But this time, it was actually a false alarm by EDG fans.

Because when Niutou was walking towards the middle, Scout just returned to the city, and Sofm’s wine barrel was also clearing the jungle in the second half of the field. It is impossible for someone to cooperate with Xiao Ming to complete the third kill of Pawn!

And after being caught twice in a row, Pawn also learned how to do it. After pushing the line, he immediately retreated to the city, not staying on the line at all.

As long as I’m not online, how could you catch me to death? !

So, Xiao Ming, who was rushing to the middle lane with his five-speed shoes, was forced to help Scout eat a wave of lines. Then, after the Czar arrived, he walked towards the top lane in front of the next wave of minions from the blue side.

“The bull head is on the road, I’m going to catch a wave of Ike!”

Seeing this scene, the factory manager said decisively.

Having just finished playing the red BUFF, he not only saw the bull’s head walking towards the road, but also saw Sofm’s wine barrel through the real eyes that Ryze left in the grass in the lower river!

That is to say, at this time, in the entire lower half of QG, there is only Brother Holy Gun!”Okay, I’ll fight him first.”

Mouse nodded immediately, and continued the “normal” skill exchange with Ike online.

It wasn’t until the factory manager turned on the scanner and walked all the way to the grass behind him that a sinister smile appeared on his face.

“Ike W handed it in!”

The next moment, when Mouse saw that Holy Gun had thrown away his W skill in order to clear the line, and after confirming that he had no shield, he finally launched an attack!

The W skill directly binds Ike, and the Q skill punches back!

Brother Holy Gun seemed to think that this was just another normal blood exchange, so he didn’t think much of it, so he directly E went to Dashu and handed over his Q skill to slow down.

But when Dashu suddenly pressed his ultimate move, Brother Holy Gun realized that something was wrong!

But it was too late when I wanted to leave.

I saw the factory manager’s excavator suddenly drilled out of the grass, and with the fist of the big tree, Ike’s blood volume was instantly disabled!

Back in time!

Even though Brother Holy Gun hastily pressed his ultimate move to bring Ike’s state back to four seconds ago, it still didn’t seem to help.


The next moment, in order to escape for his life, Brother Holy Gun flashed out of the attack range of the two of them. Although he returned to the tower with an E skill, he staggered under the deceleration effect of the red buff.


Mouse also dodged directly, and despite being beaten up by the defense tower, he still managed to take Ike’s head!

EDG.Clearlove killed QG.Flandre!

Although Ike’s head did not fall into Dashu’s hands in the end, but was burned to death by the red BUFF, Mouse didn’t care about it at all.

Because they finally won the first head of the game!


Mouse chuckled, but just as he was about to head back out of the tower, an unexpected visitor suddenly appeared behind him.

“Bull head?!”

“Why is the bull’s head here?!”

The sudden appearance of Niutou stunned both the factory manager, Mouse.

Twenty seconds ago, they clearly saw the bull’s head walking up the road, but why did it suddenly appear on the down road at this time? !

This bull’s head has teleportation?

That’s right, it’s an ignition.

Then why did he suddenly appear? !

Mouse was puzzled, but at this moment, how could Xiao Ming give him time to react?

Brutal impact!

The next moment, just as the big tree was about to come out of the tower, a pair of bull horns pushed the big tree back onto the defensive tower.

Taking another two steps forward, the Q skill Earth Shatter once again hammered the big tree into place and ignited it at the same time!

Whoops, whoops, whoops…

The bull’s head’s attack power is really appalling, but it can’t withstand the ray of the defense tower!

So, after Dashu forcibly withstood nearly five attacks from the defense tower, he finally died unwillingly on the spot!

QG.Ming killed EDG.Mouse!

Assisting Niutou, he completed the kill on the top laner Dashu!

And throughout the whole process, the factory manager’s excavator could only stare aside, unable to save his teammates like the bullhead just now…


At the scene, there was another frying pan.

All the EDG fans were holding their heads in shock, watching everything that happened on the field with dumbstruck eyes, not understanding what happened!

“When did this bull head come?”

“Didn’t he fill up the line in the middle and then go to the top?”

“When did you go down the road?”

Even though the audience was in the perspective of God, they still didn’t notice the direction of the bull’s head. Like Mouse, they didn’t notice it until he suddenly appeared behind him!

“If QG wins again, Xiao Ming’s bull head will definitely be the MVP!”

During the commentary, Miller said dumbfounded. Even he didn’t notice Xiao Ming’s position. He only felt that this wave of wandering down the road was like a heavenly soldier!

“If it weren’t for this bull head, EDG’s bot lane arrests would have greatly supplemented their development…”

“But now it’s a one-for-one fight, and the dead one is the late-stage tank tree, which interrupted his development speed…”

“This game, EDG’s side, is really hanging around.”

Although Wawa didn’t want to admit it, the facts one after another had to make him affirm that EDG’s disadvantage was getting bigger and bigger!

After all, if the czar is well developed and the big tree is poorly developed, even if he grows fleshy, he won’t be able to handle it in a team battle later!

“I only have one question now.”

“How did the bull’s head appear in the bottom lane?”

“Why did he fool everyone? Even his teammates!”

(Please ask for flowers and evaluation votes!!!).

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