With the revision of the wild area in the S6 season, the appearance of the elemental dragon and the canyon vanguard, the defense value of the defense tower has been reduced, and the line-changing tactic has become one of the opening tactics commonly used by major teams.

It is usually used to protect the big core of one’s own adc in the late stage!

For example, the EDG team in this round, in the early stage, the mouse Gablon’s combination will definitely be very uncomfortable when playing against Lucian and Niutou, and they will die if they are not careful.

But as long as the line is successfully changed, the mouse can develop steadily to the later stage, and even when it has a three-piece suit, one of the mouse’s big moves can have devastating effects in team battles!

Therefore, when the EDG fans saw this scene, they were surprised, because when the wild monsters spawned, QG didn’t seem to notice EDG’s intention at all!

“The EDG line change was successful!”

“It’s going to be hard for QG now. No matter how hard Lucian and Niutou are in the lane, it’s impossible to crush a big tree to death.”

“Besides, Dashu won’t stay online at all!”

Wa Wa said with a smile, because of the appearance of changing lane tactics, the game time is three to five minutes, and the two sides flatly push each other’s top and bottom lane towers, which is already a common occurrence in the Spring Split.

“Look at QG’s response. If they handle it well, there will be more games in this round. If they can’t react well, then this round will be more difficult.”

Miller nodded, and murmured, even though the soldiers on both sides have not met online yet, they have already reached such a conclusion.

In Summoner’s Canyon, when Uzi and Xiao Ming finished fighting Toad and appeared online, Mouse and Bron also appeared on the top lane at the same time.

“EDG really changed the line!”

Brother Holy Gun pinned a few signals and reminded Uzi.

After finishing speaking, he threw a Q skill and turned around to leave without even looking at the soldiers.


Uzi said solemnly, and at the same time took a deep breath.

Although in this round, Manager Zhang is indeed planning to let Xiao Ming be the protagonist, but as a supporting role, as a conductor, he also needs to perform well, otherwise Xiao Ming’s dream of leading the role will definitely die on the spot!

“Master Dog, shall we go catch the lane, or push the tower first?”

Xiao Ming immediately asked, the EDG team’s opening tactics really caught him off guard, if he was laning normally, he would be able to start roaming normally, but now, he doesn’t know what to do!

“Wait, let me think about it.”

Uzi frowned, thinking about countermeasures while pushing the wire frantically.

If it doesn’t matter if you have your own command or not in the first game just now, then whether you can win this game or not really depends on your own judgment!

After pushing the first wave of pawns, the blue side’s second wave of pawns quickly continued. They did not enter the tower, so they must continue to push forward.

At the same time, uzi quickly switched to the top lane, and glanced at the line pushing speed of the Deft mouse…

very slow!

Not only because the mouse is deliberately controlling the lane, but also because Meiko’s Bron has left the lane and entered his own wild area!

Immediately, Uzi’s eyes lit up.

“If you go home as soon as possible and start on the road, you should be able to arrive before the line of troops enters the tower.”

Thinking of this, uzi immediatelyMake a decision!

“Xiao Ming, turn in the skills to clear the line.”


After finishing speaking, Xiao Ming manipulated his bull head to walk to the middle of the soldiers pile. Immediately afterwards, he used the Q skill to shatter the ground with both fists, knocking several soldiers into the sky.

No one can beat me back!

Accompanied by the incomparable arrogance of the bull-headed chief, the blood line of the blue soldiers dropped rapidly. With Lucian’s skills, they all died soon.

“Enter the grass, return to the city.”

While watching his soldiers walking slowly towards the first tower, he called Xiao Ming to enter the grass with him, and then began to read the article to go back to the city.

But a second later, uzi spoke again.

“Xiao Ming, don’t go back, go catch Ruiz.”

“Didn’t Manager Zhang let you wander? Now is the first chance!”

After finishing speaking, a smug smile appeared on uzi’s face, and Xiao Ming was even more overjoyed. I really didn’t expect this!

“Okay, Mr. Dog, my old cow will leave now.”

After finishing speaking, he canceled his return to the city and walked along the river towards the middle road.

There is no need to worry about the EDG’s vision in the river, because at this point in time, all the yellow jewelry eyes have disappeared!

“Uzi has returned to the city, and is going to catch you on the road.”

On EDG’s side, although Mouse is not online, he has been paying attention to QG’s movements. When Lucian entered the grass, he reminded his teammates.

“Hiss…Meiko is back to help me push the thread!”

Hearing this news, Deft was shocked. Looking at the position of the current pawn line, and then at his poor attack power, he felt bad.

Once uzi came over before he pushed the pawn line under the opposite tower, then their opening line-changing tactic would only succeed with two waves of pawns!


Meiko also gave up exploring the wild area and quickly walked up the road.

But the problem is that he, Bron, has no AOE skills at all, so he can only work hard with the mouse, punching and punching the little soldiers.

While everyone was paying attention to Lucian’s position, on the small map, Xiao Ming’s bull head had slowly walked to the position of the crab.

“Scout, exchange blood with Ryze to see if we can bring back the line of soldiers.”

At the same time, Xiao Ming asked.

With the WQ Second Company in hand, as well as Flash Ignition, as long as it is not discovered, it is not a dream to catch General Pawn to death at the second level!

(Thanks to “dy35353” for his monthly ticket support!!!)

(Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes!!!).

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