When Rookie saw the Ice Girl coming, he said in his voice:

"The Ice Girl is coming, the Ice Girl is coming, withdraw it!"

Ning also shouted in his voice:

"Withdraw it, withdraw it, the dragon has already been obtained!"

At this moment, Ah Shui shouted in his voice:

"You can fight, you can fight, I'm well equipped!"

Not only Ah Shui, but Han Tian also shouted in his voice:

"You can play, I have a stopwatch!"

However, at this time, Ruiz and the barrel have already run a long distance!

However, Han Tian and Ah Shui didn't care about their two teammates!

Han Tian manipulated Morgana and rushed directly to the center of the Ice Girl, Luo and Xia, and then opened the ultimate!

The ice girl who had just landed saw Morgana entering, and she was ready to raise her hand to give Morgana a big move!

Although the duration of Luo's ultimate has ended, Luo's W skill is still useless!

Just when the Ice Girl's ultimate move had already come out, Luo also came towards Morgana!


Han Tian successfully used the stopwatch before the effect of the Ice Girl's ultimate came out!

And in this wave, Han Tian's Morgana directly hit three people!

At the same time, in the official live broadcast room of LPL.

Doll Commentary:

"This wave of IG has already gotten Xiaolong!"

"Ning's barrel is not in good condition either, this wave can be withdrawn!"


"Why didn't Jacklove and Uneven withdraw?"

"Does IG still want to fight back this wave?"

Miller also said excitedly:

"Uneven and Jacklove are a bit reckless!"

"Morgana doesn't have a black shield, and Ice Girl has a big move!"

However, when the two of them felt that something must have happened to Ah Shui and Han Tian, Han Tian directly chained the three people opposite with a golden body move!

Jacklove also manipulated Kai'Sa and began to output towards Lo, who came up from W!

When the ice girl was exporting Kasha, she used the E skill E to get next to Kaisha, and then W directly connected to the ultimate!

It's a pity that Ah Shui's skills are flashing and purifying!

After the Ice Girl's ultimate move fell on Ah Shui, Ah Shui unlocked the Ice Girl's ultimate move in a purification second!

Using the purified Ah Shui, he continued to export the remnants of the blood!

At this moment, Han Tian Morgana's second ultimate effect is about to appear!

The ice girl had no choice but to "ding!" and handed over a stopwatch she had just bought"!

Kasumi also made her own ultimate to avoid Morgana's second ultimate!

However, Rocco can't help it!

Because Luo didn't have the talent to give a stopwatch!

As a result, Luo could only be imprisoned in place by Morgana's second ultimate!

The Daughter of the Void has killed Lo!

At this time, Ah Shui's Kaisha still had about half of her blood.

When Kai'Sa kills Lo, Kasumi's ultimate is almost over!

At the moment when the ultimate ended, Xia directly flashed and adjusted the landing point of the ultimate feather, and then the E skill pulled!

It's a pity that Kai'Sa flashed towards Kasumi when she flashed towards him, and she also flashed towards Kasumi's location!

That's right, Kai'Sa flashed behind Kasumi!

So this wave of feathers of Kasumi is empty!

And Kasumi didn't go back to the city to update his equipment this time, even if Kai'Sa only had half of his HP left.

However, Kasumi, who has turned on the W skill, is still a Kaisha who can't be Asui!

When Ah Shui's Kai'Sa still had a quarter of her blood left, Kasumi was killed by Ah Shui's Kaisha!


The Daughter of the Void kills Kasumi and completes a double kill!

At the same time, the Ice Maiden also recovered from the state of the golden body.

But don't forget, Han Tian's Morgana Golden Body Time is earlier than the Ice Girl!

So Han Tian's Morgana has been waiting for a long time at this time!

Han Tian, whose Q skills had improved, got up perfectly and imprisoned the Ice Girl when she had just recovered!

After the Ice Girl was imprisoned, Ah Shui handed over his ultimate!

Ah Shui moved near the Ice Girl with a big move, and then began to output the Ice Girl.


The Maiden of the Void killed the Frost Witch and completed a triple kill!


The Daughter of the Void is unstoppable!

Ning and Rookie, who ran for half a distance before turning back, kept shouting in their voices at this time in order to relieve their embarrassment:


"Brother Tian, Brother Shuizi cowhide!"

At this moment, another announcement came from the game screen:

Scourge of the Seas has slain the undead god of war!


The 100T team was wiped out by the IG regiment!

When Miller saw this, he shouted excitedly:

"Jacklove and Uneven are showing off this wave!"

"While Ning and Rookie have already given up, Jacklove and Uneven staged a Jedi comeback!"

"Jacklove directly cut three kills in this wave!"

The doll also said excitedly:

"This wave of three kills is really full of details!"

"Uneven and Jacklove are really people with big hearts!"

"They told us that even though we are new to the game, we can still play our own way!"

In the barrage in the official live broadcast room of LPL:

"The show is up, the show is up, Brother Shuizi's operation is really full!"

"Don't just talk about Brother Shuizi, the division formation of this wave of U-sauce is also a full score!"

"That's right, this wave of U sauce is also outrageously strong! You must know that as long as this wave of U sauce is one step slower, then it is impossible for Brother Shui Zi to show off this wave!"

"I can feel it, senior brother, they're back! Everything is back! That IG is still the IG we are familiar with!"

"However, there is one thing to say, the posture of Rookie and Ning who escaped is a little handsome!"



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