Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 177 Five ban middle road! The audience is boiling!!

"It seems that the opposite party is ready to target you."

After seeing SSG put the outside first hand, Charo didn't choose, but directly grabbed Malzaha.

Nofe, the coach behind, also has a cold sweat on his face.

This time the contest on BP was actually his mistake. In fact, he should be wary when he saw the opponent ban the clockwork in the second hand.

After all, everyone knows that Su Chen never chooses people.

So he should be wary when he sees the opposite side banning the clockwork. Now the opposite side picks up Malzaha directly. At this time, when he wakes up, it’s too late to directly ban the three ending Solo Mid heroes. In order to specifically target Su Chen.

Don't worry about these, take Charo first. "

Su Chen looked at Nofe with a guilty face, smiled and comforted.

In fact, this BP mistake is not all Nofe's fault.

After all, Samsung, after being defeated by SKT last year, must have made sufficient preparations in this year's time. On his side, EDG's current situation is very similar to SKT's. "Two and one zero" has also caused hungry. All the methods used by the opposite Samsung to prepare to deal with Faker can be used to deal with him.

With enough preparations for the opponent for a year, it is really difficult to win on BP.


This side directly locked the Charo duo placed outside.

It can be considered a gain and a loss, and then Samsung directly chose Jungle Prince and Solo Top Gnar.

"Samsung’s targeting of Su Chen in the middle is a bit too much. First, it banned the Solo Mid, which was the captain, and then took the two heroes Marzaha and the prince. Now Su Chen can only use the Solo Mid hero. The czar is here, but even if the czar is elected, Marzaha’s flashing big move suppresses him, followed by a prince, you are still going to die Miller seeing the opposite Samsung’s lineup a little worried.

Star's current style of play really restrains EDG, a team with a C in the middle.

No matter how powerful you are, I will directly suppress all kinds of bells and whistles.

at the same time.

Su Chen looked at the lineup opposite.

He also understands that the current Samsung has completely applied the set of dealing with Faker to himself.

But looking at the lineup in the field.

Even if he really took out a Solo Mid with a long hand.

There is no way to lead the entire team in this situation.

Do you want to take the czar? "

Nofe is also making suggestions later, but time is urgent, and he has no good ideas for a while.

"Don't take the Tsar."

Su Chen flicked across the heroes on the screen very quickly.

His eyes were on a hero who had rarely played.

The hero of Captain Raven does have a certain advantage when playing Malzaha.

But he didn't want to use it.

That being the case, it is better to choose a hero that you are good at.

The day the dagger is remade, when the knight returns!

As Su Chen chose to confirm the field, he exclaimed in bursts.

"Did EDG choose the wrong one?"

"I have never heard that A Guang still plays a hero like Raven.

"If you don't understand, just ask, does Riven restrain Gnar?"

Fortunately for this one, I didn't expect to see A Guang, who has always been able to resist pressure, choose to play Riven to face Su Chen's sharp demand, and there were waves of voices in the field.

After all, in this season, it has been a long time since anyone chooses a hero who is a showman like Riven.

At the same time, everyone at EDG looked at Su Chen with doubts.

"I don't know how to play Riven!"

A Guang was also aggrieved and said that even though the hero Riven was more restrained against Gnar, he was also particular about operation.

If the operation is not good, the crispy hero like Riven may be completely abandoned, and there is no chance to hang up under the tower.

I didn't say let you play Riven Su Chen while being proficient and arranging talents, but not knowing how to say at the same time.

"Don't you want that Riven to play Solo Mid?"

When everyone was puzzled, the factory manager took the lead and looked at Su Chen helplessly.

In the group stage, Su Chen chose the card and the robbery. Although it is not a common version, it is also a regular Solo Mid. This made him almost forget that the guy sitting next to him has never been a pick from the underworld.

At this time, Su Chen was also very helpless. After the system was upgraded, this made him ready to fight.

However, when the opponent came, a Prince Malzahaga came out.

Others may not know.

But how could he not understand when he was born again.

The grasshopper in the crown is his unique hero.

Even Faker was in his hands.

Choosing a czar by yourself is of no avail.

After thinking about it, Su Chen chose Riven in the end.

"I will try to help you catch it."

After receiving Su Chen’s confirmation, the factory manager patted him on the shoulder and didn’t say anything. Although he didn’t understand why Su Chen chose Riven at this time, he knew that Su Chen could choose this way. Naturally, he made sense. .

As the oldest veteran of the EDG team, this year is probably his last hope.

So at this time, he could only choose to believe that Su Chen came on the road. The reason why EDG was able to get to where he is today was because he believed in Su Chen that summer.

So at this time, he has no choice but to believe in Su Chen.

at the same time.

The Samsung team saw that Su Chen chose Riven.

Is also a face of stunned.

"Coach, didn't you say that the mouse on the opposite side uses some half-meat Solo Top?"

Cuvee saw EDG choose Riven and subconsciously thought that he was going to line up with him.

Looking back at his coach with confusion.

What about the good choice of Narrative?

This opponent came with Riven. You told me this is a pressure-resistant Solo Top. A Solo Top who is often pressure-resistant, dare to come up with a hand for Solo Top in this kind of competition?

Xing's coach looked at the bp board for a long time, and was also speechless for a long time in an awkward manner.

In order to win the championship this time.

They can be said to have done enough, except for the group stage, and even the opponents in the summer competition, have carefully studied.

But I never heard that Solo Top on the other side would play Riven.

If this weren't for the Solo Mid who happened to be on the opposite side, I am afraid that the opposite side would have to hide in the finals.

Be careful yourself and try not to fight online. "

Xing’s coach patted Cuvee on the shoulder of Solo Top player. He really didn’t expect that the opposite Solo Top would hide Riven with his hand until now, but he is not very worried. After all, the opposite Solo Top is not the main force of the opposite. In the middle, the Crown watched Solo Mid Su Chen on the opposite side, just like they dealt with Faker in the preview. It is not a problem that the upper road is slightly weaker.

"Since the opposite party did not choose the czar in the third hand, then he will be directly banned later.

Star's coach looked at his BP board.

Originally, he wanted to come up and ban the clockwork demon and Syndra first, and then after EDG grabbed Charo and Solo Mid, he directly blocked the road of Jungle and Aguang, the director of the factory.

But he never expected it.

Opposite Solo Top, who has been stable and resistant to pressure, unexpectedly will take out Riven at this time to join him.

That being the case.

Then just don't stop doing it, and the next two bans are directly given to their Solo Mid. Since they want to target them, they should target them more thoroughly.


EDG then banned Thresh and Lulu, the two Support heroes, while SSG did nothing and did nothing but 1.2 gave all the five bans to the middle.

"Su Chen!"

"Su Chen!

As soon as the ban position of SSG came out, there was a warm shout from the audience.

After all, choosing a grasshopper directly in the first selection and then banning five mid-lane heroes is enough to show that Su Chen's position in the eyes of other teams.

I am afraid that no one thought that you would choose a Riven Solo Mid? "

The director laughed instantly when he saw BP on the opposite side.

Thanks to the misleading of Su Chen's Riven, he could successfully get to the opposite of Jungle Pig and then chose Xiao Pao and Tam to go down the road.

Then, in the eyes of all the expectations, EDG selected a big tree in the last election.

Everyone was messed up in the wind at this moment.

Especially when the coach of the Samsung team started to select Riven, he had already decided to play Solo Mid.

But he was still banning the master of the middle hand in that stupid way.

Not to mention whether Riven can play the single-round bp in the middle, he has been completely crushed.

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