Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 431 Blind Vision Open

This kind of key team battle in the mid-term, even a support has an irreplaceable role. There are really few people but the situation of strong team battles, then LCK can really fight LPL and escape in embarrassment.

Su Chen was very proud to see LCK behind the wall POKE, and walked around from the side with the suppression of his vision.

It’s just that the LCK attaches great importance to vision. They completely emptied their position, so that Su Chen could not see the specific location of the LCK personnel. Su Chen’s R giant shark attack was actually a lottery skill, even if it was Su. No matter how accurate Chen's skills are, it is impossible to be perfect without vision~Dazhong.

The difference between him and a real POKE hero like Zoe is that the little murloc is a big draw. If you lose it, it means that LPL's combat ability-a big drop!

On the front, the teammates of p have already assembled. They saw Su Chen entering the wing position, and they couldn’t bear Zoe’s constant consumption of Su Chen with skills. We can’t keep gathering here if we can’t fight this wave, too. Zoe's skills are easy to pick up. If Zoe hits too many skills, even if you get in from the side, our HP will not follow. "

The current stalemate situation is not as good as a "brainless charge" and go up to start a group. At least during the period of their charge, Zoe's skills can only hit one person at a time.

Su Chen decisively said: "Come straight up, I opened the team on the side. Su Chen knows that even if he does not consider the power of Zoe's lottery, he disappears from the flanking line for a long time, and it will make the opponent vigilant. He must be in the LCK. Act before inserting your vision here.

Su Chen, with no vision, based on his own judgment, directly threw out the R Giant Shark assault. Su Chen gambled a lot. If his big move made a mistake, then they really did not start a group. Ability, the damage will be reduced by a man.

At this time, the factory director showed absolute trust in Su Chen, and at the same time, he handed over the EQ and strung toward Zoe's general position in the dark.

Su Chen's judgment was so precise that he made a hit without his vision.

It's a pity that Su Chen's big move hit the pig girl, not Zoe or the female gun.

But there are also benefits. Sister Pig was hit by the big move of the little murloc. Obviously watching all the LPL players pounced over, he didn't dare to slam the big move forward.

And the position of the pig girl is very awkward, there is a huge "circle" under his feet, all the teammates in the range will be blown away, and the consequences will be serious. In the distance, the head of An’s self-sacrifice still won’t hesitate, but Zhu Yu is now in a position where he can be consumed by all the heroes of the LPL without any damage, seeing that he will give away a Jungle for nothing.

The Japanese girl released a big move, hoping to rescue the pig girl in the head of An, but now such a blunt big move has obvious characteristics. The LPL team members can easily avoid all of them. At most, they only slow down and rely on the wild. The topography of the area.

At this moment, the little murloc had already rushed into the arena.

He handed the pig girl to the teammate at the back, directly through the quirky spirits who wanted to enter the arena, cut the back row!

The players of LCK don't want to send Jungle at the critical moment of Baron's contest, so they don't want to retreat. Everyone gathers together, and ordinary assassins don't dare to enter the field. However, the little murloc is not an ordinary Solo Mid.

When Su Chen entered the game, he was unselectable. The last wave of teamfights yielded a lot of flashes. Su Bai seized the opportunity to let the little murloc fall between the female gun and Zoe. At the same time After stepping on the two of them, the LCK made a judgment instantly. They thought that the pig girl was more fleshy than the little murloc and could last longer.

They rushed directly to the head of An, and tried their best to output Su Chen. Su Chen is the fattest point in LPL. If the head of An can be exchanged with him, it will be absolutely beneficial to LCK, and the rest of the people will come together again, they It's really worth it.

However, everyone threw the strongest skills in the first place, but suddenly saw Su Chen himself flashing gold. He actually avoided all the skills in the first round through the golden body. At the same time, the pig girl who is in charge of the Being beaten up.

Although EZ and Annie are not heroes of fighting meat, their continuous consumption is too efficient. Pig girl's blood volume drops rapidly, and she can only turn her head and retreat towards her own lineup.

If he was beaten to death in vain while Su Chen was in his golden body, it would really be a loss!

There is no big problem with the choice of the head of An, but at this time there was an obvious mistake in the decision of the LCK. The head of An must be returned, not wanting to die in vain, but the people behind are trying to focus on Su Chen and see Su Chen Jin. After him, most of the people surrounded him, waiting for Jinshen Jiedong to kill the little murloc in one go.

At this time, their skills are also in the CD stage, and they can't support the pig girl. After the pig girl retreats, it is equivalent to completely letting go of the front.

The PL players are all forced to come up, they are not only chasing pig girl, they can even threaten the heroes in the back row!

At this time, the female gun didn't dare to sweep it, because Bron's shield hadn't been handed over yet. Ding reward points report

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