Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 250 If you don't listen to good people, you will suffer

Personally, he can already make a big impact in professional games, enough to make an already powerful hero snowball and hit the explosive damage in the early stage. Su Chen is very clear about this.

But even with a human head, facing the combination of Titan and Lucian, it is difficult for the SSG side to open the situation from it. Coupled with the factory manager’s frequent troubles, the crown's clockwork failed to seize any favorable opportunities for a while. .

After a little thought, the head of An immediately made a decision and decided to open the situation on the road.

Of course, Su Chen's record in the middle is a bit pitiful.

But if he is forced to open, it will definitely attract support from many aspects. In addition, Akali will soon be promoted to level 6, and his combat effectiveness will also soar.

The director's wine barrels often haunt nearby, staring at the middle road.

In this way, as long as one's own side dares to open it, the keg will surely get in the way, and Gnar will definitely TP.

Even if they are crowded, they may not have the opportunity.

"I can't go on like this, let's pack it together and open the situation from the top!

"Kenan is ready, when we arrive, we will start the fight immediately!"

Kenan, who was on the road, responded, his face was full of excitement.

In the last game, he was targeted very badly. It was so good that Yasuo didn't play any purpose. Except for the great contribution to killing Verus in the later wave, it is hard to say that there is any dazzling operation.

This was not his dish, but was targeted by the EDG side, which made him very uncomfortable.

And now, Gnar will soon try to find that he was depressed at that time soon, as the head of Zach and the clockwork of Zhonglu go up, a team battle may start at any time.

When Su Chen left the clockwork, he roughly guessed what was about to happen.

Right now, he frowned and immediately chose to return to the city. At the same time, he also sent the corresponding signal to Aguang who was in the Solo Top.

"They want to wrap me up? Can't they."

Hearing this, A Guang hesitated for a moment. He didn't immediately follow Su Chen's signal to retreat. Instead, he made up a wave of soldiers, and then he chose to return to the city.

Upon seeing this, Head An frowned slightly, he glanced at Akali who had already returned, and immediately made a decision.


At this moment, he directly set up the E skill on the spot, and then rushed away.

It stands to reason that if A Guang is prepared in advance, this wave of attacks may not be able to knock him into the air.

But just now, he was relying on it and wasted time. Secondly, he subconsciously underestimated the enemy and cut open the equipment bar.

It was just such a change, and his whole person was knocked into the air.

Then Zach's e-skill elastic slingshot hit him.

At this moment, the line of soldiers is outside the tower, so Zach’s wave can be said to be a strong fight over the tower. At this time, Kenan has not reached the line of soldiers, and the clockwork can reach the dragon pit. Therefore, the rhythm of this wave seems to be It seems very strange.

Aguang hesitated for a moment, and immediately went in (ccbc) and hit back. While walking a, he released the e skill toward the inside of the tower, and at the same time threw Q in the opposite direction. At the moment when the return mark hit Zac, His anger was already full, and then, he took a step outward, slamming his big move backhand on Zac's body.

Hit by Gnar's ultimate move, Zach's body flew up and hit the wall on the road, suddenly sinking into dizziness.

Taking this opportunity, Gnar hurriedly started the output.

After many attacks, Zac’s blood volume dropped rapidly, and it was a result of being counter-killed for a while. But at this moment, the clockwork that turned on the W skill acceleration and Kenan, who had reached the tower, rushed almost at the same time. Into the tower.

In the state of Zach carrying the tower, Clockwork directly handed the e skill to the opponent, and then instantly activated the ultimate move. At this moment, even though Gnar found the problem, but it was too late to dodge, he was directly charged on the spot. The electric mouse rushed in directly.

Go go!

In the SSG team, several people shouted almost at the same time.

Although their voices are slightly messy, they all mean to kill Gnar.

With Zac carrying the tower, the clockwork two did not panic. After Kenan turned into a light and hit Gnar, he directly threw out the shuriken of the q skill, and then e went up and released the W skill.

Dao attack hit the body, instantly stunned Gnar on the spot.

At the same time, the clockwork's qW skill was also surrendered at the same time, once again cutting off a piece of Gnar's blood line. Although the blood volume increased after Gnar's transformation, it could not withstand so many damage shocks.

Suddenly, most of his blood volume was directly lost.

At this moment, Zach finally couldn't bear the damage from the defensive tower and fell to the ground. However, to Aguang's expectation, the opponent did not die immediately, but turned into a few pools of ooze and slowly gathered on the ground. Up.

Damn it! "

Seeing this scene, A Guang suddenly burst into swear words.

At the same time, he immediately understood.

Obviously the other party has been planning for a long time, and this passivity is just waiting to be used to cheat himself!

But now that he understood that it was useless, everyone's attacks had fallen on him.

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