Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 257 Let me teach them how to be human

"Oh my God, this wave of Cannon is going to be a double kill!"

With these two shields and the increase of the incense burner, his current state can be described as divinely helpful. "

"Although Lucian's damage is not low, he still has to have a chance to export. In the face of his fierce attack, can he really resist it?"

Since iboy was pulling and fighting, he and Meiko soon returned to the bottom of the tower, but the cannon has the support of two shield heroes. He didn't have the intention of being afraid, and the W skill directly caught up at this moment. , Titan came over, ready to imprison him.

However, Xiao Pao didn't even look at him, so he pushed it out with a big move "Nixty Six Zero", pushed it out of the tower, and successfully isolated it.

At the same time, Kalma was directly tied to the Titan with the W chain, and then the Q skill hit him and the Titan was hurt, and he was at a loss. After all, if he hit Kalma in this situation, Lucian would undoubtedly die, but if he is ready to go to save him. Lucian, regardless of Kalmar, he will inevitably take this control, and he will not be able to go. That is to say, in the current situation, unless he has a chance to survive, there is no chance that Meiko will move very fast. , Had made up his mind just now, he flashed up directly, and a flat a hit Xiao Pao on the face.

With the imprisonment of passive skills, the small artillery was immediately controlled on the spot in a short time.

Lu Xian took the opportunity to output frantically, and quickly knocked out a half of his blood.

But at this moment, the CD of the two clockwork slowed down again, and the two shields were stacked up again, which made the cannon's state tougher again.

In desperation, Lu Xian also drank hatred on the spot.

Iboy is so angry, but there is no way.

His skills are not good, and there is no problem facing the hero of the small gun, but he can't stand two people to give a shield together. In this state, even Xing Ma as a nanny may not be comparable!

Coupled with the constant output of the two on the side, he was also quite uncomfortable for a while.

When Su Chen saw this, he quickly calmed down. Don't panic. Don't blame you for this. "

"It's okay, wait for me to go down the road and catch them!

Hearing Su Chen's words, iboy's complexion eased slightly, then he looked at Su Chen with a little guilt and said.

"I'm really sorry, Su Chen, I'm dragging everyone down again. In these two rounds, my state is not very good, it's really a bit embarrassing.

Su Chen shook his head, Sibo didn't mean to blame.

"What's the matter! You played very well, but the opposite of these two games always takes you to the road, and this is no way."

"But don't panic, wait a sec and we will go to the road, let me teach them how to be human!"

"It seems that these guys didn't push down a tower in the last wave, which made them a little bit at a loss. Wait a while and let them witness our greatness!"

With that said, Su Chen, who had already returned, bought a technology gun, magic shoes, and a small piece of magic shoes in the spring. His third piece of equipment is ready to use the Banshee Banshee Veil as equipment to fight against spell heroes. Effective.

On the one hand, it has magic resistance and can resist the enemy’s attack. On the other hand, it also has the effect of resisting skills this time. Even if an assassin makes a sneak attack, they can save their lives in the first time, or even take the opportunity to do so. Carrie’s equipment is not popular in hero mechanics, but the overall trend is indeed very good. After all, the opponent’s lineup is clockwork in the middle, Kenan is on the road, Jungle is Zach, and Support is fan mother. Except for the AD hero of the gun, most of the damage is the ap hero.

Even the e skill of the small gun has a magic bonus. Because of this, as long as this piece of equipment is made, it will inevitably bring a lot of effects.

It can not only prevent yourself from being backhanded when you rush forward, but also enhance your own damage.

This time, Su Chen immediately went down the road.

At this moment, Lu Xian had already died, and the Titan was also under the besieging, and his blood volume dropped rapidly.

Without the skills, he can only flee under the tower with the help of the shield of the W skill. Meiko reluctantly resists. Fortunately, now the cooling of the Q skill has been refreshed, and he immediately has a Q skill and he is defensive. The wall behind the tower quickly fled in.

After finally finding the opportunity, everyone in ssg glanced at each other, and decided to chase Taqiang even though Titan is a meat hero and a hard support, 1.2 has a lot of control and blood volume.

But his skills have already been handed in. Secondly, the damage of the small artillery is not low, and thirdly, there are two guards. Therefore, the current state of the small artillery does not counsel anyone, unless the other party also has more than three people.

But at this moment, the head of An suddenly signaled them to come back, and told them, "Akali has already gone back. It is very likely that he has gone. The wine barrel is currently missing. You must be careful!

Seeing this scene, a few people couldn't help but hesitate, apparently remembering that Akali had made some difficulties just now.

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