“Get ready to fight them!”

After seeing Sofm in place, Uzi said to Xiaoming.

The reason why I didn’t do it on the way when Sofm came was because it was just a vacuum period in the army line and it was not easy to do it.

But now it’s different. Another wave of artillery troops has begun to confront each other, and the artillery troops of both sides will be the top priority of the opponent’s wave of troops!

“it is good.”

Xiao Ming nodded, and then walked towards the bushes, looking like he was going to seize the opportunity of the opponent’s wrong position and rush to the WQ Second Company.

Chidi and CoreJJ could naturally sense Xiao Ming’s thoughts, and moved slightly higher, standing on the left side of the pawn line.

Although from God’s perspective, Sofm can actually rush up to this position, but the three of QG are still not in a hurry, because this position is still a bit far away, and it is not foolproof!

So, when Uzi and Chidi only hit the small soldiers for the last time, with the death of three melee soldiers, finally, the blood volume of the cannons of both sides was slowly reduced to half blood, and they entered the opposing side’s auxiliary sacred objects one after another. Shield’s killing line!

“get ready!”

Seeing CoreJJ’s Tam move forward, Uzi’s eyes lit up and he reminded his teammates.

The next moment, CoreJJ really couldn’t resist the temptation of the cannonball, and was going to step forward to replace the cannonball soldier with the shield of the holy object.

But at this moment, Xiao Ming’s bull’s head finally emerged from the bushes. It seemed that he was also heading towards the artillery soldier, but it immediately alerted CoreJJ and Chidi.

Because at this time, Uzi’s VN also made a move to move forward!

“Not good, withdraw!”

Emperor Chi frowned, and hurriedly reminded him while retreating.

But it was only at this time that he realized that it was already too late!


Destroy Charge!

Sofm, who had been waiting for a long time, finally turned on the E skill and sprint, and ran towards the Chidi CoreJJ not far away.

But before Sofm arrived, the SSG duo was first attacked by Xiao Ming!

Savage collision!

The earth shattered!

The WQ Second Company, which was close at hand, directly knocked the retreating duo into the air at the same time, and at the same time, Sofm, who had already run over, brazenly pressed the big move of the men and horses!

Shadow Impact!

I am above death!

There was just a bang, and the SSG duo who had just landed were instantly terrified on the spot. Chidi’s fan mother didn’t even have time to press the E skill, and the position began to become magical.

But the taunting time of the people and horses was still too short. After less than a second, the two immediately woke up.

Seeing that Chidi Fan’s mother’s HP has been knocked out by nearly half, and Uzi’s VN has come nearby to pacify A Chidi, CoreJJ quickly presses the W skill, swallows Fan’s mother in one gulp, and then struggles towards Go in the direction of your defense tower.

The deal is done!

But at this moment, VN snorted coldly, and the next moment, the E skill Demon Judgment came out, and directly pinned Tam to the wall with an arrow!

Immediately, Tam, who was nailed to the wall, couldn’t move, and couldn’t even spit out Chidi immediately, and he was directly hit by VN’s third ring, so painful that he couldn’t die!

But when Tahm’s HP was also reduced to half HP, CoreJJ finally regained his ability to move. With his whole body turning red, he finally sent Chidi a short distance in the direction of his defense tower.


But at the moment Chidi landed, Uzi had already pressed the Q skill to roll and chase, and at the same time used the Bilgewater scimitar to suck directly on Wheel Mom.

Coupled with the fact that Sofm’s men and horses are still eyeing around him, Chidi no longer dares to push him too hard, so he directly handed over his flash to distance himself, and at the same time nursed Tamm with a healer, hoping that he could rely on the life-saving effect of the shield to escape from death !

However, even though Tam’s HP has returned to more than half HP, how can he withstand VN’s damage when he is still thousands of miles away from the defense tower?

What’s more, Xiaoming Niutou’s E skill War Stomp once again knocked Tamm unconscious on the spot, creating output time for Uzi, and it is even more impossible to escape!

Crack, crack, da!

So, with another three-ring damage hit, Tamm, who hadn’t flashed or was weak, finally fell unwillingly in front of the defense tower!

QG.Uzi killed SSG.CoreJJ!

QG.Uzi has killed a lotkilled!

At 8 minutes and 50 seconds into the game, Uzi won the third head of the game, and at the same time, he officially announced his take-off!


With Uzi’s head in hand, the audience cheered again.

Because everyone knows that in the middle and late stages of this game, it depends on the output ability of the double C of the two teams. It is Scout and Brother Crown, and it is a contest between Uzi and Chidi!

But now, in the 1v1 contest between double Cs, the QG team has the upper hand!

One of Scout’s clockworks is in his hand, and Brother Crown’s snake girl has zero.

Uzi’s VN has three heads in his hand, and Chidi’s wheel mother also has zero!

And the most important thing is, Uzi, who got three heads ten minutes ago, his development in this round has obviously surpassed the timeline!

“Wonderful, so wonderful.”! ”

In the commentary seat, the three of them were also very excited.

Although the SSG team was very, very careful in this game, but in such an impenetrable defense, the QG team still caught two opportunities in succession!

First, Scout sacrificed his life in the middle lane to buy time and opportunities for Xiaoming and Uzi to arrive, and then Sofm forcibly captured him, and then let Uzi get the head!

“The four heads of the SSG team can’t really be blamed for their poor defense. It’s really because the QG team is too cunning.”

“The first wave was because Scout’s blood volume was too weak, so I’m sorry for his blood volume.”

“In this wave, the QG team directly arranged a tactic for SSG to attack the east and west, so that the head of An couldn’t react at all!”

While watching the replay, the baby laughed loudly.

After all, from the perspective of the SSG team, when Sofm fails to catch, according to the consistent tactical thinking of the QG team, he is very likely to come back in two, three, four, and kill Crown Brother.

As a result, Olaf, the head of security, had no choice but to protect in the middle.

But who would have thought that this time, Sofm would do the opposite again, taking advantage of the fact that Head An was in the middle, he went straight to the bottom lane, and cooperated with the duo to play such a wonderful wave of kills!

Not only did Uzi get the third head, but he also beat Chidi’s healing flash!

“This wave of forcible capture is still very critical.”

Miller was overjoyed.

“Not only is Uzi’s development better, but the QG team has also laid some good foundations for the subsequent resource competition.”

“It’s just over 9 minutes now, and the second earth dragon will be spawned in 3 minutes. At that time, Chidi’s healing has improved, but the flash has definitely not improved.”

“If there really is a dragon group fighting, in the absence of Chidi’s flash, his output environment will become very poor!”

Miller chuckled, as if he had seen what was about to happen in the next three minutes.

“I think the QG team wants more than that.”

Immediately afterwards, remember to add.

“Taking advantage of CoreJJ’s death, Uzi and Xiao Ming are now pushing the tower. In fact, if Sofm hadn’t left, I think they still have a good chance of taking down the first-blood tower.”

“But Uzi and Xiao Ming have returned to the city now, and only the last quarter of their health is left in the first tower. What does this mean?”

“This shows that when Sofm’s ult improves again, they should still want to make a move against the SSG duo!”

“Although both Chidi and CoreJJ had reached level six at that time, Uzi and Xiao Ming also returned to level six, and they could forcibly jump over the tower with the help of the bull head’s big move!”

“At that time, killing people, taking the tower, and then going to take the second dragon, the whole process will be completed in one go. At that time, the rhythm of QG will officially take off!”

Remember to say this, so that all LPL audiences will shine.

At this time, they suddenly discovered that the idea of ​​the QG team seemed to be realized as they remembered guessing!

“Of course, what I can see, the SSG team can also see. Next, they should also have some countermeasures to prevent this from happening.”

I remember that when I was supplementing, as expected, Olaf, the head of security, finally appeared in the bottom lane. After clearing out all the QG’s eye positions on the river, he went back to go to the stone man.

Just when the audience thought that Head An was going back to the city after clearing the wild monsters, he walked towards the river again, then stood there quietly, motionless and began to wait!

“Master An wants to avenge the duo!”

Seeing this scene, all the LPL viewers were shocked. They never expected that the SSG team would resort to the tactic of an eye for an eye with an eye for an eye at this moment!

Looking at the entire Summoner’s Canyon, Chidi and CoreJJ had already gone out again, slowly walking down the road.

On the other side, although Uzi and Xiao Ming set off a bit slower, they are almost arriving.

It looks the same as before, but the current situation is extremely unfavorable for QG!

Whether it’s Uzi or Xiao Ming, their levels are still a little bit to six. At the same time, under the condition that Uzi’s flash healing is available, Xiao Ming’s weakness and flash are also not improved. Raff drives in and it’s almost impossible to escape!

There is even more bad news, becauseCoreJJ was killed just now, and all the subsequent soldiers were taken by Chidi alone, so at this time, his wheel mother has already reached the sixth level first!

Two sixth grades plus one fifth grade, two fifth grades…

For the upcoming wave of battles, the QG duo will almost certainly lose!

“Xiao Ming, be smarter, be more conscious, don’t be caught by Mr. An!”

“Just now Chidi was hit by Sofm with a double move, and also killed CoreJJ. It seems that the head of this wave of security also wants to directly reproduce Sofm’s moves just now!”

“Xiao Ming is dead when he dies. Uzi must not die, and don’t even hand in a flash, otherwise the dragon group will be hard to fight after a while!”

Countless LPL viewers prayed at this moment, not wanting to see bad news happen.

And Xiao Ming is indeed quite vigilant. Before the official launch, he first walked to the blue zone, and then went to the river, preparing to deploy and control the field of vision.

But on the other side, when Uzi’s VN had just passed the parallel line of the river and was about to continue to develop, Olaf, who had been squatting in the grass for a long time, directly activated the sprinting move, screaming and rushing out!

Although Uzi managed to survive in the end, the healing flash was still hit by An Zhangmen.

The only good thing is that Xiao Ming and Uzi walked separately. If the two went along the pawn line together, Xiao Ming’s bull head would definitely be confessed!

“Master An is still Master An after all, he has brought back the disadvantage of the Summoner’s skills so quickly.”

Seeing Uzi who was forced to return to the city just after leaving the house, the commentators were very helpless.

There is really no way to do this kind of thing. Xiao Ming has already been so careful to make vision in advance, but who would have thought that the head of An would squat for so long in order to knock down Uzi’s double moves?

“In this way, after a while, the adcs of both sides will have no double moves, and it will all depend on the operation.”

Miller also gave a wry smile, and there is another bad news. Because Uzi just went out and came home, the pawn line at this time was directly pushed by Chidi with QW to the first tower of QG.

Originally, Xiao Ming wanted to use his body to resist the pawn line, so that Uzi would lose a few pawns, but Chidi and CoreJJ did not give him such a chance, and drove him directly behind the defense tower, and then returned to the city contentedly .

As for Uzi, because of this wave of forced ganks by Head An, he also had to benefit from a wave of pawns after losing a double move.

But as long as he doesn’t die, it’s acceptable. After all, his VN has already reached the Blade of the Ruined King. Even if Chidi recovers a little bit, on the whole, his development is much better than Chidi’s!

In the next minute or so, the Summoner’s Canyon fell into a state of calm again.

But the undercurrent started to surge again!

Because the node of eleven minutes is coming soon!

In order to be able to fight this wave of small-scale team battles well before the second dragon spawned, Sofm began to deploy vision control in the SSG bottom lane in advance after getting the green jungler.

Scout in the middle lane is also pushing the line harder after updating his equipment. If he needs himself in the bot lane battle, he can go to the bot lane to support him first.

The same is true for the top road side. Knowing that the battle is imminent, the trolls of Brother Holy Gun have also begun to suppress them more strongly. If they can attract Olaf, who is the head of security, to the upper half of the wild area, then he will be caught and killed after a while Yes, teammates can also do things in the bottom lane!

Only down here, the two sides are quiet and peaceful, as if they don’t know what is going to happen, but in fact, Uzi and Xiaoming are just deliberately maintaining this “¨. Years are quiet” situation, trying to make Chidi and Xiaoming CoreJJ duo let down their vigilance.

But the members of the SSG team are not fools. When the QG team starts to move frequently, plus the things that the QG players have done a few minutes ago, it is easy to know that the next plan of the QG team is already in progress !

“I still have 30 seconds to turn back to flash, and they are very likely to come to the tower again before I turn back to flash.”

CoreJJ took a look at his flash CD. There was still half a minute left, and his mood suddenly became serious. After all, if there is no flash, it means that they are likely to be in danger!

“Come down immediately.”

Head An immediately gave a response, knowing that this wave had to give up the top lane and go down the lane to counter-squat, otherwise, once Chidi and CoreJJ were both killed, the fight for the second dragon would have to be withdrawn directly!

Here in the middle lane, when Brother Crown saw Scout struggling to push the line, he confirmed the thoughts of everyone in QG again, and also started to speed up the line.

And when all the artillerymen in the middle lane were pushed away, the mid laners on both sides pretended to retreat one after another, and then walked towards the bottom lane in unison.

At this moment, the time is about to enter 11 minutes, and there are only 20 seconds left for Tam’s flash CD to turn around!

“Master Dog, the middle road is missing. If you want to make a move, you have to do it immediately.”

While speaking, Sofm’s team came to the bottom lane again. This time, they didn’t go to the grass in the river, but walked into the grass on the line with their eyesight stuck, and stared straight at the opponent’s duo.

“Wait a second, I’ll push the soldiers in!”

Uzi frowned, alsoI realize that the SSG team has realized their thoughts, but if they don’t act at this time to make Tam’s flash turn better, then the next 20 seconds will become an opportunity for SSG instead!

Because Xiaoming Niutou’s flash CD is about ten seconds later than Tamm’s!

The next moment, Uzi and Xiao Ming began to actively clear the line. After Xiao Ming took the lead in using the shield of the sacred object to destroy the cannon soldiers, the red square pawn line finally (Wang Lihao) slowly moved towards the bottom lane of the SSG team. Advance in the direction of the tower.

And just as the red soldiers were about to enter the tower, the SSG team was also fully ready for battle!

Olaf, who is the head of security, is squatting in the grass of the stone man. Once QG’s side crosses the tower, he can immediately use the sprint big move to support.

Cuvee, who was on the top lane, also tried his best to clear the wave of troops and retreated directly. At the same time, he kept an eye on the situation on the bottom lane, and was ready to TP support at any time.

Of course, correspondingly, the QG team is also ready for combat, waiting for Uzi’s order.


The next moment, when the red square cannon troopers rushed into the SSG’s next tower, Uzi’s order was finally issued!

Let the horse go!

Immediately afterwards, Sofm’s troops shouted, activated their sprint and E skills, and rushed down the defense tower in front of the entire SSG team!

CoreJJ originally wanted to make up the artillery troop with the shield of the holy object and then retreat, but at this moment, a red whirlwind directly lit up on the anti-tower artillery troop, protecting it from death, Also blocks CoreJJ’s thoughts!

But at the same time, a blue whirlwind also lit up on the SSG’s defense tower, and Cuvee’s Poppy was about to arrive on the battlefield!

“Second Tamm!”

Although the tactical intentions prepared by the QG team for a long time were immediately seen through by the SSG team, Uzi does not think that he cannot fight against towers. After all, his current equipment is much ahead of Chidi. Even if he resists towers, he can definitely fight well. !

Destroy Charge!

So, under the ultra-high-speed movement of the centaurs, Sofm ran diagonally above CoreJJ in just one second, and then kicked Tamm to the wall with his E skill!


But at this moment, Olaf, the head of security, who had also been killed from the stone man’s grass, yelled directly, and also started sprinting to rush over, wanting to cooperate with the team members and the defensive tower to complete the group under this wave of towers war!

Coupled with the fact that Scout and Brother Crown are already on their way to support, all the audience will understand that this wave of team battles that originally belonged to the Xiaolong regiment will start in advance, and it will be decided to fight to the death!

(Thanks to “Salted Fish, Reader”, “Excalibur”, “Is this name used by anyone?”, “131xxxx6671”, “Broken

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