
“Sofm actually took out Rexai in front of the factory manager!”

“Some have watched this game!”

When uzi locked the excavator for Sofm, the two commentators were already ebullient, and the audience went into a commotion again!

Although everyone guessed that QG would choose this way, when the excavator was actually selected, everyone had to admire QG and Sofm’s courage!

“A big ax in front of Luban’s gate, and an excavator in front of the factory manager!”

“I heard that you are the king of off-roaders? The factory manager will kill you after a while!”

“It’s better to stay under the ground and not come out, or else you won’t be able to escape once it shows up!”

The EDG fans at the scene laughed wildly, as if they had already seen the victory of this game!

But with the official lock of the excavator, EDG coach Abrahim’s face turned a little ugly.

The top laner Ike, the mid laner Czar, and the bottom laner Lucian are all heroes with displacement, but the male gun does not have a strong ability to keep people, and can only cooperate with online heroes…

“This Zhang Mingrui is not easy. In the first game, everyone gave me 12 points!”

“Especially your factory manager, their whole BP thinking is indeed targeting you, or in other words, helping Sofm to perform better!”

Coach Abu remained calm, feeling as if he had been tricked. Fortunately, there was still a counter position for the final countermeasure!

Braum, Heart of the Freljord!

The next moment, on QG’s side, Xiao Ming finally chose an auxiliary hero.

Not only is it a perfect match with Lucian, but it also has considerable protection ability.

“But in this way, wouldn’t QG be able to withstand the pressure?”

In the commentary seat, Miller froze for a moment.

Although Lucian Gablon is a perfect match, but facing the double poke combination of ez and Karma, these two short-handed heroes can only resist pressure!

“Let uzi fight the pressure in the bottom lane?”

“This MR coach really dares!”

“Don’t he know the puppy’s temper?”

The baby on the side was immediately shocked. Although he didn’t say it clearly, everyone knew how the OMG team failed last year, and the split between QG’s middle and field players in the Spring Split probably had something to do with him!

“I don’t know, let’s see EDG’s final pick.”

“Let the crazy puppy resist the pressure… Hey, the camera showed uzi, his expression seemed very calm, and he actually accepted the coach’s arrangement? ”

Both of them were quite surprised. They never expected that the crazy puppy would stop being crazy in just one month? !

However, when the two were analyzing, the EDG team chose the last counter hero in seconds.

The ancient witch spirit Xerath!

“General Pawn has also started working! Ze San Pao!”

“No, no, it’s Ze Wupao. Now Xeras can fight up to 5 pao!”

“And Xerath’s hands are longer than the Tsar’s. In this way, the right to the middle lane that the QG team has been thinking about is probably gone!”

“After all, it’s Coach Abu, who responded in such a timely manner! And it also shows that General Pawn’s hero pool is bottomless, and he even practiced Xerath in the offseason!”

When the QG team selected players, they were like moths jumping into the flames to kill themselves.

When the EDG team selected players, it was an excellent choice to keep secret.

Such a double standard is enough to prove the huge gap in popularity between the two teams!

But no matter what, the lineup has been determined, and the game is about to start!

The blue QG team, top laner Ike, jungler Excavator, mid laner Tsar, bottom laner Lucian, and support Bron!

The red side of the EDG team, the top laner Dashu, the wild male gun, the mid laner Xeras, the bottom laner ez, and the support Karma!

“Finally, check whether the rune talent is misplaced, and whether the summoner skill position is misplaced.”

Originally, Zhang Mingrui’s mood was quite calm.

However, when the countdown to the game entered the last half minute, he became a little nervous instead.

After all, this is the first show of the new season for myself and the QG team!

“Coach, you can shake hands now.”

“Also, remember my tactical arrangements, don’t forget.”

“Coach, you can shake hands now.”

“Sofm, remember to make an eye stone.”


“It’s fine for the bot lane to develop normally, and I’ll let you C in the next game!”


“I heard it, I heard it, let’s go.”

After the referee gave continuous warnings, Zhang Mingrui took off his earphones and walked towards the center of the stage.

At this point, Coach Abu had already waited for a while.

“Welcome to the LPL.”

When shaking hands, Coach Abu smiled.

“It’s time for the LPL to change its dynasty.”

Zhang Mingrui also smiled slightly, then let go and left.

As the two coaches returned to the waiting room, the director’s camera also cut to Summoner’s Canyon.

The next moment, ten heroes from both sides rushed out of the spring together!

“EDG! Come on!”

“EDG! Come on!”

“EDG! Come on!”

Before the two commentators could speak, all the EDG fans shouted.

And when their voices fell, the audience unexpectedly fell into a strange silence!

“QG come on!”

“The reorganized QG is still worth looking forward to. After all, with uzi in the team, the strength will not be so weak!”

In order to alleviate this embarrassing situation, Miller hurriedly came to the rescue.

When the voice fell, ten people from both sides were already in the river, facing each other across the river!

When the eyes met, the drums of war were beating loudly!

(Thanks for the support of the monthly ticket, Big Brother Xiaoxiao!!!)

(Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes!!!).

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