Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 413 The rhythm of killing Nata

In this All-Star Game, BEBE's performance is indeed super-standard, and UZ has just flashed out from a place without vision. Of course, it is impossible to evade the opponent's control in advance, and the result is directly set in place.

BEBE immediately started the big move, hitting sniper damage at a long distance.

At this point, it is impossible to escape with the bot lane duo alone, depending on whether teammate can support it.

Galio had just been on the road, and now he rushed down with all his strength. The Czar used the sand soldiers to jab twice on the way, and then he dodges. Shen's ult can support faster and more direct. However, he just gave UZ a set. On the big move, suddenly a figure flashed over and kicked Shen off. Casa had already calculated this move, Shen's support would be more timely than Galio, and Qinggang Yingding had long been living in Shen.

Because this counter-attack was initiated by the LMS team, it was impossible for Shen to find an absolutely safe position in advance, and he was immediately kicked by Qinggang Shadow Hook Wall.

The white shield on UZ1 disappeared in a flash, 22 and Galio was still supporting the road to the lower road, however, Casa would not give him a chance to support him.

Graves may not have effective control, but he has explosive damage.

As long as Morgana and Jhin can play control, Graves can throw all the bullets out and deal a huge amount of damage.

Besides, Jhin’s ultimate trick cannot be ignored.

In the first round, he hit UZl first. This shot didn't cause much damage, but it caused an effective deceleration.

The power of Jhin's ultimatum is even more terrifying to defeat enemies with remaining blood.

If he hits an enemy full of blood, there is not much damage. For every 1% of the enemy’s life loss, the damage of Jhin’s ult bullet will increase by 3%. Now, Graves is the most suitable, and the first wave of burst damage teammates is played. !

In the case of being fixed, Graves used a set. Even if he was not dead, he still had less than one-fifth of his health. Jhin’s second bullet directly killed UZ and only one was left. Flashed, and there was no Thresh to cooperate with AD, but Casa decisively directed Morgana to retreat, and only let Cigarette use the remaining two big moves to touch Morgana. When he was approaching forward, he was already very pointed by the opponent. Can, if Su Chen comes down as a hero, he might be able to take Morgana's head back. Galio is already difficult enough to make him fatter.

Although Su Chen has already reached the lower river course, he can only sigh at this time. The other party voluntarily gave up. He doesn’t need to hand over a big move to protect a Support. Just now, UZ and Xiaoming were too confident, and finally handed over the head to the opposite AD. The smoke’s damage was even more terrifying. This hero will be able to have it since the mid-term. Forming, the power played in team battles will not be worse than skateboard shoes, and the more the later stage, the greater the power of explosion than skateboard shoes.

Even if it is ∪Zl to use skateboarding shoes, it is impossible to reverse the biggest weakness of this hero in the late stage, that is, the hand is too short.

Su Chen felt a sense of urgency. He must completely control the rhythm in the hands of LPL in the mid-term, and not allow Jhin and the Czar to suppress the LPL star team in the later period.

Kasa's performance just now was very good, and he was very keen on timing, but he directly handed over the flash in order to kill UZ, and now there is no resource to compete for on the map.

"Come on, factory manager, let's go down together."

"Are we going to catch each other too?"

"Come and not be indecent, now Jhin and Morgana's ultimatum have been handed over, and Morgana's Q alone can't fight back."

Graves just handed over the flash, and there is no way to control the wild area. The factory manager and Galio who cleared the army line directly entered the wild area, and they got stuck to the position after the LMS got off the road tower. They not only had to help ∪Z1 take the tower, but Even Jhin and Morgana under the tower were not going to let go.

Just now, after discovering that Galio disappeared in the middle, he shouldn't stay under the tower to retreat. Galio didn't even think about using Thresh or Keg with his ultimate, and he forced him from the front.

Although the tsar has not yet reached the time to fully develop, he can only rush down to support him at this time, and he cannot be beaten by the LPL star team with a wave of killing and taking towers. Galio walked towards the opponent's lower tower while turning on Durang. Shield.

Jhin and Morgana can only avoid Galio as much as 363, don’t be taunted by him, but at this moment the two are already huddled together in the barrel. And Morgana all topped.

Moreover, the director started suddenly, and their attention was attracted by Galio again, so Morgana did not give the shield in time, and the director at the top immediately threw a big move without exploding them, and They are all forced to the wall below.

In this way, UZI's skateboard shoes can be output more easily.

Galio didn't covet these two men, but just let out the wind and help.

The Czar and Graves of the LMS star team are very difficult to directly support. Qinggang Ying is even more afraid to hand over TP to support the bottom lane. Otherwise, they will give away one more head for nothing. Taking this opportunity, UZl and others will force the tower directly in the bottom lane.

The Czar withdrew halfway, and 957 guarded cautiously on the road. The LMS players could only consume part of the tower's HP, but it was impossible to change the tower.

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