Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 354 Force the outer tower again

The atmosphere of EDG became solemn again.

The fight just now was not only that they lost two more heads, but the most important thing was that the bottom tower had not been pushed down, which might cut off Su Chen's rhythm point.

Jian Ji picked up two heads, which was a big supplement.

In addition, SKT got one head in the bot lane, but EDG sent two. One trades and the other rises, which will have a long-term impact on the development of the AD position.

The AD position is the guarantee in the later stage. If it is just a sword girl, it is not impossible to deal with it, but if the ADC also lags behind the opponent, the disadvantage can not be saved by a Solo Mid.

This is the top professional arena. "Don't be discouraged, this is the tiebreaker with SKT." Su Chen's tone is still inspiring, "This level of counterattack is predictable, and we still have a chance."

Now that it has entered the mid-term, EDG has not been able to get back financially because of the just offensive defeat, but has entered the strong period of EDG on the lineup, so there is still a fight.

Su Chen thought for a while and reminded everyone: "I will beat the faker back again, and everyone will go down the road again, Aguang, avoid the opponent's vision!"

SKT successfully ambushed EDG just now. In addition to the fact that EDG’s offensive target was too obvious and too easy to be guessed, it was the opponent's Jian Ji decisively handed over the TP that had just changed. Now, Jian Ji cannot have a second TP. Instead, it was Rambo. It was not teleported during the Gang オ team battle. It saved a TP. EDG can forcefully form a number advantage in the bottom lane. Su Chen commanded everyone to set out their carts and horses to attack the SKT bottom lane remnant blood tower. If SKT really wants to fight hard, Rambo can directly teleport from the hiding place to the bottom road to form a numerical advantage. Even if the big move of the robbery does not improve, SK T will explode as expected. Xia Luo reluctantly closed the line, and then retreated ahead of time to avoid dropping the tower while sending the head out, which was regarded as a kind of stop loss.

EDG smoothly pushed down the tower and once again saved part of the economy. More importantly, the two roadside towers were all pushed down, making EDG more proactive in the wild. "Remember the lesson, we are right to put strong pressure on SKT. But we can't reveal our purpose in advance, and we can't let SKT find a chance to fight back. Just now Jian Ji took two heads, which gave EDG even more offensive pressure.

Fortunately, after the wing tower was pushed down, both the upper and lower fields became the target of EDG intrusion. At the same time, the vision can be suppressed. According to the "normal" attacking rhythm, SKT must guess that EDG will carry out wing containment and then suddenly focus on the center and push the center. .

However, Su Chen was not prepared to follow the other party's script.

Mantis once again cooperated with Support Luo to do their vision. If they want to prevent the middle, they must know when the EDG will hold the group in the middle, so that they can immediately gather for the celebration.

However, Xiao Peanut had a flower in front of him, and suddenly found that Jie had appeared in his field of vision, and at the moment he encountered it, he threw Q skills at him.

"No! EDG is lying in ambush in the wilderness, go!"

Mantis and Luo are only working together to do their vision. As far as combat ability is concerned, Luo can't help Mantis at all. After a round of control, it will be a useless person and can't provide the slightest output.

Therefore, Xiao Peanut made a judgment in an instant that he couldn't confront Jie head-on, and quickly retreated. Mantis first handed over an E skill, and then Luo stuck to Mantis and raised the distance from Jie like "flying with wings".

Taking advantage of the terrain of the wild area, Tanglang and Luo have already accompanied Jie to a wall, which restored their sense of security.

However, when the shadow flashed out, Jie actually flashed directly to the wall and continued to chase them down. "No, Jie didn't hand in the W skill just now!"

Little Peanut only woke up at this time. Just now Jie didn't play the skill combo for the first time. It seemed that they had guessed their reaction long ago, so they left the skill explosion. However, facing Jie, they had no choice at all.

Whether it is consumed by a set of residual blood and then hunted down, or a set of maximum damage combos bursts after a big move, it can easily take away the praying mantis.

Little Peanut doesn't have the ability to calculate the calamity and then "calmly" react. This is the oppressive force brought by a Tianfei's calamity.

Pulling directly to the wall with the W skill, Mantis and Luo escaped without other skills. It seems that Jie must take away their two heads.

Luo quickly flashed up, wanting to raise his hand when the robbery was output, which was considered a control (good) technique to win the mantis a ray of vitality.

However, they miscalculated again, and Su Chen was very calm. The first time he didn't choose to hit burst damage, he walked forward to avoid being pulled away by the praying mantis, and he also walked out of Luo Qiren's range.

"This! Was asked!"

Su Chen’s choice is actually the safest. He can calculate Mantis and Luo’s skills more calmly. Even if he makes a mistake in calculating, Luo didn’t come to lift the robbery in the first time. The mantis who has no displacement will be pulled away, and then it will break out and hurt. Now Luo's reaction is completely in Su Chen's calculations, which shocked everyone's psychology even more.

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