Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 407 Win the first game

The factory director had been instructed by Su Chen long ago, and they paid attention to Zoe's position as they piled up the line to approach the high ground.

When he saw that Zoe suddenly released the chaotic flying star and fixed the Thresh that was not moving, Zoe really pulled a chaotic flying star and increased the damage of the chaotic flying star through the reentry jump.

However, as long as Zoe used the retracement jump, he would definitely return to the original place, and when he flew out, his route was seen by the director.

Immediately afterwards, Sister Pig immediately rushed out and threw a big move, just to stop Zoe!

UZl’s female gun was aimed at the magnified position of Sister Pig and opened to the "Three Six Zero". Numerous barrages flew up. Zoe, who had been set there, would never be able to withstand all of the female gun’s big moves. Long, of course, had to rush over, and quickly raised his shield to defend, offsetting part of the damage.

In this way, when Gnar hasn't increased, no one in front of the LMS can block the intersection anymore.

The pig girl who finished the big move took the lead, leading everyone directly to the high ground.

Moreover, LPL did not intend to proceed step by step. Sister Pig went up to see the movement of the highland completely. 957 immediately handed over the flash, and smashed against Zoe with a big move. All the skills were fired in a row. Part of the big damage in the move and the female gun sweep, gave Zoe a second!

Although Annie’s late-stage effect is not as great as that of Kassadin, he does not need to stack damage, and is more capable of hitting burst damage. "The director is too keen, and Zoe’s big move does allow him to play POKE very flexibly, but This is also a must for Zoe’s largest BAN."

"Zoe was targeted so easily? In the previous game, no team has ever been able to target Zoe, and it can be called a non-". When Zoe releases the return jump, he will return to the original place, which is equivalent to giving the opponent a prediction. For the chance to judge his position, the factory director was too decisive in this wave of big moves. "

Zoe got a lot of resources before, but now he was directly killed in seconds, and in exchange, he just hit Thresh into the flying star, and it did not cause any reduction at the same time, because the pig’s meatiness was at the forefront. Withstand the damage, so that the LPL players can quickly rush to the high ground and start the formation again.

Although the LMS is missing one team member, they can only be forced to come up with the LPL for this wave of team battles. If they retreat, it is equivalent to giving up the second high ground. Then rely on two super soldiers plus BaronBUFF, and then Can't resist, with their damage ability, even if they want to destroy BaronBUFF's pawn line, it is impossible.

Bron hurried over, trying to shake up more enemies with a big move before the LPL players had completely dispersed.

But Bloom's action was still too slow.

He first handed in and stepped forward, unable to quickly return to the highland intersection. He could only walk slowly. At the same time, in order to cover the ice-bound Zoe, he also released E. Unable to urge to prevent the female gun from hurting. .

Bron, who is not uncomfortable without E, is actually very fragile. Since he rushed forward, the LPL team members would set fire on him first.

Moreover, Bron's position was exposed, Su Chen's Kassadin had no scruples, walked around Bron in the void, and directly rushed to the back row of Jin.

Jhin just raised his big move, before he had time to calmly observe and release the sniper, he has now become Kassadin's target.

"Not good!" Although BEBE is old, his experience is indeed very rich. Seeing Kassadin two walks in the void and forcing him towards this side, of course it is impossible to zoom in honestly and hurriedly close the gun and flash back to embers. The flash handed over, indeed opened the distance, but he put away the big move, also made him unable to provide the slightest damage to the front battlefield.

Su Chen is definitely not a rigid person, his third wave of Voidwalking suddenly turned and stepped on to Gnar!

Even if Gnar already has some HP equipment, he was stepped on, coupled with the Q virtual ball and energy pulse, directly smashed more than half of his HP. Gnar did not expect that LPL's offense would be so resolute and in control. The anger is not well prepared. With the current blood volume, I don’t dare to fight to the end with Kassadin. The same flashes back and frontal teamfights are not considered to be fighting. Under the intimidation of Su Chen’s Kassadin, the LMS has already been attacked. The fight broke all around, and there was no resistance.

"Unfortunately, the LMS lineup is not suitable for teamfights. Gnar has no big moves, and Zoe is too careless."

The current development happens to be the strongest wave of Su Chen's Kassadin. He also hopes to show off in the final highland teamfight.

In this way, Su Chen’s biggest "adversary" is not even a member of the LMS, but 1.2 is his teammates. All the heads have been robbed by them. In the end, only two heroes, Gnar and Boom, cannot stop them from taking the lead. Pushing BaronBUFF into the front tooth tower, directly flattened the high ground.

When the LPL advanced in the one last push, the economic lead of the LMS team was actually only four thousand. In the main equipment, the LMS did not lose too much, but in the real fight, it was actually impossible to resist.

The most important thing is that before the team battle, Zoe not only failed to play effective POKE, but also was the first to kill the LPL to prove to other teams that they can already target Zoe, the threat of this new hero, it is useless.

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