Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 143 Level three, single kill over the tower!! This is the big devil!! Ryze is immortal!

Don't worry, "I came to the factory manager and finished speaking, he directly accepted the blue BUFF, and then he was ready to catch it.

This wave must be caught.

Even if you can't catch it, you must help Su Chen push out the pawn line, otherwise it will be very difficult for Su Chen to line up later.

Ryze's power consumption under the tower is too strong.

Especially the shielded version.

No damage over the tower consumption!

Even in the hands of the veteran player, Ryze is unsolvable, and he is not a regular late-stage hero, because Ryze is already very strong in the early stage.

Don't come! "

And just after the factory manager finished speaking, Su Chen suddenly looked startled.

This wave of directors must not come around without vision. At the same time, the spider starts with a red BUFF in the lower half of the spider. If the director chooses to help now, not to mention the faker, even if he is helping to push the line, he is very likely to be squatted and left in the wild. Explode online at the same time!

Explode at the same time!

This is the rhythm that SKT wants. Once it falls into this rhythm, EDG has already fallen into an irreversible disadvantage in the early stage.

Therefore, this wave of directors cannot help anyway.

Even if he just wants to help push the line "I'm not in a hurry."

Su Chen explained again.

He is waiting.

Waiting for the faker to make a mistake, this time Fakeri brought Ignite, and there was no way to directly send the tears of the goddess back to the city in the first wave, so the faker was on the line, 2 2 must be more anxious than himself.

He has to kill himself at least once before Lan Liang is empty.

Otherwise, the ignition will be at a loss.

This kind of summoner's skill, recklessly leading method, determines that faker must play offensively in the early stage.

Ding made a single kill!


The factory manager glanced at the alignment of the middle lane and nodded solemnly. He understood the meaning of Su Chen and the purpose of faker.

However, this wave of small peanuts must squat Su Chen to take out the spiders, and the second level of the tower is caught. It is not impossible to think about it right now. The factory manager placed a field of view above the red BUFF and arranged a field of view around the big bird, and then began to hit the red. He has to get a double BUFF start, otherwise he can't fight the spiders in the wild.

Even if there is Su Chen.

Because now Su Chen has been suppressed too much, and he can't be liberated. Being suppressed in the middle will cause Jungle to fall into a disadvantage.

This is a linkage reaction.

Nakano has either an advantage together or a disadvantage together.

It can be said that in the World Championship, the position of the middle field is tied together, and it is also the two most critical positions in a team.

The bottom lane is used to carry the game in the middle and late period, and the top lane is used to bring the rhythm in the early period.

And the middle road is to bring rhythm, wandering, vision, and wild resources in the early and mid-term.

All the pre- and mid-term content is led by Nakano.

Even if it is IG, it is also the midfielder that affects the rhythm and plays with the road.


At the same time that Su Chen fell into a disadvantage, the factory manager already meant that he was in a disadvantage.

Even on heroes, the factory director is at a disadvantage.

After seeing that the factory manager did not help the middle road, but only arranged a field of vision near the big bird, he directly opened the red BUFF. I saw this scene behind.

Miller frowned.

"To be reasonable, this wave should be to help a wave of mid lanes."

What Su Chen has to do now is to run out of Ryze’s blue. Without TP, Ryze loses the ability to line up after the blue is empty. But why doesn’t the director understand why he doesn’t go to the middle to help. .

Peanut was not in the middle at all, he went straight up to brush the blue BUFF, the rhythm and the director were almost mirrored.

But it is reasonable and reasonable, this wave of factory directors should not go directly.

"He might feel that Su Chen doesn't need help!

After watching so many games, it was the first time I saw Su Chen's inferior laning. Although the opponent is the big devil, but it is reasonable to not be suppressed so badly or too weak. The early laning ability is not good. "

The hand is short and the hand is short. I am at my level. After the third level, Ryze is stronger and harder to fight, but it doesn't matter. Even if you lose, you will be tied for first place. It is not ashamed! "

Now when everyone is talking.

Su Chen's eyes suddenly sank to death. Even if it was on the faker who was normally repairing the knife, Su Chen felt a murderous aura.

Is he going to do it? !

Could it be that Xiao Peanut was beside Su Chen after countless scenes flashed through Su Chen's brain like lightning, faker made decisive action!

faker. Can't wait anymore.

What he brought was not teleportation, but ignition. He had to complete a wave of solo kills before level four. In the early stage, Ryze’s mana was very exaggerated, and there was no goddess tears, so he could hardly hit the lane. Therefore, he had to do it on Su Chen. Has a full two-thirds of the blood volume.

Spell surge! !

The E skill is passive. From the creeps, it suddenly ejects to the feet of Su Chen. It is this one ejected from this ejection. When it spreads to Su Chen, even if the E skill does not hurt, Su Chen's heart suddenly jumps.

Because he knows.

Faker is going to kill it!

Shadow Profound meaning in the next second!

The clone of the clone, Su Chen was placed directly outside the tower, behind faker., but he did not immediately move.

Faker will directly Q flash in the next moment! !

That's right, it is Q flash. This Q flash does not give Su Chen any reaction to the world. The moment the Q skill bombards his face, I ignite the wave that has fallen and must kill. The faker is pursuing a one-shot kill!

Two-half of the blood has reached Ryze's beheading line!

You read that right.

Two-half of the blood is the kill line that ignites Ryze, and even the kill line of Thunder Ryze is even higher!

Strictly speaking, in the early stage, Ryze’s kill line was the highest among all heroes, even higher than the expressions of the audience after the new version of the male sword flashed Q. All were shocked. This was a flash. With W's robbery, how can you dare to cross the tower? ! !

What kind of monster operation is this? ! !

Q flash? !

At the moment when the vitality bomb hit Su Chen, WN's imprisonment had already shot WQ WQ Second Company. During this combo, faker didn't even have a chance to tie A. His attack speed was not enough, and he instantly played WQ Second Company, QWQ Second Company, in Su When Chen has the E skill passively, the shield is refreshed directly and at the same time

The first defensive tower attack has already hit the faker

But this time the damage was directly offset by the shield!

Two hundred blood!

With just this combo, his blood volume dropped a full two hundred points when he ignited the fire on Su Chen's body. 193 Su Chen was imprisoned in place, and he couldn't even change his shape.

After the shield refreshes in the next second, AEAQ!

It's another second company!

And this second company, combined with two Aces, the storm knight's surge directly triggered. At the same time, Su Chen's blood volume was only less than forty points left! !

Level Jie Su Chen originally had only two-thirds of his blood, and his total blood volume was less than 500 points.

And this set of combos directly took away 480 points of Su Chen's blood!

Disabled in an instant!

And faker, during this set of combo moves, took damage from the defensive tower twice, and his HP was only ーhalf left, but Su Chen's HP has reached the kill line, and even the ignition effect on his body still exists at this time. As long as the faker takes the storm knight's surge, and then retreats directly, he can leave the stage calmly after a single kill.

Extreme single kill! !

Level, the tower orders a single kill! ! ! ! "

This this this! ! This damage calculation is too accurate! It's really not a drop of blood, just burn it to death! ! Knocking the medicine bottle is useless, this wave of ignition still has a duration of two seconds, 30 blood, can't hold it, it's too damn! Ryze can still play like this? ! This ghost hero is too strong!

Then you have to look at whose hands, you are so strong in the hands of faker, do you play? You were hung up and hit the moment.

In the horrified eyes of all the audience.

Su Chen's eyes fell silent like water in an instant.

He watched the last flat A trajectory, rushing towards his face and landing.

I must die! !

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