Moba: I, LPL Underworld Solo

Chapter 437 Lose's Dragon scramble

At this moment, no one of the LPL players can pose a threat to the LCK players.

Only the hands of EZ can get the players of CK, and the others are all short-handed. Is it necessary to let UZI himself be at the forefront and hurt the czar Jiajin?

Don’t forget, LCK also has a Bloom Support. He is the prince and Japanese girl who can cut a lot of damage. He has just handed in all his skills. Now in the skill gap, it is of course impossible to rush to level A against other people’s damage. Therefore, when they were pushed back by the faker czar, the LPL had lost the ability to fight back at this moment.

"No way, go back first, see if there is a chance to grab the dragon."

During the period of inferior combat power, the players of the LPL can of course only give up a favorable position.

Now the initiative for Dragon changes hands immediately. The problem is that the Japanese girl and the prince have already handed over their big moves. Even if they want to start a group again, they don't have the skills.

Su Chen took a look at the situation of Solo Top. In order to be able to transfer the big move in time, 957 had abandoned the pawn line and reached a very awkward position. However, the frontal LC380 K hitting Dragon was still deliberately delaying, just hoping to make LPL unnerved. Su Chen Said: "Otherwise, let's let go of this dragon. The team didn't succeed, and there would be no benefit in subsequent fights. Even if it is passed down, Shen doesn't know how many lines will be dropped. UZ1 is not convinced:" But it should have been us in the early stage. The advantage of オYes, the director managed to control the vision. Our big move was handed in, but the czar’s big move was also handed in. We don’t have to worry that he will slip and directly launch the big move. EZ's Q skill, and can be withdrawn at any time if it can't be hit.

Of course, the pawn line that 957 has been losing money on the road is not in their calculations.

Su Chen is faintly worried, but he has a wine barrel, and he can't go to the front at this time. He patiently waits for the battle to change. Dragon's blood volume slowly decreases. Pig sister relies on her thick skin and directly under the Dragon. Output, even with a few points to lure LPL players to open his plan.

Xiao Ming and the factory manager are constantly approaching. They need to create opportunities for the factory manager to grab the dragon and increase his confidence in fighting for the dragon and punishment.

At this time, seeing that Bronn’s shield-lifting time has passed, EZ can hit the highest output, Xiaoming no longer hesitates, and directly points to Sister Pig. Although his control skills can’t abolish the punishment of Zhu Yu, at least he must let Anzhang. The door felt threatened, so that he could not calmly estimate the blood volume and release punishment.

The director of the factory put the flag near the pig girl, not only inflicted a little damage, but also prepared for the Raptors to strike. It is one thing to grab the dragon, and he was also ready to start a group at any time. At this moment, the pig girl suddenly He arched forward and threw the big move to the director of the factory. The director was caught off guard and had no time to react. He was iced in place, while the czar stood up the sand soldiers and let the Japanese girl go all out to output the prince.

LCK is trying to start a group because of the wolf's heart. They don't want to fight for punishment, but want to kill the prince first, and then take down Baron calmly.

Of course, UZ chose to fight back, and rushed towards the face. His skills could easily hit the smoke behind. He had already found a safe position (ccbc), and directly activated the big move. It was effective against all heroes at extremely long distances. The prince can't hold it for the first time to be able to fight extremely high damage. Fortunately, Shen's big move is activated at this time. A thicker shield is opened on the prince Rui, which can withstand a lot of damage, but Xiao Ming cannot continue to deal with the pig girl. Now, his flash has been realized, and now he can only walk close to the czar, wanting to use Q's Dawn Shield to immobilize him.

The Tsar is the most important continuous output point of the LCK. If you want to prevent the LCK from attacking, you must first control him. It is a pity that Bron jumped over and put a passive layer on the Japanese girl, making him in a slowing state.

boom! "Jhin's first sniper strike hit UZl. This strike may have some luck, but it caused direct damage and slowing effects.

Because Su Chen was in ambush on the side, three-on-four in the front, and the LCK's double-C output position was more stable, they immediately got the advantage on the scene.

The LPL players all realized that something was wrong. Although Shen had fallen, the prince was beaten out of the ice by the pig sister. The fragile blow and the tsar’s attack made him fall in seconds. Shen was helpless and could only open a sword formation on the spot. Then they protected ∪Z1 from being hit by Jhin's follow-up big move, and poked back while poking. As for Xiao Ming, who had already rushed up, they couldn't take care of it.

LCK's hero blood volume is still very healthy, even if they want to fight back, they can't succeed.

Su Chen's forced entry is meaningless at this time. His damage is not enough to kill the opponent's C position, and Su Chen doesn't want to change with the opponent at all. He drops a big one on the way to the LCK players to chase. Recruiting, blowing Bron and Sister Pig back, is equivalent to covering UZ and 957, and then directly return to the center line to retreat.

Of course, LCK happily eliminated Xiao Ming’s female tank and Dragon. This wave was originally a strong time for LPL. They could win Dragon without injury, and then find the rhythm. But because they were too reckless in the initiative, they gave up the big move and The ability to advance is defeated behind.

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