The training match started quickly and ended very quickly.

As expected, it ended with the disastrous defeat of the QG team.

In fact, except for Wei Shen who played well in the middle lane, the other three lanes were basically blown up.

In the bottom lane, the combination of the old thief Sima and Hirano Ling is not the opponent of Uzi and Xiaoming at all. Not only was he crushed a lot in the pressure knife, but he was also killed several times by the line~!

Here on the road, TheShy’s laning stage is still remarkable, but in the end, he still got a super ghost record. The main reason is that whenever he is gank by Mala Xiangguo, TheShy can’t run away at all-every time he catches him, he will die.

On the jungle side, Karsa’s rhythm was pretty good at the beginning, and even helped Wei Shen gain some advantages in the middle.

But because the disadvantages of the upper and lower lanes are too great, the wild area is slowly blown away by the spicy pot, not only can’t get neutral resources, but also can’t defend his own wild area, and he is directly beaten by the spicy pot for a full four levels poor grades.

Therefore, this training match ended very quickly. In just 18 minutes, the base was flattened by the RNG team!


After the training match ended, the atmosphere in the QG training room was quite solemn.

Except for Karsa, the other four actually knew that their opponent in this round was RNG, so they had a strong desire to survive. They wanted to directly win against RNG and prove their strength to Manager Zhang.

After all, although we haven’t really trained together yet, we are all professional players, and we often play rank with strangers together. I feel that as long as you choose a hero that is convenient, even if you lose, the loss will not be too ugly.

But in the end, it was quite different from what was said in the tone!

not only lost a lotIt’s ugly, and it can even be said that the loss is terrible!

“Zhang, Manager Zhang… yes, I’m sorry, I’m too good at it.”

Everyone didn’t speak, they sat quietly in their seats and froze, Karsa was silent for a while, then slowly got up, and said to Zhang Mingrui very ashamed.

“Thank you, Manager Zhang, for giving me the opportunity to try out. I’m sorry for disappointing you. I’m leaving now…”

With that said, Karsa actually prepared to leave the QG training room directly!

“Slow down.”

Seeing Karsa’s actions so simple and direct, Zhang Mingrui couldn’t tell whether to laugh or cry.

“Who said you let me down? I think your trial results are pretty good.”

Zhang Mingrui’s words were false. Although Karsa’s performance in this round was indeed not very good, this trial training was actually just a formality for Karsa. Zhang Mingrui still knew his true strength.

“Not bad? Is this all good?”

Karsa froze for a moment, a little surprised.

“Do you know who your five opponents are in trial training?”

Zhang Mingrui smiled mysteriously and asked a question.

“Shouldn’t it be the first team’s five world champions? The jungler is Sofm…”

“But it doesn’t seem to be the case. It feels like Sofm’s style of play has changed slightly.”

Karsa frowned and said, although he knew that he was no match for everyone in QG, but he didn’t expect the gap to be so big!

“It’s not Sofm, it’s the RNG team!”

“Letme in the top lane, Mala Xiangguo in the wild, Xiaohu in the mid lane, Uzi in the bottom lane, and Xiao Ming in support.”

“This is the starting five of the RNG team. The five of you can last 18 minutes in their hands without any cooperation, which is actually pretty good.”

Zhang Mingrui smiled lightly, and was quite satisfied in his heart, because to be honest, in the first five minutes of the field game, Karsa really did not fall into the disadvantaged position.

“So it’s the RNG team.”

“Hey wait, Uzi and Xiaoming? Shouldn’t they be in QG? Why did they suddenly go to RNG?”

Kasa first suddenly realized, and then suddenly thought of something, so surprised that he was dumbfounded.

“It’s been transferred, is it hard to understand?”

Zhang Mingrui smiled lightly and shook his head. It seems that he will have to explain the current situation of the QG team to Casa in a while.

“Then who else is in the QG team now…”

Casa was still in shock, not knowing what happened to the QG team in just half a month.

“If you are willing to join the QG team, then your four teammates just now will be your teammates from now on.”

Zhang Mingrui continued to smile, and pointed to the four people beside him.

However, when they turned their heads to look at Casa, the expressions of the four of them were rather awkward. After all, their performance in the training match just now was really poor.


“So Manager Zhang, you mean that after winning the championship, all the previous five world champions have left the team?”

Kasa finally realized something, and asked in a daze.

Zhang Mingrui nodded lightly, but did not speak.

“This… Manager Zhang, to be honest, my goal in coming to Team QG is actually to serve as a substitute for Sofm and grow up with Sofm.”

“But the current situation… Manager Zhang, I have to think about it. After all, besides learning and growing, I also want to win the championship!”

“If it was the previous QG team, I think the chances are very high, but the current QG… I think it’s a bit difficult, maybe not as good as the Lightning Wolves.”

Kasa pouted, and honestly said what was in his heart.

This made Zhang Mingrui stunned for a moment. He never expected that Kasa would say such a thing, nor did he expect that his recruitment work would encounter setbacks!

I thought that if I extended an olive branch to Kasa, he would take it over, but I obviously forgot that Kasa is also an independent individual with his own thoughts and considerations!

“Okay, then you can go to another team to try, and come back if no one wants you.”

“But I’ll give you three days at most. If you haven’t come back after three days, I’ll find someone else.”

Zhang Mingrui said lightly to Casa, although he is indeed his first choice for jungler, but if he is not willing to come, he will not force him.

It’s just that what Zhang Mingrui didn’t expect was that what he said seriously, in Kasa’s ears, turned into a threat!

The so-called “three days” is simply an imaginary number. It actually means that if Kasa dares to step out of the QG team today, he will regret it later, and he will never want to join the QG team again!

With such a thought, Casa had to reconsider this matter!

Leaving Flash Wolves, becoming a free agent, and coming to the LPL, Casa’s primary goal is the QG team, and he wants to grab a championship.

But now, all five QG starters have left the team, and I have no way to hold my thighs, so the first thought is to find a more reliable team.

But the question is, besides QG, is there any other reliable team that needs their own jungler?


Of these four teams, none of them seem to need me!

But if you go to other teams, even if you are selected, the situation seems to be no better than that of the QG team!

“Huh? What? Isn’t three days enough?”

Seeing that Casa didn’t leave immediately, Zhang Mingrui asked in doubt.

“Uh…Manager Zhang, actually, I thought about it again, if I alreadyAfter passing the trial training with you, it is actually my honor to be able to join the QG team. ”

“If it comes, it will be safe, and if I go directly from the expected substitute to the starting lineup, I can get better training!”

“What’s more, Manager Zhang, you are also the best coach in the world. I am lucky to be able to learn from you.”

Casa thought for a while, and finally changed his mind, expressing his willingness to join the QG team.

“Okay, then come with me to the office, let’s talk about your salary.”

Zhang Mingrui smiled lightly. Although he doesn’t know what kind of mental journey Casa has gone through in a short period of time, as long as the result is good, he can accept it.

And what is certain is that as the training progresses and the strength improves, not only Casa, but the other four players will gradually understand that being a member of the QG team is definitely the luckiest thing in their careers!

Because Casa is a free agent, there is no such thing as a transfer fee, so Zhang Mingrui quickly signed a team contract with him.

Including Casa, everyone’s contract period starts from the day of signing and ends on May 30, 2017.

At that time, the spring transfer period had not yet closed. If they won the spring championship, MSI would have just ended. At that time, players could choose whether to stay or stay.

So, when Casa and Zhang Mingrui formally signed the contract, the QG team version was officially formed!

Starting tomorrow, the preparations for the German Cup and the new season can be officially started!

“Okay, congratulations on joining QG!”

Zhang Mingrui got up and shook hands with Casa, then took out his mobile phone and asked him to add his WeChat.

Immediately afterwards, Kasara was added to the two chat groups “QG Team ing” and “QG Team Big Family”.

QG team ing, as the name suggests, is the current QG team, and Zhang Mingrui put it on top at the same time to prevent confusion with other QG chat groups.

As for the “QG Family” group, the moment Casa joined, it immediately became lively.

Flandre: Huo, Manager Zhang, you are going too fast. How long did it take to complete the reorganization?

Sofm: Karsa? It’s the jungler from Flash Wolves, right? The strength is indeed good, but it is still a little worse than me.

Uzi: Worse than you? You wait for Manager Zhang to train Karsa well, even if you can’t beat you in the German Cup, you will definitely beat you in the spring game!

Ming: That’s right, we just had a training match just now, and Karsa is still very strong, helping Wei Shen catch and kill several waves of Xiaohu.

Scout: Manager Zhang, for the new version of the German Cup, do you have any heroes to recommend? I’m going ahead again and again, otherwise I feel that I can’t match Wei Shen in the lane.

The five members of QG1.0 spoke one sentence at a time. Seeing that Kasa was shocked, he never expected that the previous five members had left the team, and they still had such a good relationship with Manager Zhang!

MR: Go, go, you are not a member of QG now, and you still want to steal from me? Let the EDG coach figure it out by yourself, and then wait to be beaten by Wei Shen.

Zhang Mingrui replied with a light smile.

The establishment of this “QG family” is just to make the relationship between the team members better in private. As for the tactics, they will never be disclosed.

But if they are willing to reveal the tactics of their team in advance, Zhang Mingrui will definitely not object!

“Alright, let’s go back to training.”

“Oh, by the way, let me know that tomorrow morning, we will start our first official team training. Go to bed early tonight and get a good night’s sleep.”

Zhang Mingrui smiled lightly and waved to Casa, telling him to leave. Instead of continuing to manage the content of the chat group, he first sorted out the various situations during the transfer period.

The operation of the QG team’s transfer period is probably over here.

The departure of the five players brought QG nearly 200 million in revenue.

In the follow-up, Zhang Mingrui bought new players, carried out the acquisition of the second team, and prepared for the youth training team. He spent a lot of money, and only spent 80 to 90 million less than 100 million.

Leaving aside the team’s wages and daily expenses, etc., there is still a net profit of nearly 100 million…

“If the netizens find out about this, I’m afraid I can still get the title of a financial master.”

Zhang Mingrui laughed in his heart, and suddenly remembered that the EDG team in his previous life had the title of financial master.

For example, they often find some young players with relatively low value from the youth training team, or from somewhere, to play for a season. Once they have achieved results, they sell them at a high price to make a profit.

·· ·Ask for flowers········

However, compared with Zhang Mingrui’s operations, the EDG team’s operations are definitely nothing.

After all, the EDG team’s financial management is just a leap from hundreds of thousands to millions, but Zhang Mingrui’s financial management is a leap from “obscurity” to “world champion”!

If it is reflected in the net worth, it is a huge leap from millions to tens of millions!

This is real financial management!

“Things suddenly became interesting.”

“If I lead QG to win the spring championship and the MSI championship, will I be able to make a lot of money if I sell it in the summer split?”

“Then recruit another group of people in the S7 Summer Split, win the Intercontinental Championship, the Summer Championship Championship, and the World Championship Championship, and sell them again. Wouldn’t it be possible to make a lot of money again?””Draw a wave of people every season, get a champion, and then sell it. After repeating this, it may not take a few years for me to make a fortune!”

Zhang Mingrui laughed straight, and even started to fantasize about himself driving a sports car and hugging beautiful women.

But soon after waking up, I knew very well in my heart that I don’t have the capital to fantasize about this at all!

First of all, I don’t have that much money to squander. Secondly, if I just win one championship and go away, the second championship may be very far away!

“Well, let’s set a small goal first, to surpass SKT in the previous life and become the new Triple Crown Champion! And the Triple Crown Champion for three consecutive years!”

Zhang Mingrui said solemnly, and immediately left the office and walked towards his room.

Formal training will start tomorrow. From now on, I also need to slowly change my identity from “manager” to “coach”, and go to sort out the version of the new season of S7 in advance, and what changes will there be.

In my impression, the League of Legends S7 season ushered in the version of “Cornerstone Runes”, and a new version of runes called “Fatal Rhythm” appeared.

… … … …

But in fact, although the version changes in the S7 season are big, they are not that big, so the speed of adaptation of professional players should still be very fast.

The changes in the S7 season should be relatively large in terms of the wild area.

First of all, three kinds of wild plants appeared in the wild area: Explosive Fruit, Divination Flower, and Honey Fruit, which can bring three different effects of displacement, field of view, and supply.

Secondly, the traditional wild monsters have also undergone considerable changes.

First, the red and blue BUFFs no longer have two young sons, and have become isolated wild monsters.

Second, F4 became F6, adding two birds.

Third, the stone man has turned into a stone beetle, which will split twice after being knocked out.

Fourth, the magic marsh frog has undergone some changes.

Fifth, in the S6 season, all the buff effects that can be obtained from punishing wild monsters have been cancelled, and have become healing effects. Therefore, there will no longer be cases where punishing F4 can obtain real effects.

Then there are changes in equipment, which have changed a lot.

First, in terms of Assassin equipment, all equipment has a new “armor-piercing” effect. Among them, Draksa’s Curtain Blade, Night’s Edge, and Youmeng’s Spirit have all greatly improved their equipment attributes.

Second, in terms of auxiliary equipment, there are two pieces of equipment, Knight’s Oath and Redemption, and the Legion Holy Shield, which was very useful before, will not provide magic resistance aura.

Generally speaking, the version update of the S7 season is not big compared to the S6 version, and it is almost negligible compared to the future S8 version update.

But the so-called “insignificant” is actually for ordinary summoners, and for major teams and professional players, any slight change requires a fairly precise judgment in order to find the most suitable version of the hero And tactics!

In this regard, Zhang Mingrui is not worried at all. Even if there is a deviation in memory, as long as he deliberately looks for inspiration in the game, he will find it quickly.

I am even confident that through these advanced game understandings, in the first month after the reorganization of the QG team, they will simply ignore tactics and the cooperation between teammates, and come back with a Demacia Cup champion!

But Zhang Mingrui didn’t intend to do that.

Because the purpose of the Demacia Cup every year is to allow each team to train before the start of the new season. This is also an excellent opportunity for the QG team.

Let the five new players want to see clearly the gap between themselves and other teams, and then catch up to win the more important spring championship and MSI championship!

As for the German Cup, it’s really not important, it’s optional!

At the same time, if QG wins the championship as soon as they come up, the five of them may directly expand in place. This will be very detrimental to the entire S7 Spring Split!

“Well, the training before the German Cup will be carried out according to the normal thinking of ordinary teams.”

“As for the German Cup, you can go as far as you can. It doesn’t matter if you don’t make it to the knockout round.”

“If they make it to the knockout round, it can only show that the personal strength of these five players is already very strong at this stage.”

“Cooperate with my targeted training in the follow-up, and quickly become a top LPL player, it will definitely not be a problem!”

Zhang Mingrui spoke solemnly in his heart and was quite confident.

After all, the goal is not to win the championship. If you are rushing to find shortcomings and run to the goal of running the lineup, how can you not have confidence?

And in such a relatively normal training state, the days passed day by day, and in a blink of an eye, December 18 came, which was also the final deadline of the 2016 LPL winter transfer period!

It is also a big day on the last day of the entire LPL transfer competition!

(Thanks for the 100-point reward from “Her can only be heard now”, 100-point reminder for [email protected]/renewal ticket and monthly ticket support!!!)

(Thank you “Brother Invincible Star” for your monthly ticket support!!!) Son.

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