“I was full of confidence from S2, but I was timid in S3, and I had no chance of winning in S4 and S5!”

“This year, even if the QG team has shown such strength, the LPL audience still don’t believe that we can beat SKT and LCK!”

“Counting from S3, it has been four years, and it has been four years since LPL feared Korea!”

“The ancients said that there are no more than three things!”

“I can’t think about anything more than four things today!”

“In the past, the LCK was indeed stronger than the LPL because of their advantages in professionalism, regularization, and discipline.”

“But now, these problems are no longer problems for LPL!”

“As long as the QG team can beat the LCK and win the World Championship!”

“Then, this S6 will be the beginning of the LCK fear of China!”

Thinking of this, Zhang Mingrui clenched his fists and slammed the ground loudly. His eyes burst out with burning gaze, as if he wanted to disperse all the dark clouds covering the dark sky of LPL in front of him!

And can it be successful?

Just watch tomorrow’s game!


train! !

train! ! !

Usually, the members of the QG team go to bed around two o’clock, but this night, for the upcoming first match against the SKT team, almost everyone went to bed after four o’clock or almost five o’clock.

But after only sleeping for less than five hours, everyone got up again, ate, and then trained!

It wasn’t until they had to set off for the competition venue that everyone stopped training and went to pack their things.

“Wash your face and drink coffee to wake up.”

“Try to keep calm. Don’t get too excited now. You’ll be wilted later in the game.”

“I watched SKT’s games, and it’s just like that. As long as we play normally, it’s easy to beat them.”

While urging the team members to pack their things and check whether there was any missing equipment, Zhang Mingrui said to them repeatedly.

Many staff members are also busy around the players, providing some assistance outside the arena. I hope that the five QG players can get the most out of the game after a while!

After everything is ready, the QG team set off for the competition venue!

Today is the third match day of the group stage. Group B matches are played in the second round, and the first round is Group A, with RNG team matches.

On the way to the venue, Zhang Mingrui watched the match between RNG and ANX on his mobile phone.

Although he won, Zhang Mingrui’s expression was not particularly good-looking.

One is because it was quite difficult to win this round, and it took more than forty minutes to win the game.

The second reason is that the ANX team is one of the only two wild card teams in this World Championship!

After watching the game, Zhang Mingrui could already imagine how netizens would scold RNG.

I would definitely say that it is so difficult for them to win even as a wild card team. If they play ROX tomorrow, they will definitely lose!

At the same time, the narrow victory of the RNG team will definitely affect the QG team again, thinking that it is absolutely impossible for them to beat SKT after a while!

Because on the whole, the strength of the LPL competition area in the entire competition area is very average. At most, it is only a little stronger than the wild card competition area, but it is only a little bit stronger!

“It’s a lot of pressure.”

Zhang Mingrui turned off the live broadcast on his mobile phone and took a deep breath.

Turning to look at the team members, I found that they were all closing their eyes and resting their minds, and their mood was slightly relaxed.

As long as the team members have a stable mentality, are not nervous, and are not arrogant, then the next game should be sure to win!

After a while, the vehicle arrived at the competition venue, and everyone in QG got off the vehicle and went to the lounge.

“Manager Zhang, did RNG win 21?”

When getting off the car, the team members remembered this and asked curiously.

“Of course I won.”

Zhang Mingrui laughed and didn’t reveal too many details about the game.

“RNG won, we can’t embarrass LPL today!”

“Also, after EDG lost to SSG yesterday, the LPL must also win a victory for us to boost morale!”

“Do you have confidence?”

Zhang Mingrui looked at the five people and asked with firm eyes.

“Of course there is!”

Everyone responded loudly. After all, they have been preparing for this competition for a long time!

“It’s good to have confidence. Let’s rest for a while, and we’re ready to go on stage!”

Zhang Mingrui nodded in satisfaction.

Today’s game scene can be said to be the day with the highest attendance rate.

The reason is very simple. Today’s game will usher in a focus match of Group B, and even the focus match of the entire group stage!

QG, the No. 1 seed in the LPL Division, will face off against SKTT1, the No. 2 seed in the LCK Division!

On all the commentary stands, the commentators were all in place early to conduct pre-match analysis for the upcoming game.

And today, the two commentators of LPL are the dolls who must play at critical momentsMiller!

“Welcome LPL viewers to return to the live broadcast of the game!”

“Today is the third match day of the group stage, and what I’m about to bring you is the match between QG and SKT!”

“Hi everyone, I’m a doll!”

“Hi everyone, I’m Miller!”

In the commentary seat, Baby Miller greeted everyone with a smile, but their smiles did not look too optimistic.

“In the earlier game, RNG won the ANX team, but it was quite difficult to win.”

“When I just went to the toilet, I heard some foreign commentators and audiences talking bad about our LPL.”

“What are you talking about? The strength of our LPL is nothing more than that. We definitely won’t even be able to make it to the knockout stage.”

“In this regard, Miller, do you have anything to say?”

The baby smiled wryly, and turned to look at Miller.

“QG will win!”

The next moment, Miller suddenly shouted, his tone was gnashing his teeth.

“I really hope that QG wins, because in the first two match days, the situation in our LPL division was really not optimistic.”

“EDG lost two games in a row, one wild card game, one SSG game, and the next game against Flash Wolves. I don’t know if they can win.”

“RNG has one win and one loss, won the wild card, lost G2, and has yet to play ROX, the strongest in Group A.”

“QG only played one game. Although it was H2K that won, many people said that H2K’s strength is not good enough, and winning won’t prove anything.”

“So so far, the situation of our LPL, to put it bluntly, is indeed not as good as the wild card division!”

Miller said very sadly.

“So, the QG team must win against SKT to boost the morale of our LPL!”

“Although I don’t know that it is difficult, although I also know that this is not what I am talking about here, the QG team can really win.”

“But I still hope that all QG fans in front of the screen, all LPL fans, will cheer for the QG team. I hope they can win SKT and win this tough nut!”

Miller appealed from the commentary booth.

Although in the previous second, there were still many viewers who were looking down on QG, thinking that today’s LPL is another year of complete annihilation.

But in the next moment, more audiences cheered for QG in their own way, cheered for QG!

And in this cheering, the players from both sides also all came out from the player channel.

At the same time, on the big screen at the scene, the starting rosters of the two teams were also given!

SKT team, top laner Duke, jungler Blank, mid laner Faker, bottom laner Bang, support Wolf!

Team QG, top laner Flandre, jungler Sofm, mid laner Scout, bottom laner Uzi, support Ming!

While waiting in the player channel, Uzi couldn’t resist not even looking at the SKT team.

But when he entered the player’s bench and was about to sit down, his head was subconsciously looking to the other side.

Even though they were all heads, the visible line of sight fell on Faker’s big black frame.

Four years ago, he was the one who took away Uzi’s world championship!

At this moment, a pair of hands lightly covered Uzi’s head, and forced him to twist it over.

“Don’t watch it, let him watch you on the black and white TV when we enter the game later.”

Zhang Mingrui said calmly, knowing very well in his heart that although everyone seemed calm, only Uzi was pretending.

From yesterday to today, only he knows how much Uzi’s heart is surging.

“Black and white TV? Haha, yes.”

Hearing what Manager Zhang said, Uzi was stunned for a moment, then laughed, and began to debug the mouse, keyboard and headset.

And at this moment, the audience at the scene suddenly started to shout a name in unison.




It’s extremely rhythmic and full of oppression!

If we say that TSM, as a cult in North America, is the belief of all North American summoners.

Then the SKT team is the idol of summoners all over the world!

S3, world champion!

S5, world champion!

S6, the mid-season champion!

Even leaving aside the domestic LCK league, the SKT team has already won three world championships, and is truly number one in the world!

As for the opposite QG?

In the first season after the reorganization, he won the LPL championship with a nearly brand-new attitude, and entered the World Championship. It looks really fierce.

But in the hearts of all the audience, the QG team is a paper tiger. In front of the powerful SKT team, it will be broken at the first touch!

And amidst such voices, all the pre-match preparations were ready, and the game finally entered the BP stage!

In this round, the blue team is SKT, and the red team is QG!

“It’s really annoying. It was this group of people who called H2K yesterday, right?”

While waiting for SKT to carry out a one-handed ban, Holy Gun asked very dissatisfied.

“I don’t know if they are a group of people, but they are indeed H2K.”

Even though Xiao Ming’s position is farthest from Brother Saint Gun, he still answered the conversation immediately.

“I’m also drunk. I just don’t like us anyway?”

Sofm sneered, he played very well yesterday, and he doesn’t mind playing again today!

“I rather like this rhythm.”

Zhang MingruiqingSmile.

“Think about it, we were in the LPL, weren’t we also disliked at the beginning?”

“In the end we won the championship!”

“Now it’s the World Championship, and it’s still the same script!”

“I hope they don’t look down on us. It’s better that all the teams look down on us, so that it will be easier for us to win.”

Zhang Mingrui told the truth, but he also knew that the SKT team was obviously not the kind of team that easily underestimates the enemy.

Sure enough, SKT’s first-hand ban was to kill the vampire, the hero with the highest winning rate in Scout!

“It seems that SKT also has research on us. In this round, everyone, prepare for a tough battle.”

Zhang Mingrui said indifferently, and let Holy Gun brother ban the EZ that Bang was super god yesterday.

“It’s started! BP has finally started!”

“SKT directly pressed Scout’s vampire on the first floor. It seems that they know that Scout has a high winning rate with vampires!”

“However, Manager Zhang didn’t give a damn here, and directly banned Bang’s fiery ez!”

The live broadcast screen is a little slower than the epic screen of the game, so when Baby Miller sees the directing screen, the first-hand ban of both sides has ended.

The second-hand ban of the SKT team continued to target QG’s signature hero, banning Holy Gun’s Gnar.

“Duke is actually okay playing Gnar, but if SKT takes the initiative to ban it, it means that they should be preparing to pick a hero for Faker on the first floor.”

Miller immediately analyzed that although it was only in the ban stage, his mood had already begun to get excited.


“Manager Zhang really guessed this, and pressed one of the mid laners with the highest appearance rate in the first two match days.”

“But should Snake be banned? When Faker played C9 in the last round, he used Snake.”

“That big move, that position, and the accuracy of that skill, I’m afraid even thinking about it now!”

The baby trembled as she spoke.


“SKT once again targeted Scout with the last move. It seems that Victor’s performance of Scout yesterday made SKT feel afraid.”

“However, in this way, it seems to be telling Manager Zhang directly that Faker is going to choose Snake Girl, but I don’t know if Manager Zhang is going to ban her!”

Miller also suddenly became nervous, because SKT’s hand ban obviously dug a hole, waiting for QG to take the initiative to jump.

If Faker originally didn’t want to choose Snake Girl, but Manager Zhang got banned, then he successfully cheated a ban position.

If Faker originally wanted to choose Snake Girl, but SKT calculated that Manager Zhang might not ban it, then he could successfully choose it on the first floor!

Sure enough, when it was the turn of QG’s third ban, Manager Zhang slowed down.

The psychological game between the two coaches also quietly started at this time.

“Forcing me to ban Snake Girl?”

Seeing SKT’s three-handed ban, Zhang Mingrui frowned, and immediately simulated several BP results in his mind.

Once I ban Snake Girl, then Faker’s mid laner will definitely come out late and play a counter.

Or even if you choose directly on the first floor, you can also choose a mid laner Jess, who will suppress all AP mid laners.

Or there is Ryze, the representative hero of Faker to choose from!

But if you don’t ban…

Zhang Mingrui thought for a long time, and when the countdown was about to end, he finally made a decision.

“Ban Leopard Girl, leave Snake Girl alone!”

“I’d like to see Faker, dare you choose Snake Girl!”

Zhang Mingrui snorted coldly, if Faker really chose Snake Girl, that would be great!

As the ban countdown counted down to zero, the ban phase of both sides also officially ended.

And when she saw that the last person banned by QG was Leopard Girl, Baby Miller was dumbfounded and speechless for a while.

“Manager Zhang didn’t ban Snake Girl… Did he deliberately put it on Faker? Or does he have a deeper understanding of the game?”

Finally, Miller spoke slowly, amazed in his heart.

Manager Zhang’s BP, he has never been able to understand or guess, and he dare not use his mortal brain to casually comment on Manager Zhang’s BP results.

Because Miller will always only believe in one fact!

That is Manager Zhang’s BP. He has never lost!

Even if this is the World Championship, even if the opponent is SKT, even if the opponent’s coach is a sack, at most it will be a tie with Manager Zhang in BP.

Want to win? Absolutely impossible!

As expected, when the QG team completed the third-hand ban and it was the turn of the SKT team to make the first-floor selection, they also fell into a long period of thinking.

Obviously, the SKT team also hesitated. I don’t know if Manager Zhang didn’t discover their BP trap, or he had already discovered it, but they still jumped into it on purpose, but at the same time dug a bigger trap in the trap, waiting for them to catch it. When he was in QG, he was caught by QG’s trap.

Hunters often exist in the form of prey.

The current state of QG seems to be quite in line with this situation!

justIt was the first-hand pick, and the SKT team spent more than 20 seconds thinking about it.

In the live broadcast, the SKT coach and the players were discussing intensely, and it seemed that they couldn’t come to a conclusion in a short period of time.

But the countdown will eventually end.

The first-hand pick of the SKT team also has to make a decision!

And when the countdown was also about to reach 0, SKT finally locked on a hero on the first floor.

The Serpent’s Embrace, Cassiopeia.

Still a snake girl!

“SKT really chose Snake Girl, but I don’t know if Manager Zhang is still satisfied with the result.”

Wa Wa hurriedly said, not knowing whether to be happy or nervous for a moment.

If Manager Zhang has a countermeasure, he will be happy.

But the nervous thing is, Faker’s snake girl is really fierce, they are really not sure if Scout can beat it!

Although I played against Ryu’s Snake Girl yesterday, today’s situation is completely different.

One is that the user of Snake Girl has changed from Ryu to Faker.

Second, Victor, who beat Snake Girl, is now in the ban position, and another ball girl who may be able to beat Snake Girl is also lying in the ban position!

“Ryze? Jess?”

“Will Scout choose these two heroes?”

The doll asked immediately.

“How do I know this? The Summer Split is not the version of these two heroes, let alone Scout. Few mid laners in the world have ever used them.”

“Even if it is taken out, the effect is average for the time being. I feel that the mid laners are not particularly proficient in these versions of mid laners.”

Miller pouted, feeling complicated.

Jess is a hero that is quite difficult to operate. It’s normal that everyone can’t use it.

But Ryze is a very disgusting hero. Those who know how to use it are really good at it, such as Faker, and those who don’t know how to use it are really rubbish, such as the C9 mid laner who was beaten by SKT yesterday.

And the most speechless thing is that the hero Ryze is usually not so strong. As a result, it will be strengthened as soon as it reaches the world championship, and it will be strengthened as soon as it arrives at the world championship. This makes people who can use it stronger and those who can’t weak!

“Let’s see Manager Zhang’s response.”

Miller sighed in his heart, but his eyes were full of hope, wanting to see how Manager Zhang would deal with Faker’s snake girl.

However, the first and second picks of the QG team did not directly select the mid laner, but first selected the top laner and the mid laner.

Poppy Yi of the Holy Hammer!

Blind monk Li Qing!

Bobby was popular for a while when he returned from the rework at the end of last year, but as the version weakened, he gradually became mediocre.

However, with the strengthening of the World Championship version, this yordle with a hammer once again got a chance to play.

But it’s actually unwise to choose Bobby first. After all, this is a hero with short hands and flesh. After being selected, it means resistance to pressure.

But after Gnar was banned, no matter what hero Holy Gun chooses, he will definitely be targeted by Duke, so he can only choose Bobby, even if he is at a disadvantage, he will not collapse.

But if you have an advantage, you have a chance to hammer out a world!

As for the blind monk’s choice, there is nothing to say.

One is because Sofm played bravely in the last game, and the other is that this hero can beat anyone in vain. He has a rhythm in the early stage, and he has a kick that can change the tail of the raptor in the later stage. It is quite comprehensive.

For the SKT team, after seeing QG’s first two picks, they really started to choose counters.

Public Enemy Rambo!

Berserker Olaf!

The hero Rambo, as I said before, is the current version of the top laner T1. Although if you hold it first, you will be countered, but if you hold it second, you will counter others.

With the Q skill on fire, melee combat is especially easy to fight. In team battles, there is even a powerful move that can destroy the world and destroy the world. It can instantly clear the HP of the opponent’s C position!

Then there was Olaf.

Although Jankos’ head was almost blown off by Sofm yesterday, this is not a problem of Olaf’s failure to beat the blind monk, but a problem of player strength.

If Olaf’s jungle rhythm and gank rhythm are better than that of the blind monk, then the hero whose head was smashed is the blind monk!

As for the question of which of the two junglers is stronger, there is no conclusion so far in the World Championship. It can only be said that it is a 50-50 split.

Then, it was the turn of the third and fourth floors of the QG team to select.

“Snake girl in the mid laner and Olaf in the jungle, why are these two heroes with no movement or control?”

Seeing SKT’s first three choices, Zhang Mingrui finally showed a smug smile on his face.

If Blank chooses a spider or something, he may also weigh the players’ positioning and anti-gank ability, whether they will look less powerful in front of the SKT team.

But since it’s Olaf, there’s nothing to worry about!

“Scout, you should choose a policewoman for Uzi first, show it first, but don’t be sure.”

Zhang Mingrui said to Scout.

The policewoman hero, Uzi used it once yesterday, very fiercely.

Although there is Rambo on the opposite side in this round, and she can burn the policewoman when she zooms in, but because she has the E skill as a displacement, it is relatively easy to dodge.

At the same time, if Snake Girl, Olaf, and Rambo have no skills, Uzi can definitely rely on his own positioning and Xiao Ming’s protection to play tons of continuity in team battles.Hurt!

As for why not choose Xiao Ming directly?

The main reason is that it is better to choose Scout as the fourth player. After all, the upper and middle field on the opposite side are out, so what SKT chooses for the bottom lane has little effect on the middle lane.

This is also the reason why Zhang Mingrui wanted Scout to choose a female police officer but was not sure.

I just want to delay for a while, and communicate with Scout about his hero selection.

“Scout, I remember you were unknown when you were in SKT?”

Zhang Mingrui asked suddenly.

“Huh? I haven’t been to SKT before, I’m just their youth trainee.”

Scout froze for a moment, not understanding why Manager Zhang suddenly asked himself this question.

“It’s okay, it won’t affect much…”

“What I want to say is that after this game is over, your name will be remembered by audiences all over the world!”

“I’ll let you make your own choice now.”

“If you want to win against Faker, prove yourself, prove what a wrong decision it was for them to let you come to LPL, even if it is the hero you practiced yesterday.”

“If you don’t want to expose your hole cards so quickly for the time being, and plan to use them later, choose a regular hero.”

“Both have risks. The first risk is that if the hero is used later, the effect may not be as good as in the first game.”

“But the second risk is that we miss the group stage and the finals. Our opponent may not necessarily be SKT!”

Zhang Mingrui shouted loudly at Scout, and then patted him on the shoulder solemnly.

This choice can indeed be left to him to make his own decision, because no matter which one it is, they can definitely beat SKT!


“I want to prove my strength now!”

“I want to let Faker know now, the youth trainee who had a hard time seeing him last year…”

“Now he has become an opponent who can fight him, and even defeat him!”

The QG team’s competition seats became quiet in an instant.

Everyone turned their heads to look at Scout, their hearts trembling slightly.

“Manager Zhang, if that’s the case, I think it’s best for Scout to choose the hero himself. Anyway, my policewoman must be chosen.”

Uzi looked back at Zhang Mingrui and said.

Zhang Mingrui nodded immediately, and then patted Scout’s shoulder heavily with his right hand.

“Okay, then choose!”

“This round will be your stage alone, and audiences all over the world will know your Scout name!”

The next moment, Scout’s hands trembled slightly. He didn’t know whether it was because of Manager Zhang’s strength or the beating of his heart. He slowly moved the mouse to the hero’s head portrait.

Immediately afterwards, all the feelings of tension, anxiety, and uneasiness disappeared instantly, and then, he pressed the OK button extremely firmly!

The Star-Forging Dragon King Saul is locked!

Flood dragon in the world!

I am the only one!

(Thank you “Yu Xi” for your 588 points of support!!!)

(Thank you “Hosd” for your monthly support!!!)

(I beg for a wave of automatic subscriptions from all the bosses, the next plot will definitely be invincible and wonderful!!!).

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