Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 274 Break teeth

With the sound of the golden body ding, one of the front teeth of the SSG side immediately collapsed to the ground.

In this scene, it can be said that the fans of SSG's eyes were cracked and the fan mother directly used the W skill to hold Gnar, and then quickly said.

"Hurry up and go home, I'll hold them!"

Seeing this, several other people hurriedly moved towards the high place.

Kenan turned into lightning with his E skill, and rushed back quickly, and then rushed directly into the rocket belt, directly clearing the creeps that had just walked under the defensive tower, but at this moment, the second flag of command appeared!

Once the flag of command was launched, the last gun wagon left after being cleared by the rocket belt, was just about to be wiped out under the attack of the defensive tower. Suddenly, its size grew sharply, and it was abruptly carrying the wave of damage. .

Taking this opportunity, everyone in EDG continued to push toward the second front tooth.

When Kenan saw this, Bo did not hesitate to surrender the flash, and directly enveloped him with a big move, putting the three people pushing here into the range of the Ten Thousand Thunder Heaven Prison.

"Kill kill kill!!"

At this moment, the SSG, who didn't want to lose, had fallen into madness and quickly launched an offensive.

The small gun jumped directly into the tower, blasted out with a big move, and knocked Lucian back out.

Then the clockwork that rushed to threw out a set of skills directly, consuming part of everyone's blood, and then set the shield of the e skill to Kenan.

Then the big move was pulled, the shock wave was ordered to start, and everyone in EDG was hooked out.

At that time, everyone at EDG was at stake.

"It doesn't seem to work! This wave is not good, I am afraid it is impossible to win the other front tooth." "

The factory manager could not help but sigh softly after seeing the blood volume of himself and the others.

Under this circumstance, half of their HP had been knocked out before they could fight back.

Wanting to rely on this little blood to kill the other four people who are in good condition, this is simply impossible.

Su Chen sighed slightly, and secretly said a pity, but his eyes did not panic.

After the golden body was over, he directly rushed into Kalmar's face with a big move, threw out a set of skills, and cut the opponent's blood in half.

And at this moment, Gnar finally eased from the state of imprisonment.

Although his anger was controlled and exhausted, he did not have the slightest timidity.

He directly jumped to Kalmar's face with the e skill, and threw the Q skill, calmed the a, and regained his anger.

What should we do now? "

While hitting Kalma, A Guang asked to kill Kalma, and then directly put the flag of command Push! Push directly on the road! The pawn line just came over! "

Seeing the next wave of troops that had arrived, Su Chen didn’t panic. He watched the situation in the field very calmly. After another wave of damage, with Gnar’s attack, Kalmar finally died on the field. Gnar directly increased, and the two quickly cleared the line of troops with their skills, and coordinated with the creeps on the way to approach the defensive tower.

The flag of command!

The active effect of the flag of command urged, the artillery truck immediately became larger and quickly attacked the high ground defense tower on the road. Although the SSG people were also quite angry about this, it was a pity that they were fighting a team battle under the front teeth and couldn't get a hand at all. Deal with Su Chen.

In desperation, they could only fight as quickly as possible and let a few of them get their hands out as soon as possible.

The factory manager looked at the situation in the end, he hesitated a little, and immediately said, "Reverse, reverse, no push, no push!"

As long as we drag them in this wave, Su Chen and the others will be able to break the high ground, and it is not thanks to Meiko and others who responded quickly and fought back on the spot.

The Titan directly released a big move and directly knocked the cannon into the air.

Then he released the q skill to clear the channel, pulled the cannon straight, and flattened a to play the imprisonment effect.

But at this moment, the cannon directly turned on the mercury, released the control, and then W jumped out again!

Upon seeing this, the EDG people in the field immediately changed their goals and grabbed the clockwork.

Although the clockwork has an acceleration effect, and the range where W is located, it can slow down the enemy, but now there is no big move. The deceleration alone is not enough to resist everyone. The factory manager goes forward and stuns him. Staying, Q skill thrown aside, the big move smashed it down, smashing it into the range of Q skill.

The barrel of the rolling wine exploded, and the blood volume of the clockwork was directly collapsed by a small half. At the same time, the attacks of Lucian and others also surged up frantically, and the clockwork was killed on the spot almost instantaneously. After the wave was output, everyone’s state quickly weakened. Under the impact of the defensive tower, the Titan was the first (to kill Zhao’s) to lose his life on the spot. Although he also issued a flag of command as a meat outfit, he also carried it. Many attacks came at the same time, and then died here with Lucian.

But at the moment when Lucian was completely killed, the high ground defense tower on the road also completely exploded. Then, Su Chen quickly retreated without looking back, Si Bo had no idea of ​​continuing to fight.

Although everyone in SSG is not in good shape now, they have died of a clockwork, and almost all of their big moves have been handed over. But Su Chen and Gnar were hurt by five people on the road before, and now their blood volume is pitiful. !

In the situation just now, it is not easy to kill Kalmar in seconds. If you want to fight back, there is no possibility of rewarding points. report

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