Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 221 The last hand, the killing is about to begin

Now EDG still has the last hero not selected, it is Jungle. "

Before the commentator started to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the lineup on both sides, he can be said to be full of confidence in EDG, because EDG just held three match points at 2-0.

But now it seems that EDG has fallen into a great dilemma. In this life and death situation, SSG has already been regarded as releasing its big move.

Maybe this is SSG's final hole card, a Jedi counterattack made in such a desperate situation.

At present, the lineup selected by SSG, although the players have not yet exchanged heroes, it is clear at a glance which hero plays which position. SSG's lineup can basically be determined, and there is basically no possibility of swing.

Solo Top Yasuo, Jungle Prince, Solo Mid Malzaha, AD Xia, Support Alistair, this lineup is actually very rare in the World Championships.

Whether it’s Yasuo or Malzaha, this kind of hero is basically the absolute green body of the competition. It is rare that Malzaha is a hero that is too functional, but because of the skill mechanism, it is often Can't take on the responsibility of Solo Mid with rhythm.

But at the same time, this hero also has his own obvious advantages.

Push line is fast, and self-protection ability is very strong.

With such a characteristic, even the enchantress operated by Su Chen would be more difficult to kill him.

And this is exactly what SSG wants to achieve.

Since the crown can't fight Su Chen in the middle, then simply choose a hero who can develop steadily online and is not easy to get into trouble.

Now SSG has changed its style and found the mistakes made in previous games.

Since it is not very effective against Su Chen, and the crown can't beat Su Chen in the middle, then it stays on.

Can't you beat Gou?

As long as the crown can stay in the middle, continue to push the line to suppress.

Limiting Su Chen's walking belt rhythm, then the tactics deployed by SSG in the middle can be considered to be realized.

The role of the Crown in choosing Malzaha in the mid lane can be considered to be reflected, and all the actions of SSG in the early stage will definitely be carried out around the bottom lane.

With Alistair's strong opening support in the bottom lane, and with the upper prince, it will definitely be able to open the situation in the bottom lane.

This is something that can be seen from BP alone.

As long as the prince of the head of An comes to the road, he will definitely be able to gain something or the summoner skills of the EDG bot lane, or kill the Solo Top line, SSG has also selected the hero he wants on his side.

Yasuo Danar is an absolute heroic restraint, and Yasuo embodied in the hands of Cuvee.

Cuvee is an absolute top Solo Top in the world, whether it is in line suppression or team battles, including various data in the game, can definitely be regarded as the world's top Solo Top.

Under the heroic restraint, A Guang's Gnar will definitely be very uncomfortable.

This is the time to test A Guang's ability to withstand stress.

Now, only the Jungle location of EDG has not been determined yet.

Everyone is looking forward to what Jungle heroes the factory manager will choose to deal with this lineup of SSG.

Let's take a look, the five-handed ban people on both sides have basically no targets for Jungle. "

"Yes, now Jungle still has a lot of hands for the factory manager to choose."

Looking at the bp interface of this game, Miller is also guessing what kind of Jungle hero the factory manager will use to face this lineup of SSG.

Let's take a look, the more popular Jungle outside, as well as the pig girl, Zac, are all available. "

"And this EDG's bot lane must be protected or anti-squat."

"Sister Pig and Zach are both anti-squatting Jungles. These two heroes seem to have a lot of control, but it's really hard to get ahead before the sixth level."

But if you squat, these two heroes are too powerful, especially Zach. "

Qiuhuahua doll continued Miller's words and continued, "If the prince catches him and Zac squats back, it is indeed a good choice."

"Now EDG has lit up Girl Pig, but I still think Zac is better. I don't know how EDG will choose."

Time is passing fast, and the pig girl who was shown on EDG's last hand has not been locked for a long time.

It seems that something is still being discussed in the EDG team.

SSG Coach Cui looked in the direction of EDG, with a smug smile at the corner of his mouth. This lineup was designed by him during the short break. Although he hastily, this lineup is the most satisfying lineup in his history.

It can be said that as long as the players don't make too many mistakes during the game, SSG should be able to win this game.

In his opinion, as long as he finds a way to fight EDG, then it is not difficult to defeat EDG.

"The time has come to the last five seconds, and EDG hasn't locked the pig girl yet. Could it be that there will be any variables in this?

Guan Zeyuan looked suspicious when he saw that EDG hadn't locked the hero for a long time.

I think that the EDG team is definitely still discussing whether to take the pig girl or Zach. "

Once in our opinion, Zach is a better choice. "

The long-distance displacement and controlled E skills can give Zach a lot of angles in the anti-squat, and even take the initiative to attack. It is also a good choice to counter-grab SSG's bot lane. But for the pig girl, maybe the EDG coaching staff will have it. Other tactical arrangements, so at this time EDG has not yet determined Jungle.

Suddenly, all the spectators at the match made an exclamation. This exclamation was louder than when Gang Cuvee chose Yasuo.

There was excitement and incredibleness in it. Ding reward points report

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