Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 416 Satisfactory exchange ratio

Unexpectedly, Su Chen directly knocked him up to control and then took another giant punch. The first target of the skateboard shoes behind was also the czar.

If it was just UZ1's spear thrusting, it would not be enough to kill him before the czar reacted, but Galio, who was exporting equipment, had a set of combos that knocked out one-third of the czar's health.

Fortunately, the czar flew for a short time, and after reacting, he immediately wanted to slide away through the czar.

However, at this time Su Chen unexpectedly predicted the direction of the czar's departure, and the wind blew out in advance to blow the czar's last bit of blood to death!

"What kind of damage is Galio? How do you feel that any hero who falls into Su Chen's hands can be played by him as an assassin?"

It is no longer a question of whether an assassin or an assassin is an assassin. Now LMS is completely in a dilemma. It depends on how they choose! "

At this time, it was supposed to be a four-on-two situation, but Su Chen and U1 played a two-on-two life, and they lost their main output of Baron.

Baron's blood volume at this time is already low, but he has not yet reached the cut-off line for punishment and Graves skills.

If they are currently focusing on Su Chen's Galio, they will not be able to output to Baron, which will cause an accident, and the two crispy skins of Graves and Jhin will continue to withstand Baron's damage.

To make matters worse, they and Galio are inside the Dragon Pit, but the skateboarding shoes are out-both Casa and BEBE are very decisive characters. At the same time, they are also very experienced. They just hesitated for a while and turned immediately. Change the goal, hope to kill Galio as soon as possible-if Su Chen’s Galio continues to fight Baron, Su Chen and UZ can confidently fight them with all their strength. Even if Baron is finally punished, they will be killed back to the hot spring, then BaronBUF It can't be kept.

Now they have no way of retreat, they can only do everything they can. First, Galio first, then scare UZ back, and then take Baron to have a chance to escape safely. After being disrupted by Su Chen, they have already lost two more heads, and in the end they can only The remaining two BaronBUFFs are no longer profitable.

Now spell Su Chen and ∪Z two C-places, and then take down Baron, there is still some money to make Jin. Of course, he can't make big moves at such a distance. His continuous output ability is actually limited, but every attack that explodes They are all powerful, and with Graves, their burst damage can definitely threaten Galio.

In order to kill the FOFO Tsar, Su Chen has already turned his skills for a round. Now it is no different from a Heimerdinger soldier. Seeing Graves sticking to him, he can only avoid it by walking. Graves’ shooting angle It has a lot to do with his damage, especially Q Dead End and R Ultimate Explosive. If he misses his damage, he will lose less damage. Even if Su Chen is just a "Heimerdinger soldier", he has to help UZ pull more by moving. A period of output time.

Even so, Su Chen was beaten into remnant blood by a set of outbreaks.

At this moment, the skate shoes suddenly used a big move to suck Galio back!

Graves and Jhin’s output just fell short. A large amount of output hit Su Chen’s body, but failed to kill him. Now the output of skateboarding shoes and Baron has beaten Jhin to residual blood. UZ drew his spear directly. Graves, who took him away and left Casa, wants to lose ∪Z1 by breaking out, but now Graves’s blood volume is not complete. More importantly, the skateboarding shoes are still sucking Galio Ne Galio and he can come out directly and shook Casa. , With UZI's output capability, as long as this little control time is enough, it is enough to lose Graves in seconds.

In this wave of flowers, LMS found a very good opportunity at the beginning. It first lost two key heroes, Xiao Ming and the factory manager. I thought that Baron was gone. I didn’t want Su Chen and UZ1 to be so bold without Shen’s support. Under the circumstances, they froze in the Baron Pit and killed four heroes one after another.

Qinggangying on the single-strip line originally saw that the situation was not good, and wanted to transmit to Baron Pit immediately, but Shen's control was very flexible. 957 would never give Qinggangying a chance to transmit safely.

However, the conditions of skateboard shoes and Galio were also very bad. When Graves was killed, he didn't know what was going on. Baron had no hatred and started to regain his blood.

However, Su Chen and others are satisfied with the current gains.

After everyone responded, they fought again. This wave of Su Chen and UZ took a total of four heads. Coupled with their previous suppression in the pawn line and the field, the advantage now is even greater.

Su Chen reminded Xiao Ming: "Be careful to arrange more vision in the Ueno area, and definitely not allow the enemy to get a route behind. If they want to take the initiative to fight Dragon, we will directly open Baron to force the group!"

If the LMS can provide some vision at Baron, then there is still a chance for the two sides to draw together. Qinggang Ying singles out Dragon, and the other four pull around Baron.

However, the LPL team completely controlled Baron’s vision. Even if the LMS guessed that LPL was playing Baron, it would not be a good time to come over. Su Chen could safely take the pawn on the road because of the support ability of the big move. LMS will be split into line. Ding reward points report

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