After the three of QG slaughtered the fan mother, Brother Holy Gun and Sofm went back to continue demolishing the tower.

The speed is still not very fast, so that the wave of soldiers under the tower is about to disappear, and there are still seven or eight flat A’s to take down the one-blood tower.

But for some reason, Bang, who had already retreated, suddenly drifted away, thinking that he could do it, and followed another wave of troops towards the defense tower, trying to forcibly defend the tower.

But in the eyes of Sofm and Brother Holy Gun, this is clearly an act of actively giving away the head!

So, how could the two of them let go of this sweet pastry delivered to their door?

After a short operation, Sofm directly used the big move to kick the wheel mom to the wall, then cooperated with Bobby’s E skill to hit the wall and stun, and easily took Bang’s head away!


“SKT is a bit overwhelmed byDelirious from the fight. ”

Seeing the inexplicable birth of a human head, the doll said in astonishment at the commentary table.

In his opinion, it is almost impossible for the LCK team, especially the SKT team, which just won this year’s MSI championship, to have such a thing happen. They always know what they should do and what they should not do.

This is why, the QG team has been trying to fight, but until just now, they only got five heads.

Because everyone in SKT is too cautious, if you want to kill them once, it will be very difficult!

But at this time, Bang went straight up and forcibly sent out the sixth head of the SKT team, allowing Sofm, who had already played well, to win a big kill!

“Is it because you think QG’s rhythm is not fast enough, so you accelerate in the opposite direction?”

Wa Wa said in astonishment, she really didn’t know what was going on in Bang’s mind.

But what is certain is that in the past 14 minutes of game time, the QG team’s style of play has put a lot of pressure on everyone in SKT!

Their nerves can be tensed once, or twice, but in the end there is a moment when they will be broken.

And Bang’s behavior of giving away the head this time just means that the SKT team, or at least Bang’s mentality, has undergone earth-shaking changes!

“I feel that this handle is already stable.”

The game time was 14 minutes and 16 seconds. The two who turned around and pushed down a blood tower in the bottom lane turned and left, completely ignoring Olaf who rushed over.

Seeing their leaving figures, Miller said solemnly.

“As I said just now, the LCK team is quite regular and programmed.”

“I heard from netizens that the LCK team actually found five robots to play games according to the coach’s ideas.”

“If these five robots are of high quality and can run tasks perfectly according to the program, then their strength is terrifying, such as ROX, such as SKT.”

“If the quality of the five robots is not good, 21, they will make mistakes frequently, and then lose the game, such as those teams at the bottom of the LCK.”

“And no matter how good the quality of the robot is, if there is a problem, the reaction will be catastrophic!”

“Although it’s not appropriate to describe it like that, it’s probably what it means.”

“Bang’s situation is no longer in his perfect state. Next, even if the SKT team drags to the late stage, he may not be able to play output.”

“And we also know that taking advantage of your illness to kill you is what the QG team is best at!”

Miller laughed lightly as he talked, feeling that this game is really a sure thing!

It’s just that everyone thought that the next breakthrough for the SKT team was this delirious Bang, but they didn’t expect that everyone in QG would attack Faker again!

After returning home, Holy Gun’s Bobby directly produced a three-speed shoe, and at the same time made a small piece of Bing Xin. Immediately afterwards, instead of going to the bottom or top lane, he ran straight to the middle lane!

“Has Faker’s flash not improved yet? Let’s deal with him again.”

Brother Holy Gun asked Scout from a distance.

“No, it’s still a little bit short, but the sprint has turned around.”

Scout took a look at his summoner skills and gave feedback to Brother Holy Gun.

Immediately afterwards, without saying a word, he directly pressed the pawn line and rushed towards Faker, with a face like he wanted to solo with him to the death!

At the first moment, Faker naturally felt that the situation was wrong, so he hurriedly retreated, but after taking two steps, he found that no one came from QG at all, and it was Scout who was lying to him, so he immediately turned around and started fighting back!

Just as the Dragon King’s Q skill was thrown towards him, Faker immediately started to sprint, and while he was about to move away from the Dragon King’s Q, he attempted to make a backhand move to petrify the Dragon King, stunning him on the spot.

But who knows, Scout seems to be quite aware of the timing of the snake girl’s big move, so that the moment the snake girl made the big move, he turned his head again, avoiding the snake girl’s death gaze!

“How is this possible?”

“Three times, already three times!”

Not to mention Faker himself, even Scout’s teammates were taken aback!

It may be luck to move to hide the Snake’s ultimate move once, and it may be a prejudgment to move to hide the Snake’s ultimate move twice, but to move to hide the Snake’s ultimate move three times, in addition to the word “luck”, you can only use “strength”. “Let’s explain!

Even though Snake Girl’s big move dealt damage and she avoided the Dragon King’s dizziness, it was obviously impossible to continue 1v1 with the Dragon King.

Because at this time, Scout once again “doesn’t talk about martial arts”, and the teammate who came to help him this time is no longer a blind monk, but the top laner Bobby!

Faker, whose scalp was numb, hurriedly retreated, trying to use the acceleration effect of sprinting to escape again.

But the next moment, as the Dragon King’s ultimate move accurately hit the snake girl’s body and slowed down, Holy Gun’s Bobby also successfully came to the Dragon King’s side.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!

Although he was still quite far away from Faker, Bobby once again swung his sledgehammer, and the next moment, he hit the ground fiercely!

QG.Flandre killed SKT.Faker!

For the second time, Brother Holy Gun accurately released Bobby’s ultimate move, and while getting his second head, Faker ushered in his third battle.Death!


SKT has split!

The game time was 15 minutes and 30 seconds. When the head ratio on the field reached 1:7, apart from cheers for QG’s wonderful operation, the audience lamented for the SKT team.

Who would have thought that the SKT team, which is so strong, would be defeated in a crushing round when facing QG!

And it’s almost the kind of crushing situation where there’s no way to fight back!

Although relying on the super operational capabilities of the SKT team, their economic lag at this time is only 2,000 yuan.

But in this game, the economy can no longer be used to measure the outcome!

Because a rather terrifying thing is that this game has completely entered the rhythm of the QG team!

At this time, it was no longer SKT who wanted to fight, but QG who wanted to fight. What was even more frightening was that even if SKT didn’t want to fight, they couldn’t do it, because everyone in QG would chase them hard!

Is this already scary?


The most frightening thing is, the posture of the QG team coming to fight with the SKT team is weird and weird!

It may be squatting in the grass, it may be a sneak attack from the side, or it may be TP going around behind.

But now, everyone in QG seems to be dissatisfied with the efficiency of these fights to get heads, and they even started to choose to fight head-on!

Unless the SKT team is resolutely avoiding the battle, avoiding the battle even if they don’t eat the soldiers, otherwise, even if they don’t die, they will be seriously injured!

But if you choose to avoid fighting?

No more defense towers? No more soldiers? Wild area resources are gone?

And the hope of making a comeback, don’t you want it? !

“SKT’s current situation is very difficult.”

“Although these few attempts just now were unsuccessful, they also caused SKT to lose a lot of resources and summoner skills.”

The game time finally came to 20 minutes. As Baron Nash officially went to work, Miller’s voice sounded again.

“If they follow QG’s normal rhythm, now they should find a chance to force the group with a big dragon, and then pretend to fight the dragon and really hit the people.”

“However, they didn’t do this in this game. Obviously they wanted to secure a hand and respect the SKT team.”

“After all, once QG fights the dragon, Rambo’s ultimate move, and Olaf who has activated the ultimate move, all have a chance to grab the dragon.”

“Once the big dragon is robbed, there will be variables in this game, so QG is very rational and did not play according to the conventional thinking.”

Miller reassured that as long as this round doesn’t give SKT a chance, then basically there will be no problem.

“Miller, actually, I think that SKT still has a comeback point in this round.”

Wa Wa said suddenly, as if she wanted to spoil Miller’s interest.

“Take stock? Where is it?”

Miller froze for a moment, then asked back immediately.

“Duke’s Rambo is now 0-0-0. Although he leads by 50 dollars with 220 CS, he only has a big mask in his outfit.”

“Blank’s Olaf 1-1-0, except for the wild sword, he didn’t even make a blue shield.”

“Faker needless to say, 0-3, the worst match in the game!”

“Bang, although there is a blue-absorbing sword, but the hero of Wheel Mom needs at least three pieces!”

“Don’t you think that SKT’s comeback in this round is on Wolf?”

Miller asked in confusion.

Seeing his serious expression, the baby laughed.

“No, no, no, I mean, the turning point of the SKT team is that they are SKT!”

“SKT is the team that has won the world championship and this year’s MSI championship. I don’t know how many games like this have been played against the wind, but the number of comeback games can’t be counted as many, but it is by no means a minority!”

“Although SKT’s current situation is very bad, I think QG still has to be careful to prevent accidents from happening!”

Wa Wa said with a chuckle, but her voice was earnest. After all, it was still the same sentence. The QG team has an advantage, but the advantage is still not big enough to form a complete crushing situation!

Sure enough, when the game time passed 20 minutes, and when the upper, middle, lower, three lanes and one tower of the SKT team were all pushed down, the SKT team finally began to change their tactics.

Except for Duke’s Rambo who continued to lead the line on the top lane, the other four began to push forward in a group in the middle lane, and no longer gave QG any chance to play more or less!

This sudden change of tactics really surprised everyone in QG.

Moreover, they soon discovered that the speed of pushing the line of the four SKT members after forming a group is really too fast!

After the two heroes, Snake Girl and Wheel Mom, level up, they can almost push away a wave of soldiers with just a few skills.

On the other hand, the Dragon King and the policewoman, although their line-clearing speeds are not slow, are still a bit weaker than the double Cs on the opposite side.

The most troublesome thing is that it is not particularly easy to forcibly start a group.

Because SKT formed a group formation after forming a group!

Olaf took the lead in the front, the double Cs stood behind Olaf to push the line, and the fan mother stood at the back, not too far away from the three of them. If the situation is not right, they can give a RE group a shield and retreat quickly!

The situation in Summoner’s Canyon suddenly went wrong!

Everyone in QG is still trying their best to find opportunities, but after the end of the laning period, everyone in SKT is even more impeccable on the defensive end!

And the most frightening thing is that during the frequent pulling operations, Blank and Duke stoleFound a little dragon!


“Baby, did you have a crow’s mouth just now?”

On the commentary stage, Miller’s face was very stiff, and he turned to look at the doll.

It has been a full ten minutes. From 17 minutes to 27 minutes of the game time, the fighting rhythm of the QG team suddenly stopped, and the game rhythm suddenly returned to the operating rhythm that SKT likes again!

Seeing that the SKT team’s economic gap is getting smaller and smaller, and everyone’s equipment is getting better and better, not only the two commentators, but even the LPL audience panicked again.

Could it be that the familiar script is about to appear again?

No matter how well the LPL team played in the early stage, they still cannot escape the fate of being overturned by the LCK team? !

But in fact, even though they didn’t do anything for a full ten minutes, the QG players were not in a hurry at all.

“Steady, steady, steady, steady!”

However, while developing, Uzi still reminded his teammates to stabilize their mentality.

Because although their lineup is in the late stage, it doesn’t look as strong as SKT’s lineup, but in fact, the current initiative is still in their hands.

As long as QG can make a good team, it can take SKT away!

Looking at SKT’s lineup, who will start the team?

They don’t have any team-starting skills at all, who will start the team?

Rambo’s big move to keep people? Can you keep it?

Olaf started fighting and chasing someone? Before he can kill in front of everyone in QG, he will be directly shot to death by them!

Therefore, SKT’s lineup can only play backhands, or backhands in a group situation. Once there are fewer players, they will lose in a group!

“Keep waiting. I don’t believe that other than Rambo, no one else has an order.”

Uzi went on to say that the SKT team operated perfectly for ten minutes. If they can continue to hold together tightly, it’s their ability, but it doesn’t really matter.

Just keep waiting. As long as you are patient enough, you will definitely be able to wait for an opportunity to place an order!

It’s just that what Uzi never expected was that this opportunity came so quickly!

The game time is 27 minutes and 20 seconds. Faker, who has been acting with the big team for a full ten minutes, is alone!

On QG’s top road, the blood tower was consumed by the minions for a full ten minutes, and when the remaining blood was in danger, he was stronger than Faker, and finally couldn’t help it. He went to the top road alone and tried to tap the tower.


This tower is indeed gone.

But in the eyes of everyone in QG, Faker’s people are about to disappear!

The stars are overflowing!

Ten seconds before the defense tower was destroyed, Scout activated the Dragon King’s E skill and flew towards the top road without stopping.

Even at the moment when the defense tower exploded, Bobby of Brother Holy Gun directly TPed the real eye that Xiao Ming had left there before, directly blocking Faker’s way!

Seeing Scout flying towards him, he sensed that something was wrong, and Faker, who was focused on sprinting away, didn’t notice the situation behind him at all.

And Brother Holy Gun even flashed his E skill in order to avoid having long nights and dreams, and knocked Faker into the wall!

Although the support from the SKT team was quite fast, or in other words, they didn’t want Faker to be alone for too long.

But the QG team, who had waited patiently for ten minutes, still found a flaw in the process of changing lanes in SKT!

Before Wolf’s fan mother was about to arrive to give Faker the shield, following Scout’s ult move, Star String Gaoluo blatantly pressed, Faker once again ended his life of coveting defense tower money!

QG.Scout killed SKT.Faker!

The moment the battle started, Duke pressed Rambo’s TP to fly to the road to help.

But as SKT saw the movement of the QG duo in the red zone of QG, Duke immediately canceled the TP to prevent himself from passing to the top lane and then sending it off.

But with such behavior, he successfully sold Wolf who wanted to save Faker!

The Dragon King, who has already released the Ice Stick and GLP800, is simply a moving speed reduction machine at this moment!

Although the active effect of glp800 was used just now to kill Faker, Wolf still clearly knows that as long as he is even touched by Scout’s protective planet, he will die!


RE accelerates!

Between breaths, Wolf burst out with a terrifying desire to survive, trying to escape from the river position on the top road and back to the second tower on the top road!

Such a long escape distance is also the pursuit distance of Brother Holy Gun and Scout!

Hurry up!


The double move that Faker was not willing to hand in just now, just pressed directly, and successfully gave Fan Mom a slowing effect.

At the same time, under the high-speed running of the three-speed shoes, Holy Gun’s Bobby was also chasing Fan Ma’s figure at high speed.

Finally, before Wolf was about to reach the autistic grass in front of the second tower on the road, he smashed him against the wall and was easily killed by Scout!

QG.Scout killed SKT.Wolf!

QG.Scout has already done a great job!

“Big dragon, big dragon, big dragon, big dragon!!!”

Scout’s three head kills are actually something worth applauding, but at this moment, everyone in QG doesn’t care about this matter at all, Uzi shouted red-faced in the team.

Although Blank’s Olaf and Duke’sRambo is there, but SKT’s lack of two people is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in the last ten minutes!

At this time, if you don’t simply and neatly win the big dragon to end the game, then it is tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain and raising the tiger to make trouble!

Bang bang bang bang!

Under Uzi’s command, the five members of QG quickly assembled in the Dalong Pit and began to rush Dalong.

The remaining three of SKT naturally didn’t want to give up so easily. They wandered along the river together, harassing QG to fight the dragon, while trying to find an opportunity to grab the dragon!

But in the same way, everyone in QG naturally knows how to defend. Xiao Ming’s bull head keeps coming in and out of the dragon pit, forcing the three of SKT to move, making them dare not approach at all, because if they are opened by the bull head at this time If it arrives, not only people will die, but the dragon will also die!

So, amid such tugging, Dalong’s blood volume finally dropped to a very critical point!


The trio of SKT who had lost the chance to enter the Dragon Pit to grab the dragon finally let Duke’s Rambo unleash a big move in an attempt to make a final attempt.

But the moment the big move was cast, everyone in QG suddenly stopped, letting Rambo’s big move burn Dalong’s blood.

Immediately afterwards, when the blood volume of the big dragon dropped to within the penalty line, Sofm pressed the punishment button, and steadily took the big dragon’s BUFF into his bag!


The red side killed Baron Nash!

The game time is 28 minutes and 35 seconds. The QG team is only one step away from winning this game!

“Brothers, kill!”

After taking down the dragon, seeing that the three of SKT didn’t leave and tried to fight the five QG players who were not in good condition, Uzi said angrily.

“Brother Holy Gun, beat Rambo away, let’s kill Wheel Mom!”

The next moment, he shouted loudly!



Immediately afterwards, the guard’s decision accurately hammered Rambo into the air, and as the situation of three against five instantly turned into two against five, and seeing five men rushing aggressively, Bang and Blank finally panicked.

Once they are killed here, everyone in QG has a chance to end the game in one wave!



Under such circumstances, the two of them didn’t dare to hold back anymore, and each surrendered their escape skills and retreated.

“Stop, stop, stop! Back and forth!”

But they didn’t know it at all. At this time, in the QG team, Uzi laughed wildly, and directly pressed the B button to return to the city!

At this time, if you go to play against the SKT duo who are in full condition, when they are not in good condition, it is tantamount to giving a chance.

But now, just a random trial has allowed everyone in QG to gain more!

The big dragon took it, the wheel mother didn’t flash, Olaf didn’t have a big move…

Wait a while for the last wave, SKT team, there is no way to defend!

(Thanks to “Looking like a tiger?” Big Brother for his monthly ticket support!!!).

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