Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 293 I don't want to go to the wild area

Iboy was depressed too when he was arrested.

But for the other party, Jungle is like living below. In this situation, even he has no special way.

In desperation, the factory manager could only remove the checks and balances of Sister Pig many times, and Xiao Peanut only converged a lot.

Because boyi was caught twice in a row, his condition was also slightly worse.

The advantage of the source of rat toxin lies in Gank. In the case of being targeted by the opponent one after another, no matter whether it is walking or keeping the line, there is no benefit.

Even if the factory manager personally comes frequently, there is no way to save this situation.

In this regard, Su Chen has no good way. He can only reassure him repeatedly, "Don’t panic, don’t panic, you will play it later. Our lineup seems weird, but it is actually 4 guarantees 1. The other party is also sure about you. ."

"Faker and others didn't seem to react before, but now it seems that 22 has found the right way."

After that, you would rather eat two pawns less, and you must be awkward. The factory manager remembers to let the wild monsters, you can come with me to fight pawns in the middle!

In response, the factory manager nodded and didn't say much. He simply let the toad blue buf out of the way.

After going to Su Chen's side and rubbing a wave of lines, the factory manager invaded the opponent's wild area. Because Xiao Peanut has captured many times, his wild area can only be collected symbolically. For example, The toads in their wild area haven't moved for a long time.

Because of this, this gave the EDG a lot of opportunities. After eating each other's toads, Su Chen collected the crabs from the river and directly caught them on the road. Unfortunately, Jace was very uncomfortable against Cho Gath before. He can only do the awkward ties. When he noticed that the factory director Su Chen was coming, he immediately switched forms and jumped back to the bottom of the tower. For this incomparable guy, Su Chen He was also speechless, but he couldn't catch the mid lane, so he could only focus on the bottom lane.

For this situation, Su Chen is also quite anxious, but he also knows that many things are not anxious. When everyone reached level 10, the game time passed. Su Chen had already finished the sunburn and cloth shoes, and then made a small piece of Lu Deng.

With Sunfire and cloth shoes, it can be said that the amount of meat in the early stage is enough to block Faker's cutting. As long as the fire is released, the damage can be increased, and then he will not have to wait for the tail to close.

When laning, you can also get a lot of opportunities.

In addition, Luden's increased speed is also very convenient for Su Chen's wandering afterwards.

Therefore, this piece of equipment is quite useful for him. Now, he has his blood volume and his physique, even Faker? It is difficult to kill him instantly.

In this case, some damage-filling equipment can be made, and Luden's equipment can have additional damage after moving to a certain number of layers.

For Annie Su Chen, who is an explosive hero, the effect is good. With this equipment, not only is the amount of meat, but the damage is serious, so that more effects can be exerted during fights.

And since the current amount of gold coins is only enough for the small pieces in the front, Su Chen chose the etheric soul with the movement speed bonus.

This small piece of Ether Fright has a 30 magic power bonus, and the only passive 5% movement speed bonus.

For Su Chen, who is now able to roam, it has a good effect. Before the big piece comes out, the damage he has to fight is not high. You only need to play control to see Su Chen out of this ethereal spirit, a lot of The person was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted. Su Chen seemed to be wandering. Taking advantage of this opportunity before he went online, Su Chen went directly to the wild area and cooperated with the head of An to prepare to go to the opponent's Red Buff. Not surprisingly, when Xiao Peanut had already set his sights on, the figures of the two were immediately exposed.

But this time the two came late, so he only accepted the buff in an instant, and then 280 left quickly, making the two of them rushed.

However, seeing the opponent's midway and Jungle in the wild area, SKT's crowd is naturally a little worried.

As a duo of their Bottom Road, what they fear most is that the four packs will be trapped in a tower immediately if these two people come to the Bottom Road, which is dangerous.

When Bang saw this scene, he quickly reminded his support, and then the two of them quickly cleared the line and ran back to the tower. The progress was awkward, but watching the two Su Chen swaying around, it didn't seem to be the next road. The trend, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Faker is the same. After quickly clearing the route, he also explored the way in the direction of the wild area.

At this moment, he heard Xiao Peanut's instructions in the team's voice.

"I don't want it in the wild area. Leave it to you. If you can take it, take it, at least Big Bird won't keep it for them."

Otherwise, if they make a wave of this, they will definitely make more money, and would rather not leave it to them! "

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