Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 223 Control yourself, control the enemy, edg's last choice

"The game continues to welcome back.

This is the S7 Global Finals, the third game of EDG vs. SSGBO5. Hello, everyone. I am a baby. "

As the big screen changed from the BP interface to the game interface, the doll said.

At the same time, EDG is now the last card of the LPL team in the World Championship.

Countless LPL fans and viewers are watching this game and as more and more fans join the ranks of watching the live broadcast, the barrage of the live broadcast of the event has become more and more popular.

"It seems that SSG has been fully prepared for this game. My scalp is tingling when Yasuo chooses."

To be honest, this is the first time I have seen a team pick Yasuo in the World Championship. I still feel that his lineup is good. "

EDG lost in this hand bp, and then 22 is more difficult to play, almost already at a disadvantage across the board! "

"The scalp is numb, although it is said that there is no precedent for the second to chase the third in the S game, can EDG be serious? At least bp do a little bit!"

Yeah, why do you have to make the game so hard to play? "

At present, the bullet screens of major media software platforms, or messages and comments, are basically complaining about EDG's bp.

Many of the players who watched the game were old players in the league. They may not be able to operate well, but because they often watch the game, they can still make clear judgments about the strength of the version and lineup.

Basically, most players can tell at a glance that compared with SSG's lineup, EDG's lineup is really bad.

Not to mention the comparison with this lineup of SSG.

That is to say, compared with the lineup selected by EDG, this lineup is too bad.

Although the last SSG aimed at the mid lane, five ban Solo Mid heroes, blocked Su Chen's strong heroes, but EDG, except for the less mainstream murloc in mid lane, all other heroes were selected very well.

You Luo and the prince two forced to open, You Shen, the protective tank Solo Top.

There is also the strong assassin of the Solo Mid, the little murloc.

Even if the murloc is not the mainstream Solo Mid in the game, at least the overall lineup looks good.

But this selected lineup, not to mention that all lines are suppressed by SSG, only talk about the problem of lineup.

Lack of strong opening, lack of hard control.

And there is no more tough front-row tank. These situations will not be reflected in the early aligning, but after the team battle starts in the middle and late stages, these deficiencies will slowly be exposed.

Moreover, the lack of strong opening and hard control is not a very obvious disadvantage.

But these are often the keys to victory.

Because of these things in hand, オ can hold the initiative in the mid-term teamfight.

And like the current lineup of EDG, if you need to start a group, you can only use the control after Narchang University, or the blind monk's big angle finding trick.

And if these two heroes want to start a group, they often need to find a better opportunity, but this kind of opportunity has always been difficult to grasp. If there is no such opportunity, EDG can only passively take over the group.

This is why many audience fans don't like EDG's lineup.

Such a lineup, unless it can withstand every wave of SSG's offensive in the early stage, and can get an economic lead.

Only in this way can we win the game.

But the lineup of SSG is strong here.

Not only can it achieve a good suppression effect online in the early stage, but in the later stage, there are also tanks and strong openings.

The prince and the cooperation of Alistair and Yasuo can achieve very good results in the mid to late team battles.

However, based on the process of EDG in the World Championship, it seems that most of the victory was achieved when the lineup was slightly weaker.

Many viewers and fans also know that EDG is good at defeating the strong with the weak, so there are still many fans who support EDG.

"Do you know a der? These are definitely EDG tactics. Although this lineup does not seem to make people feel very comfortable, there must be a reason for EDG's announcement that this lineup was selected." Inferior lineup selected? Although lineup is inferior, it still needs to refer to the player's value. "

Yes, we still need to refer to the player's operational value. The player's personal strength is displayed here, which is not empty.

"Well, we can see that we are now in the game."

240. On the commentary stand, looking at the interface of the game, the doll said.

"Although EDG's lineup is a bit kanter, but the player's personal strength is here, Miller who can give us some surprises in the end said.

Although this puts EDG's lineup at a disadvantage, Miller did not show much concern.

It seems to have blind confidence in EDG. "Oh, it seems that you are very confident in EDG. The doll looked at Miller a little bit differently.

As an old commentator for many years as a partner, both he and Miller are very aware of how passive the EDG lineup is. But even so, Miller still has a lot of confidence in EDG, which makes the doll feel a little surprised.

Miller just laughed without saying a word, and didn't say why he was so confident in EDG.

Wawa looked at him with a meaningful smile, and did not ask, "Okay, let's see how EDG will deal with lineup's strong SSG, let's wait and see!

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