Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 187 Even if I face five people, Su Chen, I am still invincible!!

"What's the matter? How could the tree be so fleshy, why would he be single-killed?"

"I don't know whether it should be said that Uvee is too strong or Aguang Taicai. The situation that had been good is now dangerous again."

"The main reason is that the blood volume is unhealthy after playing Baron.

After playing Baron hurriedly ran, should still be able to retain the dragon seed. "

run? People upstairs think too much. Looking at Su Chen's performance today, this wave of Riven is definitely going to be up.

In fact, when the audience is worried about this.

The director of the factory is also asking Su Chen if he wants to withdraw.

Of course, not withdrawing now, but after playing Baron.

Now Baron's blood volume is very low. After playing Baron, he will go straight away. It is still possible that the next two people will survive. No one will care about how A Guang was single-killed. It doesn't matter, the key is how to deal with the next situation.

Can fight. "

Su Chen looked calm and looked at his own state.

Said calmly.


The SSG finally found out that the four players who were playing Baron "were discovered, but now Baron's blood volume is almost at the end. It must not be withdrawn at this time and can only be played through seven." Baron took over. But this wave of team battles is really true. Can you win? "

"Although Riven is very fat right now, she still has the best chance of winning four-on-five when she is not in good condition."

Miller doll immediately said nervously when seeing Samsung preparing to grab the dragon.

In a place like Longkeng, if it is isolated by a big move of the prince.

The EDG group can basically come to an end.

And at the moment he discovered that EDG was playing Baron, Gnar also directly teleported down from the road.

If in a place like Longkeng, he was shot on the wall with a big trick by Gnar, then he would not dare to think about the consequences.

"You hit Baron!"

Su Chen said hurriedly in his voice.

He also understands the current crisis.

Therefore, Riven who was controlling him immediately stepped forward to block when he found it on the other side.

The so-called one husband is a pass, but one man is not open.

He rushed over to grab Baron in a hurry.

SSG's position is also relatively concentrated.

Baron's current HP only needs Su Chen's Riven and Meiko's Luo to be able to block for a second or two.

After Baron took it, he could start to fight back.

"Can you really stop it?"

Two people blocking the group of five people on the opposite side is really critical, I hope Baron won't be robbed. "

Just when the audience's eyes widened, just staring at the screen.

Su Chen made a big move to open it.

Five people facing SSG.

He took the lead.

Because Baron's teammate is behind him, he must move forward and block the footsteps of the other side.

"Despise us?

Head An looked at Su Chen's sharp need and rushed out of Baron's pit.

The face is incredible.

at the same time.

There is also interesting pleasure in his heart.

His prince was suppressed by Riven, this time.

He wants to let the other side know the strength of his top Jungle.

What if you hit Baron first.

I still snatched Baron over to the head of An with a roar, and even if I couldn't control Riven with an EQ Erlian, I would snatch the dragon.

at the same time.

Su Chen quickly controlled his Riven with both hands.

E skills go forward bravely.

Small displacement.

At the same time, there is an extra shield on the body.

The banner was just released at the moment the prince shot, even before the person moved.

Su Chen has already judged the trajectory of his EQ company.

And use E skills to avoid it.

Then the prince and Riven passed by, and the skills were empty.

But Su Chen did not let go of his plan.

If the prince of the head of An is allowed to enter the dragon pit, then everything will have to change again.

Not only is the prince disciplined, but also because of his ultimate move.

Turn around after the prince landed.

Su Chen slashed at him with a sword, and at the same time a W skill was stunned.

Give him no time to react at all.

Then Mercury solved the big move of the grasshopper in seconds.

The rune giant sword in his hand slashed on the prince again.

When eiko's dizziness was about to end, Su Chen reminded loudly.

Needless to say, Meiko, who had been waiting for a long time, hurried up and used the W skill to control the prince. Su Chen slammed back without looking back.

After Meiko took control again, the prince had already lost the opportunity to approach the Dragon Keng.

When Su Chen walked away from the grasshopper's Q.

With a loud roar, the purple dragon soul descended on Riven's body.

The dragon is here.


The next thing is to kill. Su Chen showed a fierce light in his eyes.

After Q Dance of Wings opened its ultimate move, the damage range of Q skills has been greatly extended.

Q, who walked carefully to avoid Tam, slashed at the grasshopper and the cannon at the same time.

Ping A. Even in a team battle surrounded by several people.

He also did not forget to intersperse general attacks in the gap of skills.

The damage is always maximized.

Immediately afterwards.

In the third stage, Q knocked down the cannon that wanted to use the E skill to escape from mid-air.

Ping A. Seeing Riven's terrifying injury, Ruler panicked.

He didn't expect that Su Chen would be so fierce.

Actually dared to cut into the crowd alone.

If this continues, he doesn't know whether Riven will die, but his cannon is a big move that must die.

At this time, he didn't care if Riven would run away.

Corey Ruler immediately released his big move, and at the same time turned around and shouted a huge cannonball.

After Su Chen's Riven retreated to the ground, Yuan Rui was about to land with a sword gas.

Except for the small cannon that had been swallowed by Gnar in his stomach, this big move caused huge damage to everyone, including Gnar, who had just teleported to the ground.

Su Chen showed a sneer at the cannon without the big move and E skill.

In front of him, he was simply a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Up, up, up!"

at this time.

The director and Xiao Zhao also rushed over.

Even Xiao Zhao directly escaped from the prince's ultimate move.

After the director of the Freeze Bar arrived, he directly released his big move, a huge ice lock sleeve, instantly freezing the grasshopper into ice and causing a slowing effect on others.

This is enough.

Su Chen calmly analyzed the situation in the field.

It was freezing moment when the factory manager Zhu Mei released her big move.

Enter the arena again with a direct flash. This time, the target is still the cannon.

Although the skill is not good, it is enough to kill a small cannon.


Su Chen looked at Luo who rushed in with his big move and quickly reminded him.

Now, the real threat is Gnar, who can grow bigger at any time.

"Die to me!"

After Ruler saw Riven flash up again, he roared that his flash was used as early as in the middle.

In the deceleration state of the pig girl's big move.

It was impossible for him to run away. Seeing Riven coming up again, Ruler simply gave up his plan to escape.

Since you can't run away, you must be replaced by death. However, he is no more than a bloody cannon, how could he beat an opened Riven.


The cannon became the first man in this team battle and killed the grasshopper at the same time! The grasshopper Xiao Zhao ignored the prince behind him at all.

Malzaha's crazy output facing the crown.

At the same time after solving the small artillery.

Su Chen did not escape.

Directly slashed at Gnar, who was under Luo's control.

He intends to kill him before he transforms. Even if he has no skills, Su Chen's damage is very terrifying.

What's more, this is an output that has not increased.

Compared to the small artillery, 1.2 is not much meat.


Gnar wakes up.

But at this time Su Chen's skills have also cooled down. An E skill dodges Gnar's boomerang and then an N to control him.

Doublekill! I Gnar was successfully taken down by Su Chen before he grew big, and the grasshopper in the crown was also successfully harvested by Xiao Zhao.

After Ace Legenda successfully accepted Tam's head.

Su Chen is directly super god.

The SSG wave was also beaten out by a group.

Four hits five hits a group on the opposite side.

And EDG did not die alone.

First, he was alone and filed with the prince.

Then rushed into the crowd, and the back hand of the small cannon waited for the teammate to arrive and flashed into the field.

Collect the small artillery first, in Zhannar "Su Chen Su Chen!

After the Fudang pass, after the end of the Wanfumo team battle, there were enthusiastic cheers throughout the arena.

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