Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 364 Perfect teamfight

"Oh my god, what happened just now!"

Because Luo Kaituan's timing was too good and his skills were released too quickly, although the commentator's eyes could keep up, he had no time to explain what had just happened, and could only find exclamation.

In fact, on the court, even the professional players of EDG, their minds are equally compelling at the moment.

They knew that they were controlled by Luo Ji, but no one could solve the current predicament. The control was still alive, but the enchanting girl and the mantis had already pounced on their faces.

With their development, the ability to fight damage is actually not too high, but when two heroes stack up, the damage is still considerable.

More importantly, this is only SKT's first wave of attacks!

Although Luo couldn't deal damage, the Jian Ji who followed him was not joking. Xia was also forced to come over. Su Chen instantly understood SKT's true thoughts. Luo didn't want to control Jie, but they had long wanted to. The right way is to send Xia to Jie's face. Laixia didn't even want to complete the explosion output. He was just a piece of meat stuffed into Jie's mouth.

With Jie's current level of development, even if Xia had big moves on her body, she couldn't escape death in the end. Xia didn't evade, so she gave the decision to Jie's hands.

If Jie still wants to turn around to "save the overall situation", Xia can rush over and play output as quickly as possible. If Jie swallows Xia, Xia can delay time through her ultimate move.

Because Luo's regiment was too perfect, it was almost instantaneous for SKT to solve the four EDG members. Jie would definitely not be able to turn back and support immediately after killing Xia.

"SKT, how terrible."! "

Even Su Chen couldn't help but sigh in his heart for SKT's decision.

For SKT, the overall situation and tactics are really the first, no matter where the characters are, they can sacrifice for the overall tactics.

Even with such an important role as ADC.

Su Chen has no choice at all now. If Xia walks directly by him and the SKT group of five people, he has no chance to start.

Even knowing that this was done deliberately by SKT, Su Chen could only do the next step before he shed this piece of "meat" first.

However, he won't be so easy for SKT's wishful Su Chen to force himself to ignore the teammate situation and directly release the W skill.

Because Xia was close to him in a completely "released" state, Su Chen easily got stuck in his distance. After releasing the phantom, he also released skills to hit Xia to the residual blood first.

Su Chen in turn took advantage of the mentality of SKT players.

The opponent's Xia positioning was to attract Jie's damage, so she didn't even think about moving.

But he did not expect that Su Chen would use their psychology in turn.

Jie didn’t use his ult at all and directly hit the highest damage. Because of Jie’s damage mechanism, Xia had a chance to “avoid” Jie’s ult. Everyone is a professional player. It is impossible for ordinary players to perform difficult operations. them.

What Xia did was to avoid this damage. Even if he wanted to kill Xia afterwards, Jie could only wait for the ultimate move to turn in the skills.

However, Jie now puts Xia into a dilemma directly through his small skills.

Xia Jin can Jiaotong University, and Jie has no control skills and can't stop him.

Xia can still delay the time of Jie through ults according to SKT's plan, but Jie can at least save a big move and use the damage ability and skill CD of Jie. If Xia hesitates a little, he can even kill him at the critical moment. Xia still resolutely released the R big move, and the whole body was flying in the air, but as long as he fell back, it was the time of death. With Su Chen's proficiency, he had no chance of struggling. However, when Jie killed Xia at the same time, The four EDG players on the other side have also been solved by SKT players.

In a large-scale teamfight, a flawless group control is really the key to victory.

Velus, Thresh, and the widow were directly sent back to the hot spring by multiple players.

Surprisingly, Rambo, who had died in the early stage, was still alive.

A Guang was already sweating on his forehead at this time, and said with a twisted smile: "I didn't expect it, right? Laozi said, the big deal is my Rambo call Support! "

Ah Guang was really willing to go out. His first outfit was indeed a normal outfit, because there were already many small pieces in front of him.

However, after dying four times, Rambo directly began to pretend to be schistosomiasis.

Ah Kuang feels that he can’t catch up with his opponent’s equipment anyway with his output equipment. It’s better to let himself live on the battlefield for a while. He only needs to play the role of Rambo’s skills (good), play more. A skill can add up to a point of damage through remote.

Because A Guang had collapsed in the early stage, the second big outfit has not yet been able to form ears.

Even so, it was enough for the "not taken seriously" Rambo to live longer than the teammates. The control just ended, Rambo immediately used the W Broken Shield.

Even if Rambo's shield is not thick, he can withstand one more attack, and the W skill can also provide movement speed blessing.

However, no one noticed A Guang's efforts and all the audience automatically ignored him.

What is the use of a harmless Rambo surviving at this time? Give each other one less head of money?

Or do you have to rely on such a bloody Rambo to fight against the opponent?

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