“Kill Emperor Chi first!”

After all, there are risks in jumping over the tower, especially when the entire SSG is about to appear in the bottom lane.

But at this moment, Uzi still ordered to rush to SSG’s tower again. After all, SSG’s blood volume and precariousness in the next tower, even if it can provide some damage, it will definitely not be able to last for too long.

And as long as they kill SSG’s duo in seconds, even if Sofm’s team jumps over the tower and dies, QG will have an advantage in the subsequent battles!


Even though Olaf, who had already seen the head of the sect, was also rushing towards him, Sofm still didn’t hesitate. With the blessing of E skills and sprinting, he continued to rush straight towards Chidi’s wheel mother!


Chidi’s reaction speed is not slow. At the moment when the horse kicked him, he directly activated the E skill spell shield to block the kick. The acceleration effect of the group of two people immediately increased the speed of the two!

But because Sofm’s troops didn’t immediately cause damage to Wheel Mom, Sofm hasn’t attracted the hatred of the defense tower until now.

And just when Olaf’s Countercurrent Throw was about to hit the centaurs first, Sofm finally brazenly pressed his big move, Destroy Charge!


A gust of wind whizzed past, not only forcing Mother Wheel and Tam to “retreat”, but also causing Olaf who rushed over from the side to suffer the effect of ridicule!

And at this moment, Xiao Ming and Uzi, who finally walked into the defense tower, launched their offensive!

No one can beat me back!

Xiaoming Niutou yelled loudly, and the next moment, he pressed W brutally.

The target is not Chidi’s wheel mother at all, but CoreJJ’s Tam!

Going down, CoreJJ Tamm was pushed directly against the wall, and at the same time he was knocked unconscious, Uzi’s VN immediately kept up with his output!

Let’s hunt those who fall into the darkness!

Ping A!



In an instant, the first three rings were played, causing a certain amount of HP damage.

At the same time, Xiaoming Niutou moved forward and came between Mom Wheel and Tam. Just when CoreJJ was about to resume action and could swallow Emperor Chi into his stomach, he pressed the Q skill Earth Crush directly!


The next moment, the SSG duo directly ascended to the sky!

On one side is Sofm’s men and horses who are crazy about outputting rulers and wheels., On the one hand, Uzi’s VN crazy output CoreJJ Tam, on the other side, Olaf, the head of security, didn’t know who to help at the first moment!

But after thinking for a moment, he finally understood that as long as Uzi’s VN is killed, even if Chidi is solo killed by Sofm, they will surely win the subsequent team battles!

The desire to kill is rising!

Immediately afterwards, in order to prevent Uzi from using VN’s E skill to push him away, An Zhangmen immediately pressed the big move Ragnarok, and rushed towards Uzi screaming.

But at this moment, Brother Holy Gun’s troll finally teleported to the ground!

The king of trolls is coming!

The moment he landed, Brother Holy Gun sneered, and then, when he saw Mr. An rushing towards Uzi, the pillar of E skill rose directly from the ground, which not only prevented Olaf from touching VN temporarily, but also made him Get back a position!

Look at the hammer!

But in the next moment, Cuvee’s Poppy also teleported to the ground almost at the same time. He had been staring at Uzi for a long time. After landing, he pressed the E skill Heroic Charge directly towards Uzi, and the VN who was continuously outputting Tahm Bump away!

However, Uzi’s reaction was quite quick. Knowing that he was in a bad position just now, as Bobby rushed towards him, he directly rolled back and left the defensive tower with his Q skill.

In this way, when Bobby bumped into himself, he avoided the dizzy effect of being hit by the wall!

Slam the hammer!

Cuvee didn’t expect Uzi’s reaction speed to be so fast, so he quickly gave a Q skill to slow down the VN to prevent the dying Tamm from sacrificing.

But the good news is that the Sofm troops who have been fighting against the tower to output Chidi, at this moment, finally because Olaf gave up VN and were transferred to output by Chidi, their blood volume has become precarious!

The verdict of the defenders!

Seeing this, Cuvee was overjoyed. Under such circumstances, as long as VN and even the Holy Gun troll were hammered away, the men and horses and bull heads under the defense tower must be in their pockets!

Immediately afterwards, the ultimate move was pressed instantly to start accumulating power, but it was not brilliantly released, because it could only be hammered away for a short time, but wanted to use longer-term accumulating power to hammer both VN and the troll farther away. place.


But he never thought that at this moment, Uzi had a sneer on his face.

The E skill that he has not used all this time is just waiting for this moment!

Demon trial!


Following the instant firing of a crossbow bolt, Bobby, who was wielding the hammer, suddenly failed to store his energy, and was directly nailed to the troll’s pillar by VN’s arrow. Immediately, he couldn’t move.

In the next moment, VN and the troll pressed their big move at the same time!

Now, you are in my kingdom!

With the troll’s ultimate move, he sucked in Poppy and provided him with a lot of armor resistance. At the same time, Brother Holy Gun’s troll finally took over from Sofm’s team and became the second tower defender.

But in the next moment, because the Sofm team had resisted the tower for too long, he finally became the first hero to die in this wave of team battles!

But to everyone in QG, it doesn’t matter!

A frightening shadow!

The next moment, as Uzi pressed the final moment of the vn big move, his movement speed and attack speed got a huge increase again!




Cooperating with the AQA damage of the King of Trolls, the next moment, CoreJJ’s Tamm was killed in battle right after Sofm’s troops!

QG.Uzi killed SSG.CoreJJ!

When the team battle was completed, the mid laners of both sides still hadn’t rushed to the battlefield, and had just arrived near Xiaolongkeng.

But this does not affect the continuation of this battle!

The moment he killed Tamm, Uzi switched his firepower and walked towards the next target, Chidi. After all, his blood volume was already in jeopardy!

On the side of the SSG team, how can everyone not know what Uzi is thinking at this time?

Security leader Olaf frowned immediately, and hurriedly threw a Q skill countercurrent throw towards Uzi, trying to slow him down and prevent him from catching up with Chidi.

Dodge the surprise attack!

But at the next moment, with Uzi’s light Q, not only dodged the ax, but also shortened the distance between himself and Chidi!

However, the stealth effect that should have existed, because of the existence of the SSG defense tower, caused the stealth to fail.

But it doesn’t matter, because immediately after, Uzi’s VN has already touched Chidi’s wheel mother!




Another three rings exploded in an instant. Chidi Luzimo, who had been soloed by Sofm for a long time, was finally caught up by Uzi’s follow-up damage, and then fell unwillingly under the defense tower!

QG.Uzi killed SSG.Ruler!


The moment the double kill was achieved, Olaf, who was in charge of security, finally touched Uzi’s VN. Under extreme rage, he directly activated the W skill Brutal Strike and the E skill Reckless Swing to slash the VN.

Under such circumstances, Uzi really had no room for maneuver. He could only walk A while retreating in the direction of the stone man’s grass.

Even if Saint Gun had been fighting against the tower under the defense tower, Uzi didn’t dare to go there, because at this time, Brother Crown’s snake girl had already appeared in the triangular grass!

As for Scout’s clockwork, although she stepped out of the triangular grass first, but with the protection ability of her E skill, it is absolutely impossible for Uzi to withstand the explosive output of Snake Girl.

At this time, Xiao Ming was very anxious, and kept sticking to Olaf, the head of security, trying to interfere with his continued output of Uzi.

But the problem is, even though his blood volume has been hit to less than half blood, An Zhangmen has no interest in him at all, and continues to slash Uzi frantically.

Although Niutou’s WQ skills have improved, the problem is that at this time, the head of An is still in the state of his ultimate move, even if he surrenders his skills, it will be for nothing!

But just when Uzi’s blood volume was less than a quarter, Scout, who started sprinting ahead of time in the distance, directly gave up on the holy gun brother who had been fighting against the tower under the defense tower, and pressed directly in the direction of the stone man grass Flash, and then, hung the E skill protection on VN’s body!

Although it is only a little shield effect, it can make Uzi die later!

What makes Head An even more chilling is that at this moment, the effect of his ultimate move finally disappeared!

Completely wiped out!

Head An knew that he might not be able to finish killing Uzi. Although his blood volume was only 1/4 now, his own blood volume was not much better.

But at this moment, just as Xiaoming Niutou was about to press WQ Erlian, Brother Crown, who arrived a little later not far away, also directly pressed Flash, and at the same time threw out a big move!

Petrifying stare!


Immediately, Xiao Ming, who was facing Olaf, was also facing Snake Girl’s bull’s head, and was immediately petrified by Snake Girl’s big move, and under the condition that the big move had already been activated to resist damage, Xiao Ming at this time couldn’t move at all!

But the only good thing is that when Scout turned his back on Snake, and Uzi once again used his Q skill to fall to the Golem camp, both of them escaped the control of Snake’s ultimate move, and Uzi didn’t even get Snake’s ultimate move s damage!

Because if you eat it, you will be killed immediately with a quarter of your blood volume!

This situation once again made Mr. An see the hope of victory in the battle, and once again threw a countercurrent throw towards Uzi. After the precise throw, he directly hit VN’s blood volume to only a trace of blood. !

But at this moment, as the cooldown time of Uzi’s Blade of the Ruined King finally improved, and after he sucked a mouthful on Olaf, his blood volume suddenly increased a lot again, even stealing Take a quarter of Olaf’s movement speed!

But at this time, Uzi is not too daring to turn around to output Olaf for the time being, because in the distance, the hinterland of the Crown Snake Girl is spread out on the ground, so that the clockwork and bull’s head can’t release the skills at all, after turning back, he will still Hacked to death again after being picked up by Olaf!

Uzi’s choice was to retreat first and then to distance himself.

But for Xiao Ming, the situation is more uncomfortable. After being continuously output by Brother Crown, he finally failed to make it to the end of the team battle, and was killed by Brother Crown ahead of time!

Although Scout clockwork also suffered a lot of damage, his blood volume is still healthy at this time.

So, when he finally walked out of the hinterland, without saying a word, he threw out all his skills towards the head of An who was chasing after Uzi again!

Command! attack!

Command! noise!

Command! Shockwave!

When Scout used the Q skill to call the golem back to Olaf’s feet, the next moment, Olaf, whose blood volume had finally bottomed out, was finally directly collapsed to death by the clockwork WR skill!

QG.Scout killed SSG.Ambition!

The moment Olaf was killed in battle, Uzi’s blood volume finally came back a little due to the existence of the “dangerous game” talent, so he turned back again and rushed straight towards the crown snake girl.

But it’s not really outputting Snake Girl, but jumping sideways repeatedly to cheat Snake Girl’s Q skill!

So, when Brother Crown saw the VN with residual blood in his eyes, Scout once again gained a certain amount of output space, and pressed his face against Brother Crown’s clockwork.

QG.Flandre killed SSG.Cuvee!

However, it was not the wild area that first reported the kill news, but the defense tower!

Under the circumstances that Brother Holy Gun had been carrying the anti-tower for a long time, he used his own troll to solo kill Cuvee’s Bobby!

It’s just that when he walked out of the defense tower and rushed towards the wild area, his blood volume became precarious.

But he still rushed over without hesitation, and the next moment, with another E skill, the pillar of ice soared up, and in an extremely tricky way, he directly stuck Brother Crown’s snake girl between the pillar and the wild area Between the walls!

Of course, Scout’s clockwork was directly stuck together with him!

Brother Crown finally realized that the situation was not good, and when he could no longer catch up with Uzi, he finally chose to switch firepower!

Although being stuck and unable to move, the skills can still be released. First, a precise Q skill blows up the troll whose blood volume has already bottomed out, and another E skill twin fangs is thrown at the clockwork body beside him. , ready to slaughter him quickly!

And at this time, Uzi’s VN finally waited for a safer output opportunity, and chose to turn back!

Demon trial!

Another E shot directly nailed the snake girl to the wall, immediately immobilizing him.

Then he continued to level the output of A, trying to kill Scout before Brother Crown killed him.

But the snake girl who joined the battle at the end still had too much blood. When he resumed his actions again, he threw his QE skill directly at ScoutWhen the soles of the feet are clockwork, even if Scout hangs the E skill protection shield on himself, it still cannot prevent his death.

But in the same way, when Crown Brother Snake wasted time to replace Scout’s clockwork head, Uzi also successfully used the last output time to knock out the last trace of Snake’s blood!

QG.Uzi killed SSG.Crown!


Uzi, complete the triple kill!

This protracted bottom lane team battle was finally over, but there was no notification sound for the team’s destruction.

Because at this time, CoreJJ Tamm, who was the first to die on the SSG team, has already been resurrected!


Except for the revived Centaur and Tam, the audience immediately exclaimed when they saw the seven corpses lying here and there in all directions.

Never expected that this wave of team battles, which lasted just over ten minutes, would be so brutal!

Four for five!

If this wave of team battles hadn’t been fought for too long, then the only survivor in the entire Summoner’s Canyon at this time was Uzi!

“Wonderful! It’s really wonderful!”

“Is this the team battle of the QG team?!”

When this wave of team battles, which lasted almost half a minute, ended, the three commentators in the commentary booth were already in deep shock.

And when they saw that Uzi with residual blood didn’t return to the city immediately, and pulled out the first tower in the bottom lane first, and then turned around and took down the second earth dragon that was stuck with Sofm for 12 minutes and just refreshed, they were shocked. It became more and more palpable!

“It’s too strong. The various abilities that the QG team has shown in the past minute are the epitome of their overall strength in this World Championship!”

Miller repeatedly exclaimed.

“The first is strategic planning!”

“As early as two minutes ago, the QG team must have planned to fight this wave of Xiaolong team battles, so Sofm used his ult to force a wave of bot lane ahead of time, and while taking CoreJJ’s head, he also forced Chidi out. double move!”

“That wave was completely foreshadowing the wave of team battles just now!”

“Although everyone in QG has been fighting against towers, and the SSG team is a six-on-five, but everyone in QG is really resolute in this wave of fighting, and the division of labor is clear.”

“Sofm’s team only went to find trouble with Chidi Wheel’s mother, while Uzi and Xiao Ming ignored Chidi and wanted to kill CoreJJ first. After all, his protection skills can only protect others, not himself, which caused CoreJJ to Die, I couldn’t even press the W skill.”

“Besides, this wave of operations for all members of the QG team is directly full, especially Uzi, except for the E skill that Bobby must hit at the beginning, he hardly has too many control skills.”

“This is also due to the fact that the QG players protected him quite well. Everyone is doing their best to protect Uzi’s safety and prevent him from being killed by everyone in SSG.”

“And in this wave of team battles, Uzi did not live up to everyone’s expectations of him, and finally won a wave of triple kills, and even brought his head count to 6! It has officially taken off!”

In the commentary, Miller said excitedly. After all, such a scene is already quite good for the QG team!

“As Miller said just now, this wave of QG teams is actually five against six, but the final result is four for six. Not only did they beat the SSG team with a fake team, but they also got the first blood tower in the bottom lane and the first team. Two earth dragons!”

Remember to answer the conversation cheerfully.

“However, this wave of team battles is actually not too bad for SSG. After all, Brother Crown’s Snake Girl also got three kills in this wave, Chidi’s Wheel Mom got a head, and the development of double C is also good. accept.”

“In contrast to the QG team, Uzi has six heads and Scout has two heads, and they are also concentrated on the double C.”

“But at this time, if Uzi dies the last time, once he is killed by Brother Crown or Chidi, they will immediately get a large bounty and take off immediately!”

While I was happy, I remembered that after this wave of team battles, I also saw a trace of hidden dangers in the QG team, and the next test for the QG team will be extremely great!

“Actually, I think it’s okay. After all, Uzi’s development is quite advanced. Just now, Olaf failed to kill Uzi, so the next wave will be even more impossible.”

“And in the next five minutes, Crown Brother Snake didn’t flash, even if he wanted to flash Big Uzi, he didn’t have that chance!”

“At the same time, I think that the two teams have fought two waves of team battles, one big and one small. Each time, the QG team took the lead with a kill.”

“If the next wave of team battles is a small victory for the QG team, then the advantages of the QG team will slowly accumulate, and then add up to a huge advantage!”

“In the end, win this game and become the world champion!”

But Baby, as well as all LPL audiences, have incomparable confidence in the QG team as a whole!

Because they believe that the SSG team’s comeback point certainly exists, but Uzi will never give them this opportunity!

Because Uzi’s desire for this world champion is definitely far beyond everyone’s imagination!

(Thanks to “157xxxx1189” and “Ray” for their 100-point reminder support!!!)

(Thanks to “?”, “Brother Invincible Xing”, “Yi·Devil”, “qqqqqqq”, “183xxxx6474”, Xu Zishun, and “Hosd” boss’s monthly ticket support!!!).

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