Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 429 Mistake or temptation

Because of the lack of vision, as long as Su Chen and the factory manager disappeared in their wild area, the LCK team members in that direction would not even dare to stay under the tower.

Whether it is the EQ of the factory manager or the big move of the little murloc, they are very good at controlling the tower.

Especially Su Chen, after hitting the first wave of damage immediately, he can look at E quirky skills to avoid the output of the defensive tower, and even escape the attack range of the defensive tower safely. He is a hero who is very suitable for surpassing the tower.

Of course, the premise is that his hit rate with big moves is high, but no one now doubts Su Chen's hit rate with skills.

Even the more flexible Gnar can only stay in the bushes of the second tower. As for the cumbersome female gun girl tank, she dare not even stay in front of the second tower and can only retreat to the back of the first tower.

This makes UZ and Xiaoming feel at ease to promote the failure of CK's operations. If they continue to rely on operations, it is a chronic death, and they must take the initiative to find opportunities.

The actions of the LPL players are very aggressive, and the gap between each other is relatively large, and there is room for use.

The only problem is that the LPL's vision is very deep, and it is too difficult to counterattack without the LPL's vision.

LCK's choice is to put out their tactics, and then let LPL do it first.

For the LCK, the LPL team is also the first opponent. Although the LPL has lost more and less wins in the past, it is far from their "rival", but LCK knows the PL division very well. He knows that the LPL is a division that likes to fight and find opportunities. Now that they have the advantage, they will definitely play more unrestrainedly.

This style of play will form a more terrifying suppression force, but at the same time it will also expose undue flaws.

I saw the factory manager's prince and Bron come to the wild area to do their vision together.

The two heroes, the prince and Bron, can really run wild when they have an advantage, and they can escape even if they encounter an ambush. However, the LCK does not seem to believe in evil, and it just wants to use them to get a knife.

The head of An unexpectedly threw a big move without hesitation, and first stopped the prince of the factory director.

After that, many of the LCK heroes rushed up to the director, not surprised and rejoiced: "It seems that LCK is uncomfortable. Come soon. I and Bloom can resist the director. Although the director is accused, Long is free to move and release skills. To prevent Zoe from entering the flying stars, he immediately raised a shield to protect the prince, and if anyone rushes up, he will also eat Bron’s Q and hang passive, and then he will fight. The opponent will always be threatened by Bloom's passive control.

From the perspective of team battles, Bloom is actually more "easy to use" than Sister Pig.

Sister Pig’s Frozen can only aim at one target first, while Bloom can hang passive on multiple people, making the other person very disgusting.

Now the LPL players think it is an advantage. Since the LCK players want to play, let them go back.

Zoe was really thrown into the flying star, and Gnar has also released the teleportation. Of course, PL is worthwhile. They are now in advantage. The prince and Bron are the first to withstand each other’s damage. , And then they fight back to see who of the two teams can melt each other’s front row first. Finally, the factory manager’s judgment is correct. Long Shouyi did not kill him, and Zhu Yu was still set in place, so that all the surrounding friendly heroes could counter-attack Gnar and pay a T. Of course, 957 can't be left behind, and he is Annie, so you don’t need to care. Anger, you can control it on the ground.

However, after seeing Annie's TP, the LCK Support Japanese girl immediately released a solar flare at the location, and planned to fix him in place when 957 landed.

Annie's body is very fragile. If she is really frozen, then Zoe may kill him first.

957 reacted extremely quickly. Just after landing, he immediately handed over the flash, avoiding the solar flares first, and then returning to fight control and output. On the contrary, Su Chen has nothing to do. He also needs to support everyone, but because of the characteristics of the little murloc's big move, it doesn’t. Should rush directly to the crowd, but first find a chance to put a good big move in the periphery, it is best to kill Zoe alone.

The head of An seemed to be really anxious this time, the attack did not kill the prince, and he retreated and was continuously controlled by Bloom and 957. Now it was the LPL's turn to hunt down the pig sister and the Japanese girl who came up.

Head An and they also saw things quickly, and immediately turned their heads after feeling that the damage was insufficient.

(Good Zhao Zhao) Even so, LPL is not ready to give up, 957 even Big Bear called out, and UZ1 is also following the output.

The director of the factory was like a rainbow at this moment, and seeing that Zoe had already handed in the skills, an EQ second company immediately strung the pig girl together.

Unfortunately, the Japanese woman turned her head flexibly to avoid fright.

But it doesn't matter, Zoe is still waiting for the CD on the side, and the pig girl and the Japanese girl don't fight back at all. They can only see if they can escape based on their own flesh.

And Gnar’s current anger is not enough. You don’t need to worry that he will shoot a wonderful big move. There is Su Chen behind them. When they retreat, LCK team members have to be careful of the big murloc. trick.

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