Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 289 Invisible adc

In fact, Xiao Pao’s response cannot be said to be wrong.

After all, without vision, he didn't know which direction the enemy would come from. According to Jungle's method, he would generally pass through the river grass or the outside of the wall in the lower road.

There was his own Titan there, so he was not in a hurry to leave, but what the EDG group didn't expect was that it was not the factory manager who didn't take the usual path, but chose to come over from the river.

Because of this, he was completely exposed to the interior of the Dragon Pit and became the first target of fire.

After being hit by Sister Pig's Q skill, she ran first and fell into a daze.

Similarly, because there was no spider, the factory manager did not rush to hand over the big move, but first released a W skill.

With Su Chen and his own flat a, successfully added the passive frost layer to the fourth layer!

In this situation, he had just handed over the e skill, and Bang was stunned again on the spot, but he still couldn't jump out.

Even though Faker had walked up from the side position, it could only give priority to these skills to Su Chen when it couldn't see the mouse position.

I handed over the shadow and gave Su Chen a set of high explosive damage, but after all, the first thing Su Chen did was Sun Yan, and his damage was not too high strictly speaking.

The spider was killed before, purely because the spider’s blood volume was low, and he has Tian Bin’s passiveness. Therefore, although Su Chen’s blood volume has dropped a lot, the two sets of Q skills plus an e skill can be transferred to Su Chen. There really wasn't much blood lost on his body.

This point makes Faker depressed not because of anything else, but because Su Chen must have some restraint for him to play like this.

After all, Alistair came out, but the mouse just couldn't get out.

This kind of situation makes him, a figure who can cut the back row, also very uncomfortable.

And once you are under the control of the old cow, then don't want to hit this wave of damage, and it becomes impossible to kill the mouse.

Instead of this, it's better to hit a set of damage first to make Annie feel more uncomfortable.

In fact, Su Chen is indeed a little uncomfortable just now that Faker’s skill set made him very painful. After all, he was robbed of the armor-piercing genre. Even his meat outfits can’t protect too much. But this time What is going to be a team battle, not his personal battle, so even if he is killed directly, it is not a big deal.

At this moment, with the exchange of fire between the two sides, Su Chen flashed into a group, and A Guang, who was on the road, immediately handed over TP. Since it was Jace who was on the line with him, Cho Gath has always been in a suppressed or wretched state. .

Therefore, even if Jace has control skills, but wants to interrupt the teleportation, the distance at this moment is not enough, but he can only surrender TP immediately and teleport near the grass below the dragon pit, wanting to support it. , When Faker finished a set of Su Chen skills, the TP time was about the same.

Cho Gath descended out of thin air. At this moment, the Titans were also released from the imprisonment state. Then a tie a controlled Annie on the spot. After that, his Q skill grabbed Cho Gath and interrupted Cho Gath, who was about to lose the cannon. state.

Seeing this, the small artillery that had just escaped from the vertigo state hurriedly jumped and jumped to the lower side of the dragon pit.

After all, the position here is relatively good, and with the help of the teammates, Jace has also rushed over, even if it is a group, it can be a good output. In fact, this is indeed a good way, after all, the spider at this moment He also jumped over again and fell below Dragon.

He is only two steps away from the small artillery. At this time, the two of them only need to output power, and Dragon can take it off.

By holding the dragon, this wave can barely fight this wave of Wof. The operation is indeed very good. He first hooked Cho Gath with the Q skill, and then gave Annie the big move. Then he was in the process of moving. , Using the knock-up effect of the deep-sea impact of the big move, knocked both of them into the air at the same time.

But at this moment, waiting for the outside of Longteng, Alistair, who was not involved, suddenly rushed in and launched the second company of wq directly at the cannon.

Suddenly, he and the spider were knocked into the air, and then the mouse appeared, and directly threw the W skill to slow down, activated the big move, and spurted wildly.

The mouse's output was quite exploded after opening (Zhao Zhao) big move, and also handed over the Q skill, which caused the two to fall into the W skill.

As it continues to flatten, almost instantly the blood volume of the spider and the cannon is close to the bottom.

However, at the same time, Jace also fell down and directly opened the turret, hitting the mouse with a long-range Q skill.

Then he switched his form, jumped over directly, and jumped towards the mouse with thunder and lightning.

At this moment, Lao Niu's skills have been handed in, but because he just flew a small cannon with Wq two combos, the two of them played out the output.

Therefore, when the e skill was turned on, it ignored the collision of the unit volume and came directly to Jace's side, fainting Jace on the spot and rewarding points report

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