Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 245 ad dequalifier

After the resurrection, Su Chen once again organized a team battle.

This time, after buying new equipment with the economy of ending the blind man and the enchantress, Ruer's Xia team battle once again won the head.

Successfully led to the extinction of EDG.

Seeing this scene, everyone had to follow Su Chen's way to re-layout.

Using harassment tactics to deceive, the SSG people who had suffered several losses before naturally refused to be fooled, and soon they realized that this was a conspiracy by Su Chen and others.

Therefore, they are not fooled at all unless Su Chen and others all enter the high ground, otherwise they will not fight indiscriminately. With such a steady development, the advantage of Xia's late stage has finally revealed.

After two more team battles, the SSG, which had completely recovered the situation, finally broke the crystal of Su Chen's side.

So that the 2:0 record was ended and turned into 2 For this result, SSG everyone 253 can be said to be relieved.

After all, this is too thrilling. If they lose the game just now, they will completely lose the qualification to win.

But if you win, you still have a chance to fight back.

With the temporary termination of the game, everyone in EDG also returned to the lounge. This time, the last EDG players who were still so proud are now depressed. It is clear that they are already short of the last step to create a 3:0 record, stepping into it. It's the finals, but the SSG that happens to have suddenly hit a lot of blood.

Now that this game has been lost, I'm afraid their play style will be understood.

At that time, maybe the next two games may also evolve into 0 chasing 3. Such a result is not what EDG people want to see, and will not allow it.

But although this is possible, Su Chen also knows that this is not an easy task. (Ccbc wants to find out their own routines, SSG is still far away.

Like this one, they absolutely can't think of what hero they want to play!

Soon, the rest time passed, the game restarted, and the players from both sides also took their place. The game entered the bp session. Coach Abu stood behind Su Chen, frowning and asked in a low voice.

"Su Chen, are you sure you really want to play this way? Although we still have a chance to lose in this round, the pressure is not small."

You can take it easy, nothing is wrong. "

Su Chen shook his head, his eyes full of confidence.

In this round, his gameplay is not something ordinary people can think of. After all, this is a system task, otherwise even he himself would not want to play.

During the break time, the system suddenly released the task.

The requirement of the mission is to let yourself use the hero Akali in this game!

Su Chen's psychology was very complicated when he learned that the system was to use Akali by himself.

It's not that this hero is weak, in fact this hero is really strong.

It can also be said that the current version has basically reached the peak. In fact, in the S7 version of the spring game, Akali has successfully boarded the battlefield of the game.

In the battle between GD and ing at that time, gd-fang, the hero on the road chose Akali.

Therefore, although this hero is not common in the game, it is not weak.

After all, Akali has a three-stage displacement and a high-intensity burst. As long as the timing is good, it can be called an AD demagnetizer.

For other mages or certain crispy skins, it is also difficult to carry a burst in front of her. Therefore, once he can snowball on the field, it is enough to easily reverse the entire game.

Taking a deep breath, Su Chen quickly confirmed this and nodded heavily at the moment.

Seeing Su Chen's firm and confident expression, everyone nodded in unison and stopped asking questions.

Although Su Chen's underworld Solo Mid was not very reliable back then, with the passage of time, everyone has a corresponding confidence in his strength.

Moreover, Akali is not a Solo Mid of the underworld, but it is easy to be restrained by certain heroes on the line.

For this hero, the first six levels are considered to be a weak period, although the outbreak is still not low, but in the state of not advancing, short hands will appear very uncomfortable in many cases.

Because of this, Su Chen seemed a little hesitant, but after considering the rewards of the system, he immediately made up his mind again.

The BP of both sides started. This time Su Chen made the choice. Soon he chose to switch sides. The reason why he chose the position of the red side was that Su Chen had gone through a lot of consideration.

As a c-bit, he must find a way to survive the difficult moments in the early period.

As a result, the red team with the first two ban positions will have a greater advantage on the court.

As for the lineup they considered before, many heroes restrained him very much!

Because of this, it is necessary to choose the red side.

Regarding this choice, the SSG side feels a bit different, but it is also a pleasure to see.

After all, in this way, they can choose a strong hero first and take advantage of it very quickly. It is not surprising that the two sides played a bp. The SSG party first banned Calista, which is often said. Skateboard shoes reward points report

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