Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 200 A seven-minute ten-player perfect team battle, sink to the bottom of the sea!

Coach Cui looked at the picture on the big screen and listened to the loud cheers coming from his ears, his eyes were full of disbelief.

Standing in place as if it was petrified, just turned around, and the time to say a word to the team leader, the situation on the field has changed drastically. It should be the SSG five packs of three encirclements and suppressions of EDG who won this team battle. , And then successfully won Dragon.

But the current situation is that EDG is zero for three, and the little murloc that killed the bottom duo and Qinggang Ying Su Chen has won a double kill!

Only Pig Girl and Clockwork returned to the city with the residual blood, and all the flashes of the five entered the CD. It was really hard for him to understand why it became the current situation.

It was originally a good situation for SSG, but suddenly the roles changed. EDG became the last winner of this wave of team battles?

On the other side, in the commentary.

The position of the commentator is not much better than that of Coach Cui.

Gang オ They are all sweating for EDG in their hearts.

But now the situation has suddenly reversed. EDG has gone from being double-teamed by three to a situation where it is now a big win.

The kill economy was obtained, and the first earth dragon was successfully accepted. This wave of blood earned but everything happened between the electric light and flint, and several commentators did not react.

"Gang. What did Gang Efa 27 give birth to?"

With joy in the baby’s words, she asked Miller on the left and right and Guan Zeyuan Miller awkwardly laughed twice, and then said, "Let’s congratulate the first elemental dragons of EDG. As for what happened to Gang オ, We will see the replay later!

The group battle just now spanned the entire lower half of the river.

Several commentators only saw a rough idea, and did not see exactly how this wave of teamfight victory was achieved.

I don't understand why EDG, who was originally double-teamed, won the teamfight like this.

"So, our guess just now was correct. The reason why the factory manager didn't make a move before was probably because of this wave of team battles!"

At this time, Guan Zeyuan brought the topic back to the topic that the factory manager had become more winded up before. At this time, everyone thought of it.

Why didn't the factory manager forcefully kill the clockwork before? Perhaps during the replay for a while, it can be explained.

The dog thief who sprayed the factory just now stood up for me and gave me an interpreter. What is his dish, and what is his dish?

The dog thief upstairs, you just sprayed it the most..."

"What happened to Gang? I just bowed my head and buckled my feet. EDG has such a big advantage?"

Coach Cui: Exactly. Suddenly, after EDG won this wave of team battles, the audience's mood finally relaxed.

Started to live in the barrage.

Okay, let's take a look at the replay to see what happened to Gang オ and how EDG fought this wave of team battles! "

A replay of the team battle just now appeared on the big screen, and the voice of the doll also brought the whole audience back.

Gang オ everything happened so fast that many viewers didn't see exactly what happened.

All this happened too suddenly, and there was no time for the audience to react. The playback picture was slowly changed and opened, returning to the previous picture of the three EDG heading towards the river.

Now everyone knows the ending of this teamfight. The audience is not nervous at this time. They just want to see how EDG won in this teamfight.

Now the EDG trio have entered the encirclement of the SSG five, and the SSG bot lane duo who came from the middle road has blocked the trio's retreat.

In this case, no one would choose to retreat in the direction of the blue zone. This pass is too narrow. Whether it is Xia, Clockwork or Pig Girl, several heroes fighting in this narrow terrain can double their combat effectiveness.

The EDG trio didn't care about the chasing soldiers behind them, and the trio rushed in the direction of SSG Xia and Morgana.

Xia and Morgana might have been intimidated by the momentum of the EDG trio, and backed back again and again.

Although a five-pack-three situation was formed, facing the three EDGs, Xia and Morgana, the two small crispy skins, could not use their bodies to keep people, and Morgana directly returned to the grass and gave it to the grass. I went out with a Q. Just now when Core.’s Morgana came to the river from the middle road, she had already turned on the scan (ccbc) and confirmed that there was no field of vision in this little grass.

As long as this Q skill hits and controls the opposite person, it can be dragged to the large unit teammate to take over the battle.

As the head of An analyzed before, at this time node, according to the strength of the heroes of both sides, SSG should be leading.

However, after Morgana's Q of the card vision shot, when he was about to hit Luo, Luo directly flashed to R and W. He directly approached the opposite bottom duo and gave a lot of control.

Core's reaction was also very fast. The moment Luo flashed, the magic shield of the E skill had already been set on Xia's body.

But Luo was already close to him, even if he had a magic shield, he couldn't get away, so he could only fight back.

At the moment Morgana's Q skill was about to hit the prince, the prince's EQ shot directly and forced Xia's big move out.

Imprisonment cannot interrupt the Prince's EQ Second Company.

Although Xia's big move can adjust her position during the casting process, after landing, the prince directly gave a big move to frame Xia and Morgana.

The control connection between the two players of DG Nosuke was perfect, and they directly retained the SSG bot lane duo! "

The doll's voice sounded, admiring the operation and cooperation of the two players.

But Xiao Pao was given to the big move of Little Cannon, oh my god, this wave of direct big move interrupted Xiao Cannon’s W, too detailed! "

Qinggang Ying's E skill was also given, and with the clockwork's big move, the blood volume of the cannon soon bottomed out! "

"In front of a well-developed Qinggang Ying, the cannon is still too brittle! The amount of blood raised by the treatment is simply not enough!"

"Hey, Shen!!

It's Shen's big move! "

This wave of team battles are played back up to now, even though the ending is known, many viewers still can't help but get nervous.

It is true that the operations and cooperation of both parties are already full.

Moreover, the handling of the head of An is even more detailed. Originally head of An didn’t have level six, but after the prince retreated, he went directly to the line, and after eating the experience of dismissing soldiers from the tower, he was directly promoted to level six.

The details and coordination of the operations of the two teams have been exhausted.

But Qinggangying still failed to kill a small cannon with a healing and cautious ultimate shield.

After Shen's big move landed, the direct E skill put Qinggang shadow and clockwork on taunt control. After the Qinggang shadow's big move, the small cannon flashed directly on the partition wall, and after reaching a safe position, it crazily output the Qinggang shadow E Sister Pig’s Q has already been handed in, and no one can limit the cannon on the wall.

After iboy's crazy walk and hide the QW skills of the development bar, the two AD and the road on the EDG side almost defeated the SSG trio.

A stunted clockwork. At this time, there are really few things that can be done. The performance of both sides in this team battle is too perfect. The picture is cut to the other side. At this time, the prince and Luo have already cut SSG. The bottom road duo retained, but the damage of the two was a little insufficient. After Xia flashed out of the prince's big move, they began to madly flat A. At this time, an exciting hero line sounded "Sink to the bottom of the sea!!"

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