Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 304 Meet love at the corner

"I just saw that they seemed to have gone to the Xialu Wild Area, so I didn't worry."

After all, iboy was also a wild monster who often went to eat the road before, so I didn't say it.

Hearing this, Xiao Peanut was very angry.

Normally speaking, other heroes disappeared and disappeared, even if there is no signal, no notification teammate is not a big deal, but this is not the Cho Gath, but the mouse!

The source of toxin’s Q skill is inherently invisible, and there is acceleration, and no one knows if you touch it quietly. Therefore, if you find the opponent disappeared during laning, you must promptly remind the change of position, otherwise the mouse is very likely to go to Gank.

Therefore, this wave of Faker and two of them was stunned!

After all, bang is teammate after all, and a wave of mistakes means nothing.

Faker shook his head and quickly soothed Peanut.

Forget it, he didn't mean it. "

Although we suffered a bit of a loss in this wave, we were not affected too much. Keep a good attitude. Peanut who can still win this round responded with a bit of discomfort on his face, but in the end nothing said boy’s rat. After successfully collecting two heads, he wanted to go home immediately, the director said quickly.

"Not in a hurry, you just collect the red here before leaving."

With these economies, your bot status can improve faster, and I’m not bad with this one ouff" but your iboy frowned. Although he took away the red butf according to his words, there is still some Worry.

The factory director is rather calm.

"What's so terrible? I couldn't catch Xiao Peanut before. Now I saw him and sent him home. The next actions can be mastered." With the rhythm, he will be wild. Isn't the district all mine yet? "

"It's just that you have an economic advantage here, and the other party is likely to target. You should be careful when you get down. I am going to go up and help out these few times." A Guang's Cho Gath has reached the mid to late stage, if he can accept it. With a few heads, he can develop faster and we will have more confidence in team battles.

Upon hearing this, Su Chen also said quickly.

"The next wave of Dragon will be resurrected for a while, and I will go to the next road to make a round, you don't have to worry."

With Su Chen's words, iboy was immediately relieved that it was not good as a non-displacement adc, although it has stealth skills, but if it is targeted, it will still look very uncomfortable.

After all, the hero of the source of toxins is mainly based on Gank and roaming. When being targeted, it will also get 10 points uncomfortable. Besides, the opponent's Solo Mid is the world's number one Solo Mid. It is a very uncomfortable thing.

But now with Su Chen's guarantee, their whereabouts can be peace of mind.

After all, with the arrival of Su Chen, coupled with Alistair's control.

Even if Xiao Peanut also came to Gank, in the case of three-on-four, many control effects can also keep him.

Soon, as everyone returned to the line, after Su Chen cleared a wave of pawn lines, he also quickly played a wave of consumption.

Due to the output equipment, Su Chen's damage at this moment is also much higher than before, and this wave of blood exchange has not lost much.

After clearing the line, Su Chen immediately changed to the wild area and inserted an eye in the position of Longkeng.

After discussing with the factory manager, he removed the blue buff from the bottom lane, Annie, the hero's Q skill Shattering Fire. After replenishing troops, it has the effect of returning the amount of blue. Generally speaking, there is no shortage of blue when laning. .

But there is the effect of cooling and rebirth provided by Buf, if it is consumed, it can take a big advantage at this time.

And the hero of Jie has no blue, energy can be restored automatically, and Faker can naturally play multiple costs in his hands.

Now, once there is Blue Buff, it will not lose to the opponent under the consumption state of the lane.

As long as he is willing to change his blood volume, it is enough to force Faker back. As Su Chen expected, after a wave of blood exchange consumption, Faker is no longer so aggressively harassing.

After all, in the consumption state of the blue buf, as an assassin's armor-piercing equipment, he would naturally lose a lot compared with Annie's half-meat outfit.

In this case, once Faker's blood volume reaches a certain level.

Even if it doesn't cooperate with Jungle, it is enough to kill Faker with Anne's burst of damage and ignition.

At this time, the factory director had already cleared the crabs on the road, and then rushed towards Jace (to Qian Zhao) in the commentary booth, remember seeing the form in the field, and immediately explained it.

"" "The director of this wave seems to be Jace who wants to get on the road!"

However, looking at Jace’s appearance, the eye position has been made in advance in the grass on the road. This wave is likely to be discovered in advance, resulting in futile results. "Ah! The factory manager has entered the grass and chose Squatting on the grass.

"Jace, who has vision, pretended not to see it at all at this time."

Still in the front of the line, stuck in a very good position to move and conduct deception. "

But at this time, Peanut sneaked in from this road, and attacked the three wolves on the factory manager’s side to give rewards. report

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