the fourth floor, there are Poppy, Troll, Kenan, Rambo, and Jess, who is not particularly popular, in the current version.

According to Cuvee’s style, there is a high probability that Bobby will be chosen, but if Holy Gun takes Bobby, Cuvee can also choose the troll to counter…

“Uzi, first choose a troll for Brother Holy Gun!”

After thinking about it, Zhang Mingrui made a decision.

Troll King TrangDel Lock!

Troll time is up!

Why did the troll go first?

This is actually a trap set by Zhang Mingrui for SSG!

If but from the perspective of laning, Rambo, Kenan, and Jess are all easy to fight trolls, but being easy to fight means that Cuvee has to push the line. Once he pushes the line, Sofm can find the gank Opportunity, let Cuvee become the breakthrough of the SSG team again!

If Cuvee doesn’t dare to choose output and continues to choose Bobby, the QG team can also accept it. After all, as long as the troll sucks Bobby with his big move during team battles, he will also become fleshy and become a reliable front row!

The most important thing is that as long as Brother Holy Gun puts the pillars well during the team battle and gets stuck directly under the feet of Lu Zimo, then everyone in QG can definitely focus on Lu Zimo in an instant, and even kill her instantly!

Therefore, another purpose of the troll’s choice is to force CoreJJ to no longer choose the fan mother. After all, although the double mother combination is comfortable for laning, once they are caught by the pillars, they can’t escape and can only dodge!

In the commentary seat, the three commentators didn’t guess Zhang Mingrui’s thoughts this time. They just thought that after the third and fourth floors of the QG team selected Niutou and Troll, the front row of the QG team was too solid!

Moreover, the ability to start a group has skyrocketed!

“A centaur can start a group, a bull head can start a group, a troll can also accelerate with W, and then use a pillar to start a group.”

“No matter who among the three of them is carrying a wind-up ball, they can create the effect of dribbling into people with the ball. It can’t be said that they are not fierce!”

Wa Wa was amazed. Although she already knew that the QG team was planning to play team battle tactics in the third round, she never expected that their ideas would be so firm and fierce!

“And have you noticed that the troll’s pillar is really too restraining for the top three heroes of the SSG team.”

“They all don’t have displacement skills. As long as they get stuck by the pillars, the situation will be very bad!”

I remember and was pleasantly surprised, once everyone in the SSG team couldn’t move, especially Snake Girl and Wheel Mom, then their team battles would be very difficult!

“Looking at the last two picks of the SSG team, I don’t know what lineup they will choose to face QG’s charge.”

“And it’s worth mentioning that the QG team actually left the final counter position to Uzi!”

“Could it be that Uzi is going to take a look at CoreJJ’s support options before deciding whether to use the policewoman or Ashe?”

“However, I feel that both heroes are actually okay. The female policeman is very painful, and Ashe’s ultimate move is also a team-starting skill… From this analysis, I think Uzi should take Ashe. , Uzi then picks up the big move, even if the double mother combination has strong protection ability, at least one has to be confessed!”

Miller smiled softly, feeling very happy.

And at this moment, the fourth floor of the SSG team made a choice first.

Poppy Yi of the Holy Hammer!

Cuvee, once again selected Bobby to resist the pressure!

“Sure enough, I chose Bobby.”

Seeing Cuvee’s choice, Zhang Mingrui smiled softly, and at the same time knew that, apart from his own thoughts, Bobby’s ultimate move was actually more restrained from the QG team’s charge.

Once Sofm and Xiao Ming rush in, Bobby can backhand blow QG’s front row, and then create a pretty good output space for his own double C!

At the same time, you can also beat a few QG people away first, forming a short period of more fights and less, and take the lead in the head!

In this way, team battles will be easier to win.

Moreover, in this round, it is quite certain that Bobby will be able to hit flying people with his big moves. After all, this round of team battles is inevitable. If Poppy’s big moves can’t hit flying people during the melee, Cuvee is not worthy of being the top laner of the SSG team. up!

Of course, after the SSG team selected Poppy, another rather embarrassing situation reappeared, that is, the four heroes they had already selected still had no displacement, and all of them still had a chance to be stuck by the troll’s pillar!

But if you think about it from another angle, the number of people that the troll’s pillar can trap is limited. In this way, the troll’s pillar doesn’t seem to be as scary as imagined? !

After the SSG team confirmed Bobby on the fourth floor, here on the fifth floor, CoreJJ immediately lit up Fan Mom.

But after 30 seconds of thinking, CoreJJ still changed, and replaced the fan mother with Tam!


“In this round, CoreJJ will protect Chidi to the end!”

“As long as Emperor Chi’s fan mother survives, then everything is possible in team battles!”

The lineup of the SSG team finally took shape. It is a lineup similar to four guarantees and one. The guarantee is naturally Chidi’s fan mother.

And once it is delayed to the late stage, once the horse’s big move and the clockwork big move can’t kill people, then the W skill ejection of the wheel mother can cause tons of damage in the crowd!

“The SSG team has exhausted all their moves. Next, it’s up to Manager Zhang to fight back!”

The baby said impassionedly.

But the next moment, Miller made a worried sound.

“I know why Manager Zhang didn’t give Uzi an ADC first. He obviously guessed that the SSG team might choose such a lineup.”

“This lineup of the SSG team is really too fleshy, have you noticed?”

“Bobby, Olaf, Tamm, everyone is meaty, if UIf you choose Ashe, you will definitely not be able to beat it. If you choose a policewoman, in the middle and late stages, the output ability will be relatively scarce. ”

“Once Uzi’s output can’t kill the front row of the SSG team, then Chidi’s wheel mother will be super god!”

Thinking of this, Miller suddenly became nervous.

“You’re right. The lineup of the SSG team really tests Uzi’s output ability.”

“Although Olaf usually uses the fighter’s jungle sword, if Master An is more ruthless and also uses the Sunyan jungle sword, and at the same time plays the anti-armor with Poppy, Uzi’s output will be even more uncomfortable!”

“Especially when Olaf activates his big move, he can directly ignore Xiao Ming’s skills and rush to Uzi’s face!”

I remember getting nervous as well. The lineup of the QG team looked like a rush, but after rushing through, the output was actually insufficient. It had to keep up with Uzi’s output!

But the existence of Olaf may make it impossible for Uzi to keep up with the output!


At this point in the analysis, the three commentators were all silent. They never expected that the SSG team’s lineup in the third game was so solid, and it was the kind that could attack and retreat!

Even if Brother Holy Gun’s troll pillar got stuck, so what? When Uzi can’t keep up, is it necessary to rely on the big stick of the troll to kill the opponents one by one?

As for Scout’s clockwork? After all, he is a mage, and his continuous output ability is definitely not as good as that of ADC!

·· ·Ask for flowers········

When the right to choose came to the fifth floor of the QG team, looking at the flashing light circles and the dark hero positions, the three commentators really started to worry.

“Quick, quick, quick, think about which ADC has strong self-protection ability and strong ability to fight meat at the same time?”

Wa Wa hurriedly asked the two of them.

“When it comes to fighting meat, it must be Dazui or VN, but these two heroes have no displacement at all, and their life-saving ability is extremely weak.”

“In terms of self-protection ability, I think Xiaopao is actually a good choice. If Olaf, who is the head of security, rushes at himself, he can jump away directly with W. At the same time, as the level increases, his hands will gradually become longer. ”

“But the problem is that Xiaopao’s ability to fight meat in the later stage is not very strong. After all, it doesn’t have VN’s three-ring or Dazui’s percentage real damage.”

“The words of Verus who came out before… It doesn’t work either, and there is no displacement.”

Miller remembered that the two of them offered advice and suggestions one after another, but among so many ADC heroes in the League of Legends, they couldn’t think of an ADC that could perfectly counter the lineup of the SSG team!

In fact, it wasn’t just the three commentators, Uzi’s face was full of gloom at this time!

“Manager Zhang, which ADC should I choose?”

Uzi looked at the lineup of the SSG team and was stunned. If Mom Wheel was in his hands at this time, it would be quite good to play this lineup, but the problem is, Mother Wheel is gone!

But immediately, Uzi didn’t hear Zhang Mingrui’s reply.

“Manager Zhang?”

Thinking that Zhang Mingrui was distracted, Uzi hurriedly turned his head and asked.

Suddenly, he saw that Manager Zhang was looking straight at him right now, and his eyes were full of expectations!

“Manager Zhang? What’s the matter?”

Uzi was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly asked.

“Puppy, are you confident in your position?”

Zhang Mingrui finally spoke, and asked back.

“Of course I did. I didn’t hit Chidi’s Q very much in that round just now!”

………. 0

Uzi said very proudly.

“What about your own self-protection ability? If Olaf, head of security, comes to cut you, but you don’t have anyone around you, do you have the confidence to fight back and kill him?”

Zhang Mingrui asked again.

“It depends on the hero, right?”

“Even if I can avoid Olaf’s axe, if I can’t hit him, I will definitely be hacked to death by him.”

“However, if I use VN, I will definitely not have this problem. If he came to me for a one-on-one fight, I would dare to kill him one-on-one!”

Uzi is very confident, but his eyes quickly dimmed. After all, VN, a hero, has not appeared on the stage of professional competitions for an unknowingly long time.

The reason is very simple. VN’s hands are too short, and it takes a long time to develop. If they can’t develop, they are just a piece of iron waste. And even if they develop, there are extremely high operating requirements for the user, otherwise they haven’t even played a few times. A, being directly beaten to death by the opponent is useless at all!

“Then choose VN!”

But at this moment, Manager Zhang suddenly heard a word in his ear.


At the first moment, Uzi was stunned for a moment, thinking that he was hallucinating. After all, in this version, there are too many reasons not to choose VN.

“I said, if you are confident enough, then choose VN!”

Zhang Mingrui thought it was Uzi who didn’t hear clearly, so he slammed the floor again!


“Really, really?”

“Manager Zhang, although I am very confident in my positioning and operation, even though I just said that I want to choose VN’s champion skin, there is no need to really choose VN!”

“After all, the championship is more important than the championship trophy. I can clearly distinguish the priorities!”

While excited, Uzi became a little anxious, thinking that Manager Zhang was acting out of his temper at this time.

“Then you say chooseWhat adc? ”

Zhang Mingrui gave Uzi a white look.

“Look at the lineup on the opposite side. Bobby, Olaf, and Tamm. Is it difficult to play with VN?”

“And only Olaf can touch you at the beginning of the team battle. You use VN to kill him solo, and then join the battle, you can continue to harvest!”

“Choose quickly, there is no time.”

Zhang Mingrui urged, although he did think about choosing VN for Uzi before, but his idea was not firm, and when he saw the locked lineup of the SSG team…

If you don’t choose VN like this, it’s not only your own regret, but also Uzi’s regret!

“Then I… chose!”

Xiao Ming asked hesitantly. When his hand slowly moved to VN’s head portrait, his emotion was visible to the naked eye.

After all, who doesn’t know how strong Uzi’s VN is!

Signature hero? Hollow hero?

In front of the hero of his destiny, he is scum!


Uzi took a deep breath, watching Xiao Ming choose VN’s avatar and confirm it immediately, all distracting thoughts and confusion disappeared at this moment!

Instead, it was the desire for victory and the belief in the championship!

Night hunter VN locked!

Let’s hunt those people in the dark!


When the QG team locked on the last hero, the whole audience boiled!

“VN! Uzi actually chose VN!”

“In the third round of the finals, Uzi actually once again sacrificed his own hero and chose VN!”

“I didn’t expect to see Uzi play VN again in my lifetime, and he was still in such a championship game!”

“Uzi’s VN is my youth!”

“Uzi must win! QG must win!”

“Super god, five kills, we must let SSG know what a real ADC is!”

(Thank you Luo Tianyi for your 588 rewards and support!!!)

(Thanks to Qingqingcao, “Xiaoyan”, “Love the Past”, “Bookworm First Deep”, “Hosd”, “Innocent”, “Invincible Star Brother” for their monthly support!!!) Son.

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