Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 352 Deterrence

After that, the three of them walked away in a hug and didn't reveal any flaws. Even if faker took a risk and stepped on to seduce him with W Magic Shadow, Su Chen and others were not moved. They wanted to defeat SKT, so they couldn't think about it. The air pressure kills the opponent, and he must be down-to-earth step by step. Su Chen has achieved this tactical goal and lost the defensive tower, which has a great impact on Jian Ji.

On the one-line, Jian Ji still has a huge advantage against Rambo, but when Jian Ji takes the line, he can only act cautiously, and it will cost a certain amount of money to buy an eye to provide a certain sense of security. Even so, when there is no small In the case of "Peanuts Reflecting Zero", Jian Ji did not dare to take the soldiers too deep, which was almost equivalent to "sending" the soldiers line.

Go to EDG.

What makes SKT players vomit blood even more is that even if Jian Ji got the Hydra, he would definitely not be as effective as Rambo in terms of clearing soldiers.

Rambo only needs one wave to set fire to the large number of troops "sent" by Jian Ji, with a few missiles at most to increase the efficiency of clearing troops, and no matter how many troops in a wave of skills are cleared.

Rambo doesn't need to lead troops to advance on the line, the rest of the time he can disappear on the line calmly.

In this way, it is impossible for Little Peanut to gank to Rambo, but Rambo may support other routes or wild areas. Little Peanut’s praying mantis dare not invade the factory manager’s wild area at the same time. When he squatted, even if he was a praying mantis, he might be forcibly left behind and the destruction of the defensive tower also allowed the EDG team to replenish a wave of economy.

Seeing that Jian Ji was still on the road, Su Chen boldly let the factory manager directly control Dragon first, so that they would not lag behind SKT in terms of resources in the wild area, and they also had a small bonus to the players.

In addition to the faker who has been suppressed, Peanut is the first player to feel the situation reversed.

As a Jungle, Peanut found that he was playing so uncomfortable, and he was no longer as proud of the spring breeze he had before Gank Rambo.

However, Su Chen still dare not relax. He must lead the players to instigate a new attack. Next, we need to directly compress SKT's wild resources and actions. The director, see my position and choose the direction of the invasion.

Because the damage of Jie is extremely high, he directly controls the right of the middle route, so Jie can choose to push up and down to the vicinity of any grass.

Although the enchantress is flexible, he is locked in position by the robber first. Once there is a conflict in the wild area, the robber will be able to rush to support first.

When the factory manager saw the robbery sticking to the grass on the bottom road, he boldly invaded SKT’s bottom road wild area. SKT really insisted on the tactical implementation ability. Peanut was obviously still crouching on the side of the road while clearing the field. So The factory manager easily reversed their blue buff demon girl. It would have been difficult to match the robbery. Without the blue buf, the faker was stunned. Before the next wave of blue buffs is refreshed, the faker should not expect to push the line of soldiers. Passed.

After seeing the movement of the factory director, the two heroes of Xia Luo who were down the road of SKT also moved to the second tower subconsciously.

Although Xia Luo has a strong self-protection ability, if they face EDG's strong four packs of two, it will be difficult for them to survive. Even if EDG is just acting oppressively, SKT should also prevent Vanvirus and Thresh in the next lane. Pushing the tower up, it was fast, and at the time when Xia Luo gave way, EDG directly pushed the bottom road tower by half blood. When the robbery appeared in the middle again, Xia Luo could return to the line and force back. EDG’s Bottom Road "It’s impossible to fight like this. Even if we avoid the gank of the robbery, EDG can continue to plunder resources with this kind of pressure.

SKT's economy has been wiped out a lot. If EDG's economy really surpasses, it will be miserable.

EDG’s lineup includes Rambo and Tianfeijie, and SKT’s side is Jianji and the suppressed demon. You can judge by just looking at the lineup. The mid-term must be the dominant period of EDG. If EDG can regain the economy, in the next In the ten-minute period of time, they can start team battles and ganks brainlessly, and they will surely be able to guarantee more than 80% of the odds of winning.

If this happens, how can Jian Ji develop with peace of mind, and how much resources will SKT have to give up to get Jian Ji equipped to take shape?

Faker reminded: "Have you noticed that EDG's oppressive tactics means that their hearts are very anxious. We used the wing Jianji to win a big victory, which left a big shadow in EDG's heart."

Peanut echoed: "Yes, as long as Jian Ji takes shape, they still can't restrain our quarter band. Now, we can take advantage of ED 1.2G's anxieties."

According to the rhythm, since the upper road tower has been pushed down, EDG must want to push down the lower road tower, and then concentrate its forces to push down the middle road.

Now that SKT can guess EDG's next tactics, it can naturally target them in advance.

Jian Ji put on a bold move on the line, if there is no praying mantis lying beside him, she would definitely not dare to do so.

After making a judgment, EDG immediately took action in the bottom lane.

After several "deterrences", EDG has mastered the bot lane, and has pushed SKT's bot lane to a small amount of blood.

EDG hopes to launch a wave of strong offensive, kill people and win towers to reward points report

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