When everyone in QG held up the trophy high, when the audience at the scene and around the world shouted QG’s name, the excitement of everyone on the stage was beyond words!

Especially Uzi, when his teammates handed him the trophy and he lifted the trophy over his head alone, while his face was full of excited smiles, his eyes were filled with tears!

Everyone understands why Uzi is crying, and everyone knows that he is crying with joy.

Because of this championship, he really waited for a long, long, long time!

“Manager Zhang, thank you. If you hadn’t insisted on asking me to stay on the team at the beginning of the season, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to win the world championship now!”

While weeping, Uzi slowly handed the trophy to Zhang Mingrui. The QG team was able to win this world championship. Manager Zhang Mingrui was actually the biggest contributor!

“Without you, we would not have won this world championship!”

Zhang Mingrui said excitedly, but he still took the trophy in his hand, and then, he also held it high above his head!


When Zhang Mingrui completed this action, the audience burst into cheers again, shouting the name of “Manager Zhang” and feeling grateful for Manager Zhang’s appearance!

After all, if Manager Zhang hadn’t brought these five talented players together, how long would it be before the LPL wins its first world championship trophy?

Amid such cheers, the simple cup-holding ceremony finally came to an end.

At this moment, the host of the North American division also slowly walked onto the stage, with the same excited expression on his face. After all, in such a situation, even if the North American host is an outsider, he can definitely empathize with it!

“Now, I officially announce that the champion of the 2016 League of Legends World Championship Finals is…”

“Team QG!”

After taking the stage, the host first announced the ownership of the world champion again with the most enthusiastic voice, and then, amidst even more deafening cheers, solemnly told the scene and all audiences around the world.

“Next, I will announce the winner of the FMVP player of this World Championship Finals!”

“Who is he?”

And just when the host deliberately lengthened his voice to arouse everyone’s curiosity, a video that had been prepared for a long time began to play on the big screen at the scene.

“Is it Flandre, the top laner who can use Lucian to blow up opponents, and who can use Bobby to resist pressure?”

“Is it the spokesperson of the Wild Huntress, Sofm, the world’s number one jungler with rhythm driving ability?”

“Is it the mid laner Scout, who has an unfathomable hero pool and has picked out several new heroes one after another?”

“Is it Uzi, the bottom laner who is invincible in lanes and in team battles, with an average of 20+ kills per game?”

“Is it Ming who can be an excellent support player no matter in terms of team initiation or protection?”

“Now, let me make an official announcement!”

“The player who won the FMVP of the 2016 League of Legends World Championship is…”


When the host caught the appetite of all audiences around the world and loudly announced that the champion FMVP winner was Uzi, the audience once again fell into a deafening noise!




When all the audience in the audience suddenly named “Uzi” in unison, Uzi also received the exclusive trophy of the champion FMVP from the hand of the hostess lady!

Then, at the host’s invitation, she walked slowly to his side.

“Uzi, in 2013, you participated in the world championship for the first time and won the world runner-up.”

“At that time, the starting point was already very high. Everyone thought that you could win the world championship in 2014!”

“But no one thought that when you really won the world championship, four full years have passed since 2013.”

“So, do you have anything to say about this world champion?”

The host watched Uzi’s interview in surprise and asked.

But after listening to the translator’s translation, Uzi’s hand holding the microphone was trembling slightly, but he opened his mouth but was speechless. He didn’t know what to say for a while.

It wasn’t until he heard the encouragement from the audience again that he took a deep breath, raised the microphone, and spoke solemnly.

“You are right. I have really been looking forward to this championship for a long, long time.”

“S3, I won the runner-up, S4, I also won the runner-up!”

“Originally, I thought that as long as I continued to work hard, I would be able to win the championship no matter what in S5, but I never thought that I would not even enter the World Championship in S5.”

“This year’s S6, when some bad things happened in the spring split, I even sproutedThe idea of ​​retiring, but it was not until I met Manager Zhang that I rekindled the idea of ​​fighting again! ”

“I know that many LPL viewers don’t like me very much. They think that I am not good enough as a person, with a bad mentality, and not good anywhere.”

“It is said that I eat four roads alone, and that I am nothing without the four guarantees and one tactics!”

“Some of these things are true and some are not. I don’t want to refute and explain, but I can now confidently tell everyone that the current me is no longer the original me!”

“Here, I would like to thank Manager Zhang again. If it wasn’t for him, some of my shortcomings might still be there. But after he informed and instructed me, I realized that these shortcomings would affect my career.”

“At the same time, I would also like to thank my teammates for their tolerance and support. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be able to win this coveted championship and become our first LPL World Championship FMVP!”

“Finally, thanks again to Manager Zhang and my teammates!”

“we are the champion!”

“QG is the champion!”

When Uzi yelled the last two sentences with his most passionate voice, with the two lines of tears falling again, and with his action of raising the championship FMVP trophy above his head, the audience on the scene and around the world also broke out again The loudest shout!

All LPL viewers, especially Uzi’s fans, were already so excited that they burst into tears at this moment.

Although the person standing on the podium is not me, but out of love for the game League of Legends, LPL, and Uzi, at this time, I feel the same way!

At this moment, more people said that even the LPL has risen and won the world championship in a counterattack, so why not work hard in the future games, life, and growth? !

Those who have aspirations, things will come true, and the boat will be overwhelmed, and the Baier Qinguan will eventually belong to Chu!

A hard-working person, the sky will live up to him, and he will eat his courage. Three thousand victories can swallow Wu!

“QG Championship!”

“QG leather!”

“Uzi leather!”

“Manager Zhang is cowhide!”

Countless people cheered and shouted, and then opened the League of Legends client one after another, preparing to have a good time fighting with their friends!

On the stage, with the end of the post-match interview, the awards ceremony also slowly came to an end.

In addition to winning the championship trophy and medal, each of them also received a championship reward of 5 million US dollars, which made others envious!

But what everyone knows better is that the winning of the five million dollar bonus is not the end at all, but a new beginning!

Because after winning the world championship, their worth will definitely skyrocket!

Uzi’s popularity and fame will go even further. Holy Gun Brother can finally justify his name. The other three, after winning the world championship in the first season of playing LPL, their future will be even more promising!

And under the official request, as the five contestants once again gathered around the championship trophy to take the championship photo, the League of Legends S6 World Finals finally came to an end!

Amidst the laughter, everyone returned to the lounge with their trophies on their shoulders, started to pack their things and prepared to return to the hotel, and then went to celebrate.

But before that, there is still a post-match press conference that needs to be attended, even if the players are not really thinking about the post-match press conference, even if it is already very late.

But there is no way. In order to fulfill the customary requirements, after the SSG team finished the post-match interview, the QG team had to enter the press conference room again.


There was still some reluctance before entering the gate, but when they heard the warm applause from the reporters when entering the gate, every contestant’s face showed a happy smile again.

Different from the previous sharp questions after defeating the ROX team, this time the reporters’ questions were all positive questions!

The first question is naturally an interview with Manager Zhang.

“Manager Zhang, we all know that something happened to the QG team at the end of the Spring Split. There were rumors that it was going to be sold to the current owner of the NB team, but in the end QG persisted and won the world championship in one fell swoop…the story behind it , can you tell us now?”

The question is indeed not sharp, but it is very sensitive. After all, this has already involved the club’s privacy issues.

However, Zhang Mingrui’s face was still flushed, and he began to answer immediately. As for the real privacy, he was naturally not going to say it.

“Actually, it’s nothing. It’s just that the morale of the QG team was relatively weak at that time, so it happened in the one-minute BO5.”

“Then you also know that except for Uzi, the other four people have all left the team. Under such circumstances, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the QG team summer game, I had no choice but to find four players. I didn’t even have time to find a substitute player. formed the current lineup.”

“Fortunately, the strength and talent of the five players are all excellent, so I can share their glory and become the coach of the world champion!”

Zhang Mingrui said with a smile, which also caused a burst of laughter from the reporters.

But they naturally didn’t believe such an answer, so the second question followed.

“Manager Zhang, from what you said, did you choose the four players at random besides Uzi?”

“But we all know that you have the nickname of the God of Card Draw in the LPL, which means that the players you fancy are all talented, and this world champion,It also proves that the title is correct. ”

“Here, I would like to ask you on behalf of the fans and the coaches of other teams, are you really the god of drawing cards? Or is it because the players are so strong because you train hard enough?”

The reporter continued to ask. Zhang Mingrui smiled and turned his head to look at the five contestants before speaking slowly.

“Let the contestants answer this question by themselves.”

As he spoke, he handed the microphone to Brother Holy Gun on the left.

“Extraordinary talent? Do you really think that I am exceptionally talented? If I were exceptionally talented, we wouldn’t have failed to make it to the semi-finals when we were in the Snakes.”

Brother Holy Gun gave a wry smile, and after consulting his teammates, he spoke for them.

“You know, before the start of the summer split, we QG had the nickname of a motley crew, which means that the five of us are really not very good.”

“I’m a low-level top laner in the LPL. Sofm is a rookie jungler from the wild card division. Scout is a youth training player that the SKT team doesn’t want. Xiao Ming is just a player from LSPL.”

“Except for Lord Dog, the four of us really can’t be said to be talented. If we were really talented, we would have performed quite brilliantly in our respective teams.”

“But we didn’t really grow until we came to Team QG and met Manager Zhang, and I believe that no matter which player is trained by Manager Zhang, he can grow into an independent player!”

After speaking solemnly, Brother Holy Gun put down the microphone gently, and looked at Zhang Mingrui with his teammates, his eyes were really full of gratitude.

After all, if it weren’t for Manager Zhang, let alone the world champion, he doesn’t even know when he will be able to win the LPL championship, or even win it in his entire career!

After a few more simple questions, the reporters finally asked the question that everyone was most interested in, and that was the choice of the champion’s skin!

“I must be VN. I can be known to everyone because of the hero VN. At the same time, in the last game, I also used VN to get a pentakill. It would be unreasonable not to choose VN!”

Uzi was the first to respond, his face full of excitement.

“I choose Niutou, which can be regarded as my famous hero.”

Xiao Ming giggled, and this time, he could finally say the answer to this question without any worries!

“I choose Leopard Girl, I believe my Leopard Girl has already been remembered by audiences all over the world.”

Sofm also smiled. Although Leopard Girl was not used in the three games of the finals, as long as the heroes used in the World Championship stage can be selected.

“I choose Dragon King, although I actually want to choose Ryze more, but when it comes to Ryze, everyone thinks of Faker, but I also want to have a hero that can make everyone think of my name when they say it, So I choose Dragon King.”

Scout also said solemnly, and gave him quite an explanation.

“I…I’ll choose Bobby. Although Lucian is really fun to play, Bobby is actually the hero I use the most, and the attributes of this hero are more in line with my personality.”

After Holy Gun finished speaking with a chuckle, the reporters also burst into cheerful applause again.

The post-match interview after winning the championship was over, and everyone in QG could finally leave the arena and go to the venue reserved by the QG boss in advance to celebrate all night.

In fact, after winning the championship, there are still many things that need to be dealt with, but now, no one really wants to spend any energy on anything other than celebrating.

Now is the time to win the championship!

Now is the time to celebrate!

Three days later, after three days of swimming with all QG members, the QG team finally returned to China, and then disbanded on the spot for a holiday. Those who want to travel can go travel, and those who want to go back to the base can go back to the base. At this time, no one will care.

As for Zhang Mingrui, he quickly returned to the club with the QG boss and signed a new share agreement.

According to the previous agreement, if Zhang Mingrui can successfully lead the QG team to win the world championship, then the QG boss will hand over 30% of the shares of the League of Legends branch of the QG club to Zhang Mingrui.

However, when the agreement was signed, the boss of QG still “broke the contract”.

“Zhang Mingrui, what is your goal for next season?”

“Are you planning to find some substitutes for the next season? Or sell them? Get a new batch of players… You should understand that their current value should have increased by more than ten times!”

The boss of QG looked at Zhang Mingrui with a smile and asked.

“Boss, now I can be regarded as half of QG’s boss. Naturally, I want to win both the championship and profits.”

“As for the players, there is definitely a need for replacements. But for the first five players, the problem we need to face now is not whether we can sell or not, but whether they want to leave.”

“I don’t know about the others, but for Uzi, RNG contacted me again, wanting to buy Uzi.”

“The rest depends on the individual wishes of the players. If they want to leave, I won’t force them to stay. If they don’t want to leave, then I will continue to lead them to win more world championships!”

Zhang Mingrui said solemnly, making QG boss a little distracted.

If you heard Zhang Mingrui say that he wanted to lead the QG team to win the championship during the summer split, thinking that it was impossible, and hearing the same words again, I just felt dumbfounded.

because he is quiteIt is clear that the championship is not so easy to win. As strong as SKT, they have only won two championships in the past three years, and they are still separated.

But when he came to Zhang Mingrui, he actually said that winning the championship was as simple as drinking water…

“Whether you win the championship or not depends on your own wishes as the coach.”

“But if that’s the case, I’ve decided to give you an additional 20% of the shares, for a total of 50% of the shares.”

“From now on, you are the half-owner of the QG team in the true sense. How to run the QG team, how many people to recruit, what players to buy, what equipment to buy, etc., are all up to you alone, and I will no longer interfere. Ask.”

“Anyway, it’s just one request, just let me lie down and count the money.”

The boss of QG smiled and pushed a contract that had already been drawn up to Zhang Mingrui.

“Don’t worry, as long as QG is always the champion, you can just lie down and count the money.”

Zhang Mingrui smiled faintly. He was prepared for such a result, so he was not surprised at all. Then, he solemnly signed his name on the contract and officially became the half-owner of the QG team!

But now is not the time to relax, because Zhang Mingrui’s real goal is to replace SKT and establish a dynasty belonging to the QG team!

It’s just that if you want to achieve this, there are so many problems that need to be solved on the road ahead. Every level is a major test!

However, Zhang Mingrui is quite confident about this.

After all, the difficult goal of winning the first LPL world championship has been accomplished, so no matter how difficult the subsequent difficulties are, they cannot be more difficult than they are now!

“It’s time to make the name of the QG team famous all over the world!”

Zhang Mingrui sang loudly, and when he walked out of the office, his gaze was as firm as the stars and the sea!

(Volume 1, QG1.0 is over!)

(The second game, QG2.0 is about to kick off!)

(Thanks to the “[Lakers]” boss for the 2000-point reminder support!!!)

(Thank you Luo Tianyi for your 588 rewards and support!!!)

(Thanks to “sjwdhhdhd” for the 100-point reward and 100-point reminder ticket support!!!)

(Thanks for the 100-point reminder vote support from the boss of “Prisoner because of the imprisoned daughter”!!!)

(Thanks to “138xxxx5245”, “137xxxx6430”, “sjwdhhdhd”, “Love to eat braised fish”, “185xxxx6613”, “159xxxx8563”, “Banshi Liuli” for their monthly support!!!).

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