Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 320 The rhythm is very good

For LCK, the rhythm is very good.

This wave of three packs of two off the road, Alistair did not die with blood, and the other two killed perfectly and left the scene.

The head is given to the spider.

At this moment, the disadvantage of the bottom lane began to gradually increase.

Fighting against each other in the wild, the blind monk will not be able to fight the next wave of spiders going home.

In this version, the importance of equipment leadership is great.

God, is this the powerful support ability of LCK? "

The doll smiled bitterly, "Strong, this is really strong."

Miller sighed and nodded, "Yes, we can find that our young teenager iboy has done a good job in this wave.

He avoided the enemy's two control skills and the treatment of female guns. With the addition of the spider's flash, although he died in the end, he delayed a lot of time. "What he did is almost impossible to find the slightest problem."

The doll nodded, "Yes, I can only say that the LCK is still strong. These planned routes must have been planned by the 300 people in advance. From the beginning to the beginning of the troll, we have already known."


Miller also nodded.

Suddenly, both of them were surprised. "Hey, look at the position of the blind monk now, wow, the factory manager is still sophisticated.

I only saw that the blind student came from here, and the grass of the stone man slowly walked around in the triangular grass, because the spider on the road had been exposed.

The troll put a clear eye in the triangular grass of his house in advance to avoid the plant manager's Gank.

And the factory director slowly passed by the triangular grass. This wave of hiding vision is also very beautiful.

"A Guang, go up and up, consume the opponent's blood."

The director seriously said yes, wait, I'll be right away.

Shen is very smart.

Pretending that Jungle was not there, he used the Q skill to hit the opponent with a set of damage.

And the troll was not to be outdone, and stepped forward to fight a set. At this moment, the troll's damage was undoubtedly exploded.

Therefore, although Shen has a shield.

However, only half of the health is left and the troll, the remaining third is in terms of health.

The troll leads "Huh? It's not right, he actually came to exchange my blood?"

As a top Solo Top player, the troll immediately realized something was wrong and hurried back.

I only saw the golden light flashing, and Shen E flashed mockingly.

Keep the other party firmly trapped.

The blind monk was also exposed to the outside of his field of vision, and walked over slowly "beautiful!"

Miller and Wawa coincided with each other.

This wave is a classic.

Miller said excitedly, "I don't know if you can see it, this wave of A Guang's operation is very delicate."

"When the factory manager squatted for the first time, he didn't go up immediately, but pretended to just consume blood."

"When the other party reacted, he cautiously flashed a mockery, leaving the person in place."

At this moment, the changes in the field are also very clear. The director slowly walked up, E slapped the floor to slow down the opponent, and did not rush to use the Q skill, but slowly followed the cautious A opponent (ccbc) under the deceleration of the red fighter.

Only one-third of the troll's damage was left in an instant. In order to prevent the opponent from accelerating, the factory manager's blue punishment was quickly put on.

The troll at this moment can be said to be mortal!

Suddenly, a scene that everyone had never expected appeared.

Just when the blind monk was about to reach the troll, a golden light flashed, and the card appeared in the triangular grass at some point.

A beautiful yellow card immediately left the person in place.

Taking advantage of this time, the troll hurriedly flashed and escaped.

Use your E skills to speed up.

Wow, I'm going to crack. "

Wawa and Miller couldn't stand it anymore.

"God, people almost died. As long as the blind monk can use the Q skill, the troll will die if there is a flash."

Wawa was a little unwilling to say that this troll was a big head.

As long as you kill him once, you can delay his rhythm. Miller suddenly smiled bitterly, "I can only say that Jiang is still hot, and faker is still very strong."

If other people show up in this place, they will definitely think that this person's consciousness is good.

But the person in front of him is okay with Fak.

Just when everyone thought the troll was about to run away, only a golden light flashed at the stone man.

The fifth-level clockwork flash utilizes the speed of the phase rush, and QW directly kills the trolls whose blood has not flashed.

Seeing this scene, everyone was taken aback.

Because no one thought of it.

Su Chen unexpectedly appeared from that place, but there was a blind spot, but only one person was very calm.

Faker's W has been refreshed.

He cut the yellow card in seconds and directly withstood the clockwork under the tower. At this moment, the clockwork had been knocked down, and only one-third of his blood remained in the state.

If he was hit by a defensive tower, he would not be far from death.

And at this time, after the yellow card held the body, the clockwork was not stunned, but directly accelerated and left the defensive tower to avoid being hit by the defensive tower a second time and the card's Q skill had been issued.

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