Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 227 If anyone mentions 4396 again, I will never end with him!

As Miller said.

This wave of blind men is indeed very aggressive and adventurous, but it also makes SSG not able to get up and down, which is very uncomfortable.

"Assi, this person is playing disgusting." Crown frowned.

What should we do now? "Cuvee frowned and said.

Kill him, the head of An is resurrected!

After the crown was finished, he wrapped it up.

At the same time, Yasuo on the road quickly cleared the line and stopped the blind man towards the triangle grass.

But the blind man didn't panic at this moment. After he finished playing the Rockman, he wanted to come and play F6. Just two steps away, Malzaha with a magic shield appeared in his field of vision.

I can only retreat back, wanting to escape.

But on the other side of "Two or Four Zero", Yasuo has already walked over with a sword. This wave of blind men is eyeless. It's over. The factory manager is greedy. You should leave after killing people and grabbing buf just now. Tuition. "Miller's voice has also improved a few decibels in the game as the game situation.

The prince also resurrected and rushed into the wild area to join Yasuo!

All of a sudden, the three people from SSG Upper Middle Field gathered in the upper semi-wild area and blocked all the roads of the factory manager!

When the blind man died, then this wave of EDG was lost, mainly due to double buf. The double buf on the blind man's body is gone, and the early rhythms are all abolished, which is equivalent to only one person ahead of SSG! "

At this time, the situation became more tense. The blind man was forced to a blind spot by the three of them. This angle could not even flash, so he could only hit the wall.

"Accept him and give the head to Yasuo on the road.

The crown said, he has given an E skill to the blind man.

Wanting to silence the blind man, so that he has no room for manipulation, the others also threw their skills over.

At this moment, the blind man of the factory director went straight ninety degrees and deflected at a weird angle.

In the next second, Malzaha's E skill passed by directly.

It was at this moment that the blind man moved forward a few yards, and the Q skill Tianyinbo directly landed on the greenest F6 bird and hit the monster at the extreme distance. The Q operations of the second stage were all performed. It happened in an instant, but all the professional players were present, and the head of An was at the peak of his time, and he was one of the top players in the world.

Seeing this at this moment, he almost reflexively jumped toward the front of an EQ eyelid, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Let's come down to the Lord!"

The EQ of the prince's speed of light happened to be in the middle of the blind man's second-stage Q. All this happened too fast. Under the visual effect, the blind man's second-stage Q had even flown to the middle. This wave of being picked would undoubtedly kill him.

At this moment, the blind man's hand speed reached the extreme, almost less than a few tenths of a second, as if he had suddenly broken his leg, his body was crooked, and the body that had flew straight to F6 had fallen down at an angle of forty-five degrees!

Over there, the demon girl who had just arrived had a shield prince who interrupted the blind man's EQ directly and failed!

Section Q in the air W!

"Axi!" Crown burst into a swear word, but the blind man had already left with Demon Ji Shi Shiran.

At this distance, he flashed and couldn't stick to the opponent!

Blind man is going to have this wave... eh, this position... wow, I... eh, eh... ran... ran away? ! "

The outside commentators were also dumbfounded.

"Why did you run?

"Wow, what kind of hand speed is this? The director's reaction speed is so fast, this wave unexpectedly escaped the prince's pre-judgment EQ, he went directly to the demon girl in the air, and temporarily changed the course!

Everyone on the scene saw Shi Shiran's blind man, and finally there was a warm applause. The fans of PL and EDG were also cheering.

How did this wave of blind men run away? "Guan Zeyuan didn't even see what happened to Gang オ when the playback came, and everyone understood this wave of operations.

W forcibly changed position in the air during the second stage Q of the blind monk.

This operation is not difficult for all silver to do.

But it was the blind man’s terrifying reaction speed that made everyone cheer because before that, they could clearly see that the blind man’s second-stage Q didn’t expect the prince on the opposite side to be interrupted by EQ. At that time, he was almost on the ground but just In such a short period of time, less than a few tenths of a second, the blind man instantly limited time and distance, changed the course, and drew in the air to make the prince jump out of the air, and it also made the early rhythm of SSG crash a little brighter. Eyes, the factory manager is not old, and he is in great shape in this game. "After watching the replay, Miller admired that there was Su Chen. The demon girl's response came very timely. The blind man was already in an eyeless state just now."

This wave directly showed the style of our LPL Jungle in front of the world. It is really strong! "

On the other hand, the fans of the LPL audience watched the 1.2 operation that the factory director can make on the highlights, and there was a burst of cheers.

The barrage in the live event is very hot.

"Comfortable, the factory manager is up!"

"If anyone mentions 4396 in the future, I will never end with him. This wave of blind men will show up directly, cowhide!!

"Don't read Li Wensheng, you can't learn it!"

"Hahaha, I really can't learn this!"

"Blindness in both eyes will not prevent me from catching prey! The blind man, the director, is too cowhide! All stand up!"

Should I stand up in a squat? "

"The newcomers will only call everyone to stand up, and I have already arrived at the LBW Plaza and ordered a cappuccino."

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