
Zhang Mingrui was determined to win, but just as he finished speaking, he heard a few laughing voices from all around.

“Manager Zhang, it’s not that I don’t believe you, it’s our current situation, there is really no way for people to believe it!”

“Such a big thing happened to the QG team, and you sold the two of them, who would still want to come?”

“Coupled with the existence of Uzi, a team-destroying maniac, it’s even more impossible for someone to come!”

Immediately afterwards, the voice of V, the top laner, rang out in disdain.

“Team demolition maniac? They broke up between the middle and the wild, and has something to do with me?!”

Uzi suddenly became angry. Originally joining QG, he was rushing to fight back to the S game. Who knew that the middle and wild two people disappeared immediately!

“Hehe, last year at OMG, OMG is gone, this year at QG, and QG is gone, what is it if it’s not a team demolition maniac?”

“Manager Zhang, I don’t want to stay anymore, so you can list me too.”

After V sneered, he got up and left the training room!

“You’re not in QG, are you? Why didn’t you dismantle the team?”

Looking at V’s back, Uzi cursed, but V didn’t respond.

At this moment, Aishe Jiayi also slowly stood up.

“Manager Zhang, please list me too. With uzi here, I can’t even make the starting lineup. It’s really meaningless.”

Immediately afterwards, Doomsday also stood up.

“I don’t want to stay anymore. There’s no particular reason. I just feel that staying in QG is hopeless.”

With that said, the two also left the training room hand in hand.

So, in the huge training room, only Zhang Mingrui, UZI and the substitute mid laner were left.

“What about the two of you?”

Zhang Mingrui’s mood is very calm. After all, in the current situation, even if the whole team leaves, it is expected.

The substitute mid laner didn’t speak, but bowed to Zhang Mingrui and left the training room quickly.

So, only Uzi was left.

“Hehe, hehe, have I somehow become a team demolition maniac?”

“I’ve been the second runner-up in the two-time S competition, and I’ve become a team demolition maniac?!”

“Didn’t you beg me to come?”

However, in just a few minutes, only Uzi was left in the training room, and his chubby face was flushed red with anger.

“If it doesn’t work, I’ll leave too? Anyway, the blame for everything can be blamed on me in the end!”

“Anyway, RNG also contacted me this morning, hoping that I could join them.”

“Just won the championship, and there is Mata Xiaohu in the team, and Looper, plus me, can definitely win this year’s world championship!”

Uzi became more and more angry as he talked, and then stood up abruptly.

But the next moment, he was stopped by Zhang Mingrui.

“Puppy, calm down.”

Zhang Mingrui never expected that RNG’s speed would be so fast. He just won the championship last night and contacted uzi this morning. How disgusted is he for Wuxin?

And only Zhang Mingrui knew that if uzi went to rng according to the previous life process, then the champion of the summer split would become EDG instead, and it would even stop at the top eight in the S6 World Championship, creating the worst record in LPL history!

“Calm down, how can I stay calm?”

“If you don’t stay here, you will have a place to stay!”

But uzi was still burning with anger.

“Who said you won’t be kept here?”

“As I said just now, in the summer split, my reorganized QG team will definitely win the championship! Even if you go to RNG now, the result will remain the same!”

“But if you stay, I can build a brand new QG around you! A QG that can always win the summer championship, even the S championship!”

Zhang Mingrui looked at uzi and said solemnly, no matter what, uzi must be kept.

After all, even if you sell him and get a large amount of transfer funds, among the other available ADCs in the LPL and LSPL, it is impossible to have a stronger player than uzi.

Grumpy and hard to discipline? It’s just because of the lack of four teammates who can cooperate with him!


Hearing Zhang Mingrui’s indomitable voice again, uzi frowned, very puzzled.

Because no matter how you listen to these words, they sound like they are drawing big cakes and bragging.

But looking into the manager’s eyes, there was no expression other than firmness in his eyes. It was obvious that he was serious!

“Are you really sure that QG can win the summer championship? Even if I’m the only one on the team now?”

Uzi hesitated and asked again.

“I am sure!”

Zhang Mingrui spoke loudly again.

“I’d like to believe you, but I can’t completely believe it.”

“RNG did contact me, but there is still one month before the transfer period closes. If you are within this month, you can really buy four normal and strong enough players.”

“Then, I am willing to stay and fight with QG for another season!”

Hearing uzi’s reply, Zhang Mingrui finally showed a gratified smile on his face.

As long as uzi is willing to stay, then the next team building will be much easier.

First of all, what needs to be considered is the assistant candidate!

And looking at Uzi’s entire career, which support has the highest level of tacit understanding with him?

This person, besides Xiao Ming, is nothing else!Not even Mata, who could have been uzi’s teammate! .

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