Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 167 Choose a group, edg and three stars!! This time, move forward with weight!

After this grouping situation appears.

In fact, it is beneficial to LPL.

The current LPL. team has all won the group stage, which is the time when the momentum is like a rainbow.

In the upper half, it is almost exclusively for SKT. RNG and FNC are each against an LCK team. If Su Chen's guess is correct, RNG and SKT are almost on par in terms of hard power.

However, those five games of Galio were too deadly.

To be honest, Su Chen was a little worried. This time RNG played five more games with Galio, which led to the loss of the game.

Today's faker, and the faker of the year, the situation is different.

The faker back then was still a Solo Mid that was biased towards the team.

But now.

He has returned to the immortal state of the devil.

Maybe this is his last glory, but the more in this state, the more worried Su Chen will be that RNG will go home directly to the quarterfinals this year.

The quarter-finals cannot be accepted, especially a team that won the group stage. The result of the quarter-finals is "207", which is absolutely unacceptable. Dragon Ball against FNC is even more suspenseless. FNC is almost impossible to be Dragon Ball's opponent. .


In the finals, the quarterfinals knockout, none of the three LCK teams left.

All the LPL teams stayed on the field.


The other two teams, FNC from Europe, and TSM from North America. The two teams each retained a seed.

And the current grouping, there is no civil war, there is a huge disparity in the strength of the game, it can be regarded as a kind of challenge and grouping that can be accepted by all regions.


When Su Chen saw this grouping situation, Su Chen smiled faintly.

In the knockout, he is about to face the champion overlord of the previous life.

SSG. In terms of attributes, SSG is actually somewhat restrained from EDG.

Solo Top uvee, who won the championship that year, Solo Top, is also an average autumn player who can play with Khan on the road.

In his personal style, he collided with A Guang a bit, but he was more offensive than A Guang, and in terms of hero pool, he overlapped and had a stronger carry ability.

In other words, Cuvee is an upgraded version of Aguang.

mouseplusk version.

When playing against SSG, EDG’s top lane will inevitably be at a disadvantage, but the good news is that the possibility of a line collapse is unlikely, because Cuvee will not use the offensive Solo Top hero with a high probability. He is with Khan’s personal There are still big differences in style.

And the middle road.

Crown, known as the Crown brother.

This person is ranked fourth in the official fist rankings. Crown's personal style is next to him. In fact, he is a bit restrained, because he is not the kind of very strong online player, and his hero pool tends to grow. , Tends to play groups.

And it is not a team Solo Mid, such as Kalmar, Lulu, Galio.

His hero pools are mostly late-cary Solo Mids such as Czar, Victor, Airplane, and Verus.

With Crown's character, he generally doesn't fight in the early stages.

This kind of Solo Mid player is usually the hardest bone to chew because.

He knows the importance of development better than anyone, and he also knows the wretchedness better than anyone.

The hero is taken out in the later stage, and it is the guarantee of the later stage. SSG's bottom lane may collapse, but the mid lane will definitely not.

Speaking of Jungle of SSG, it is more familiar.

An owner!

At the beginning of the Ambition World Championship, the factory manager once stated that he wanted to prove who is the world's No. 1 Jungle. In the end, the factory manager successfully proved that the head of Ambition is the world's No. outstanding.

The SSG can play SKT in the finals, of which the biggest credit is undoubtedly the head of An.

Jinneng Mantis, Yanque Jungle, Retire Wine Barrel, Zach controls the overall situation. His understanding of the map, in the S7 version, no one can surpass it. The control of resources is even more powerful than the three streets of Little Peanut. The director does not even have it. Opportunity to play against Anzhang, but according to the current state of the factory director, there is a high probability that in the world competition, Anzhang's opponent, Peanut, has a harder personality. Although Jungle's style is weird and flexible, he has control of the whole picture. , Far below the head of An.

As for SSG's substitute Jungle Hahuang.

In SSG, it seems very weak, because Hahuang is only good at carnivorous Jungle, but carnivorous Jungle is not popular in S7. After all, it is the incense burner version. Support, so it needs to sacrifice Jungle’s economic preservation and development to a certain extent, and the suitable version of Hahuang should be the wild core version, so the appearance rate in S7 is not high. This world group stage, RNG defeated SSG two consecutively. Second, in fact, it was the Emperor Ha, not the head of An, who actually defeated him.

In the group stage, SSG was actually concealed.

This time EDG and SSG are head-to-head, and Kazakhstan may not have the opportunity to play.

As for SSG's bot lane.

Ruler, Ruler. Ruler. The basic skills are relatively solid, but not fierce enough, and the hero pool is also relatively limited. Banned his spear of revenge, Xia, and let Xiao Zhao grab the cannon. The ruler is basically cold, or Stealth, or take a hand of Jinx, the goddess of war, and replace it with a big mouth, the ruler dare not take it.

As for Velus, it's even more exaggerated.

Verus, the ruler, often needs four people to protect. Strictly speaking, the quarter-finals of the year were naturally blessed for SSG.

In the quarterfinals that year, SSG played Dragon Ball.

As the number one seed of the LCK, Dragon Ball was madly restrained by SSG on the lineup of the players. The BDD in the middle of the road could not find a chance to single-kill Crown Brother. Once the game is dragged by SSG to the late stage, Dragon Ball will almost certainly lose.

And under the perfect rhythm of the head of An, the possibility of SSG collapse is very small.

Coupled with the stability of the bottom lane, the carry Dragon Ball was planted in the hands of SSG, the LCK No. 1 seed, and the quarterfinals were directly eliminated from the civil war.

Another team that restrains SSG is RNG.

RNG's bot lane, UZ is in charge.

The ruler has dog control. When he is laning UZ1, his performance is extremely unstable, and he will even be killed by the matchup. The Zhonglu Xiaohu and Crown Brothers are basically stable development.

People are a late-stage big nucleus.

Xiaohu used the plane to squeeze the crown into the world with the czarist mother.

In this case, when etme guarantees that the top lane will not collapse, the spicy hot pot is extremely easy to find opportunities, and it is a pity to use SSG bottom lane as a breakthrough to open the situation.

In the semifinals of the year, RNG was scoured by SKT. So, when they saw SKT knock out RNG by themselves, all SSG members would laugh so happily.

The only opponent is gone.

When SSG is playing against SKT, you can basically let go of the fight.

As for SupportCore, it is also a team-oriented support. The roaming ability is not strong, and the laning ability is average, but the teamfighting ability is extremely good. This is where the SSG's bot lane is weak. When facing the UZ and Xiaoming combination, 1.2 times. SSG must fall into a disadvantage in getting off the road.


Su Chen understands that EDG's bottom lane combination is not strong enough at this time.

The combination of Tian Ye and Xiao Zhao is too young.

It's really too young.

This kind of bottom lane combination can't bite SSG's bottom lane at all. Once the SSG bottom lane is stabilized, Crown Brother, known for the Solo Mid defense tower, coupled with the rhythm of the head, EDG is very easy to fall into a disadvantage after 30 minutes. .

On the road, Cuvee will have no disadvantages against A Kwang.

This kind of game is an extremely severe test for Su Chen whether he wants to take the hero of the late carry game, or if he takes the early hero to take the late hero, if the early advantage is not enough, the game will be ruined.

With the early heroes, if you can't knock on the iron plate of SSG, you still can't win the game.

Don't look at RNG's two consecutive wins against SSG.

But in these two games, the reward points were only obtained when SSG didn't let An head of the game play. report

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