Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 423 The advantage of the midline

After reaching level 6, Su Chen is no longer honest, and the first resource competition point on the map has come.

That is the Dragon scramble.

At this point, the bottom lane has already had a big move, and the female gun's big move can play a role in team battles that is obviously better than that of EZ, but the top road nar is transmitted, and you need to control the anger in advance. A good big move is shot in a moment, and the effect will be slightly worse than that of Annie, who has big moves. Mid-range faker and Su Chen each think they have an advantage.

Therefore, the Dragon group LPL and LCK are inevitable, and this battle is hard to avoid.

Because the factory manager took advantage of the pig girl in the wild in the early stage, he came to the river first to control the river crab first, and had the advantage of vision and acceleration.

If LCK insists on taking this Dragon's 22 words, it will definitely not take advantage of fighting them head-on. In terms of wining, the acceleration effect of river crabs is still very important.

However, LCK personnel continue to gather here, because they have Zoe as long as it is not a wave of team battles to the end, then the faker Zoe can put a long-distance hypnotic bubble across the wall, plus chaos into the flying stars, have the strongest Consumption capacity.

As for Su Chen's little murloc, he has to find out his utmost reliance on him. It is a type of hero who fights to the end.

Therefore, LCK thinks that they can consume the HP of the LPL heroes in advance by pulling, and eventually push them back step by step. Big problem.

Under the huge pressure of LCK, LPL can't directly open Dragon. However, in the river and the wild area, they have to constantly face Zoe's skills.

Zoe's hypnotic bubble has also become a lottery skill, as long as he is fixed, it is the time for the LCK to directly press on.

Although the star players of LPL operate at the top level, in the arena, the operation can always only determine the upper limit of the personnel, and it is impossible to determine the lower limit. As long as the time is long enough, they are always likely to be recruited.

Su Chen suggested: "Now the opponent's Zoe keeps drawing lots, and the female gun has big tricks. We can't open the Dragon. We all get together. We think of a way to fight back!"

The damage of the wave burst is the advantage of the little murloc, and Su Chen naturally wants to use his own strength to attack the enemy's shortcomings.

Not only him, but 957 Annie on the road is also an explosive wave of damage, and EZ can continue to POKE through the Q skill Gapyeong A after Su Chen and 957 attract all the attention. Zoe reaches the sixth level. After that, you can use the reentry jump to hit a higher chaotic flying star damage, but Su Chen is waiting for this opportunity. When Zoe uses the turn back jump to hit the chaotic flying star again, Su Chen seized the opportunity and stuck time directly to Zoe. The original position throws a big move, Faker has no room to dodge.

This is Zoe’s biggest weakness. After he uses the reentry jump, no matter how he uses any skills, including handing over the flash in advance, after the time is up, he will definitely return to the original position. Although that is the case, Su Chen wants to Count the time accurately, and leave the murloc’s ultimate flight trajectory in advance to make it hit the faker. It’s not like what a normal person can do. Because the difficulty is too high, the LCK players would never expect it to happen. Such an anomaly, so when Zoe was consumed, they all gathered around Zoe.

Looking at the huge "circle" appearing on the ground, that is the range of the little murloc's ultimate move. After the countdown, a Heimerdinger shark was directly drilled out to shake up all the heroes in the range, not just Zoe.

After Su Chen released his big move, he immediately told everyone to rush forward, and at the same time he forced himself forward.

LCK can't care about the approach of the little murloc at this time. They must escape the range of the ultimate move in the first time, otherwise the five people will be shaken at the same time, and the LMS will be able to play the output without hesitation in the first time.

Zoe crossed flashes and fled back first, because there was no debris on the ground for him to use tricks and skillful hands, so Zoe could only surrender his original flashes.

370 Faker saw that there were some teammates reacting to him at the same time, and they all handed over the flashes, hoping to pull out the scope of the big move, knowing that this wave of team battles can no longer be fought. If they are bitten by the LPL hero, this wave of losses will be lost. It's very disastrous.

Faker’s operation has nothing to say. While escaping, he can throw a hypnotic bubble into the mouth of the river. Of course, throwing a hypnotic bubble will not "just" hit a certain hero, but the hypnotic bubble will form a "circle" after it hits the ground. If LPL rushes up blindly without vision, it will be hypnotized. Faker hopes to block LPL's pursuit route in this way.

However, Rory surrendered the Ghost E at the mouth of the river, just avoiding the hypnotic bubble "circle" on the ground in mid-air that could not be selected, and then directly stepped on the faker flash and still shook within the range of the ultimate move. The Japanese girl and Gnar.

The two of them can be regarded as the front row in the team, they are more confident, and it is easier to cover the retreat of others.

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