Meanwhile, in Team KT's training room, Score saw that Wind Girl had sent him a signal asking for help, and wondered:

"What the hell?"

"Does this Wind Girl want me to help now?"

"If I don't catch anything in this wave, won't my wild area be finished by a pig girl?"

"Besides, what ability does the policewoman and the wind girl have to keep people in the early stage, it's just a W to die!"


With a signal from Han Tian, Score's words were instantly opened!

At this time, Smeb was annoyed by Score, and subconsciously glanced at the game ID of the other party's lower road, and found that the other party was actually UZI!

So, Smeb thought about it for a while, and then said to Score, who kept complaining about Han Tian:

"You can go and help them get down, after all, the ADC on the other side is UZI, so you can help them relieve the pressure."

Score heard Smeb say this, and said:

"UZI on the other side?"

"Then I'll go catch a wave of the road."

"No wonder this lower lane combination will let me go to the second level, but it's really cowardly!"

In this way, the prince of Score also rushed towards the lower road.

When Han Tian's Wind Maiden and Ah Shui's policewoman arrived at the river grass near the red tower, Xia and Ri Nu also came to the river grass near the blue tower!

Pig Girl is about three positions behind Xia and Rinu.

Ming saw Pig Sister following behind him, and walked directly with UZI towards Han Tian and Ah Shui, who had just come out of the river grass!

Seeing this, Ah Shui reflexively wanted to pull back.

At this moment, Han Tian suddenly said loudly:

"Don't be cowardly, you can fight!"

When Ah Shui heard what Han Tian said, he immediately stopped wanting to retreat, and began to walk towards the front while walking towards the Japanese girl who was leaning over!

Immediately afterwards, the pig girl suddenly came out of the straw opposite Han Tian and the others!

At the same time, Ming's Japanese girl also suddenly flashed, and she wanted to flash the policewoman who controlled Ah Shui with her Q skill!

The pig girl also bumped into her at the same moment!

At the moment when the Japanese girl flashed the policewoman in Q, Han Tianmiao released a Q skill!

In an instant, the pig girl was interrupted by the wind girl's blowing before she reached the distance of flashing!

Han Tian's wind not only interrupted Pig Girl's Q skill, but also blew away the Japanese girl!

Seeing that his Q skills were interrupted, the factory director couldn't help but say:

"Damn, I made a mistake, this wave of Q is early!"

UZI's Kasumi is at the same time as the Japanese girl flashes, and she turns on the W skill and keeps walking A policewoman.

Soon, the policewoman's HP dropped to about half!

At this moment, the Japanese girl directly set fire to the bloody policewoman!

The pig girl of the factory director also flashed directly over, and the policewoman of Ping A.

Next, what makes the three of UZI unimaginable is.

The next moment, a prince came out of the wall above the river, and directly made an EQ second company, knocking away the Japanese girl and the pig girl!

Not only that, but the prince also came directly to an EQ flash, and by the way, he knocked UZI's Kasumi flying!

The prince after striking Feixia, turned around and began to level the Japanese girl with a residual blood.

At the same time, Han Tian also hung up Ming's Japanese girl on fire!

Ah Shui's policewoman also flashed and opened up when the prince shot away the pig girl and the Japanese girl!

UZI because of this EQ flash of the prince, even if he wants to flash and follow the policewoman to continue the output, it's too late!

So, UZI began to level A as a prince.

As for Han Tian's Wind Girl, her position is too far back!

Even if he can get A to the wind girl, but the pig girl and the Japanese girl A can't be!

There is no way, the three of UZI can only gather the fire of the prince!

Ah Shui also used healing to raise the prince's and his own blood a little after the ignition effect on his body disappeared!

However, because the initial target of UZI's side was a policewoman, it was later transferred to the prince.

On Han Tian's side, the goal from the beginning was a Japanese girl!

Even though the three UZI had already retreated while attacking the prince, the Japanese girl who did not flash was still killed before she fled back to the bottom of the tower!

As for Han Tian's side, because of the fact that the policewoman and the prince shared the damage, no one died in this wave of deaths!

Eventually, after Ming's Japanese girl was killed, both sides gave up on the idea of continuing to fight and retreated to their own towers.

Immediately afterwards, the junglers on both sides directly chose to go back to the city, and then each went straight to their upper half of the jungle.


The Phi City Policewoman killed the Goddess of Dawn!

Phi Cheng Policewoman Gets First Blood!

UZI's Kasumi didn't suffer much damage because of this wave, and her blood volume was still in a state of almost full blood at this time, so she didn't choose to return to the city.

Han Tian's Wind Girl's blood volume was also in a state close to full blood, and of course she did not return to the city.

Ah Shui's policewoman got a head, and her blood was less than half, so she returned to Yibo City!

Although this wave of returning to the city will be a little bit of experience for Ah Shui, but if you don't go back, you can't do it!

Because the state is not enough, and the only bottle of blood medicine on the body was knocked as soon as the Japanese girl Q came up!

You must know that UZI's treatment is still in your hands!

If this wave of Ah Shui doesn't go home, not to mention the consumption of Xia, as long as the Japanese girl is strong enough to open a wave, then Ah Shui will definitely die!

After all, there is one more treatment in the opposite hand, and it will definitely not be able to fight!

Although this wave was Han Tian's side to obtain a head, it was due to the fact that UZI did not release the treatment.

Therefore, the audience in Han Tian's live broadcast room discussed why UZI didn't release treatment:

"Brother Yuzi didn't let go of the treatment to save Ming? This release of water is too obvious! "

"That's it, I thought it was still an all-star game, but I didn't expect it to be an actor game, it's really disappointing!"

"IG is really a big name, can you actually invite UZI to be an actor?"


Of course, there are also some viewers with a relatively high level who can see why UZI doesn't release treatment in this wave:

"Brother Bath, is this wave of treatment correct?"

"The Japanese girl who didn't flash can't escape from that position at all!"

"This wave of radiotherapy is just a waste of skill! It's better to save it for the next wave! "


Just when the audience was arguing about this, Han Tian sighed from the bottom of his heart in the live broadcast room:

"It's worthy of UZI, this skill is really dead!"

"It's a pity, it's a pity, if only this wave could trick UZI's treatment out!"

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