Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 405 Map initiative

"It played beautifully. LPL's double C has already taken shape. Although LMS has regained the economy through the previous opportunity, the stage for LPL to play is still great."

With Su Chen and UZI just performing a wave, the commentators naturally have to take the opportunity to boost everyone's confidence.

The LMS players performed very well in this All-Star Game, and they did not lose to the LCK players at all. However, from the response just now, Su Chen and UZI's operations can still outperform them.

"Attention everyone, when you are in Gank, you must be careful to be delayed by the opponent. Su Chen just saw the process of 957 and the others being killed back to the hot spring. At this time, I remind everyone that you need to be careful." Although LMS is also a temporary team, But the tacit understanding between each other is very good, as long as there is a certain amount of delay, someone will definitely support them. "

957 said embarrassingly: "We did be careless just now, but we can't let the other party delay it forever."

"If we want to force Baron and other resources, 360 will take a greater risk anyway, or we should first kill one or two of their players before going up to the high ground or hitting Baron."

Although Su Chen had single-kill results before, it is now in the mid-term, and LMS cooperates very closely with each other, and it is difficult to grasp the flaws.

In particular, they have seen the power of Kassadin's skills. Now no matter where Kassadin appears, the opponent will try to avoid them. Except for the high ground, they are willing to give up all resources Kassadin even after reaching level 16. It’s not that there are no flaws. Support’s weakness, especially after Bron’s passivity, will prevent Kassadin from doing a lot of damage, and will also threaten his own safety. Su Chen calmly said: "No team is If there is no flaw, we just have to be more patient. Don’t forget, although the LMS team has regained the economy, the initiative on the map is still in our hands (ccbc)!"

"Yesou has a good vision and waits for the other side to come to the wild area to explore the vision. As long as our personnel are assembled, we can start a group!"

Many spectators, including professional players, value the head-to-head ratio and the level of equipment they play against. In short, the focus is entirely on the hero.

They have somewhat overlooked the power of the military line. Now if they conduct a frontal team fight, if the LPL station is not good enough, they may indeed not be able to win back the economic LMS team.

However, as long as the LPL holds the initiative, they can quickly press the line of troops, so that the LMS members must separate the lines of troops.

Otherwise, the accumulation of a lot of troops is enough to consume the HP of the Highland Tower all the way.

Moreover, the LMS must beware of one thing, that is, when multiple lines of troops actually appeared and pushed to the high ground at the same time, Su Chen and others gathered directly into the Baron Pit, forcing the LMS team members to pull with them in the Baron River. It is impossible for the LMS players to return to the high ground.

Therefore, LMS players need to deal with the pawn line from a higher position.

Su Chen personally took care of the farthest place from Baron Pit, which is also the bottom lane of the general single belt line. Although he played the Solo Mid position, he did not lose to the single belt control line, and controlled the line very accurately. Slowly advance.

LMS will think that Su Chen does not have enough confidence to do single belts, or they do not have a good vision.

However, when the pawn line was getting closer and closer to the high ground of the LMS, they discovered that Su Chen deliberately controlled the pawn line and reached the upper and lower lanes at the same time as the upper lane, which was the farthest pawn lane. Moving the road back and forth takes the most time.

Su Chen deliberately passed the line of soldiers and forced the LMS into a dilemma.

Su Chen's Kassadin has reached level 16. If the LMS wants to grab a single, it will not be possible for one or two heroes. If the LMS team has three or even four people who want to come to catch Kassadin's single belt , It is absolutely impossible to withstand the advancement of LPL positively.

Now the only way for LMS is to send someone to deal with Su Chen under the tower, hoping that Su Chen can worry about the damage of the highland tower and dare not cross the tower to kill.

Su Chen saw Gnar coming to the front and ran against him, while Zoe was playing POKE in the front across the high ground. Because of Zoe’s threat, it was very difficult for LPL to advance in the front. This is still not enough for the hero Zoe. Familiar loss.

Su Chen noticed that after the LMS was able to help the LMS stabilize by relying on Zoe, Mantis hadn't appeared in the field of vision for a long time. Su Chen immediately understood what the LMS team wanted to do. The mantis, the hero, has jumps and is invisible. They should I want to rely on the praying mantis to fight back.

However, the mantis is different from the heroes who are most suitable for team control around the back, such as the wine barrel. Its strongest point is the single output. With this in mind, Su Chen already understands what they plan to do.

At this time, Gnar's anger was still very low.

In fact, Gnarchang is more suitable to play in the early and mid-term. After Gnarchang is bigger, not only can he shoot the big move that destroys the world, but it is also more fleshy.

However, Big Gnar is definitely not suitable for playing output. After Gnar has produced a lot of equipment, Little Gnar is even more threatening.

Su Chen knows that オ is the time for the opponent to act and give points report

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